A date with Josuke

This chapter is dedicated to nana-mania! Happy birthday ghorl! 🎂

- You met in college as you take mutual classes together that he struggled with

- The boy was smitten at your extremely attractive features upon first laying eyes on you, but oh boi does he found himself more at awe when you were effortless at the subject he was particularly not good at.

- Other than that, he really finds your kindness and caring nature very endearing.

- And so he used that as an advantage to start a conversation with you because the boy is 'smooth' like that... If you want to call it smooth.

- He knows nothing about asking someone out, okay?

- He's asked myriads of people for their advices but it's always the same: Be straightforward.

- Asking in a straightforward manner?
Pffttt— what's that? He wants to spare himself from rejection damnit—

- He thought that befriending you would be good at first, when he realized that the intention of befriending someone just to ask them out on a date was a little bit... Slimey to him for some reason.

- Asking someone out in a straightforward manner might be a good thing after all— rejection be damned even it will haunt him for the rest of his life!

- And so, the teen resorted to do just that; Be straightforward.

- He was unsure at first but eh, life was short and he knows his friends aren't going to let him hear the end of it.

- Okay he's nervous and tries to keep cool and suave, stop being so GODDAMN CUTE DAMNIT—

- You were alone organising your research paper on your desk against a wall, silent and clearly not that much occupied since you were simply going through the notes for the ninth time... Not that he was watching, but he just noticed, he swears!

He slicks his hair back as he approached you, but backs away when he realized he might look like a creep backing you up in a corner and making you uncomfortable was the last thing he wanted—

"Uh hey~" He flirted with a swagger of an nervous teen trying his best to appear macho... It was dorky and simply adorable but he finds it extremely awkward and wanted to burrow himself under a rock for the rest of his life.

"Hello," you laughed at his comical attempt to keep a cool head. "Josuke Higashikita, right? From (insert subject) class?"

"Uhhh, yeah! Yeah..." He laughs at nothing in particular to ease his tensed form, lifting his hand behind his head to scratch the back of his neck. "So uh... Umm... There's... Uh, Tonio's Restaurant— if-if you wanna... If you want to— uhm..."

It was adorkable of how the tomato began to take its shape with the form of his face, as you smiled at his endearing dorky side while he was internally preparing his burial after your rejection.

"I-uh—!" Josuke finds himself slowly losing confidence in his self as you remained seated on your chair, confused and yet jolly— maybe jolly at the sight of his miserable form as he couldn't get through his sentence without failing his cognitive function. He only lets out a nervous laugh, his voice cracking within the process and tries to cover it up with a clear of his throat.

- Oh boi it was going bad according to his plan! He was supposed to be all suave and cool and macho to woo you but no—! Your mere presence reduced him into a puddle of embarrassment-!

- Already getting the idea of his intention, you smiled up to him and stood from your seat. He was shock nonetheless when you suddenly placed your hand on his shoulder and firmly squeezed him.

Soon, the boy found himself at awe as he finally got to stare deeply within your eyes up close. He never realised how beautiful your eyes were at this distance and damn... They were more valuable than diamonds itself.

"I would love to go out with you. Tonio Trussardi's restaurant, right?"

"Uh— yes! Yes!" Josuke finally snapped from his trance, quite embarrassed that the situation did not go as planned, but at least you got the message holy damn he thought he foiled the plan himself—

"I'll see you there in like... At Saturday? By six thirty?"

"S-sure! Thanks!"

- It was already embarrassing enough that he couldn't get through his sentence without looking like he'll spazz out of reality at any moment, but with you giving him the reverse Uno card? Holy hell you couldn't get any more cooler—!

- But it was then he starts to realize that he has to man the frick up and try to copy the cool head of his dear old nephew who doesn't seem to be faze by anything at all.

- The date night arrives, and know he had more than ten procedures to go through before going in the date which included being hyped up by his friends, practicing in front of a mirror, trying out dozens of apparel of clothing, making sure his hair was proper and etc... And yet he wasn't satisfied at all but oof, he didn't want to be late!

- He was tensed at the sight of you. Like dang brother/sister, you already are a hot mess at your regular clothes and uniform but dang man you didn't hold back to style yourself—

- Dude... You broke him, holy crap you're so goddamn pretty

- He snapped from his reverie when you waved at his direction and call his name.

- Dude the sight of you alone was enough to make him frozen in place but with you calling his name with your sweet voice and sweet smile??? HE WAS ECSTATIC—!

- He takes a deep breathe and reminded himself to keep cool, breathe, and be himself apparently (it was repeatedly repeated by Koichi.)

- The dark haired teen was screaming internally and the evidence of this would be his obviously eyes wide with a mix of terror and delight as well as his dilated pupils... Then there's his trembling fingers, his stammering speech, his shaky voice.  okay maybe he is obviously nervous—

- It was painfully tense, awfully awkward and Josuke couldn't seem to sit still. He told himself many times that this would be the time he finally probes himself to be less of a mess in front of you but noooo, of course his nervous system decided to collapse at this moment!

- Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit—

- "Hey," he breaks from his loud mind when you out your hand atop his, the warmth of your palm soothing him at the slightest but his systems had to screw it over with his jumpy nerves. His chest bursts with shock and euphoria as he looks up at you.

You are just so beautiful in everything you do, omg the boy is about to faint if you don't stop being perfect—

"It's just me. Calm down."

- Omg wow so, like— he is over the moon. How could someone like you be so beautiful AND kind as an angel? Did you, am angel, manage to fall from the skies but couldn't navigate your way back?

- With your kind reassurance, he was able to calm down for once. He relaxes his jaw that he didn't realise he was clenching, the tremble in his hands slowly subsides. A heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders and he was so dang thankful of your patience and kindness and consideration and thoughtfulness.

- "So what hobbies do you have?" You asked, slowly easing your way out of the awkward tension.

"I-I play videogames! I know it's kinda childish and—"

"OMG! So what console do you play?"

- He expected everything but that positive reaction. Gosh damgit you're alreadu so cute and you play video games??? Oh yieee

- After eating and having a fun discussion about the most random of things, he was glad that you broke from your cold begining and was able to be normal. Josuke doesn't need to keep up a facade, as he was already comfortable in your presence without it.

- After the date, he offered to walk you home. The teen was basically stiff as a board when you unexpectedly looped your arms through his and deliberately walked in a slow pace to avoid ending the night too fast.

- Josuke was confused why you stop in front of Rohan's front door until he shot up in realization.

"You're a relative of Rohan?!"

"Yes, we're cousins."

- He didn't have the time to question, not that we wants to pry in your personal life but dang he just could believe you, an angel, would be related to demon like him—

- Smooch

- Anyone up for some tomato?

- "That was a lovely time I had in awhile. Thank you Josuke..."

"N-n... No problem..." Josuke managed to squeeze out of shock.

"Are you free next Saturday? There's a fireworks display around that time and... I think it would be fun when I'm with someone..."

"Sure! Uhm—" He clears his throat when he blurts out of excitement. He squares his shoulders back and nods with a more formal demeanor. "Of course... I would love to."

The ebony haired teen found himself melting when he heard your soft giggle, before you put a hand against the knob of the door. As you were about to enter, Josuke calls your name.

"Hey Y/N?"


- You looks so beautiful under the veil luminescent glow of the moon. His heart beats faster within your presence but at the same time keeps his calm. It was a complicated dynamic, but who cares?

- Josuke leans close, staring at your lips, but chickens out the last second to press his lip on you cheek.

- "Good night, Y/N. I'll see you in school."

"Good night, Josuke... See ya..."

- Once you were inside, Josuke made a mad dash towards the direction of his home, shouting out in joy and excitement at the success of the date despite the cold open. Boi oh boi he can't wait for the next Saturday!

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