Creative (Rohan Kishibe X reader)

Perfection, It's a state where one strives to be. Untouchable, unbreakable, a deity to be worshipped. Perfection is quite difficult to obtain. It's earned through various methods, precise mastery of their arts, years of bleeding, fighting, persevering. You couldn't imagine all their troubles, but you could certainly live through their lavish success.

As I've hinted, it is no peaceful stroll along the park. But why, tell me why and how Rohan Kishibe managed to embrace and push through all difficulties effortlessly and gracefully? At the young age of sixteen no less. You wouldn't call him lucky, oh no. His mastery of his art was worth more than he sell them for, they were simply a work of a compassionate genius who strive to be better and better within every stroke of a pen. An arrogant, boisterous bastard to some, an icon of inspiration to others. Nevertheless, one can never deny that he is indeed a master of his magnus opus.

One would kill to have his talents, his unwavering confidence, his ambition, his drive. You can only wonder what were his inspiration, does he have a muse, what was his goal, will he ever be satisfied of his seemingly effortless achievements? But alas, not a whisper knew what is going on inside the great Rohan Kishibe's brilliant mind. There's no doubt that there are people who would kill to be like him, from any strand and branch of art. That's how massive his influence is.

"And the award for best selling visuals goes to... Rohan Kishibe!"

You can only sit and sip on your drink rather than bothering to join the thunderous applaud the audience offered him for winning his ninth award in a row. You were happy for his success, and somewhere in that happiness lingered dear old friend envy who's stuck around you since the start of your career. Nonexistent career that is. It's been ruined the moment your potentially award winning novel was bastardised by money hungry corporations.

Ahhh, Rohan... He never changed.

It may come out as a shock, but you have been with Rohan your whole life. Not you were close oh no. He barely darted his eyes to your direction and even if he needed to, your conversation fall short but informative nonetheless. Classmates since kindergarten, elementary until you graduated high school and began to pursue your individual artistic career with you at the path of writing, Rohan at drawing his own mangas. The adults have always noticed your talents, you two were the top pupils always competing but barely acknowledging the said rivalry as you were occupied to perfecting your own arts. Your peers were convince that the two of you were going to be as equally as successful... But alas.

"Congrats," you lifted a glass towards Rohan as he returns to his table with another trophy in his grasp. He gives you a lopsided grin, nodding his head to acknowledge you before returning to his neutral expression. You expected the short 'talk' to be over, as it has always been that way, but today was particularly different when he turns from his seat and faces you.

"Ahh, I never knew you were here. You were the one who wrote the novel "Stringwraith", correct?" he asked, which shocked you to no end.

For all you knew, you published your book but got little to no readers who bought them from their local bookstore. For all you knew that the book will probably known of that title as the most heinous story adapted into film. Or more like, it wouldn't be known as the book you have poured every inch of you, where in all nights you have stayed up slaving away on your keyboard and spilled your heart out to fill empty voids of pages. A story that would have enraptured the world. And now, it's more of a laughingstock.

"Oh yeah?" you tried to humour him, swirling the content of your glass and watched at the liquid moved according to your command. You'd rather not bring up the subject, but you couldn't think of a way to swerve the topic away without being obvious. "You've read it?"

For all you knew he brought it up for the sake of bragging. He is quite the abrasive fella and you gotta say that for once you couldn't care less if one criticises your 'story' based on the movie they watched. After reading the reviews of the film, you've grown numb and read basically all of the critiques. So you braced yourself and kept a nonchalant exterior.

"Indeed. It was a field of words even the great manga artist I am was inspired by your creative utilisation of your eloquence and illustrating a vivid story through words alone."

You found yourself squaring your shoulders back, cheeks scorched with the evidence of your timidity and flattered expression.

'He read the book...'

Dang it, it's not everyday you get to keep a straight conversation with Rohan despite being classmates all your life and when he did talk to you, it would last with a few words before parting, but now? Holy heck you weren't even expecting he would compliment you despite being abrasive towards others.

"T-thank you, Kishibe... I appreciate that a lot..."

You thought that after that, he would just smile and turn away, but he didn't. He continued.

"The film was an incredibly subpar adaptation and mostly stripped your novel into nothing but a shallow slate. Next time, appoint a better production.." He glances behind you and saw the company behind you. He couldn't care less about it though, they have done a sloppy job, everyone, even themselves, can recognises it as fact. "Someone who can better emulate your style and adapt it into screens. Or better yet, don't. Some written works are not meant to be adapted to screens and are just as perfect as they are on paper."

"I suppose, yeah."

You shrugged in agreement. You would love to tell him more about the poor production that you made contact with if it weren't for them seated beside you. It was already bad enough they can hear you, but you couldn't care less after what they had done to your precious child. He isn't wrong, your little baby book had gotten itself in a tight grip of hungry, hungry cash grabbers.

"I've read your other works as well. 'Your body, my temple'—" you wince upon hearing the title. It was one of your old works and honestly, at this point, you have already disowned them. "—At first I thought it was one of those eroticas you would find a middle-aged woman reading, but it's quite different. It is a good subversion that inspired me to add a subplot in my manga."

"It— it isn't that great, it's one of my old works—"

"What do you mean, it's not great?" His sharp tone caught you off guard, his face darkened. "You sell yourself short. You're a writer, you sculpt a world out of words so vividly, in a way that can't be replicated by lines and colours! And you're good at what you do!"

'Why is he being this nice to me?'

"I would say you have potential, but you're more than that. It's just that people are stupid to acknowledge your shine. Here," he digs through his suit pocket, produces a business card and hands it to you. You reach for it, with awe struck gaze. "Contact me anytime. I'll help you find competent people to work with you."

"K-Kishibe— I—" your gaze flickers up to him, tears welling in your eyes. "Why?"

"Because creative people like us need to stick together. Not with some money hungry fools." He pats your shoulder. "Now stop with the waterworks and be grateful."

"T-thank you..."

You couldn't help but to laugh through the verge of tears, fingers briskly wiping the tears off your eyes. To be granted an opportunity like this... This is such a fantasy a desperate struggling artist like you could ever fantasize about and yet there it is, the golden opportunity to be signed to a better production... All thanks to Rohan Kishibe who wants his fellow artists to shine and be recognised.

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