Gaea and Leo are Dead

Your P.O.V.
Everyone was going full out gladiator. You were fighting a hellhound when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned your head and saw Leo. "What is it cause I'm kinda in the middle of the war." You asked sweetly. "Can you promise me y/n that you'll never forget how much I love you?" Leo questioned urgently. "Of course not." You said trying to focus on the hellhound. "Ok. I love you and I'm sorry." He said. You killed the hellhound and saw Leo ran to where the monsters were coming from. Where Gaea was. You tried to figure out what he was doing and it dawned on you. TO STORM OR FIRE THE WORLD MUST FALL. "Leo no!" You screamed but right after the word no came out your mouth there was an explosion of red and orange in the sky. The war was over. Gaea was dead. You won and lost at the same time. Gaea and Leo are dead.
         Leo had been gone for almost a month now. You were in your cabin reading when Percy walked in. "You wanna hang out with me and the guys?" You arched and eyebrow. "The guys as in?" You asked. "Me, Frank, Jason, and Death breath." He said cheerfully. You were feeling good that day. But you didn't know how you would feel in thirty seconds. You closed your book and stood up. "You do realize that I am a girl and will cry over every little thing that reminds me Leo, right?" You asked. "Well... We will be there to comfort you!" He said. You shrugged and followed him out. "She's alive!" Jason joked. You gave him a weak smile. After about three hours, one of which was spent crying, you were all just walking to the lake. You looked up at the sky and saw a strange shape flying by. "Is that Festus?" You started poking Jason softly. You started poking a lot harder with both hands. "Not again." Nico whined. You had to admit that you did see Festus shaped birds a lot. "I don't know Nico, that kinda does look like Festus." Percy objected. You punched Jason hard and he fell. "Oops." You grabbed his hand and helped him up. The Festus shaped bird was close to camp and really was Festus! An entire crowd had gathered where Festus landed. You ran to the front of the group pushing many people to the ground. You reached the front and gasped. Leo was kissing some blonde bimbo. "Leo?" You said with tears in your eyes. He turned and his eyes got wide. "You made me promise to never forget how much I loved you." You started. "But I must have forgotten because I thought you loved me a lot more." You said and ran to your cabin crying. Nico and the others stayed with the crowd and Percy ran after you. You cried for and hour on end while Percy rubbed your back. "P-p-Percy?" You asked. He looked in your e/c eyes that were now red from crying. "C-c-can you sing me a s-song?" His expression was unreadable. "Only cause you're sad." He declared. He started sing under the sea and you erupted into a fit of giggles. "You're s-such a d-dork!" You said as you and the most awesomest brother in the world laughed at his dorkyness.
Jason's P.O.V.
Y/n ran to the front of the crowd and all the commotion stopped. I heard the loud sniffling that meant y/n was going to start crying. We ran to the front of the crowd and saw Leo with his arm snaked around some girls waist. Wasn't that was he did when he kissed y/n? Y/n was on the verge of tears. "You made me promise to never forget how much I loved you." Y/n started. "But I must have forgotten because I thought you loved me a lot more." She said and ran with Percy trailing behind her. Nico stepped up. "You might never wake up to see the morning Valdez." He threatened. But with that simple 10 word sentence, the whole crowd took a step back.
Your P.O.V.
You and Percy heard a knock at the door. Percy opened it and scowled. "Is y/n here?" You heard Leo ask. "Why do you want her to watch you kiss some other random girl?" Percy snapped. You jumped up and pushed him away from the door. "Calm down Persassy." You insisted. "Y/n I'm sorry I-" he started but you interrupted him. "You're sorry you what, Leo? Sorry that you left with no explanation? Or maybe that you let me think you were dead for a month? Is it that you came back right when I started to get over you but with some other girl? Wait, let me guess, it's because you were kissing that random girl! You have to be more specific because you have a lot to be sorry for." You snarled, anger filling your every word. "Y/n, you know I love you." He said sadly. "No! That's the problem! I don't know anymore!" You yelled. "I trusted you! And I thought people who loved each other were loyal!" You snapped. "Uhhhh, way to go miss mouthy." Percy groaned from the floor. You just kicked him softly. "We aren't a cliqué Leo. You can't expect to be forgiven no matter what by saying sorry. You should go." You said, you anger suppressing. "Maybe Calypso, is it? Well maybe she'll be your girlfriend." And you closed the door...

Who is your UPC (ultimate power couple)? I love Frazel!

What do you want to Ask Leo?

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