Watching Les Mis and Overprotective Brothers
Disclaimer: AJ and I do not own Les Mis. Featuring special guest appearances of Olivia, Jack, Niki, and JJ, who will be explained later in the chapter. I was listening to The Greatest Showman, Heathers, and SIX soundtrack on shuffle while writing this :))) Hope you enjoy!!!
March 16th, 2020
Third Person POV:
Finally, all the boys had come over to AJ's house to watch the greatest cinematic movie of all time, Kaylin and AJ's words.
"LES MIS LES MIS LES MIS!!" Kaylin chants excitedly, nearly bouncing up and down on the couch she's sitting on.
"Hi AJ," Joly says happily, glad that she's out of her room and not barricading herself away from her friends.
"I already said hi," Kaylin informs everyone else, who looks at her confusedly as she's supposed to be in detention still.
"...Aren't you supposed to be in detention?" Ferre asks slowly.
"Yup," declares Kaylin, popping the p.
"She got busted out," AJ laughs.
"By Enjy and Courf," Kaylin continues.
"And came to see me."
"Who else would I go see?" Kaylin responds casually. "You're my best friend," she says, hugging AJ.
"That's true," AJ grins.
"Yeah. Oooh and then Courf and AJ made up," Kaylin exclaims.
"Andd kissed again," Chetta sighs.
"Yep," Kaylin agrees, smiling.
"Soo we're watching Les Mis?" Joly double-checks, and Kaylin jumps up from the couch, posing dramatically.
"YES WE ARE," she shouts. Enjolras looks at her with a faint smile on his face, one that AJ catches and smirks at. Enjolras snorts at Kaylin's dramatic pose as AJ stands up from her seat on Courf's lap.
"I'll get the ice cream."
"I'll get the... pillows, tissues, and barricade building supplies."
"And I'll get the film," Enjy says, laughing. Kaylin slows to a stop, a miracle for her when she's about to watch Les Mis.
"...That's like the most important part."
"And then there's just us getting everything," AJ admits, "but that."
"True," Kaylin grins. "We need the movie to fangirl."
"And cry!" AJ buts in.
"Definitely. Everyone in my Lit class is going to be looking at me like I'm crazy," Kaylin giggles as Enjolras sighs immediately afterwards.
"That's why I watch it at home," AJ teases her friend.
"Like, I'd watch in anywhere."
"Exactly," AJ agrees.
"Yeah. But we're watching this here," Kaylin smiles. Enjy sighs once more and stands up professionally.
"Okay then. Warning: lots of swearing and crying from Kaylin and, I'm assuming, AJ." AJ's already eating ice cream. "Yeah probably AJ. Let the tear fest begin," he says teasingly as he starts the movie.
"Yeah!" AJ cheers.
"YES and Enjy sit down I can't see the movie!!" Kaylin rolls her eyes and pulls Enjy down onto the couch.
"It's happening!!!" AJ fangirls.
"The movie? Hell yeah it is!"
"Oh god," Courf nervously whispers. "I've watched this with AJ before and it wasn't good..."
"Excuse moi? Les Mis is the best cinematic movie in history!!" Kaylin defends passionately.
"No, it's because she broke a light," Courf deadpans.
"She does that like all the time," Kaylin rolls her eyes a second time.
"Yup!" AJ agrees, smiling.
"It's normal for her."
"It is," AJ says casually.
"She's done it at Avengers Tower too," Chetta informs the group.
"Oh Tony wouldn't be happy... AND WE'RE LIKE TEN SONGS AWAY FROM THE BARRICADE BOYS!!!" Kaylin cheers.
"Calm down you two," Enjy tries to calm down both AJ and Kaylin but fails terribly.
"Shush Enjy," Kaylin jokingly hushes.
"Yeah Enjy!!" AJ adds happily.
"We shall not calm down. We shall fangirl!!" declares Kaylin, hoisting an imaginary red flag in the air.
"As per usual," Courf rolls his eyes.
"Yep. See, Courf understands us!!" AJ grins.
"Thanks, Courf, for understanding our pain and fangirling," Kaylin sticks her tongue out at Enjy childishly. But almost all of Les Amis are children in men's bodies.
"It's fine," Courf sighs.
"Yep. Oh it's Fantine again!!" AJ cheers.
"We got up to here in Lit and then class ended," Kaylin informs.
"Cool! Before Chetta knocked on my door, I got up to... Drink With Me."
"To days gone by," Kaylin continues the song as AJ laughs.
"So Éponine just died," AJ says. Éponine's head jerks up.
"Dead? I'm pretty sure I'm not dead. Well, dead inside but not outside at least," Éponine asks confusedly. Kaylin snorts and shakes her head.
"Nothing, it's the movie. And getting back to what you were saying, AJ, oh sh*t."
"And I was eating ice cream to keep myself from crying."
"Naturally," Kaylin scoffs jokingly.
"Then I knocked," Chetta says.
"Sister goals," Kaylin comments.
"So I hid all of the empty ice cream things and let her in," AJ explains as Kaylin bursts into laughter. "Yeah I still have to finish one."
"Yes," Kaylin laughs. Kaylin and AJ keep eating their ice cream that AJ got from before, as Ben and Jerry's is wonderful.
As Fantine dies, Kaylin screams, "SH*T!!!" AJ is just vibing in the corner as she eats her ice cream, calmer than Kaylin is. Which is pretty easy. "NO FANTINE!!" Kaylin also is eating her ice cream but is very not calm, unlike AJ.
"And there's two kinds of people in this world," Chetta smirks.
"Yep," Kaylin agrees while slightly crying.
"The ones who panic and the ones who just don't care."
"Guess which one I am," Kaylin asks sarcastically.
"The first one," Enjy answers dryly.
"Got it in one," Kaylin laughs.
"And then there's me," AJ buts in.
"The chilll one," Kaylin laughs.
"It's because I'm hugging her," Courf says cockily, "bet."
"Ya sure?" smirks Kaylin.
Courf smirks back at Kaylin, "yup."
"Let's try it," Kaylin bets.
"How?" Courfeyrac wonders out loud.
"Let go of her," Kaylin says sassily.
"I don't wannaaaa," Courf whines, arms winding tighter around AJ's waist.
"But it'll test it!!" Kaylin protests.
"What about Enjy hugging you?" Courf sniggers at Kaylin, who blushes along with Enjy.
"Uhhh that might work," Kaylin admits softly, not JUST because Enjy will be hugging her... YEAH RIGHT ~AJ.
"You can tell Courf missed AJ because he doesn't want to let go of her," Chetta laughs under her breath.
"Yeah it's adorable," Kaylin agrees.
"I did miss her," whispers Courf happily.
"Cute," Kaylin grins.
AJ smiles. "Thanks."
"You're welcome," Kaylin grins back.
"Yeah try it with Enjy!!" Courf encourages as Enjolras quietly but frantically motions for Courf to shut up.
"Alright Courf alright!!" Kaylin agrees, half-panicking. AJ starts to laugh hysterically. "Jesus," Kaylin whispers under her breath as Courf rolls his eyes. "You two are too impatient," Kaylin declares.
"Courf is," AJ laughs. "I can wait."
"True," smirks Kaylin.
"She has patience," Chetta declares.
"Not a lot though," Kaylin laughs.
Chetta snorts. "But she can wait." Kaylin and AJ both agree.
"Okay are we testing this? We should do it before all of the," Kaylin starts, doing jazz hands, "death."
"Yeah. We could test it with me too," AJ agrees.
"Yep. And if we test this at the barricades, there would be no way I'd be able to stay calm," Kaylin laughs as she admits her fangirling.
"Yeah maybe A Little Fall of Rain?" AJ suggests.
"...Fine," Kaylin sighs, still not believing she got herself into this.
"Okay," Chetta grins.
"So we're testing this then, now Imma sing Confrontation."
"Same!!" AJ agrees happily.
"Yay!!!" Kaylin fangirls while laughing.
"I can't wait for the showcase to do this!!" R squeals happily.
"I know, it'll be amazing!!" Kaylin agrees.
Then, a small five-year-old waddles into the room, looking around at everyone confusedly. She clutches a small penguin plushie in her chubby hand as if it was a lifeline.
"Hellow?" the girl mumbles, a little afraid of all the big people in the room. Kaylin 'awwws' and looks questioningly at her best friend.
"My younger sister, Olivia," AJ whispers softly. Chetta and AJ's younger sister, Olivia, is the cutest thing you could possibly ever seen, and Kaylin's maternal instincts that were started mostly by Gavroche in Les Mis are on fire.
"Hi Olivia," Kaylin greets quietly. "I'm Kaylin, your sister's best friend. There's Courf, pretty sure you know him," she introduces herself, winking at AJ who rolls her eyes. "There's Ferre, the one who is reading a book instead of watching the movie..." Ferre sighs and closes the book he's reading.
"Better Kay?" he asks sarcastically.
"Yep," Kaylin responds cheerily. "There's Enjy, who is the one wearing a red jacket. He may look scary," she declares, smirking at Enjy who rolls his eyes again, "but he isn't. He's a sweetheart." AJ bites back a laugh at Kaylin's description of Enjolras as he buries his head in his hands in mortification. "Joly is currently cleaning his hands, R's getting... a microphone set up for Lovely Ladies," she finishes dryly. "Jehan's writing and Bahorel is... uhhh... I really have no clue what he's doing. That's basically it... oh wait Feuilly and Eponine are joking around with each other and my brother, Adrian, and Gavroche are basically just talking about random sh-stuff that you probably don't want to hear about." Olivia nods her head, even though she probably doesn't understand anything Kaylin just said. Chetta smiles at her sister.
"Want to stay with us?" Chetta asks Olivia, who hesitatingly nods her head once more, gripping her penguin plushie harder. Olivia's eyes begin to water and Kaylin looks confusedly at her best friend.
"AJJJ eaw hurwts," Olivia whines, her ear infection acting up. AJ sighs softly under her breath and walks over to her sister, kneeling on the floor to get down to Olivia's level.
"I know, 'Livia," AJ murmurs softly to her sister as she lays her hand softly on Olivia's forehead. "You feel warm," she says to herself. "Kaylin wanna help?" AJ asks her friend, knowing that Kaylin can't take the cuteness emanating from the toddler. Kaylin nods her head and smiles softly at Olivia who weakly smiles back.
"You feeling bad Olivia?" Kaylin murmurs softly. Olivia nods her head sadly as she juts her bottom lip out, making her face the most adorable pout you've ever seen. Kaylin sadly smiles, feeling bad for Olivia's obvious pain. "Would you like to sit by me?" Kaylin offers.
"Yeah," Olivia accepts a little shyly.
"Could you scoot down a little Enjy?" Kaylin whispers softly to the red-clad man, who slightly scoots down, giving room for Olivia. "Thanks," she says gratefully. "Come on Olivia, there's space here." AJ gently picks up her sister and pads over to the couch, lightly setting Olivia down next to Kaylin. "You feeling better?" Olivia sadly shakes her head. "Do you think sleeping will help?"
"Uhuh," Olivia agrees.
"You can use me as a pillow," Kaylin proposes to the little girl. "I don't mind." Olivia smiles shyly and curls up on the couch, head in Kaylin's lap. She gradually falls asleep, Kaylin's hand softly running through her light brown curls to help her sleep better. Smiling softly down at Olivia's peaceful, sleeping face, Kaylin whispers, "I don't think I'll be able to do the Confrontation anymore."
"It's fine," AJ murmurs softly, trying not to wake Olivia.
"She's adorable," declares Kaylin.
Chetta smiles. "She is."
"I feel bad for her. Ear infections suck," Kaylin sighs.
"I know," AJ shudders.
"So I don't think we can watch the rest of the movie anymore. I think Olivia would wake up," Kaylin mentions.
"Yeah," agrees AJ.
"Yeah. Well, I can't particularly move, not that I care, so I guess we could talk?" Kaylin wonders.
"Yeah we can," Joly confirms.
"So how were your days?" Kaylin asks her friends.
"Okay," Chetta says casually.
"Mine started out pretty bad but grew better."
"I just ate ice cream and drank for the most of the day," AJ laughs as Kaylin snorts.
"Sounds like you though," she snickers.
"It is," AJ agrees.
"Yep definitely."
"Somehow, somehow, this is the girl who stopped Olivia from having alcohol," Chetta sighs.
"Olivia, at five, almost had alcohol???" Chetta nods her head. "Oh god."
"And irresponsible."
"Not good," Kaylin whispers under her breath.
"We stopped her though."
"Thank god!"
"What sort of siblings are we if we let her?" AJ questions rhetorically.
"Crappy ones," Kaylin admits.
AJ snorts. "Yeah, that's right."
"It would be bad," Kaylin shudders slightly, trying not to dislodge Olivia from her sleep.
"We try to look after her. JJ helps too," AJ sighs.
"Our other sister," Chetta and AJ say in unison.
"How many sisters do you have??" Kaylin questions confusedly.
"Four." Kaylin facepalms.
"Yeah. Siblings look after each other but love to annoy each other. Once I completely ruined Adrian's birthday party."
"JJ ruined Spot's," AJ laughs.
"Oof. How??" Kaylin asks while laughing.
"She didn't get him anything."
"Poor Spot. Uhhh Adrian's was... interesting," Kaylin giggles, looking at her brother.
"Yeah that was very interesting," Adrian rolls his eyes.
"JJ also hit him in the eye with a Nerf gun and took his pimp cane."
"Holy crap," Kaylin whispers.
"Which set off a line of events," Chetta laughs.
"Oh no," Kaylin sighs, knowing how chaotic AJ is and assuming that her sister would be just as chaotic.
"Cough the pigeon event cough..." AJ coughs fakely (A/N: so basically it's in one of WifeofCourfeyrac's books or one of mine. In one of our one thousand reply convo's). All of Les Amis look confused at the ones who were there.
"Well, I wanna see if anyone else ruined someone else's birthday," Kaylin smirks.
Chetta and AJ laugh and say at the same exact time, "Each other's."
"I have too," Kaylin admits happily.
"Well I stopped Chetta from blowing out one candle and told her 'her wish wouldn't come true,'" AJ laughs as Chetta rolls her eyes.
"Poor Chetta," Kaylin giggles.
"Oh no it's not!!" AJ rejects as she laughs.
"I was seven at the time, hated AJ for some reason, and said 'that's good. I wished for you to die.'" Kaylin chokes on her laughter.
"Oh my god," she laughs hysterically.
"We were seven," AJ deadpans.
"Ummm Kaylin scared basically every kid in our neighborhood at my birthday party..." Adrian sighs as he relives the ~traumatic~ experience.
"Oh god," AJ laughs as Kaylin snorts.
"Keep in mind that I was, like, twelve here and Adrian was nine. So all of the other kids were either eight or nine." AJ starts to giggle. "So I was watching Les Mis..." Kaylin starts, waiting for Adrian to finish the story.
"And she somehow knew an abundance of curses," Adrian continues. AJ bursts into laughter, already assuming how this story will end.
"Well abundance at twelve," Kaylin rolls her eyes. "So... I taught a dozen nine year olds many different swears." Chetta, AJ, and all of the boys start to laugh. Hard.
"God Kay you sound like AJ," Chetta sniggers.
"I WAS TWELVE!!!" Kaylin whisper-shouts.
"She has a fair point about what she was swearing at," AJ snorts.
"Yeah I do," Kaylin laughs. "My older brother, Jack, was rolling on the floor laughing while Adrian was crying that 'his birthday was ruined and it was all my fault.'"
"Chetta and I normally sabotage our birthday parties because twin shenanigans." Kaylin bursts into laughter.
"Yeah," Chetta agrees.
"Sounds accurate," Kaylin smirks.
"Our parties as adults will be fun," AJ says sarcastically.
"They will," Kaylin snickers.
"Like prank fest," Chetta smirks.
"Definitely," Kaylin admits.
"And a lot of alcohol," AJ smirks.
"Oh god," Kaylin shivers.
"But it's a twin thing-" Chetta begins.
AJ finishes her twin's sentence, just like how most movies portray twins as finishing each other's sentences. "It's part of the package of getting a twin."
"I think that would be fun," Kaylin admits.
"But we're also pains to each other," Chetta and AJ laughs.
"True. But I have an older brother who would love to just wrap me in bubble wrap so I'm not near any boys and a younger brother who loves to annoy me," Kaylin rolls her eyes.
"Not near any boys?" AJ asks confused. "What about this lot?"
"He's in college and has no clue. Like I could probably be dating someone and he wouldn't even know."
"My older brother, Misha, has no clue I'm dating Courf."
"He lives in f*cking Russia, AJ. And he hasn't seen us since we were fourteen."
"True," Kaylin agrees.
"Ohhh that brother," Courf buts in. "The one I'm scared of?" Kaylin snorts.
"Yup." Kaylin's phone rings suddenly, and she sighs.
"Sh*t I don't want to wake up Olivia. My phone is in my pocket and I can't move because Olivia will wake up," Kaylin sighs. She gently wiggles around, finally grabbing her phone out of her pocket. "Oh sh*t. Jack wants to FaceTime."
"Oh god," AJ's eyes widen.
"I'll angle the camera so he can see Olivia. Maybe it could calm him down?" Kaylin offers, panicking slightly.
"Yeah!!" AJ agrees.
"Okay let's do this." Kaylin accepts the call and breathes in deeply as the call connects. "Hi Jack!!"
"Hi," Jack says from the phone.
"How're you doing?" Kaylin asks her brother, trying not to panic as she's basically surrounded by boys that her brother would have no qualms about flying straight to AJ's house and beating them up.
"Good. You?"
"Pretty good. I'm being used as a pillow right now, and I'm at my best friend's house."
"Wait what?" Jack double-takes.
"...What?" Kaylin asks, confused.
"You're being used as a pillow??"
"Uhhh yeah? Why?" Kaylin tries to play dumb and bullsh*t her way through the conversation.
"By who?" Jack asks suspiciously.
"Her," Kaylin grins, as she angles the phone camera to show Olivia.
"She's cute!! Is she your friend?"
"She's my friend's sister. She's sick right now so she's resting."
"Awww," Jack coos. Kaylin snorts, accidentally shaking the phone screen so that it shows part of Gavroche's sleeve.
"I know, she's adorable." Kaylin sees Jack's eyes land on Gav's sleeve, and she freezes for a second.
"Who's that?"
"Uhhh one of Adrian's friends?" Kaylin responds, showing Gav to Jack. Gav waves and Jack sighs. It's almost as if he wants to find someone to fight.
"Oh okay. You said you were at your best friend's house. Can I see them?" Jack questions.
"Sure," Kaylin sighs as she rolls her eyes. She angles her phone at AJ, who waves. Kaylin snorts.
"Hi!!" Courf exclaims.
"Oh sh*t," Kaylin whispers under her breath as her eyes widen.
"Who's that?" Jack asks, his eyes narrowing.
"AJ's boyfriend," Kaylin quickly says, panicking.
"Oh okay."
"Heyo," Chetta laughs. Kaylin breathes a sigh of relief.
"And that's AJ's sister."
"Hi," Joly smiles.
"Chetta's boyfriend," AJ declares.
"Yep," Kaylin smiles.
"That's confusing..." Jack trails off.
"Uhhh why?" Kaylin asks confused, as she doesn't see anything confusing about it.
"Just the entire thing," Jack starts, "and that there's a red sleeve next to you and none of them are wearing red."
"Oh god," Kaylin's panic levels hit the peak, as she's absolutely freaking out.
"Hello," Enjy greets as Kaylin facepalms.
"Great job Enjy, really," she mutters sarcastically. "And Jack, Olivia's sleeping so don't be loud."
"Okayyy but WHO IS HE?!" Jack whisper-shouts, being mindful of the sleeping five-year-old.
"One of my friends," Kaylin answers, adding hidden emphasis that only AJ would pick up on. AJ snorts and Kaylin laughs, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Okay, well I'll see you soon," Jack says good-bye.
"Bye Jack," Kaylin smiles, and the call ends. She immediately breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank god."
"That was close," AJ declares.
"Wayyy too close," agrees Kaylin.
"Your brother's strict," AJ states.
"Ya think?" Kaylin sarcastically questions.
"I don't think. I know."
"Yeah he is," Kaylin sighs. Whispering in AJ's ear, she adds, "thank god he didn't blow up when he saw Enjy."
"Praise the lord and thank god Olivia was there," AJ mutters back.
"I know."
"I could move Olivia, Kay, and we could continue watching Les Mis," Chetta offers. Kaylin looks down at the sleeping girl, conflicted.
"Would she wake up?"
"We move her a lot and she doesn't," Chetta declares.
"Thank god. I don't want her to wake up and have her ear hurt again," Kaylin whispers.
"It's fine. She'll be up again with her ear soon," AJ admits, picking Olivia up and moving her to her room.
"Okay wellll unpausing the movie then," Kaylin declares, clicking play on the remote.
"Great!" Chetta smiles.
"Yay!!" Kaylin squeals. When the movie gets to Little Fall of Rain, Kaylin sighs. "Adrian. I swear if you send this to Jack I will murder you." AJ smirks, as she knows Jack through her cousin. She knows his number.
"Okay," Kaylin takes a deep breath. "Let's test this."
"Yeah!!" AJ sniggers. "Let's!!" Enjy pulls Kaylin into a hug gently, both people a little awkward. AJ is filming the hug without Kaylin knowing, and Kaylin is calming down slightly. But still crying over Éponine's death. After the song, Kaylin's phone rings again, with the same Caller ID as before.
"Okay why the hell is Jack calling me again?" AJ and Adrian share a look. "Adrian..." Kaylin threatens in a low voice.
"It wasn't me!!" Adrian professes his innocence.
"Then who did?? And if I don't answer he's just going to keep calling me so guess I'm getting shouted at. Yay..." Kaylin says sarcastically.
"I did," AJ smirks.
"AJ you're terrible," Kaylin sighs.
"Oh I know, but what would you do without me?" Kaylin rolls her eyes.
"I don't know. But be prepared to hear me get yelled at." Kaylin, sighing, accepts the call and plasters a fake smile on her face. "Hi Jack!!"
Author's Note: oooooh cliffhanger!! This'll be very interesting because he's a very overprotective brother... good luck Enjy!! Hope you enjoyed and I'll try getting the chapter out as soon as possible!!!
-Kaylin and AJ
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