Truth or Dare Gone Wrong
Hey guys! This was requested by kaykat246 with the phrase "YOU DID WHAT?" I hope you enjoy this story! Godly parent is Poseidon! There's a new POV!!! GEMINI IS LEO!!! I also find it funny how Aries is Clarisse and she's a daughter of Ares...
~Leo's POV~
I was walking out of the woods from Bunker 9 when Travis and Connor Stoll ran up to me.
"Hey guys. What do you need?" I asked.
"Do you want to play truth or dare with me and Travis right now?" Connor asked.
"Sure! Where are we playing?"
"In the Hermes Cabin. Let's go!"
The Stolls and I ran to Cabin 11 to play truth or dare. Truth me told, I was a little nervous to play it with them because I've heard some of the dares they give people.
They include setting spiders in the Athena Cabin, letting a swarm of bees loose in the Aphrodite Cabin, screaming 'ADIDAS IS BETTER!' outside the Nike Cabin...Wow!
When we got inside the Hermes Cabin, we sat down on the floor. We had to move some Legos out of the way from there previous prank of stepping on Legos when their siblings wake up.
"Who wants to go first?" Travis asked.
"I'll go first." Connor said.
"Truth or Dare Connor?" I asked.
"I dare you to tell the girl you like your feelings." I smirked as his face grew paler and paler each second.
"H-how did you find out th-that I liked some-someone?"
"My girlfriend (Y/N) told me!"
"I knew I shouldn't have told her..." He mumbled before getting up and walking out the door.
We followed him and he ended up going to the Aphrodite Cabin. Travis and I were laughing the whole time as he knocked on the door.
Lacy answered and Connor looked back at us while blushing. Who knew he had a crush on Lacy? We couldn't hear there conversation, but we could also see Lacy blushing. They would make a cute couple.
At the end of the conversation, we saw Lacy give Connor a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Connor walked back to us grinning like an idiot.
"What'd she say?" Travis asked.
"I've got a date tomorrow night. That dare wasn't that bad after all!" Connor chirped.
"Dang it..." I mumbled under my breath.
We walked back to the Hermes Cabin and continued our game. Connor was taking forever to choose who to dare even though it was only between me and Travis. Finally, he chose.
"Travis, truth or dare?" Connor snickered.
"Dare as always.." Travis replied sassily.
"I dare you to....take a brick and through it at Jason!"
"Where do I get a brick?"
"I've got some in Bunker 9! Don't ask why..." I said.
We all traveled to Bunker 9. When we got to the entrance, I ignited my hands on fire and opened the door. We walked in and I grabbed the brick and handed it to Travis.
Travis accepted the brick and we ran to the Zeus Cabin. When we got to the Zeus Cabin, I knocked on the door and Jason walked out.
"Hey Leo. What do you need?"
"I need you to tell Piper that she is the bestest friend ever..." I said while giving the eye signal to Travis, who was behind a bush.
"Why can't you do that your-OW!" Jason shouted. Travis threw the brick hard and it ended up hitting Jason in the....uh...butt.
Me and the Stolls busted out laughing while running back to the Hermes Cabin to continue our game. We were laughing so hard to the point where we were on the ground with tears in our eyes.
On the way to the Hermes Cabin, we saw Jason hunching his was to the infirmary. That will be embarrassing for Will to check out...
"Leo, truth or dare?" Travis asked me.
"I dare you to flirt with a Hunter of Artemis..." Travis said.
"Are you kidding me! That will earn me two slaps in the face. One from the Hunter and one from (Y/N)! I can't do that to her."
"We'll tell her."'Connor said.
We walked out of the Hermes Cabin again. Connor ran to tell (Y/N) the dare so she wouldn't be mad at me. Travis and I walked to Cabin 8 because they were visiting.
I nervously walked up to the door and knocked three times. One of the Hunters, Julia, opened it. She was a daughter of Athena.
"What do you want Leo? Make it quick because no boys are suppose to be here." She replied.
"I'm not a boy, I'm a man. I came to see you beautiful." I replied as I winked at her and did the little finger guns.
"Did you seriously just flirt with a Hunter of Artemis? Boys, so clueless and immature." She said as she slapped me across the face. Dang, she can slap hard.
Travis burst out laughing and told me I had a red hand mark on my face. Connor joined us and started laughing too.
" should've...seen it..." Travis said in between laughs.
We ran back to the Hermes Cabin and continued our game once again. The dares were just getting more and more dangerous. I dared Connor again and he did it. Connor dared Travis and he did it. Now, it was my turn.
"Leo, truth or dare?" Travis asked as he tried to hold in laughter.
"D-dare..." I said, suddenly growing more nervous by the second.
"I...dare steal Clarisse's spear!"
"Are you serious! That can get me KILLED!" I yelled.
"A dare's a dare!" Connor smirked.
I got up ask went outside with them following me. Clarisse was sword fighting Percy, so her spear would be set aside.
We ran to the sword arena, and sure enough, there was her and Percy sword fighting. I looked to the side and saw her spear. I stealthily went over to it, grabbed it, and ran.
Before I ran, I saw Percy tell Clarisse something and point to what I was doing. She turned just as I ran and began chasing after me.
Sadly, she was faster and she tackled me to the ground. She punched me in the face and stomach over and over again. There was some kicking. I tried my best to push her off.
Eventually, she got off and gave me one last kick as I laid on the floor groaning in pain.
"NOBODY TAKES MY SPEAR!" She yelled before stomping off in anger.
I tried my best to look around for the Stolls, but they left me so they wouldn't get beaten up like me. I waited on the dirt ground for someone to help me.
~Your POV~
You walked out of Cabin 3 after taking a shower to get the sweat off of you from Archery. You weren't the best at Archery, but you were better than Percy.
You ran to the sword arena to tell Percy that Chiron wanted him to show a new camper around the camp. After you told Percy, you walked around the outside of the arena.
You saw your boyfriend Leo laying on the ground frowning in pain. You sighed because you knew he did something stupid. You ran over to him and knelt down by his side.
"Leo, what did you do?" You mumbled to yourself before helping the beaten up Leo up.
You wrapped your arm around his waist and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You led Leo to the infirmary with your assistance.
You got to the infirmary and called for Will's help. Will came and immediately guided you and Leo to a cot. You gently set Leo on it as Will asked what happened.
"Me and the Stolls were playing truth or dare and Travis dared me to steal Clarisse's spear. So I did it and she beat me up." He explained.
"YOU DID WHAT?" You yelled while scolding Leo about how many times you told him not to play truth or dare with the Stolls.
"So it was a truth or dare gone wrong?" Will summed up.
"Pretty much." Leo said through gritted teeth as Will cleansed his wounds and wrapped them up. He fed Leo some nectar and ambrosia.
Leo was all bandaged up. You had to push him around in a wheel chair for a few days because he walked out with a few broken bones. You reminded yourself to yell at the Stolls for the ridiculous dare that almost killed Leo.
Did you guys like it? I'll update again tonight because I feel like updating a lot...Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this! It was super fun to write! Xoxo- Cierra, Daughter of Apollo🌞
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