Evening (Suzi Q X Fem Reader)

Grinning to yourself, idle fingers daintily grasping the teacup's handle, your gaze bounces up at the sapphire eyed beauty seated across you, as she enjoyed her cup of evening tea with a wooden-bound book in hand, oval framed spectacles perched on the bridge of her nose. Her golden curls framed her pale, alabaster skin with a soft smile in her features hinting her enthusiasm towards the literature set between her fingers. You watched as the sapphire eyed blondie holds her teacup with her manicured hand, lifting to take a gentle sip from the steaming drink when the smoke fogs her glasses causing her to adorably pout. She jerks her attention away from the compiled literature and directed it towards you after hearing your melodic giggle.

"Hmmmp," she playfully glares at your direction, sticking her tongue out in a childish manner in which you returned the gesture with you lightly thumbing your nose. "You're so childish!" She giggled. Ahhh, the voice of an angel, sending cute little nudges in your guts for the butterflies to feed on. It was just so damn irresistible, intoxicating, and you couldn't get enough of it.

She's so damn cute...

"Says the one who started it!" you shot back with a laugh, playfully throwing her a half-bitten biscuit, which hits her arm. The blonde Italian sharply gasps, before giggling with a glint of mischief in her eyes, preparing to retaliate when you heard a solemn throat clearing behind you. Alarmed, you glanced over your shoulder to see your mentor.

"I'm sorry to disturb your playful banter, but it's time for your Hamon training, Y/N." Lisa Lisa instructed, crossing her arms on her chest. "It's late, but the atmosphere tonight is perfect."

"Of course, Madam... I'll head on." You nodded, setting your cup of tea down to its saucer.

"How many times do I have to tell you, just call me Lisa Lisa. I am your teacher but that doesn't mean you have to use formalities." The fifty year old woman sighs, lightly shaking her head. "No matter, but please avoid using formalities from now on. Hell, you might as well call me mother."

"R-really?" Your head perked up in disbelief with a grin. The woman smiled in the slightest, amused with your sudden amusement.

"I basically raised you, so you might as well."

"Alright then. I'll head off to train. See you later, mother~" you skipped on your way out, as the mentor shakes her head in amusement with a chuckle, whilst Suzi giggled along your antics.

"Ahh, it's been so long since Caesar came here. I wonder when he would return..." You muttered under your breathe, after destroying a target practice. Retrieving your Hamon coated whip back to its holster, you took a quick breather by sitting on a rock, overlooking the view from above one of the many towers. "That bubble blowing child might as well write me a telegram. It's been too long, he hasn't returned my boo-"


"- GAH!" you screamed, when a pair of hands landed on your shoulders. The girl giggles, sitting beside you as she watches you catch your breathe. "Suzi! I almost used Hamon on you!"

"Well you didn't, so I'm in the clear." The sapphire eyed beauty softly smiles, interlacing her slender fingers in yours.

"Why are you here? You could've waited for me to come back." You sighed, securing your whip around your hip. "For all we know an enemy would attack... And I can't risk you getting in danger! You already know that a group of people are after Lisa Lisa's harboured treasure, right? And they certainly won't stop until they get it, even if they use the means of murder."

"You really need to drop your guard sometimes, (n/n). Relax, enjoy the breeze!" The blonde enthusiastically spoke with glee. "We're safe in this island... We're alright."

You huffed, firmly clasping her hand back as you ran your thumb over the softness of her hand. You couldn't stay mad at her, you'll be honest. She's just too sweet, too adorable for you to stay mad at her. To be honest, she's right. You really needed to calm down but... Her presence was enough for you to remember how to cool you down... But not completely. Within her presence, you feel things other than calm. Intoxicated, delicate, special... Ahh, the girl is simply just too much for you, but you couldn't get enough of her at the same time.

"Well, your presence is enough to calm me down..." You muttered under your breathe, meant to be for your ears only, when the blonde glances at you.

"Really? I do?" She points at herself with a flattered glint in her eyes.

"Well... Yes..." You reddened in embarrassment, as you didn't plan for her to hear it. "Ahh, dammit Suzi... Stop being so damn breathe-taking."

"So I am your weakness now?" She giggled, lightly nudging her shoulders against yours to send you lightly swaying to the side.

"In a way, yes..."

It was meant to be a light-hearted comment but... Your mind can't help but to spiral elsewhere from wholesome. Suzi was indeed your weakness, you can't stand the fact there was always a possibility she'll be used against you and you resent the idea, burned the idea away from the back of your head.

"Ugh, you don't look so good when you frown like that!" You snapped from your thoughts when Suzi grunts, in which you were offended by her sudden blunt remark. "Come on! Show me that beautiful smile yours!" She teases, cupping your cheek in her palm, her thumb placed by the corner of your lips and gently stretches your cheek to mimic a smile.

You rolled your eyes at her effort, as she coos and teases about how you should always smile to prevent growing wrinkles, when you pressed your lips against hers, effectively interrupting her. Suzi was stunned for a moment, before melting into your kiss. After pulling away, you caught a glimpse of the fiery red cheeks of the oh so adorable dork of a woman.

The blonde Italian woman gently sets the tip of her fingers to touch her lips, face painted red. "W-what was that for?" The range of her voice higher than usual, implying her obvious flustered demeanor.

"Well you told me to smile and your methods were particularly ineffective. So I took it upon myself to fix that~" you giggled, wrapping your arm around her waist and pulling her close for a side-hug, pressing her another giggly kiss on her cheek.

"Ohhh, that's no fair! How come you're not flustered?" Suzi Q complains with a childish pout, crossing her arms under her chest.

"Being calm and collective is a major requirement for a hamon user, my darling~" you whispered, hot breathe fanning her skin, lips touching her ear with every syllable. The rosy cheeked beauty shuddered with delight. "Hmm? Are you cold?" You asked, as she physically shivered.

"Ahhh yes... It's colder than usual today..." She awkwardly laughs, averting her gaze as she intended to bring a jacket awhile ago but with her excitement to see you, she forgot all about it. Suzi softly gasps, as the soft sensation of your scarf loosely coils around her neck, effectively warming her up. Her heart hammered in her chest, endeared with your concern and care. She held into the soft, cottony material around her neck, lightly inhaling your faint scent that clung to it with a soft smile.

Ahh, no wonder she fell in love with you... Your affection and care certainly had an effect on her and she simply adored your perseverance and protectiveness. It makes her feel... Secure and safe, and most of all, loved. And she was lucky to find someone who's as strong, loving, kind, and caring as you.

The blonde leans her head on your shoulder, nuzzling her head against the crook of your neck with a contented sigh, her fingers still interlaced with yours, giving you a light squeeze.

"I love you, Y/N... Very much."

"I love you too, Suzi..."

Ahh your history with Suzi... Well, no one knows of this relationship, not yet at least. You were afraid of the risk of the display of a relationship as a target for your weakness. You couldn't bare the fact that danger lingers in every inch of the corner ready to strike. And the Hamon user you are, one of the few of Lisa Lisa's powerful disciples, you are confident of your abilities but the thought of failure was still present in your mind.

Sweet, serene moments such as this were rare and to be honest, you cherished every single moment of it. If you're not training, you were busy worrying about attacks from opponents. It came to you as a shock that you'd the time to develop and harness feelings for her, let alone having a secret relationship with her.

You softly smiled, running your thumb over her porcelain knuckles.

You were bred to fight and defend, and it seems that it's all you do... It was honestly getting old but... You don't mind risking your life if it means she'd be sleeping peacefully at night, with you having no worries about her whereabouts.

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