Afeyrac Lives On... and Enylin?

Disclaimer: AJ and I do not own Les Mis. Hopefully by now you get this. And Afeyrac is a good ship name but I have no clue on if Enylin is good or not. Hope you enjoy this chapter...

March 16, 2020

Kaylin's POV:

Walking into Javert's class at the end of the day,-hehe Les Mis reference- I slide into one of the desks and rest my head on it. I want to try texting AJ again, but I probably shouldn't. Javert would confiscate my phone. And that wouldn't be good at all. I slyly pull out my phone and text the group chat between Enjy, Courf, and I. We devised a plan in Student Council about how to break me out of detention... and not get another detention in the process.

"Ms. Lambert, your detention for me will be writing lines." I bite my lip, remembering my first detention with AJ. It was lines too, with this same exact teacher for a bullsh*t reason. "You will be writing 'I will not slap another student.'" I cover my mouth with my hand, trying not to burst into laughter.

"But she deserved it," I mumble under my breath. Rolling my eyes, I get out a sheet of paper and one of my many mechanical pencils and start writing chicken scratch so that it looks like I'm actually writing my lines. In reality, I'm fine-tuning the details of my break out with the two boys. Enjy told me to be ready for chaos, and I believe those two when they say that they will cause chaos. Along with Ferre, they're the most chaotic group in the whole school. Except for AJ and I. We're an entire different level of chaoticness. I internally smirk as I hear "fights" breaking out in the hallway outside of the classroom. Think the Mean Girls musical/movie except downsized and less... animalistic.

"You stay here," Javert says, pointing his finger at me. I nod my head obediently, dying of laughter at his apparent trust in me to leave me unwatched. Granted, it's only for like three minutes, but Les Amis can do anything in three minutes. Javert leaves the classroom and I start to pack up my stuff, laughing quietly to myself.

"Pssst Kaylin," I hear Enjy hissing from the window. I turn and burst into laughter.

"The window? You're planning on sneaking me out from the window?" I giggle quietly as Enjy rolls his eyes.

"Doesn't matter. Now come on," the boys urge and I walk quickly over to the window, throwing my backpack through the open glass. It hits Courf right in the stomach and I snort.

"You good?" I ask while still laughing. Courf sighs.

"Yes I'm good. Hurry up," he mutters. The boys lower the window and I climb out, hopping down from the windowsill and fixing my skirt.

"Are any teachers in on this?" I wonder. I don't want another detention, cause Javert would be even more pissed.

"Yep, Madame Thenardier and Mr. Valjean. Cosette told her dad about the whole Tari Mari debacle," Enjy informs. I grin.

"Thank god. Now we need to get out of here before Javert comes back." Enjy, Courf, and I jog towards our cars, and I slide into the driver's seat of mine. "I'm going to AJ's," I say out the window. Courf winces. "Courf you're definitely coming with, no matter what. Enjy you can come if you want." Enjy laughs.

"I'm coming with just to make sure you two don't do anything idiotic." I snort.

"So little trust in us?" I joke. "I'm hurt." Enjy rolls his eyes. "But get in." Enjy and Courf get in the car, shutting the doors behind them. "I choose the music. My car, my rules," I declare happily, starting up the soundtrack for Hamilton. Courf groans and Enjy sighs as I sing along to the opening song.

Third Person POV:

Musichetta stands outside of AJ's room, looking at the closed and locked door.

"AJ?" she questions softly.

"Y-yeah?" AJ stutters back.

"Can I come in?" Chetta asks gently.

"Okay, Chetta," AJ accepts, unlocking her door. Chetta opens it and pulls her sister into a hug, the two embracing for the first time in three days.

"Kaylin's probably going to come over soon," Chetta informs her twin and best friend.

"...but school ended twenty minutes ago?" AJ says slowly, confused.

Chetta laughs softly to herself. "Ummm Javert might have given Kaylin detention." AJ pulls back from the hug and looks skeptically at her sister, as she knows her best friend and knows that her getting detention is about as likely as Enjolras supporting the English monarchy of the American Revolution times.

"What'd she do?" AJ snorts.

"You really want to hear?" Chetta double-checks.


" Tari Mari was saying sh*t about you and finally Kaylin had it and slapped her," Chetta quickly replies.

"Oh..." AJ trails off, frowning at Tari Mari's gruesome name.

"I'M HERE!!" Kaylin shouts as she runs up the stairs to AJ's room. She already had a key, because she's around more often than she's at her own house.

"KAYLIN!" AJ cries in happiness, hugging her best friend.

"AJ!!!" Kaylin exclaims.

"I missed you," AJ admits.

"I missed you too!! Enjy broke me out of detention it's like The Breakfast Club in there," Kaylin informs, rolling her eyes at the cliché.

"Where is Enjy?" AJ asks.

"Outside," Kaylin answers. "Why?"

"Just wondering," AJ says casually.

"Courf's there too," Chetta chimes in. AJ goes silent.

"Great job Chetta," Kaylin whispers sarcastically to the woman in question.

"Sorr-ry," Chetta whispers back. Louder, she comments, "But AJ, you need to talk to him. That's the only way you know the full thing."

"You do. He's being truthful 'cause he hasn't gotten slapped by me yet," Kaylin backs Courf up.

"Yeah.... I'll talk to him," AJ agrees, taking a deep breath.

"Yay!! I'll get him," Kaylin says, walking over to the open window, "COURFEYRAC GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE NOW!!!" she screeches. AJ begins to laugh, hard. Courf sprints up the stairs, his footsteps echoing. "One of the most iconic things I've said," Kaylin declares. "Most iconic thing I did was slap that b*tch."

"I've heard," AJ laughs. Courf bursts into the room, and AJ and Courf stare at each other as Kaylin smiles. It's as if time has stopped for the two.

"I'm going to leave you two alone," Kaylin stage-whispers casually. "Call me up if you need me." As she leaves the room, she quickly pulls Courf aside. "Don't mess this up," she hisses.

"I won't!" Courf says quietly to Kaylin, who smirks and leaves the room.

"Hi Courf," AJ awkwardly greets.

"H-hi AJ," Courf stutters out, blushing. AJ takes a deep breath and hugs him as Courf hugs back.

"I-I missed you," AJ admits softly.

"I missed you so much. The way you curse fluently, your sass, your personality-" Courfeyrac starts, gliding straight into a rant. AJ cuts the man off by kissing him softly, something that makes Courf's eyes widen but kiss back just as softly. Both AJ and Courf melt into the kiss.

"Awwww," Kaylin whispers from outside the door, where she's spying alongside Enjy. Courf and AJ pull away from each other gently.

"That I missed," AJ starts, "and it was worth waiting for." Kaylin begins to fangirl and Enjy smirks down at her.

"Shhh Kaylin," he hushes. "They're making up." The two of them don't hear Chetta coming up behind them.

"I missed you so much Courf," AJ declares.

Chetta, hearing this, begins to fangirl just like Kaylin. "Awwww," Chetta murmurs, being joined by Kaylin a second later. AJ wraps her arms around Courf's neck.

"Awwwww," Kaylin grins, her mouth getting covered by Enjy's hand a second later. Turning as much as she can, she glares at him.

"Come on," Chetta mutters. "Let's go downstairs and let them talk." Kaylin grins and does a thumbs up, as she can't really talk with Enjy's hand over her mouth. The three go downstairs, leaving AJ and Courf alone. For real this time.

"Courf, what happened with the entire kissing thing with Tari Mari?" AJ questions softly. "Just I want to know what really happened."

"Well," Courf starts, "I told her I have a girlfriend, and then she pinned me against a wall and kissed me. I couldn't move!"

AJ nods. "I'm sorry if I seemed mad," she apologizes softly. "It's just, you know, I have trust issues now." Courf nods his head.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. And you don't have to apologize for anything. Kaylin and Chetta couldn't really see... it well enough."

"It's okay Courf. I still love you and I always will." Courf grins.

"I love you too," he says, pulling AJ into another hug. "Do you want to go hang out with the others?" he asks his girl softly, kissing her hair.

"Okay, but I wanna do this first," AJ responds, smirking mischievously as she pulls Courf in for another kiss. Courf kisses back as AJ runs her hands through his curly, chocolate brown hair, entangling the strands together. His hands gravitate towards her waist, wrapping around it.

"I missed this."

"Yeah," AJ agrees. "It was always nice."

"It was and is nice," Courf declares. Then, he winks. "And something happened with Enjy and Kay," he whispers to AJ, whose head shoots up.

"Wait... THEY'RE DATING??"

"Nooooo but Enjy apologized for the first Tari Mari incident. In the pouring rain. Outside her window."

"Oh my god!!" AJ fangirls. "That's really cute! I remember saying to Chetta, 'I won't be surprised if Courfeyrac comes Romeo and Juliet style to my window just to see if I'm okay.'"

"I would," Courf admits. "And it is cute. I'm pretty sure Kaylin texted you about it."

"Yeah. I haven't been on my phone for a bit. I'm surprised you didn't."

"I didn't want you getting mad at me and our relationship going down more than it already was," Courf says softly.

"It's okay. I promise I won't let her ruin what we have. It's been 12 years and we're gonna be fine. We're us. We can do anything together!!"

"We can," Courf agrees happily. "And I'm pretty sure Kaylin's just itching to tell you about Enjy's apology," Courf adds a wink.

"I'm sure she is," AJ smiles. "We can talk about everything later, I guess."

"Okay," Courf says. Courf and AJ walk down to the living room and Kaylin smirks at them.

"You two good?" she questions casually.

"Yeah. We're back," AJ informs, kissing Courf on the cheek.

"Awwww and thank god," Kaylin declares, doing the Sign of the Cross.

"Yeah. I won't be back to school for a few weeks, but Courf and I are back together."

"...half good and half bad," Kaylin sighs.

"Yeah. Punch Tari Mari for me," AJ grins mischievously.

"Well I already slapped her, and these two broke me out of detention," Kaylin responds, laughing.

"Courf's learning!" AJ exclaims.

"It was amazing though," Kaylin admits. "My heroes," she dramatically pretends to faint. "But they broke me out of a window. I climbed out of Javert's classroom window." Kaylin rolls her eyes.

"Psssh amateurs," AJ jokes as she high fives Courf. "Yeah. Seeing you guys really cheered me up."

"Joly's coming over later as well," Chetta informs her sister, who nods and smiles. Kaylin scoots over to AJ on the couch and whispers in her ear.

"I need help AJ."

"What is it?" AJ murmurs back quietly so the boys and Chetta can't overhear.

"Enjy," Kaylin sighs.

"You like him?" AJ grins, winking at her best friend.

"Of course I do, I basically shouted it in his face a few months ago!" Kaylin mutters softly.

"Ask him out or I will. For you," AJ threatens.

"AJ noooo," Kaylin refuses, nervous.

"I will. Just ask him Kay."

"Sure he likes me back?"


"How can you be positive?" Kaylin asks skeptically.

"I just do!! Trust me," AJ reassures. However, most movies/TV shows have bad reputations when it comes to the two words 'trust me.' Normally, the people do trust the person who said 'trust me' and everything goes terribly wrong.

"Uhuh like how I rusted you and almost broke my leg?" Kaylin answers sarcastically.

"He does!!"

"Yeah. I wanna know why you think that."

"Because it's true!" AJ declares.

"I need proof," Kaylin sighs.

"Just ask!!" AJ answers, exasperated.

"Yeah, and get Eponined?" Kaylin comes back, raising an eyebrow.

"He. Likes. You," AJ says each word deliberately and slowly.

"Yeah right," Kaylin snorts.

"He does!!"

"I want to know why in the world you think that," Kaylin whispers to her best friend.

"What about his apology?" AJ grins back.

"Uhhh it's common decency?" Kaylin answers, confused.

"I've heard about it from Courf," AJ replies quietly. "The pouring rain? Girl he likes you... if I'm being honest I think he loves you." Kaylin rolls her eyes.

"So? It's stil f*cking common decency."

"It was romantic!!"

"So you're saying you don't apologize unless you love/like the person?" Kaylin answers.

"No, no. It's just like Marius though!"



"Well what do I say??" Kaylin questions nervously.

"Just ask him out," AJ rolls her eyes.

"No really," Kaylin plays dumb, sarcasm dripping from every syllable.

"Just go!" AJ shoves her friend closer to Enjy.

"Jesus Christ okay!!" Kaylin finally declares.

"Finally!" AJ smirks.

"Shut up I'm nervous."

"Nevar!" AJ refuses happily.

"Well thanks," Kaylin sasses.

"No problem," AJ chirps back. Kaylin rolls her eyes. "Yep." Talking to the group this time, she asks, "So what else have I missed?"

"Uhhh not much," Kaylin responds. "Other than the slap, Enjy and Courf breaking me out, and we're watching Les Mis in my Lit class, nothing." Kaylin shakes her hand out once more. "I don't think I broke my hand from that slap, but it hurts like a b*tch."

"Yeah. I just ate Ben and Jerry's for the most part," AJ shrugs. Kaylin starts laughing,

"I was literally going insane in Lit when watching the movie. I swore... loudly... when the foreman kicked Fantine out."

Enjy jumps into the conversation. "Yeah and then everyone INCLUDING THE TEACHER turned to look at us!!" AJ bursts into laughter as Kaylin rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, Lemarque's pretty chill."

"So I missed watching it?" AJ questions.

"Well you aren't in our class so no. But I really wanna watch it with everyone... but Enjy's being a party pooper," Kaylin says, jokingly glaring at Enjy.

"Come on Enjy!!" AJ whines.

"Yeah come on Enjy!!" Kaylin joins in. The two girls start chanting 'Les Mis' until Enjy finally gives in.


"YAY THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Kaylin yells happily, kissing Enjy on the cheek.

"YES!!" AJ shouts.

"LES MIS!!!" Kaylin screeches as she fangirls.


"On the cheek! Jesus AJ," Kaylin blushes about as red as a sun-dried tomato.

"ABOUT TIME!!" Courf shouts.

"You two are terrible," Kaylin informs the couple.

"It's called couple goals," AJ retorts.

"It is though," Kaylin reluctantly admits as Courf and AJ high five. "But truly, thanks Enjy."

"No problem," Enjy answers back, still a little shell-shocked from Kaylin kissing him... AJ IT WAS ON THE CHEEK!! Sorry, AJ just stole my computer and typed this. She's chaotic.

"You're literally the best," Kaylin grins.

"We should get the others," AJ smirks.

"We should. I'll text them." Pulling out her phone, Kaylin texts the group chat.

Author's Note: hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I think it's really cute and fluffy. Next is going to be all of Les Amis and Kaylin+AJ watching Les Mis together and the girls crying, swearing, and building a barricade while the boys look on, watch the movie, and laugh at the girls' dramatics. Hope you enjoy!

              -Kaylin and AJ

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