
"Commander Gampu?" Peepo called.

Gampu was laid on his side, chest breathing, very weak.

"Commander Gampu!" Peepo called. "Commander Gampu!"

Peepo wheeled over toward the elder's side then budged him forward by the legs.

"Please, respond," Peepo requested. "Commander Gampu."

His eyes were halfway open and Peepo's sensors indicated there was no brainwaves but the body was still struggling to live. No casualties, yet. There was still a chance to bring the commander back from the brink of death. It was like watching a machine slowly moving on its room in the tape taking as little as it could. The man took one last breath and became very still.

"I don't know what to do next," Peepo said.

"You always know what to do next, you nitwit," Gampu said.

"It is hard to decide which shell to pick," The Robot said.

"You know which shell to pick," Gampu said, glaring toward the machine.

"It is the 21st century, Doctor Smith," The Robot replied. "Not the 24th."

"You know which one you want," Gampu said. "Much like you don't want to say the name that you like."

"I don't need one," The Robot said, making the older man frown.

"Yes, you do," Gampu said, the frown softened into a smile. "My dear old friend."

Gampu patted on the Robot's chest plating.

"Don't patronize me," The Robot said.

"How about beepop?" Gampu looked toward the collection of machines that were distasteful in size and color. He looked toward the machine from the computer screen.

"Beepop," The Robot said. "More like beat pop."

"If you can't say your name then you can't get a new shell," Gampu said, then clicked off the site replacing it with a video that had the opening of Jurassic Park frozen on the screen. "it's either Robocop or Jurassic Park that we are watching on here."

"Hey, I was looking at that!" The Robot protested.

"You need a identity," Gampu said, tapping on his chin looking toward the taller machine. "You won't do that because it means they are gone." he looked the machine. "But you will always be Robot Robinson to me."

The doorbell ringed from the background.

"I will get it!" The Robot announced, shifting away then wheeled toward the doorway. "La lalala, I can't hear you!"

"This conversation is not over, ninny!" Gampu called. "You can't waste time avoiding this discussion!"

A ding came from Peepo.

"I can waste Emperor Evil's time!" Peepo said. "Changing course."

Peepo grabbed a long pipe then used it to lift Gampu's arm on to his chest and his claws hooked onto the man's smaller hand.

"Engaging warp drive," Peepo said. "Setting in coordinates of Duo Lunas."

Star Command flew striking the five drones into pieces from hitting the watch towers leaving even more visible signs of damage continuing to march on and jumped into warp straight out of impulse.


"Exit the room, please," Peepo's voice came over the beacon. "Only Doctor Soom should remain. Remain outside for one minute."

The group left.

"Doctor Soom," Peepo said. "We have a casualty."

Tee Gar stood up to his feet.

"No," Tee Gar said, shaking his head then fell down to the seat with his hands in his fist and his head lowered.

Blue team one came back in.

"Remain calm, Dragos and his army will be distracted for the next week," Peepo said.

"A week?" Laura looked over toward Chris in alarm. "I don't know about that, Chris."

Chris turned toward the chalkboard analyzing it to a degree while Tee Gar just stared at the door and only faintly heard what was being said. Tee Gar stood up at the mention of the federation territory.

"We would need Parsafoot to modify it for Battle Seekers," Tee Gar said. "I can start on making them but they wouldn't be good as Parsafoot's."


Tee Gar carefully repaired the commander's body taking away the wounds and blood that had stained the older man's skin. He had made sure that no one had let it out regarding the elder's condition. They didn't need to hear it. Right now, the commander was in his youth helping them get clear on past Dragos with the best distraction that he could provide. Tee Gar was under the persona of his alter ego, Doctor Soom, letting his feelings being kept back. They made sure to dress the commander in a new uniform. The nurses were silent and solemn. The commander looked peaceful on the bed.

The doors opened letting in the members of blue team 1.


Tee Gar stepped in the way of Loki.

"Loki," Tee Gar said, his voice heavy.

Loki looked up causing the others to stop in their tracks but Chris and Laura's eyes were set on the motionless figure.

"We got to him too late," Tee Gar said. "He passed away while distracting Dragos."

Chris stepped back shaking his head with his eyes big.

"No," Laura said, softly yet heartbroken. "Gampu!"

Laura came to the resting man's bedside then Paul slowly came to her side placing a hand on her shoulder. Laura placed her hands on Loki's shoulders keeping him firmly in place looking toward the man that looked well and lively except that he wasn't being responsive. Loki reappeared by Gampu's side then tugged at his uniform trying to stir the older man awake grasping on to his arm.

"Wake up," Loki said. "Wake up, Commander," Laura covered her mouth. "Wake up."

"No," Chris said, shaking his head with his back to the wall.

Chris turned away then waved his hand in the console and the door before him letting him out then ran over to the adjoining wall. His hands smacked the large consoles on the wall then slunk down visibly trembling. The decorative materials in the paneling ripped out one by one loudly smacking the wall until the bulky panels were destroyed in the corridor. Chris's hands were rolled up into fists as he slid himself up, full of anguish, confusion, and so many feelings. The door opened letting out Laura. He got up to his feet with help from her. She caught him into a hug and cried together weeping with closed eyes.

Slowly, the wrecked pieces returned into their places on the wall looking good as new after loud sounds had emitted from them and were carefully put back together leaving not a sign of damage had occurred as they were hugging each other. The siblings backed off but Laura had her hands on his shoulders as he was visibly trembling.

"It's okay, Christie," Laura said. "It's okay," she placed her hands on his cheeks. "We got each other."

Chris nodded, opening his eyes, then looked down toward her.

"I am okay," Chris said.

Laura took her hands off then they looked in the direction of boots coming.

"Major West," Laura greeted the man with a smile once rounding a corner then it quickly faded as the man stopped in front of the door way to sick bay.

"Why are you here?" Chris asked.

"I am just here for someone," Don said.

"You better get return to the planet before you become part of our history," Chris said. "And that someone will be planet side in a few minutes."

"I will do that," Don said. "With Smith kicking and screaming over my shoulder." Don had the Robot's red claw in his right hand while both hands were set on his hips.

"Smith is on Dragos's ship," Laura said.

"If he is up there then why are you here instead of with him?" Don asked.

Chris tilted his head all the slightest then shared a glance with his twin and turned his attention toward Don.

"To check on Gampu," Chris said.

"He is right behind these doors," Laura gestured toward the doorway but Don's eyes remained on the two in a way that was unconvinced.

"It's hard to believe you and trust when all your team have done is lied," Don said.

"If we told you the truth," Chris said. "You wouldn't like it and it would break your spirit."

"No," Don said. "It would confirm what I already knew."

"What do you know?" Laura asked.

"The planet destroys itself and the Jupiter 2 with it in the next few months because Smith gave away the Duetronium like candy to some aliens willing to pay 'dearly' for it," Don said. "The only truth that you have said is that Smith shares a really good likeness with your commander."

"But, he is the commander!" Chris said.

"He is a stowaway, a coward, but a good doctor," Don said. "Commander? No. He is not that kind of material."

"He is that kind of material," Laura argued.

"He just needed some incentive to help us," Chris said. "And use it."

"You're taking advantage of him which could get him killed but the others are concerned about him and like that not to happen much to my feelings over the matter," Don said. "Personally, I like to leave him stranded on a planet and resume the flight to Alpha Centauri, but not this way. The Robinsons would like it if it were his decision not yours."

"We didn't make any decisions for him," Laura said.

"Dangling a way home in his face counts as that," Don said. "A offer he can not refuse."

"Actually," Chris said. "Yes, he could."

"We just got light of the situation by Paul," Laura said. "Your transportation had a different console."

"You honestly didn't stop to think he would need one of you to pilot him back?" Don asked. "Or how drastically different the flight consoles would be?"

"Yes," Chris said. "Our bad on that part. Either way, he is going to be fine with Matt."

"No, he won't," Don said. "Because his flight is going to be destroyed before it can get out of this solar system."

"What makes you say that?" Laura asked, feeling her heart breaking into a thousand more peicess.

"He knows there isn't a army to cover your way to Federation territory," Don said. "This won't go the way you want."

"If he did, he would have told us," Chris said, Laura covered her mouth with a small gasp.

"Chris," Laura said, facing him. It is very Gampu not to tell us of a certain danger for him when we could go in his place.

"Laura," Chris said. To protect his charges. . . He turned his attention toward Don. "He won't pass away so just sit back and relax at the Jupiter."

"Step aside," Don said. "And I will only after I know he is not on the bridge," their eyes met. "Don't make it any more difficult."

"He is not on the bridge!" Chris insisted. "He is in space with Emperor Dragos and in Sick Bay recovering from our rescue operation! How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"We only lied because we had to," Laura added, calmly.

Don shook his head then walked past the two.

"Major West!" Laura called.

Laura and Chris held hands then sent Don flying across the hall landing against the wall. From the background, Sunseed rounded the corner but came to a stop seeing what was happening then slowly walked back out of sight. Don propped himself up then slid up against the wall facing the twins. His friendly demeanor peeled away in layers within the passing seconds. Don charged toward the twins. The door opened seconds before the collision so Don crashed and fell to the floor. Tee Gar didn't budge from where he stood as though immune to the laws of physics. More so a living embodiment of a immovable object.

"Uh, Chris?" Tee Gar asked.

Tee Gar looked down toward the major then turned his attention on to the twins.

"Back in sick bay, Tee Gar," Chris said.

Don looked in toward the room then looked toward Chris fueled by rage.

"Murderer!" Don roared.

Chris ducked out of the way letting the major smack the wall and get up to his feet. Laura stepped aside. Don got up to his feet then crashed the cadet to the ground with a single punch to his face. Chris got up then took a panel off and hit the major with it. Don got back up to his feet. Laura and Tee Gar went into the room. The door closed behind them as Chris was deliberate in making sure not to punch the man making sure to duck his blows. His eyes lowered down toward the man's legs then kicked the man down to his feet.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Chris said.

"Is that what he asked before you killed his mind?" Don asked, his hands rolled up into fists and his eyes seeing the young man as a target. "Is it?" he looked searchingly toward the younger man. "He is dead because of you!"

"Change your mind," Chris said, his hands rolling up into fists.

Don got up to his feet.

"No," Don said. "Excuse me, I have to get his body and bury him properly."

Chris blocked his way.

"Change your mind, Major West," Chris repeated.

"What are you going to do?" Don asked, challenged. "Peace me out. Come in and yank my mind out. Throw my mind until it's just a million delicate pieces." he glared toward the man with a grunt with his hands on his hip. "Or are you just too cowardly to handle me without your sister?"

Chris's hands rolled into fists and rubbed the edges of his middle fingers with his thumbs.

"I am going to make you change your mind," Chris said. "People are grieving and it would be disrespectful," Don knelt down grasping his head in pain kneeling down. "Disrespectful to take him from the place that he called home, too," his glare grew dark and fierce on the major. "And I am not going to let you do that to him."

Don dropped the claw with a cry falling to the floor.

"I like to let you take him," Chris said. "I really do," he knelt down picking up the red claw on the floor. "And bury him. . ."

Chris looked off sadly toward the door.

"Gampu's place is in the present not the past,"

Chris looked at the claw then gazed up observing Peepo with a new head coming his way.

"I found a photograph of you and the Robinsons among his belongings in the Jupiter, in space suits and all, except for him," Chris had to take a breath then exhale. The longest serving officer had died after serving his planet for four hundred years. "he was in uniform."

Don's eyes were closed while falling down to his side.

"I already miss him," Chris raised his head up feeling emotional.

Don was curled in fetal position.

"You get to have him for longer than we did," Chris said.

Chris had his back toward the pained major then slowly returned toward him.

"I envy you," Chris said, his eyes on the man. "I really do."

"We all do," Paul chimed in.

"Me too," Laura said, from behind Chris. "Chris," Chris looked toward her. "Let him go. It is done."

"Alright," Chris said, softly.

Don got up to his feet.

"Ow," Don said, rubbing the side of his head. "My head."

"That's what you get for Loki playing baseball," Paul said, helping Don up to his feet.

Loki reappeared with a golden case.

"Major West?" Loki said.

"Yes?" Don said.

"What does this say?" Loki asked, handing the device to the major.

"Oh, this," Don said, then grew a smile. "it says: my dearest family."

"Thank you," Loki was handed the device back.

"Here is your claw, Major," Chris said, with a polite smile.

"T--thanks," Don said. "My head feels sore."

"You might want to lay down and give that head some rest," Chris said.

"Why. . . why. . . why am I here?" Don asked.

"You were here to visit Gampu in sick bay," Chris lied. "Unfortunately, he is not up for visitors. Doctor Smith however is currently busy filling the last part of his acting for us."

"I really like to meet the commander," Don said.

Chris had a nod.

"So does the rest of your crew," Chris said. "Don't they?"

"Yeah," Don said. "We are curious. A man with likeness to Smith being in charge. . ."

"It must be surreal for you to consider that ever happening," Chris said.

"Very," Don said, with a nod. "We are just very concerned about him."

"Let me guess," Chris said. "He has a tendency to get in trouble. Ones that are not in his interest."

"A lot," Don said.

"I can imagine," Chris said. "You better go back to the Jupiter 2. The academy is lifting off."

Don grew visibly alarmed.

"What about Smith?" Don asked.

"He will be heading home," Chris said. In one piece, Chris added to himself. The reply had came with belief and conviction over the matter regarding Smith's survival. "Away from the void. Payment given and his camping gear returned," he had a genuine confident smile. "He has played the role of Commander Gampu long enough."

"I guess. . ." Don started.

"I will be hearing of you," Chris said, with his hand out. "Yes, I will."

Don shook his hand.

"Goodbye, Chris," Don said, then walked away feeling a ache that was throbbing in his head. "Ow."

"Hurry!" Chris said. "Before you can't hop off and become part of our history!"

Don bolted out of the man's line of sight.

"He did it for family," Laura said. "He did it for them."

"I think he would be very happy," Chris said. "Or maybe not."

"I look forward to detecting you for twenty years, Major West!" Peepo said, cheerfully. "It is not all for lost." The cadets looked down toward the manu-droid. "The Robinsons died in the year 1998 and he couldn't stop it."

"Alright, Blue Team one," Chris said, placing his hands on to his hips earning everyone's attention. "Whatever happens after we get back from this planet, we are going to make sure that he is remembered as a hero not a traitor."

Blue team 1 nodded in unison.

"Tee Gar," Chris said. "Can we make Gampu's quarters into a freezer?"

"I can do that," Tee Gar said, nodding with a smile on his face.

"Good," Chris said. "For all everyone is concerned, Commander Gampu is alive and well," he held his hand up. "Official report will be that he died on the way through the portal."

"Oraco," Tee Gar said, nodding his head then bolted down the corridor.

"Does this mean that I shouldn't tell the truth behind the Robinsons?" Peepo asked.

"You should tell them," Chris said.

"How exactly did Gampu save them?" Laura asked.

"Peepo," Chris said. "What happened last time?"

"They were experimented on by KaraQ," Peepo said. "And were killed after being released in the wild."

"Except this time. . ." Their eyes went toward Paul who grew a smile and folded his arms.

"That's a good question," Paul said, as the camera backed tracked to reveal there were several microphones underneath him. "Soon as Doctor Smith was told about the youngest being abducted, he made it very clear during the ride that we were to rescue them under the aliens nose. Samantha did most of the heavy work when it came to it."

"We had a very good understanding," Samantha said, leaning into her microphone. "He revealed his identity from there inside the seeker." Then leaned back away from it.

"And we got KaraQ to become part of the battle and only take specimens that came from Dragos's army," Paul continued. "The Robinson children gave their thanks then they were transported back to the Jupiter 2 campsite. Now, we don't know when changes are going to set in since the loop has been made," he shook his hand. "But when it does. . . Commander Gampu will appear."

"We won't even know that he died at all," Chris added. "I look forward to it."

"And so do I," Laura said.

"Me too," Loki said.

"Me three," Tee Gar said.

"Me four," Paul said.

"Me," Adrian said, with a laugh.

"Count me in, buddies!" Peepo said.

The press and the officers laughed as the camera backed out of Planetary Command only coming to a stop outside to reveal a garden up front while in the background of planetary command rested San Francisco from behind it. The happy laughter echoed on and on while a figure began to appear from thin air in a commander uniform and so did a small familiar white and black figure. The laughter to blue team one was replaced by Gampu's bemused laughter while shaking his head at the machine strolling toward the entrance of planetary command.

The End.



A list of songs that helped this story for certain story points:

Iridescent by Linkin Park (Applied to devastation and hopelessness)

Under Pressure by Queen (applied to how people's true colors showed when under pressure)

Rise up by Andre Day (applied to actions done in the unstable time loop and the repaired and the original time loop itself)

Independence Day End Title and Independence Day victory original sound tracks helped with this last chapter. As did intense scifi music when it came to the space battle that you can find in the notes. I hope you were able to enjoy this story to the fullest. With all things considered, the timeline or version of the timeloop that this story started on was Gampu's happy ending. And still is his happy ending.

Thank you for reading.

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