Unexpected Guest

Hey guys! So, I PUBLISHED MY NEW STORY! It's called Life as a Colonist! Go check it out! I'm going to make chapter 3 soon! Anyways, this one shot was an idea from girlz4ever89 ! I hope you like it!
    You were a freshman in college at New Rome University. You were Greek and from Camp Half-Blood, with the godly parent of Apollo. You didn't want any monsters attacking you, so you decided to move to New Rome since the two camps were now at peace.

   There were two things you missed the most from Camp Half-Blood. Number one would be your best friend Leo Valdez. He was the scrawny, yet muscular, and very handsome son of Hephaestus. You've had a crush on him for two years, but he's been dating Calypso for the past two months.

  Ever since he's been dating Calypso, he's been ditching you and rarely talking to you. You didn't like Calypso because she was all sweet and innocent looking to everyone else, but when you were by her or Leo, she would send you death glares. When no one was around, she would push you and purposely trip you.

  You tried telling Leo what Calypso was doing, but he never believed you. He always said that Calypso was a sweetheart and would never do that, but that's not the truth. She even threatened you once, saying that if you didn't stay away from Leo, that she was going to kill you. So, the only obvious thing was to stay away from Leo, but that wasn't a problem because he already avoided you to be with Calypso.

  You always knew Leo would never like you back. Calypso was prettier than you, more sociable than you, more outgoing than you. She's everything you're not. You're just the lame daughter of Apollo who is shy and antisocial. Your only friend was Leo. Of course you had your siblings and everything, but they never hung out with you, besides Will. You also had a fair share of acquaintances, like the rest of the 7. You talked and were nice, but never hung out.

   Since you were a daughter of Apollo, you were in med school. With that being said, your major was medical sciences and anatomy because you were becoming a certified Doctor.

  Anyways, you were driving back to your apartment from a nine thirty pm class of English. It was obviously a late night class and you were extremely tired, but you had to study for an anatomy exam tomorrow.

  You pulled into your parking spot of your apartment complex. You got out of your car and pulled out your apartment key. When you got to the door, you unlocked it and walked into your apartment. You sighed once you stepped in.

  You put your book bag by the door and hung your purse and keys on the key hooks. You went over to your kitchen and got a glass of water to calm yourself from the stress of college. You were a little hungry, so you made yourself some chicken ramen noodles.

  You grabbed a bowl and opened the packet of ramen noodles. You dumped the noodles into the bowl, but made sure the flavor packet wasn't in there. You filled the bowl with water and put it into the microwave for 5 minutes.

  The microwave dinged after five minutes and you took the bowl out of the microwave. You dumped the water out of the bowl and opened the chicken flavoring packet. You dumped the flavoring powder in the bowl and took a fork to mix the powder with the noodles.

   You walked to your couch and sat down, slowly sinking into the comfortable cushions. You grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. You flipped it onto the show Pretty Little Liars.

   It was the episode where A was revealed. SPOILERS!- A ended up being Cece Drake. Sarah Harvey ended up being red coat. Emily felt betrayed and punched Sarah because Sarah was Emily's girlfriend. You've seen this episode before, but it still surprised you.

  You were all finished with your chicken ramen noodles. The episode of Pretty Little Liars ended and you were ready to start studying.

  You walked over to your book bag and pulled out your Anatomy text book and notebook. The lesson was over skin diseases. Right now, you were going over the disease ecodermdisplacia. This is a disease where a person is born without hair, so they have no eyelashes, leg hair, etcetera. A person is born with the disease, it doesn't develop over time.

  You have been studying skin diseases for two hours. You think you understood and memorized most of the diseases because you study them every night. It was now twelve AM.

  You were exhausted, so you went over to your dresser and grabbed a pair of pajamas, which consisted of a loose tee shirt and short shorts.

  After you changed, you went to your bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. You brushed your teeth. After you brushed your hair, you threw it up into a messy bun. You walked out of the bathroom and jumped into your bed.

  You snuggled into your mass of fuzzy pillows and blankets. Your bed was like heaven on earth. You turned on your phone and checked out all your social media apps: Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, and Wattpad.

  After checking your social media apps, you went onto your music app and turned on some Coldplay. You put it on your favorite song by them: "Hymn for the Weekend". Listening to music always helped you go to sleep, so you listen to it every night.

   Your eye lids were getting extremely heavy and were starting to close by themselves. You kept them shut so you could fall asleep. After about five minutes, you were asleep.

   After about an hour of sleeping, you were groggily woken up by hearing a loud knock on your door.

  You slowly rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud. You fell pretty hard on your arm.

"Ow." You moaned in pain.

"I'm coming!" You yelled while slowly standing up and making your way toward the door.

  When you got to the door, you slowly opened it. You yawned and rubbed your eyes before seeing who the person was. Your hair was a mess, but you didn't care. You then looked at the unexpected guest. It was Leo.

  Leo was standing there with red, swollen, and puffy eyes. His cheeks were stained with tears. His hair was a disheveled mess. All in all, he looked absolutely terrible. He was crying his eyes out as you studied his features.

   Leo must have rode Festus all the way to New Rome from Camp Half-Blood because he wasn't in college for some odd reason. He said that he stayed because he wanted to help teach his younger siblings how to make things like he does. He also said that he wants to help out with the camp.

"Hey Leo, what's wrong?" You asked, worry clearly evident in your tone. You immediately pulled him into a hug.

"C-can we g-go ins-side?"

"Yeah, come on."

   You lead Leo over to your bed to lay down. He looked extremely tired. You went over to the kitchen to get Leo a glass of water. You went back over to Leo and sat next to him.

"Okay. What's wrong?"

"C-Calypso was ch-cheating on me w-with an A-Ares kid. Th-then she b-broke up w-with me. I didn't k-know who else to g-go to, and th-then I r-remembered that I di-ditched you a-and I'm s-sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. You'll be okay. You have me to cheer you up."

"T-thanks." Leo said as he pulled you into a hug. You hugged back while he cried on your shoulder.

  You drew soothing circles in his back and stroked his hair to try and comfort him. After about fifteen minutes of comforting him, he stopped crying.

  All of a sudden, he pulled away and kissed you. You were stunned, but then you kissed him back. He wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you onto his lap while you put your arms around his neck. He soon pulled away for air.

"I was going to break up with her anyways because I soon realized that I'm in love with someone else. And that someone else, is you. I love you (Y/N), and I was to stupid to realize my feelings for you. I'm also sorry that I ditched you for her. It just broke me that she actually cheated on me. She also admitted about terrorizing you. I'm so sorry." Leo said as he hugged and kissed you again.

"It's okay. I love you too. You should get some sleep though. You look really tired. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No. This is your bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

"Leo, I insist. You need to be as comfortable as possible while in this state."

"I've got an idea. Why don't you just come and cuddle with the Super-sized McShizzle!" He said with open arms.

"Fine." You said while rolling your eyes playfully and smiling.
Hope you guys liked this story! Make sure to go check out my other stories! I know this again isn't the best, but it was definitely better than the last one! Xoxo- Cierra, Daughter of Apollo🌞

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