Let It Go (Ziam Paylik)

Zayn and Perrie were the perfect couple. They always spent time together whenever Zayn came back from our tours, and they were always caught cuddling, kissing, and being loving in general. They didn’t care if the cameras found them; they just enjoyed each other’s company while they were available and tried not to miss each other too much when one or the other had to leave.

I was jealous of Perrie, but not of their relationship. I didn’t want Zayn to date me; I had a perfectly good relationship of my own with the lovely Danielle Peazer. I just wished that Zayn would spend some time with us other boys, me especially, and not constantly be talking to or video-chatting his girlfriend in every spare second while we were together.

It felt like she was stealing my best friend, and I didn’t like the feeling. Deep down I knew that she was his girlfriend and she deserved his attention but I couldn’t help it.

Every night when we finished our concert, he would hurry to the bus and text Perrie to tell her how we had done and how much he missed her. She always responded something about missing him too and wishing he had more time between tours. They would talk for hours, and Zayn wouldn’t come out with the rest of us if we went for a party or a night of fun because he wanted to finish his conversation with her.

Sometimes, we would find him crying because Perrie was having doubts about a long distance relationship, and each time they worked it out and were back to being as sweet as ever.

I couldn’t help but think that Danielle and I never had those problems no matter how far away I was, and she came to visit me sometimes; it wasn’t always me making time for her. I thought that maybe their relationship was one-sided, or at least not as healthy as it seemed at a glance.

“Zayn,” I said one night as he was about to grab his phone, “can we talk?”

His face twisted as he considered it. “Sure, but make it quick. Perrie’s waiting,” he finally responded.

I led him out to the top of the bus, where it felt more peaceful and private. We settled down beside each other. “What did you want to talk about?”

“It’s about Perrie.”

He frowned. “What about her? She’s still waiting for me, you know.”

“I don’t think you guys are both as, well, into your relationship as you seem to be. I feel like I’m always watching you scramble around for her, like these late-night calls and skipping out on our nights out and flying halfway across the world to see her, making yourself dead on your feet for the next concert.

I hate seeing what your relationship is doing to you, Zayn. Have you ever considered asking her to come visit you, or even for her to be up at an inconvenient time so you guys can talk? Has she ever even offered? I guess my point is that you seem head over heels for her, but she almost seems like she doesn’t care,” I hurried my words, worried for his reaction.

His frown deepened. “But I love her, Li. And you will do anything for the one you love. You should know that; you’ve got Danielle,” he pointed out.

I shrugged, “I know, and I would do anything for her. But she does come out and visit us on tour every once in a while, and she doesn’t insist that we talk all the time but insist it’s on my time. She’ll call me just before we go on, even though it’s during dinner and she could be with her friends. We both make sacrifices for our relationship, but what has Perrie done for you? She wouldn’t even be with you for the longest time; do you really think she’s the right one for you?”

A hint of doubt began to form in his dark eyes. “I hear you, Liam. I promise I do. But I can’t exactly just let her go. Maybe she’s just busy, or maybe they’re filming something and she hasn’t told me because she wants it to be a surprise. Maybe she’s planning something for me. Maybe-“

“And she didn’t tell us, or at least me? Come on, Zayn, you know as well as I do that if she was planning or doing something one of us boys would’ve heard about it by now. Why do you keep defending her? Don’t you remember how long she denied liking you, and how long she hid your relationship for? Sure, she’s quite open about it now, but don’t you remember the older times?” I stopped him.

The hint I’d spotted a few moments ago had grown into a full emotion, as I realized he no longer had faith in his girlfriend. Somewhere inside, he’d known that he and Perrie weren’t meant to last, but he’d been denying it in hopes she would come around. I was sad to see what my words had done to him, but I felt guilty watching how she treated him.

“You’re right,” he breathed sadly, “you’re exactly right. I just- I just didn’t want to believe it.” A tear trailed down his cheek, one of the only ones I’d ever seen him shed.

“I’m sorry. Come here,” I said, pulling him to my chest and letting him soak in the comfort of my embrace. Us boys had always been affectionate around each other; so being this close was nothing out of the ordinary.

He cleared his throat, pulling away as I relaxed my hold. “I’ve got a call to make, I guess,” he turned and went inside.

I sat out there a bit longer, taking in the silence and thinking. How long had it been since I’d talked to Danielle? I was pretty sure I’d called her just the other night, but I hadn’t heard from her since. I didn’t mean to be a hypocrite to Zayn, but I shrugged it off and assumed she had something that came up that she never got to warn me of.

When I entered the bus to head to sleep, I heard soft sniffles coming from across the little aisle. Creaking the door open, I found Zayn sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.

“I’m guessing that didn’t go too well?” I rubbed his back sympathetically.

“She said she’d been expecting it,” he mumbled. “She said she thought I didn’t feel the same way, and she thought I knew she was only staying with me for the attention it brought us both and the fun we had when I wasn’t on tour.”

A tiny sob escaped him, and I felt my heart break for my best friend. “But the worst part was, I could tell she was in some type of club and most likely dancing with another guy. And we weren’t even split up yet!”

I couldn’t believe it. I knew she didn’t have the same commitment and loyalty as him, but even I wouldn’t have expected that of her. I felt terrible.

“It’s not your fault, mate. It’s her loss. She doesn’t deserve you. Come on, let’s get you some rest.” Tugging on his shoulder, I was able to lay him down and remove his shirt so he’d be a bit more comfortable overnight. He snuggled into his pillows, looking adorable as he drifted off.

Sleep didn’t come easily for me that night, as I thought of my heartbroken best mate nearby. He didn’t deserve the pain he was in, and I swore I would help him get over Perrie and find someone who he could actually spend his life with.

The next morning, I had to explain to the other boys what had happened in a whisper as Zayn finished his long shower. They also felt terrible, and agreed to help with my plan to find him someone new. We all pitched in to make some food before heading out, determined to cheer Zayn up.

We spent the day wandering around the city, which I couldn’t remember the name of. It was just a minor stop on the way to our next tour destination, so I couldn’t be bothered. We stopped in little stores and let Zayn choose where we ate and snacked, and made sure to never frown or mention Perrie. By the end of the day, we had successfully brought a smile to his face, and I returned the gesture.

I didn’t know why it mattered to me so much that Zayn was happy, but I couldn’t bear seeing him as torn up as he had been after that phone call. The other boys and I continued to take him out each day we weren’t performing and do something fun.

Our plan seemed to be working. Zayn was slowly forgetting the pain and regaining his genuine smile that I loved. It was only a month later when I realized something: I’d been so focused on Zayn that I’d forgotten about Danielle.

I hadn’t called my own girlfriend or even thought about her since she’d talked to me a few weeks back. It was my turn to call her, and she had no doubt been waiting anxiously for my name to appear on her phone. The guilt overwhelmed me, and I excused myself as I quickly dialed the number I knew my heart.

“Liam.” She spoke, her voice an odd tone. “You finally returned my call.

I knew she would be angry. I sighed down the line, “Yeah. I’m so sorry I haven’t called until now, Dani. I swear I meant to! I just got a bit distracted while trying to cheer up Zayn.”

“It’s always about him, isn’t it?” she murmured.

“What do you mean? I was just helping out my friend, and in case you were wondering, it worked. We’ve finally managed to bring the old Zayn back.” She chuckled bitterly, and I winced. What had I done to her to deserve this?

“Sure, you were just helping a friend. Come on, Liam, I can see right through that. You’re getting obvious,” she hinted. I felt like I was about to scream, as I had no idea what she was talking about.

“You’re out of your mind, Dani. What are you on about? Zayn’s girlfriend just broke up with him as he found out she was basically cheating on him! Can you imagine how the boy must feel?” I was getting angry as she continued to reject my words.

With another sour noise, she replied, “I know Perrie and him split up, Li. But you seem to be the one most affected by it, not him. It’s not normal, even though you’re Daddy Direction.”

“Just spit it out; what’ve you been hinting at?” I questioned, frustrated.

“You love him, and not like you love the other boys. You love Zayn, and it’s painfully apparent. Just tell him already. It’s not like you have a girlfriend who you never keep in touch with and completely left in the dust for him, anyway,” she hissed.

“I swear I wasn’t ignoring you! I just, well, forgot it was my turn to call,” I defended myself sheepishly, realizing my argument was quite weak.

“Say whatever you want, Liam, but we’re through,” she exclaimed. I felt my heart splinter.

“No, Dani, don’t do this! Come on, let’s work this out, you know I-“

She cut me off with a final remark before the telltale beeping signaling the end of a call sounded. “Goodbye, Liam,” she said firmly.

I dropped the phone in front of me, feeling myself fall to my knees. I had been so focused on helping Zayn get over his girlfriend that I’d lost my own. I couldn’t bring myself to regret helping him, however odd that thought was.

Danielle was right; I actually had forgotten about her until now. I did feel a bit different around Zayn than the others, and I was the most concerned over the breakup. She was right that I cared for him to an extreme. Could she be right that I fancied him?

I spent the remainder of the night lying in bed, pondering these new ideas. Could I fancy someone I’d considered a good friend for year, someone who had been at my side through the good and the bad, someone I knew I would trust with my life? It was certainly possible. Maybe I did love him.

The next few days were more than a bit awkward. I tended to avoid Zayn, as I didn’t know how I would react to being around him. He seems hurt and concerned, but I brushed him off and spent most of my time alone, working on new songs or thinking of what I could say to him that wouldn’t make me out to be some kind of creep.

Because I’d realized in that short time that Danielle was right. I knew she would be crushed, and likely already was, that I’d basically been leading her on, but it was for the best that she split up with me. She opened my eyes to the truth, and that was something I needed.

At last, I had finally worked up the courage to talk to Zayn. I was just about to go searching for him when a light knock came at my door. “Hey Li, it’s Zayn. Mind letting me in?”

It was as if it was some kind of sign, telling me I was about to do the right thing. “Of course. It’s open,” I called.

The door shifted, and his head peaked out before the rest of his body entered the room. He looked gorgeous as always, and he perched himself on the side of my bed. I rolled my eyes at his caution, yanking on his arm so he fell half on top of me.

I sighed at the contact, thinking how right it felt. He smiled. “I kind of have something to tell you,” he admitted, looking anywhere but me.

I lifted his chin. “Don’t worry, you can tell me; I won’t judge.”

“I- I think there may be a reason I’ve gotten over Perrie so fast, and it’s not that the boys made me forget,” he admitted, and my heart thumped in my chest. I couldn’t help but to hope that I was part of that reason.

“Well, what is it?” I asked curiously.

He looked around once more before meeting my gaze, wanting to watch my immediate reaction. “I’ve fallen for someone. A guy,” he mumbled.

My heart felt like it was about to beat right out of my chest. He liked a guy! That meant there was a possibility he could like me! I was so overcome with happiness; I didn’t even consider that it might not be me he had fallen for.

“I’ve got a secret too,” I whispered. Readying my nerves for my confession. I figured it was the right time, since he’d just admitted a secret of his own.

I waited for him to nod before continuing. “I’ve fallen for you,” I breathed. He froze, and I anxiously waited to see what he would do next.

Slowly, as if I might reject him, he began to reach for my waist. I stepped closer, making it easier for him. He wrapped an arm around me, bringing the other to cup my cheek. I leaned into his hand as I noticed his face coming closer. Sighing with happiness, I shut my eyes in preparation.

The next second Zayn’s lips were on mine, and nothing else mattered but him. Our lips molded as if we’d kissed a thousand times before, and we melted into each other’s arms. It was perfect. It felt so right, and was just so… Zayn.

We pulled away slowly, neither of us wanting to get our hopes up only to be smashed the next minute. He took a shaky breath as I composed my expression; sure I looked like a love-struck fool.

“What was that for?” I whispered.

He chuckled, a gentle grin forming on his lips. “What do you think? The guy I was talking about before, Liam, it’s you.”

The joy I felt in that moment was amazing. It was all consuming and everything I’d been waiting for. I felt a matching grin steal across my features.

“And here I was, afraid that was a mistake and I’d have to make you fall for me instead of some other random guy,” I joked, and he let out a laugh. We stood for a few moments, just soaking in the atmosphere and the comfort we found in each other’s arms. It was the definition of perfection.

“Who’s to say there’s not another Liam Payne who’s exactly like you that I was talking about?” I thought about it before realizing he was being sarcastic. Shoving his shoulder for worrying me, we both broke into loud laughter, clutching our stomachs. We were so loud the other boys came to find us, questioning the noise, and all we could do was shrug and say we were all right. We were definitely all right, now that we had each other.

No more pretending; no more tears. Just the two of us enjoying our lives.

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