Little (Jotaro Kujo X Twin Reader) Platonic

Gender neutral reader so that all of you can read! UwU

"Everyone, get back to your seats! It's almost time for class." You announced, voice with authority as you neatly arranged the clipboard to check the class attendance. "Come along now, settle down. Today our first period teacher is absent and will be substituted by our second period."

"Ugh, this bitch, I swear..."

"They're so damn annoying."

"They're too bossy..."

Typical morning for you as the class president. You inquire your fellow students to return to their proper seats, take their attendance and collect their homework before the teacher comes. It's often effective, you were the authoritarian figure of the class, looked upon with respect and possibly with a hint of fear, sometimes they were annoyed with you and your uptight demeanor, but you were only doing your duties. They can curse at you through their clenched teeth, but they have no choice but to follow you as you held half of what a teacher is capable of.

"Alright, I'll come by your desks to collect your homework. Make sure you double check your answers to make sure if it's correct. It's a complicated homework, after all. If you're still making it, you can submit it to me as soon as you finish it but make sure you finish it by the end of first period. If it's overdue, then I have no choice but to mark you with a minus point." You proclaimed, making your rounds around the classroom with you clipboard.

A vein pops from your temple, as the male students seated by their corner had their chairs and desks in a disarray and out of order, prompting you to roll your eyes and walk over them. The delinquent and his friends weren't even wearing proper uniforms, nor were they properly seated as they had their chairs gathered in a messy circle and had their muddy shoes up their desks. They looked up at you with annoyed glances and through narrowed eyes they looked upon you with revulsion when you cleared your throat.

"Was my voice soft for you not to hear it? Return to your seats before I mark you as absent, Kururugi and company." They rolled their eyes as soon as you said it, as they begrudgingly dragged their seats behind their backs and positioned it back to where their desks and chairs used to be (although it was still muddy and not in line with the other seats, but you were too sleep deprived to deal with the douchebaggery.)

As you were collecting the homeworks, you came across the table of a particularly tall and brooding figure seated on his seat, legs out stretched as the seat was too small for him. The male with curly dark hair clicked his tongue, pulling the dark brim of his hat whilst he handed you his neat sheet of paper filled with answers. With a smile, you took it.

"See? Doing homework for once isn't that bad. You should do it often, Jojo." You smiled before putting your attention next to the desk where you twin sat.

"Good friggin' grief, shut up." Your twin mumbled under his breathe, averting his gaze away from you. "I didn't need any of your help."

"Alright then. Just-"

"Listen up, nerd, if you don't give me your homework I'll fucken shove this fuckin' blade up your ass until you're spewing shit out your mouth. How'd you like that, huh?!" You were interrupted by a loud voice screaming at the back of the class. Glancing over your shoulder, your protective instincts skyrocketed as you saw Kururugi pointing a butterfly knife on your classmate's throat. You quickly made your way to him, heart hammering in your chest.

"Kururugi, it is imperative you let that knife go! It is strictly prohibited you're carrying something classified as a weapon in a learning environment-!"

"Shut up, you fucking bitch! Go back to your own country!" The student yelled, pointing the knife at you whilst his other companions looked down at you with narrowed gazes. "You're the one collecting the homeworks, it's your fucking fault!"

You narrowed your eyes at him, brows scrunched in disgust. "Sit back down, Kururugi. I will report your actions to the faculty later where you will receive punishment-"

"Oh yeah, bitch? You're not gonna fight me, you pussy cunt?" He point the knife at you. The delinquent walks towards your direction, towering over your short stature whilst he shoves a finger on your collarbone, forcing you to stable back out of instincts to back away from him. Soon, students began to crowd around you, like a fighting ring.

"Sit the fuck down Kururugi," You can hear the collective of 'oooh's from your classmates as they've never heard you swear throughout the school year. Who knew clean-mouth-Y/N knew how to say the word 'fuck'? "What? Did your mommy love ya? Get back to your seat. Don't make me say it thrice."

He hardens his glare towards your direction, fists clutched and trembling on his sides. Teeth clenched shut, jaws tightened. He looks as if he has killed you in his mind, but you doubted he'd be capable of doing that in real life. You glared back at him, turning away from him to sternly give your classmates a warning before you list all of their names to detention.

"Who do they think they are trying to mess with Kururugi?"

"Oh my god what's going on???"

"Oooh! Fight! Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

Students began to chant along, as the delinquent cracks his fingers with a smirk. You rolled your eyes, before squaring your shoulders back and taking a deep breathe.

"Everyone get back to your seats before I report all of you to the- oof!" Before you could complete your sentence, a clenched fist forced itself on your jaw prompting you to stumble to the side and land to your side. Blood leaks out of the side of your lip, causing you to spit it out.

"Stupid little bitch... Always thinking they're incharge. Listen up, bitch!" He kicks you by the stomach. "I am incharge now!"

You have never been in a fight before, you are capable of fighting back but the attack came off as a shock and you weren't quick witted enough to react. You didn't want to fight back, you needed to set a good examples to your fellow classmates not to fight back with force when something like this occured, nothing as minor and manageable as this. You can hear the overwhelming shouts and screams of your classmates who watched on, as Kururugi held you by the collar of your uniform, readying his fist to land on your cheek when-

"HEY! Keep your hands off them!" Before the delinquent could turn to where he heard the clear voice of Jotaro, a strong force already landed on his jaw forcing him to let go of you.

You groaned, rubbing your jaw in an attempt to recover. You sat up, watching Jotaro slam Kururugi's head against a desk, as your twin held the delinquent's wrists behind his back, his other hand on his neck to slam the prick's head against the desk, budging at nothing, even if Kururugi's so-called underlings tried to pry him off by numerous means and which he effortlessly shoved them off.

"Jotaro! Stop it!" Your coarse voice rang out, as you ran and laid your hands on his shoulders to try and pry him off. Jotaro, mistaking you for one of Kururugi's friends, accidentally threw you off... You somehow saw a glimpse of something else in that push of his, a third hand that made the push effortless.

You stumbled back from the force with a yelp, tripping backwards with your head landing a direct hit on the sharp edge of the table. You weren't able to comprehend what happened after that, but once you've hit the table everyone in the room came to a halt. Your consciousness started to drift away, your sense of feeling things slipped away. The faint ringing in your eyes seems to get louder and louder than the voices of your classmates, vision darkened. The sticky feeling flowed from where you hit your head, steadily flowing out and pooling behind you, almost squirting it out violently. Your world spun around, blurring everything around you, reduced into nothing but lights blended together designed to blind you.

"Y/N!" Despite not being able to comprehend what they were saying, you recognized his voice. "CALL THE TEACHER, GODDAMNIT STOP SCREAMING!" Slowly, your eyes began closing.

Three days passed and you were discharged out of the hospital. The doctor said you made a quick recover despite of your severe injury that would've caused you permanent neurological damage. You made your way out of the hospital with a few stitches and you made a fine recovery. You never knew hitting the back of your head would hurt a lot and cause you to have stitches. You still weren't sure of what Jotaro has done and why he done it, you appreciate his way of defending your honour and defending you but you were disappointed in him. You could have resolved this another way, a more peaceful way but he went out of his way to send another boy in the hospital.

The notion of him getting in jail wasn't that surprising for you.

"Ahh, your old brother is in jail, Y/N, what should we do?" Your mother spoke with panic, wrapping a fresh change of bandage around your head.

"Jotaro? In prison?" You scoffed with a deadpanned expression. You can sense your mother's tense hands rest on your head, as the rubber bandage wrapped around your wound. "It doesn't shock me at all. What did he do?"

"Well, that I don't know but I am really worried. He wouldn't do such things! He is just a sweet boy... He must be so cold and helpless in that cell of his..." The blonde woman cuts the bandage, firmly securing it to your comfort before arranging the first aid kit back to its place.

"Sure... The sweet boy who got into an unnecessary fight after his classmates made a backhanded insult towards his twin, and when his twin tried to pry him off he pushed his twin that caused them to trip backwards and hit their head, almost cracking it open to the point of them having a concussion and a possible neurological damage." You crossed your arms, putting your thigh atop the other while your eyes wandered over your shoulder to see what your mother's reaction would be. You wanted to be blunt, but you did not want to hurt her.

You appreciate him defending your honour, but you weren't affected by the insult at all. What's a word to you self-esteem? To your self-worth? What your classmate said wasn't true anyways, you needed to be a better person in every situation, an example for your classmates to follow. And Jotaro wasn't better, he started a fight just because of that.

You frowned in guilt. He was only defending you and you were aware of it, you were thankful for it, but you knew well to resolve things like this, it was nothing major in your case. You could've listed Kururugi for detention and letting his threat slide away instead of insulting him back as well. To think of it, you shouldn't have made a remark regarding his mother not loving him, ahhh it was reckless of you to let that statement break free from your mouth. You swore to select your words more often to prevent situations such as these next time... But still, you owe your twin a simple 'thank you'...

You rolled your eyes at the notion of your twin being 'helpless' and 'vulnerable' in his cell, it's quite funny to imagine it to say the least. Him? Helpless? Oh please, he is more than capable of defending himself even if he is only equipped with shoes instead of weapons. You had to wonder what he did. After arriving home yesterday, you have not seen Jotaro. You thought he was pulling one of those stunts where he'd stay out late so you didn't worry, he can handle his own. And then your mother, Holly received a phonecall from the police. Quite an eventful week to say the least.

"Are we... Going to visit him?"

"Of course! I want to see our baby boy! I don't want him to feel alone in jail!" Your mother exclaimed, turning to you with her signature smile. Intoxicatingly sweet, you couldn't help but to bask into the comforts of her smile that it affected you as well. Seeing her smile always makes you smile for some reason... Ahh, the wonders of maternal powers. "Now, I need you to prepare yourself for the trip okay? Go change."

"Alright mom," you stood from your seat, about to leave the room to go and change, when she suddenly held your wrist.

"And one more thing!" Holly stands from where she sat, before planting a kiss on your cheek several times. "Ahhh, I miss my eldest child! I was so worried about you that I forgot to give you your daily kisses!"

"M-mom-" you squealed, caught off guard as she resumed to pepper your cheek with plenty of kisses whilst she rambled how she was so concerned about you in the hospital. You were used to being kissed by her in a daily basis, but this was just so new to you.

"Now go change! We'll visit your little brother now, tee hee~" she giggled, before proceeding out of the room, presumably to change as well. You chuckled in amusement, before setting off as well.

"Jotaro, NO!" The sharp voice of the authoritarian twin screeched, prepared to lunge towards the jail cell bar when their mother bound them by her side, as the delinquent twin's precise finger yanks the trigger to fire the gun aimed at his temple. small streaks of tears fell from your your optics, the tense anticipation deterioted your sense of thinking, mind drawing blanks as your heart erratically hammered in your chest. The pin-drop silence was ceased by the tiny metallic ring falling from the revolver, no trace of damaged was endured by your twin brother.

He breathes heavily, as he gently sets the police officer's gun back. Able to properly gather your sense of thinking back, you lunged forward to get a grasp of your twin's collar, jerking him forward for as long as the distance allowed you. With the metallic barriers, you were't able to yank him forward enough for him to get to your level. You gazed at him with bare violent passion, clammy hands tightly gripped his article of clothing with adrenaline induced but in your eyes... Your eyes which flowed with glossy telltale tears of concern and worry says otherwise. He scwoled back, attempting to push you off when you jerked him forward with sheer strength he never thought you'd possess. The seventeen year old male lowly grunts, the call bar impacting against his face upon your forceful tug.

"Listen here, fucker," you snarled, face inched close to his. "Pull that bullshit maneuver again and I'll fucking kill you." Jotaro has been living with you for seventeen years, and never in his years of breathing has ever heard you utter a single profanity that he knows of. He has seen you furious before, the way you unleashed the bottled emotions and snapping at people with pure authoritarian intent, but still remained mindfully patient and emotionally stable... But this time, you weren't holding back.

"Y/N please!" Your mother exclaims, grabbing a hold of your wrist. with this, your mother made no effort of prying you off as they automatically loosened the moment she briefly made contact with you. With that, your wrath steadily subsided and the fiery remnants of it left a sense of guilt. the moment you loosened your grip from your younger twin, you turned away from.

"Tsk," he simply clicked his tongue as rearranged his collar before picking his hat from the groud. "Now that you've seen it, i'm sure you'll understand why I'm not moving an inch from this prison." he turns away from them, keeping his distance away from his family with a grim expression.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Your mother spoke with sheer maternal concern, whilst you had your back turned away from her. She grasps your wrist, putting the back of her hand on your forehead. "It's not like you to snap like that... Y-you're sweating cold bullets, let's get you out of here."

"B-but Jotaro-"

"Come along now, Y/N... The doctor's said you need to rest... It's imperative when they said you shouldn't be strained."

You were about to open your mouth to protest, when you saw a particular glossy glint in her eyes... She was concerned, in the brink of crying... Concerned for both her children... You closed your mouth with a reluctant nod, before grabbing onto your mother's wrist to lead her out.

"Y/N~ going to school already?" You turned to your mother, mid way through you putting your school shoes. Holly pouts as she approaches you, with your lunchbox in her hand, neatly wrapped in a handkerchief of your favourite colour you forgot in the kitchen. "It's early, can't you stay for a little longer? Perhaps wait for your twin so that you can walk together to school?" Holly sets your lunchbox aside, helping you fix the collar of your uniform.

"Ah, I apologize but I'm on hall duty today, I've got to be early for school."

"But you're always early for school! You might be the first one attending school, earlier than the school's guard!" she jests, with a laugh whilst you laughed along. "Maybe try to lay low sometimes, okay? Remember not too stress yourself out, you just came out of the hospital almost having a concussion!" She points a finger at the tip of your nose, before lightly flicking it with a giggle.

"O-of course. mother... I'll watch over myself," you nodded, shouldering your bag and grabbing a hold of your lunchbox. "I'll be off now, goodby-"

"Oh! You forgot something!" You turned to your mother, confused and stopping mid way through your leave. She tugs on to your arm, pulling you close before planting a musical kiss on your cheek. "Your goodbye-kiss of course! Ohhh, my big child is growing too fast! I'm so proud of you~ Now make sure those students won't cause ruckus, but of course lay low, okay?"

"O-of course mom!" You pried yourself off your mother's tight embrace, but wished that you can stay a little longer to indulge in the embrace, but you needed to arrive in school as early as you can. With that, you were off.

Once you arrived in school, you stayed put. There were no students to deal with yet, perhaps you can use this time to try and catch up from the studies you've missed from all the days you were confined in the hospital. You opened your locker, changing into your indoors shoes and putting your lunch away for the time being. You proceeded to the classroom, as idle thoughts ran through your mind.

It was quite eventful yesterday... I just met my grandfather in person after years of not being able to see him. Heck, he even mistook me as Jotaro even if we aren't built the same. Then there came all the confusing details about... Stands, vampires, our long family feud with a vampire that stole my great, great grandfather's body... It was all overwhelming to take in as a person living a normal life. But it did explain why Jotaro had that third arm, the thing he called an evil spirit. I never knew the birthmark my family and I all had would have significance. I always thought our birthmark was odd.

Your hand instinctively reached for the birthmark you had with a sigh as you walked forward.

And then grandfather proceeded to ask me about my stand that evening. I knew I had none, as I never experienced the same things as Jotaro, I'm normal. There's really nothing special about me. grandfather went too far of asking me to show my Stand, despite me not knowing how to bring it out, nor do I have a knowledge of its existence. I was told that if I can see Stands, I have a Stand myself, so does that mean that mom has one too?

He went too far and asked his companion to fight me for it. Once Avdol's Stand blew fire at my direction, I had no time to step away and instead accepted defeat by only standing in the way, arms crossed in front of my face... When a (f/c) coloured vines appeared in my arms and shot forward to grab the Stand's neck and proceeded to puncture through it with its thorns. I glanced up at Avdol to see him coughing out blood as blood seeped from his neck, forcing me to retrieve my Stand without even knowing how to. I was honestly shocked at the development of the situation. Perhaps it was the rush of adrenaline that forced me to do that... I couldn't help but to feel guilty about the wounds I caused...

"I hope Avdol wasn't too hurt..." You muttered under your breathe, pulling the the handle of the door and letting yourself in the empty classroom devoid of students. You walked by your seat, setting your bag inside your desk after you retrieved a few reading materials to catch up on the previous lessons you've missed from the following days when you were absent.

As you were about to open your book, you glanced on your watch just incase it was time to monitor the halls. It would be disappointing you wouldn't be able to study due to hall monitoring duties, but you couldn't do anything. Disappointed you were right, you slid your text book in your desk and pulled the hall monitor arm band before straightening your collar whilst you headed out the classroom.

You fumbled with the arm band, perfectly strapped it around your arm whilst you walked on the school hallways. You straightened your posture, hands behind your back.

It was just so... So sudden, to be honest. I don't like how overwhelming this is... The fact that grandfather suddenly visited to tell us about all this... And here I thought we'd have more heartfelt and wholesome and definitely normal reunion. All these evil spirit or Stands and other crap is making my head spin.

Without even realising it, you've made your way outside of school already. You chuckled under your breathe, fingers reaching your your temple when you felt the bandage wrappings around your head whilst you made your way up the stairs.

Stands... The doctors did said I had an abnormally fast recovery from an almost fatal blow to the head... Could it be the work of my Stand? Do I have regeneration?

Without thinking, you summoned the (f/c) coloured vine from your arm after you pulled your sleeves down. The thing coiled around your arm like a snake, almost purring on your arm. Despite the sharp thorns, it did not hurt you. You can feel its sharp tips poking you, but it did not hurt at all, it was soothing more than anything. You pursued your lips, examining the thing. You wondered what else it could do other than grabbing people...

"Good morning, Jojo!!!"



"Oh my gosh, where have you been Jojo?"

Your head jerked up out of shock, the (f/c) coloured snake-like figure fading back in your skin, as you hastily pulled your sleeves down. You whipped your head towards the direction of the loud voices resonating from a mile away with narrowed gaze, as they swarmed around Jotaro... It's typical, actually.

"Ugh... May the heaven's hold me back..." You groaned, clutching your bandaged head before straightening your arm band to make sure it is prominent, before you walked towards them.

"Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly-"

"No-boobs, No-boobs, No-boobs, No-boobs, No-boobs-"


You halted in your tracks, surely Jotaro can handle himself. He'll surely make a beeline towards the classroom whilst your classmates (the girls swarming him) will follow alongside him, maybe you can abandon him... But that's what you'd do if you were a bad older twin. Sighing, you braced yourself to be glared at and jogged over Jotaro's direction.

"Ahh, I didn't realise you'd be this early. I should've waited for you instead... Sorry about that." You matched with his pace, walking alongside him whilst he ignored you. At least the fangirls were keeping their distance now, deeming your plan as effective.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing hall duties?" He asked, looking over you with a raised brow and a look that says that he doesn't want you there. But trust me, he could use you as a line of defence just in case one of the girls wanted to get touchy with him.

"Yes, I am," you smirked. "This is considered hall monitoring duties."

The conversation stopped, but there were no silence, as girls left and right attempted to gain his attention by screaming his name. As you approached the stairs you couldn't help but to think.

Did... Was it reckless of me to summon my Stand? I mean... There could be anyone who can see it... And people who can see it are Stand users... Ahh, it was reckless of me do that, I wasn't even aware of my surroundings... There aren't too much students when I did that. Maybe I'm safe. Maybe there are no Stand users around here-

A sharp sound was heard, prompting you to glance at wherever it came from, only to see Jotaro with a cut in his leg, blood leaking out of it. Before you had the quick reaction to help him, he found himself tripping down the steps of the stairs whilst you and the others screamed out of being startled, whilst he fell from the stairs.


The moment he started to fall, you were already on your feet as you made a run for it, using your Stand to grab onto one of the branches, lowering it for him (or his Stand) to reach and somehow make his fall less harmful. You sighed in relief as your plan worked out and finally reached the bottom of the stairs to see what was up with him. He isn't typically a klutz, sure he'd trip occasionally, but never something like this. Once you reached the bottom, you wasted no time but to crouch on his level, kneeling by the dirt.

"Are you okay? What happened?" You asked, almost frantically.

"I'm fine, don't make a huge fuss about it." He seethes through clenched teeth, as he examined the cut.

"How the heck did you even fall? And where did you get that cut?" You asked, as you've feverishly dug through your pockets in an attempt to find a handkerchief for him to use and wrap it with for the time being.

He was silent, perhaps considering what he was about to say. You sighed, standing up before reaching your hand out for him to use to help himself up. You rolled your eyes when he rejected it, painlessly smacking it away before standing up himself, dusting his uniform to free it from any dirt that clung to his article of clothing.

"Oh great, they're back..." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms to your chest. You were stunned to see your sleeve torn to shreds from where you used your Stand, prompting you to roll your sleeves to your elbow for the time being. It was improper, but you had no choice. It must've been ripped when you used your Stand... As the girls fawned over Jotaro, you couldn't help but to look up from the stairs to try and recall what happened, only to be distracted by a figure walking down the stairs.

Cherry earrings, red hair, green uniforms and a long scarf were his notable features other than the weird regal look on his face. A gaze that looked at everyone from the tip of his nose. He approaches Jotaro, with a handkerchief in hand.

"You seem to have cut your left leg," he hands Jotaro the pristine white handkerchief with a notable green pattern along the edges. "You should use this handkerchief as an emergency binding. Are you alright?"

You watched Jotaro take the handkerchief from the stranger, perhaps new student. You weren't sure when he arrived in school, considering you were absent in a few days, you could've missed him.

"Yeah. It's just a scratch." The new student turned to leave, when Jotaro spoke. "Hold it-" the student glances back at him, and you were sure there was a certain look in his eyes you couldn't quite out into words. You glanced back at your younger twin with furrowed brows, them back at the new student... Somehow, there was a tension between them and perhaps it wasn't only you who was noticing it. "- Thanks. I haven't seen you around school before. Do you go to our school?"

The student turns to you for a split second, than at Jotaro. "I'm Noriaki Kakyoin. I just transferred here yesterday. Nice to meet you." He then proceeds to turn and leave, this time for real.

It would make sense that he just transferred yesterday, but it was weird that he'd transfer in the middle of a school year... You turned to your watch, eyes twitching in realization that you haven't done anything as a hall monitor yet, before turning to the girls.

"You should get going, it's almost time for class. I'll escort Jotaro to the school's infirmary." You spoke, voice with authority as they turned to you with furrowed brows.


"That's sooo unfair!"

"I want to to escort Jojo to the infirmary!"

"You only want him for yourself!" Your eye twitched at that one, causing you to shake your head with a sigh. People seem to forget that you guys were twins...

"Good grief... Get going to class before I send you to detention." You rolled your eyes, before walking towards the direction of the infirmary whilst Jotaro followed.


"Hmmp, whatever!"

"Bye Jojo! See you later!"

Silence finally filled the air for once as their voices faded out by distance, whilst you walked alongside with your twin.

"Thanks for helping out earlier," You didn't expect him to speak, causing you to glance at him as he averted his eye contact away from you. "I couldn't have reached the branch in time if it weren't for you."

Stunned and flattered at the first time he did this, you smiled. "Although my Stand handling still needs practice, don't you think?"

"Tsk, just take the compliment, jeez."

"Alright, alright. You're welcome."

"I'm certain you can handle yourself there, Jotaro," you jested, as you approached the infirmary door. "At least there'd be no more fan girls there that can annoy you."

"Whatever, you can leave me now. You can attend to your hall monitoring bullshit now." He brushes you off, as he open the infirmary door and slams it close to your face.

You mutely groaned at his impolite demeanor, but you were sure he didn't mean it. You shook your head, before attending to your duties as hall monitor.

As you've silently walked in the school corridor you couldn't help but to think back to the transferred student. There was something about his stare... It was... Well, venomous in a way, but his polite front says otherwise. He did help Jotaro after all. What was his name again?

Noriaki Kakyoin... His choice of words in his vocabulary was surprisingly eloquent in a way. He looks handsome as my classmates uttered under their breathes around Jotaro, but that's the only thing I know of. His timing was quite suspicious as well... But it was probably a coincidence, perhaps he just happen to walk by and saw it go down from a distance, but it was certainly weird... As I recall, he specified which leg that Jotaro had injured... Could someone notice that detail? I mean, I didn't, but Kakyoin did. I mean, he might be looked at it and saw which leg was injured and just stated it out loud and- oh who am I kidding? I'm just so... Paranoid. Paranoid is all. Typical Y/N... Always anxious, always paranoid...

"Get to your classroom, classes are starting soon." You looked over a group of student standing by the corridor, as they visibly flinched from your voice. You narrowed your gaze at them. "And why are you wearing your bags? You're perhaps late, or planning to leave school."

"W-we're not planning to leave school, we swear!" The student squeaked, covering one his friend's mouth with a sheepish grin. "We were just about to enter class, y-yeah!"

"You better. Now scurry off now."

"Y-yeah! Sure!" He elbows his friend's rib, before running off. His friends ran alongside him, rushing towards their classroom when one of them stopped in front of your face. "By the way, two seniors are trying to skip class by going to the infirmary, saying they have a cold."

"Oh, thanks for the head's-up, I'll pay them a visit. Now run along."

"O-okay!" He ran off. You'd tell no running in the hallways, but you just told them to run off. You shook your head, before returning from where you came. Surely Jotaro would know, he's in the infirmary himself. Idly humming to yourself, you sped your way towards the clinic. As you were about to knock on the door, you noticed a peculiar fresh drips of blood. Along those blood drops were of Jotaro's, you recognized how long they were there, whilst there were new stains... They were fresh.

Perhaps another student was cut... Hence the blood... Ah, I'm over analysing things again...

You shook your head, knocking on the door with pursued lips, before entering. Your jaw hung low at the sight before you, as you saw the Doctor stabbing her pen dangerously near Jotaro's eye. Without even knowing it, you screamed.


"Keep yourself out of this!" Jotaro yells over his shoulder, before flinching the moment when the Doctor suddenly falls limp in his arms, the pen falling off her grip whilst he held her in his arms. Within confusion, he couldn't help but to glance at Kakyoin, which in response, only gave him a smirk.

A green, slithering creature sped at your direction whilst you were caught off-guard, jaw hung low enough for it to fit. You thrashed and kicked, attempting to shake the slimy figure off, only for the process to quicken with your action. Your throat swelled with the figure occupying it, as your airways were blocked with it. Your vision darkened and before you knew it, you lost control of your actions, along with your ability to think for yourself.

Jotaro drops the Doctor's body by the floor as he turned to you, convulsing as the green creature slithered in your mouth. He watched in terror as your eyes rolled at the back of your head, leaving no trace of your the round (e/c) you possessed as frothing leaks from the corner of your lips.

"Y/N Kujo... Ahh, he told me not to worry about them, but they were quite the little bother that you just can't help but to get annoyed with." Noriaki moves the little marionette he has, raising it's arm as you copied, lifting your arm that held a knife you were meant to defend yourself with. "Tch, if it weren't for them you would've plummet into concrete. It was an easy kill, too good to be true but I can dream, can't I?"

"What have you done with them?" Jotaro would try and approach you, but he knew you'd be as dangerous as the Doctor he possessed with his Stand. "You sick bastard- oof!" Jotaro was not able to finish his sentence, after you forcefully knocked him off, straddling him by the floor by his waist. He grabs his twin by the wrist to prevent them from stabbing him, but he struggled greatly by your strength, as you had the upper hand, only leaning in to plunge the sharp blade in his throat.

"Surely you wouldn't attack them... Like I said, if you'd attack my Stand, you'd hurt them in the process. They are your twin, after all, you wouldn't dare and harm them, won't you?" Noriaki rambled on, idly sitting by the window whilst he played his little marionette.

Jotaro's eyes widened at the sight of your mouth hanging lowly from all your incoherent screaming, when he spotted the glowing yellow optics of the Stand. He desperately tried to come up with a different plan, but under these circumstances he can only think and resort to one thing. The seventeen year old closes his eyes, heaving a deep breathe, preparing himself for what he is about to do.

"This is going to be weird. Forgive me."

With all his strength he pushes you forward, driving you up against a wall, pinning your wrists on the cemented surface causing you to drop your knife, forcing his lips against yours. He can feel the disgust and humiliation running coarse through his veins, but he didn't have time to wallow in his embarrassment when he finally got a hold of what he was meant to capture. He immediately pulls away, his Stand biting the head of Noriaki's Stand while he vigorously rubbed you off his lips with the cuff of his sleeve.

"I can't believe you made me do that... It's disgusting." Jotaro narrows his gaze towards the visibly shocked and pained Kakyoin through the brim of his hat. He picks up your limp body, before setting it to the side where they'd be safe.

The fight went on, dozens of emeralds spraying through every direction but Jotaro made sure you would get hit by any of it. As it was over, your body convulsed as it suddenly sat up, before you spat out blood and collapsed on the floor once more with a loud thud. Skin paled in an ash colour, lips coloured blue as blood pooled under your body and flowed like a leaking water tower punctured by something.

The fight went on, until it was over with Jotaro having the upper hand over the red haired male. Jotaro ran to your body, checking your vitals as his heart hammered in his chest.

"You better be okay, or else..." He cursed under his breathe, pressing his fingers on your temple, while the other hand was pressed on your neck. It was the second time he has harmed you because of his reckless actions and he couldn't live with himself if this was fatal enough to kill you. Once he feels your faint pulse, he sighs in relief, subconsciously holding your head to his chest.

"W-what happened to you?" His eyes flew open at the sound of your voice, pulling you away by your shoulders. Sure enough, you were awake from what seems like a nap induced by sleep deprivation instead of being possessed. But how? You were convulsing, blood was spurting out of your mouth like a broken pipe and now you're alive and well... "Are you okay? Were you hurt?" You attempted to reach for the puncture on his upper cheek, when he clicked his tongue, pushing you away.

"Tsk, worry about yourself for once." Your twin stood up, turning away from you to walk towards Kakyoin's direction. Jotaro being cold towards you wasn't new, you've been used to it all your life- "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." -but of course, somewhere in that hard facade of his, he has a very soft core.

You stood up, dusting your clothes that's been tattered that took place. You never knew what happened the moment you opened the door. All you remember was the doctor attacking Jotaro, the shiny melon thing slithering in your mouth and that's about it.

Ahh, looks like I'll ask mom to repair my uniform again...

Jotaro sighs, uttering his favourite sentence under his breathe as he hoisted Kakyoin over his shoulder blades, while you were busily dusting your clothes free from any debris.

"I'll leave the rest to them. We're ditching school today." Jotaro sighs after scanning the wreckage he caused, before jumping off the window with Kakyoin over his shoulder. "Get a move on."

"J-Jotaro wait-" you ran after him, hopping out the window before catching up to him.

To be continued →→→

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