
You pressed snooze on your phone as the blaring alarm sound loudly woke you up. Not knowing what alarm it was, you looked at the clock operated by your cable box. Ah, 6:15. You still had half an hour to sleep.

You yanked your (f/c) bed comforter tightly in a fist, pulling it over your body and concealing the body heat to keep you warm and cozy on the cool spring mornings. You sighed happily before dosing off into a little nap.

What felt like five minutes passed. Your phone alarm went off, except this time it sounded like an air horn was right next to your ear. You jolted awake, startled by the noise. Squinting your eyes, you once again looked at the cable box clock. 6:45. Time to get ready for school.

Moving the covers off of your warm body was a very hard task to do every morning. There was only two weeks left of school, and you couldn't wait to sleep in all summer. Just the thought of sleeping made you smile. Sleeping was your version of happiness- and food of course.

You opened your closet to search what you wanted to wear. You settled on a pair of dark jeans and a (favorite band) tee shirt. Oh, how you loved them. You made sure everything was in your book bag. Laptop-check. Notebooks from last night's homework- check. Pencils-check.

You grabbed a pair of socks, slipped them on, and then slipped on your shoes. You quickly tied your shoe laces before heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

While brushing your teeth, you overthought a lot of things. You were anxious if people would judge your outfit. It didn't matter if you liked it. It mattered if the popular people- the big 'hot shots'- of the school liked it. You were worried that your homework was going to be wrong. Especially your geometry homework. You still had a little bit of English homework to do, but you could rush and do it before French.

After brushing your teeth, you grabbed your book bag and slung it over your shoulder. You waited by the window waiting for your ride to arrive. You hoped they didn't pick you up late because they tend to do that often. It irritated you because you feel extremely rushed when you're late, even though first period bell doesn't ring 20 Minutes after you usually get to school. When you feel rushed, you get anxious and it turns into a bad day.

As you expected, they arrived at 7:20. Late. You hurried out the door, got in the car, and sat there silently while your ride drove you to school. Your ride put it on the radio, and it was songs that you didn't like. Whenever a twenty one pilots song would come on, she would change it because she thought twenty one pilots were "satanists", when they were quite the opposite.

                   --- arrived at school ---

You walked into school and went straight to your locker. Luckily, your locker was by the backdoor, so you didn't have to walk through the crowd to get to your safe spot. You swiftly rotated the lock to your locker combination, nicely unlocking your locker and preparing your books for first period- French.

There was still 15 minutes before the bell would ring, but you liked to get to class early and finish your homework due in the next few periods. Consisted in the homework was also studying. That was what you were doing because you had an English vocabulary quiz.

You always waited last minute to study, yet you still managed to get at least a B on the quizzes. Sometimes you would get better grades than your friends who studied everyday.

First period bell rang, and French class began.

"Bonjour! Comment ça va?" Madame began class. (Good morning. How are you?)

Many responses were shouted and said. You yawned while managing to say a "J'ai sommeil." (I'm tired.) A few people you talked to around you heard what you said, and said, "Moi aussi!" (Me too!)

Class was the usual: talking about what the finale exam would be like, passing back quizzes, going over a few verbs and verb rules, and going over what the homework would be. French was one of your favorite classes because the language was spoken so elegantly and beautifully. It was amazing how a language could have such meaning behind it.

Second period was a study hall. You went to the library and sat on one of the couches in the silent area. A few kids were at the tables studying, but you decided to take out a book and read it. Sometimes the librarian would come and chat with you because she knows of your love of books, and would sometimes recommend some books for you to read. (I have theology second period, but I don't want to put my beliefs in the story if you don't believe in it.)

Third period was geometry. You went to your locker and shoved your French binder in there. You searched for the blue notebook that had your geometry homework in it. Your best friend, Lauren, met you at your locker and you both walked up the stairs to geometry.

Geometry was one eventful class. Not only because it was one of your most struggling subjects, but because your teacher decided to forget to seat you somewhere when he switched seats for the class. There was an empty seat right next to your crush, Leo Valdez, and what does your geometry teacher do? He sits you right there.

There was a few minutes to spare before class, so you sat your book bag down and walked to your friend Grace's desk, who sat two seats in front of you. You two talked about a few things, and then the bell rang. You went back to your seat and got your finished homework out.

Mr. Leffers, your geometry teacher, made you trade homework with the person next to you. Since Leo was the person next to you, you and him would always trade. He never had his homework done, so you would have to write them in for him. You didn't mind because you were genuinely nice like that. You would do that for anyone.

You and Leo traded homework, and while trading papers, his hand brushed yours. You tried to control the oncoming blush, and actually managed to succeed.

"I actually got my homework done. I don't know if it's right though.." Leo said.

"It's fine. I'll just erase the incorrect answer and put the correct answer."

That's what you did for everyone. You didn't think that people should be graded on whether an answer was right or wrong. They should be graded on the effort. With that being said, you always gave Leo a 100%.

Taking notes after grading homework was boring. You didn't want nor care about learning geometry. Why try if you were going to fail anyway? You were way more of an algebra person.

You heard the crumbling of a candy wrapper being unwrapped, and you being curious decided to look where the noise was coming from. You looked to your left at Leo, and there he was unwrapping a piece of candy. He smiled awkwardly at you and you concentrated back on taking notes.

You heard Leo throw the wrapper near you, and you gave him the 'what the heck are you doing?' look. He smiled and tossed the wrapper in your bag. You glared at him and just let it be, while he said, "Now you have to take care of it." You replied with an incoherent "Fine."

After what felt like hours, the bell rang. You grabbed your book bag and walked to Lauren's desk. You talked to her while she packed her stuff in her book bag. When she was finished, you both walked down the stairs talking until you were at your locker.

You put your book bag in your locker and made sure you had your lunch card. You had A lunch, so you got the food all fresh. You met up with your friend Jacinta and walked to lunch with her. (I'm not friends with her anymore for you readers that don't know.)

You were walking right behind Leo. Since Jacinta used to have a massive crush on Leo, she always likes to mess with him in a friendship kind of way.

She tapped him on the shoulder and quickly looked at you, continuing the conversation you were talking about. He looked back at Jacinta and made a weird face before walking away. It was clear he wasn't too fond of her.

She then laughs and rubs her hands on your shoulder, saying, "Ooo I touched him." It was annoying, but there's nothing you could say to make her stop.

You and Jacinta got in the lunch line. While walking in, you noticed that the prom ticket sellers took where you and Jacinta sat. You were already getting anxiety about trying to find a new place to sit for the week. You didn't want to end up taking someone's seat.

You both paid for your lunch, and you stepped out trying to find a place to sit. You spotted an empty end of a table, and decided to sit there for a week. As you sat down, Jacinta was pointing to all the surrounding tables saying how all of her cousins are there.

Now, Jacinta wasn't that popular, but she was part of the biggest family in the school. She was cousins with almost everybody in the school, and her cousins are the most popular people in school. They're the ones that throw the parties and get all the alcohol. You felt uncomfortable sitting where you picked after you realized that all her cousins were the surrounding tables. They could make fun of you eating, or make fun of your appearance.

It didn't help that the boys in your grade sat at the table right behind you, and you were in eye distance of the table Leo sat at- the popular table for your grade.

"I'm not eating." You stated.

You felt uncomfortable. You began tapping your foot and repeatedly asking Jacinta if you two could move seats. She refused and made fun of you for freaking out and not eating. You didn't tell her how you barely ate anything last summer, or how bad your social anxiety was.

You began biting your lip. Your taps became faster, your breathing became faster, and your vision was blurry with tears. Oh no. An anxiety attack.

What made it even worse was that an upperclassman came and sat right next to you. One of his friends came next and mumbled an, "Oh.." Realization hit you and you realized that you took their spot. The guilt was then added onto your anxiety attack, and you repeatedly apologized for taking their seats.

They weren't bothered by it, and said that it was okay. You felt it wasn't okay though. Your breathing became heavier, your vision became blurrier, and the pounding in your head became more evident. You kept telling Jacinta that you needed to move, and she kept refusing.

You looked down the table to see if there was an extra seat next to Lauren. Luckily, there was one extra seat. You got up to sit next to her, and Jacinta got all upset. Before you could sit down, Leo walked by and pulled you away with him.

You threw your tray away since you wouldn't eat, and he took you out of the lunch room into an empty hallway. You didn't know, but he noticed you were having an anxiety attack. He didn't want to see you go through something because your friend wouldn't listen to you.

You busted out in tears and he pulled you into a nice, comforting hug. You wrapped your arms around his torso and cried into his chest. Your breathing was still ragged, and the best thing he could do was keep you in his arms to calm you down and help you feel protected.

He rubbed your back in efforts to relax you. He lifted your chin to look at his chocolate brown eyes, and whispered, "Look at me- just breathe, okay?" You nodded and tried to control your breathing, but you were so focused on the incident that your breathing became worse.

There was only one other way. He carefully stroked your cheeks with his warm, calloused thumbs and looked into your amazing (e/c) eyes. He could get lost in your starry eyes. "I'm in love with you." And with that, he placed his slightly chapped lips onto yours.

Your mind was now focused on your crush kissing you. Leo Valdez was kissing your lips with his lips. You wanted the kiss to last forever, and it indeed felt like it did. Your breathing became steady, and the only thing left from your anxiety attack was the awkward hiccuping from crying.

You didn't know what to say. The kiss was over, and he stood there hugging you. "Thank you." You managed to breathe out after having a loss of words.

Leo Valdez was your super hero. He calmed your anxiety attack- something no one could do. But he could, and that told you he was something special.

Okay, so I finally gave you guys a good oneshot! This is all true, except for the whole 'Leo being a superhero and calming your anxiety attack through hugs and kisses' part.

What did you guys think?

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