Hey guys! This was requested by Jadewonders ! You are a shy and antisocial daughter of Poseidon! UNEDITED.
You were sitting in your cabin talking to your outgoing brother Percy. You have been at camp for six months and not many people knew you. You decided to stay year round because your mom didn't like you.
Percy offered you that you could go home with him because Sally loved you. You have met Sally once before, when Percy was going home at the end of the summer.
Percy was scolding you about going out more.
"(Y/N)! You need to get out of the cabin more! You only go out to train and eat!"
"I'm trying my best Percy! You don't understand that I'm shy and antisocial! You're outgoing and talk to people! You have friends and I don't!"
"You have me and Annabeth."
"Yeah. Only you and Annabeth. You have practically the whole camp! Plus, you guys always ditch me to hang with each other anyways..." You mumbled the last part quietly, hoping that Percy didn't hear you, but he did.
"Why didn't you tell us that you felt like that?" Percy said worriedly. It broke his heart that his little sister felt that way.
"Because I didn't want to ruin your guys' fun and waste your time on me..." You said, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
Percy pulled you into a hug and you hugged back. You let the tears fall. Many would say that you were over reacting, but Percy understood. He kept mumbling 'I'm sorry' into your hair.
Percy pulled away and looked at you seriously.
"You are hanging out with me and the Seven tonight. Whether you like it or not."
"Percy, you know I panic when I'm around a lot of people!"
"Too bad."
You heard the dinner horn go off. You walked with Percy to the dining pavilion. You got (F/F) and (F/D). You sacrificed some food to the gods and sat down at your table.
You and Percy made your way to the Zeus Cabin. Percy said that the rest of the Seven were having a movie night. You fought and told Percy how you didn't want to go, but he forced you.
Percy knocked on the door and a guy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes, whom you recognized as Jason, opened the door.
Jason invited you and Percy in. Percy sat down next to Annabeth and you sat down in between Annabeth and your crush Leo.
You may be shy and not make much appearances in camp, but you knew everybody's name and what they looked like.
"Percy, did you bring a new camper?" Piper asked.
"No. This is my sister (Y/N) who has been at camp for six months."
"Six months!?! How come we have never met her?" Leo asked all excitedly, making you blush.
"She's too shy and doesn't come out of the cabin except for meals and training."
"Oh." Everybody said at the same time.
"So, (Y/N) you know all of our names?" Hazel asked.
"Yeah.." You mumbled quietly.
"Tell us about yourself." Piper said.
" name's (Y/N) and I'm fifteen...."
"That's cool! I'm 16, so you're around the same age as the rest of the group!" Leo said.
Timeskip to a few months~
It's been around three months since you became friends with the Seven. You were less shy and came out more. Percy was happy about your progress.
You've had a best friend out of the whole group though. You're best friend was Leo Valdez. You and Leo were now inseparable. Any extra time you and him had, it would be spent together.
You were currently walking through the forest to Bunker 9. When you got there, you punched in the password and walked in.
You saw Leo hunched over his desk writing a letter. Next to it was a beautiful necklace with a (F/C) crystal. You frowned because you knew it wasn't for you.
"Hey Leo."
He jumped a little and turned around. He gave you his usual heart melting smile.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Leo said walking toward you with open arms.
You walked into his open arms and gave him a hug. He hugged you back. He had the warmest hugs and you blushed. He always gives you hugs, but you still blushed.
"What're you working on?" You said curiously.
"Oh! I actually have something for you..." He said nervously while fidgeting with gears.
"Okay.." You said cautiously.
Leo gave you the necklace and a letter. You were shocked that the necklace was actually for you. You were curious what the letter said.
"Leo...did you make this?" You said in shock and amazement.
" you like it?" He said sheepishly.
"I love it...." You said with a big smile on your face.
Leo was shocked and looked up at you. You walked forward and gave him a huge hug. He hugged back. All of a sudden, you had enough courage and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and looked away to hide it.
"Read the note..." He mumbled. You opened the note and read it.
Dear (Y/N),
I don't have enough confidence to say this out loud, so I decided to right a letter instead. This was actually my fifteenth attempt, so sorry if it sucks.
Ever since Percy first introduced us all to you, I have liked you. As the time goes by, and us spending more and more time together, my feelings have progressed.
I didn't know what this strange feeling was. It was a feeling that I couldn't live without you. It was a feeling that my heart skips a beat whenever I'm near you, or you smile.
I talked to Piper about this feeling. She has been teasing me to tell you my feeling ever since. You might be wondering what this feeling is. Piper gave me a one word answer: love.
I realized that I love you. I can't live without you and if you get hurt, it's like a stab in the heart. I only have one question for you that I hope you say yes to.
Will you be my girlfriend?
Leo Valdez (hopefully your boyfriend)
You looked up at Leo with tears in your eyes. You were speechless. You didn't know what to say. You ran up to him and kissed him, full on the lips.
He kissed you back and wrapped his hands around your waist. You moved your hands to his neck and soon his hair. Oxygen decided to interfere with your kiss with Leo.
"I love you Leo."
"I love you (Y/N)."
This was definitely not the best. I will try and update one more tonight. The next to updates, I am extremely excited about! Can't wait to write it! Xoxo~Cierra, Daughter of Apollo🌞
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