Manners Part 2

In a month, you've learned Leo more about manners then you've learned anyone in your whole life.

You learned him the basic manners and made your way from there and to be honest, you enjoyed it.

Leo was funny and always joking around. It was fun to have someone take your thoughts off all the bad things in life for once. Your whole mind was set on Leo and helping him.

Yes, you guys had your ups and downs and it was hard but it got better after a while.

Leo was shocked when he once found you eating chips and wearing a sweatpants and a overgrown T-shirt with a nessy bun while you watched Marvel movies. You just smiled and waved. He smiled back and asked you if he can join. You said yes and had a battle with Leo about who's the best:
Ironman or Captain America. Ironman only won cause you gave in.

It turns out, you guys were like the perfect best friends.

"No, your doing it wrong. Sit up straight" you scolded Leo, who was sitting next to you. He was slouching while sitting at the camp fire. You were still helping him and now each time you see him do something wrong, you'd help him right. He even had half table manners.

Its funny actually. Will told you that each time Nico sees Leo do something wrong, Nico says "Y/n's coming" then Leo will act like a gentleman.

"Agh, chill y/n. I'm slouching cause I've been working all day and I'm tired. So just calm down" Leo answered you.

"Please Leo. You need to learn. Plus, I already got you a date with Emily" you said.

"Really?" Leo asked. His eyes lighted up a bit.

"Yeah. She said she'd love to get to know you better and the best way to do that is with a date. With you, of course" you told him, smiling a bit. Its hard to actually say this and you didn't know why. "So can you stop slouching, she might be watching."

He nodded, sat up straight and looked around. He smile and waved when his eyes fell on something. You looked to where he was looking and saw the black haired girl looking at Leo.

Emily was truly beautiful. She had black hair and blue eyes and was a daughter of Demeter. She stared at Leo and winked at him. He blushed and winked back then looked away.

You suddenly felt jealous. Why? You didn't know but all you knew was, you were jealous.

"So" Leo started. "We're gonna have lessons tomorrow?"

"Not actually. Your date with Emily is tomorrow night and I thought of helping you get dressed and so" you said looking at Leo.

The way the light fell on him that night was perfect. His curly hair was everywhere and his elfish ears stuck out from it. He had that smirk on his fave that could make any girl go jelly. And his eyes. Ah, those beautiful brown eyes that-

Whoa. You've never thought of Leo like that. Why now?

"Yeah, n/n. It will be awesome. I still can't believe you got me a date with such a hot chick" Leo said looking at the fire. You had the sudden urge to throw him into the fire, knowing he can't burn.

"Emily isn't that hot. And don't say chick, its girl" you told him.

"Whoa. Since when do you care what I think of other girls. Usually I just get a glare" Leo said looking at you strangely. "Did I do something?"

"No. Its not you-"

"Its you" Leo said. You glared at him. "What? People in movies always say that. 'Its not you, its me.' You know?"

"Leo, you watch to many romantic movies" you said rolling your eyes.

"Actually, I watch Rom-Coms. There's a deference" Leo said nodding his head.

"Whatever. I'm going to my cabin. See you tomorrow" you said.

"Yeah see you to" Leo said.

You did your usual thing and kissed Leo on his cheek. But just before your lips could meet his cheek, Leo turned his face so he was facing you. Thing is, your lips landed on Leo's lips and your eyes was closed while Leo was having mini heart attacks. You wondered why his cheek felt do deferent tonight and opened your eyes, only to find your lips on Leo's. And a Leo who looked like he was going to pass out. You pulled away and just stared at him.

You may have been a daughter of Aphrodite, but you never had your first kiss. So kissing someone like Leo, who's apparently your crush, on the lips was shocking.

"I-i was- you see- I mean- I didn't-" you started but never got further.

"Hey, its okay. My fault. I turned my head. Now, go to you cabin like you wanted but remember to freak put cause you kissed Leo Valdez on the lips" Leo said winking at you.

"That wasn't a proper kiss" you informed him.

"Oh, so you want a proper kiss from me?" Leo asked while raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"No, I meant- i- Leoooo" you said not knowing what to say. How could one boy make you feel like this?

"Joking, n/n. But go to bed. And that's an order" Leo said and tried to look serious. You rolled you eyes and said " that still doesn't count as a proper kiss, Valdez" then walked back to your cabin, Leo not once leaving your mind.

That night, all you dreamed about was Leo and it was strangely the best dream ever.

"So this suit or just blue jeans with a buttoned up T-shirt?" Leo asked you. He was standing in the Aphrodite cabin trying to figure out what to where. He still needed to take a shower and stuff but you were helping him choose a outfit.

"Mmm. What about the blue jeans and the buttoned up T-shirt. With your army jacket, sounds okay?"

"Okay. So, should I keep the curls untamed or tamed?"

"Untamed. They look nicer like that."

"Okay, so sneakers or-"

"Sneakers. It will fit your outfit."

"You didn't even hear the other option?" Leo pouted.

"But like I said, sneakers will fit your outfit."

"Okay, should I use strawberry body wash or vanilla?"

"Why would she care about what body wash you used?"

"Cause that's how I'll smell" Leo said like it was the obviously thing ever.

"Okay, strawberry. But use chocolate shampoo.

"Definitely. Okay, did I miss any thing?"

"Nope, now go take a shower and I'll find you the clothes" you told Leo and he walked into the bathroom of the Aphrodite cabin.

You chose a normal blue jean and a red buttoned up T-shirt and a white buttoned up T-shirt, both had sleeves that was till their . Leo had to help you choose one. Then you picked out some black sneakers to fit the outfit. You walked to where all the Aphrodite cabin's make up and stuff like that was and chose some men deodorant. You then plugged the hair dryer in for when Leo was done with his shower.

'Done' you thought as someone walked in from the Aphrodite cabin's bathroom.

"Wow, you don't miss anything do you?" You heard Leo ask. You turned so you were facing him and blushed. He was only wearing a towel and his chest was just beautiful to look at.

He had slight muscles from working in the forge and scars from both the war and the forge. Yup, it was official. You had a crush on Leo Valdez and it scared you.

"Uh, n/n, I love the staring I'm getting but I'd love us to go back to my clothes and the fact that I found out that you missed something" you snapped out of your stare and glared at Leo. He smirked and nodded his head.

"What did I miss, huh?" You asked.

"Mmm, I don't know. Underwear for me , I think" Leo said sarcastically.

"Mmm, I missed it cause you need to bring your own, dumb-dumb" you said rolling your eyes.

"Okay, good thing I brought my own. So, your gonna wait outside till I'm dressed or you gonna stand there and watch. I don't mind you-"

"Outside, you pervert" you said walking out. Just before you closed the door behind you, you stopped and turned around. "Just knock so I'll know I can come in."

"Yes, now go" with that you walked out of your own cabin.

"Come in" Leo shouted from the other end of the door.

You walked into the Aphrodite cabin to find Leo wearing the clothes you picked out for him. And as you thought, he chose the red buttoned up T-shirt.

"Ta da" Leo said and spined around slowly in a circle. "How do I look?"

"Like a million dollars" you answered and Leo smirked. "Now I'm going to blow your hair out so its dry but still untamed" you said. And Leo nodded walking to the dressing table.

You dried his hair and softly messaged his scalp with you fingers, making Leo close his eyes and relax. You kinda loved having this kind of power over Leo.

Soon after he was perfectly dressed and ready for the date. It was almost dinner and everything was set up for Leo's date.

"So? Is the date now or?" Leo asked.

"You have to take the beach her just before dinner, that is now. I asked some of my siblings to set up the perfect date for you guys and they did" you answered smiling, but it was a fake.

Why did you have to fall for Leo?

Leo's P.O.V. {still third persons point of view but with Leo}

Leo was sitting across from Emily in front of the beach. Emily was wearing a white top and blue jeans with her her loose. They were talking and joking around. Well, Leo was joking around.

The Aphrodite cabin really did a great job. Everything was perfect. There were lights from the woods to the beach. At the beach was a picnic on top of a nice blanket.

"So I've got one question for you" Leo said.

"I have one for you too, Leo" Emily replied.

Leo smiled and nodded for her to go on.

"Are you dating Y/n. I mean, you guys are always together and all you talk about is the awesome things you guys do. It doesn't take a child of Aphrodite to see it" Emily said.

"What!? No! Y/n and I are just friends. Well, best friends but nothing more-"

"But just friends doesn't look at each other the way you guys look at each other, Leo" Emily said with a sad expression crossing her face.

"But we aren't going out. Just listen-"

"No Leo. You could of just confessed but you had to lie-"

"I'm not lying. Its true. We're just friends!"

"I'm going Leo. Next time you asking a girl out, remember to be single and not a cheating guy. I'd never picture you as a cheater" Emily said and walked away from the beach.

"Seriously!?" Leo yelled at the night sky and the waves. "What did I do wrong?"

He shook his head and walked to the only place where he knows he'll be welcome this time of the night.

To Y/n.

Leo made his way to the Aphrodite cabin and knocked. At first no one answered and just when he was about to knock again, y/n opened the door.

"Hey" y/n said cheery but it changed as soon as she saw how sad Leo looked. "What happened?"

"Emily left. She told me I was dating you and cheating on you with her. She basically said I was cheating. Doesn't she know we aren't going out!?" Leo said miserable.

"Yeah. Why would she says something like that? I was the one who got her the date with you" you said, confessed.

"Yeah, well now I'm a cheater. Agh! I'm sorry y/n. I'm wasting your time. I was wasting your time from the beginning."

"Hey, you weren't. Your the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Sure, we have our differences but all good friends do. There's nothing to be sorry about. You actually made me fall in love with you " you said but whispered the last part.


"I said you have nothing to be sorry about."

"No the last part."

"Oh. Ah. I said you actually made me fall in love with you" you said blushing like a madwoman.

Leo smiled and looked at you. He held his hands up like he wanted a hug. You slowly went in for the hug. He held you tight and whispered in your ear.

"I love you more" and kissed you cheek.

He turned around and walked to his cabin like nothing happened. You stood there, alone and blushing.

Maybe your mother was on your side.
This was amazing!

I will put up winner #3's one shot tomorrow!

Love you Piløts💙❤️

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