Leo Valdez Special

Hello readers! So, this is a birthday one shot for Leo!! That's why it's special. Anyways, it's another surprise party one, but I wanted to make it unique and not original if you know what I mean. Anyways, let's get into the story!
You woke up early because it was your husband's very special day. It was his birthday.

You quietly got out of bed, being careful not to wake him up. You re did your hair into a messy bun.

You went to your four year old daughter's room. She was up playing with some pipe cleaners.

Esperanza is just like Leo. You knew Leo's mom since you were a little girl, before the accident happened.

Esperanza looks exactly like grandma Esperanza. She had dark brown curl hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. That was all Leo.

Esperanza had your smile and your facial structure. She had the cutest little nose.

You walked into Esperanza's room and she smiled once she saw you. She knew to be quiet and she ran up to you jumping into your arms.

You caught her and held her on your right side. She played with the loose strands of your messy bun and giggled.

"Are you ready to make daddy breakfast?" You whispered to her.

"Yes mommy!" She whisper shouted.

You carried her downstairs into the kitchen of your house in New Rome. You set her down and she looked around the kitchen with her thinking face on.

"Mommy, we should make daddy waffles since those are his favorite." She said.

"We should. Will you get the butter and syrup out?" You asked her.

She walked to the refrigerator as you made the waffle mix. She set the butter and syrup on the counter and stepped on the stool next to you.

"Do you want to pour the mix into the waffle maker?"

"Sure mommy!"

You handed her the cup of mix and she poured it into the waffle maker. She giggled as it separated into its individual sections.

When the waffles were done being made, you put butter on them as Esperanza poured syrup. *Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup..*

You carried the plate the food was on. You and Esperanza walked back upstairs. When you got to your bedroom door, you stopped and looked at your daughter.

"When we get in there, jump on daddy to wake him up. Okay?"

She nodded and you opened the door and walked in. Esperanza ran in and jumped on Leo.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! It's your birthday!" She yelled.

Leo got up and hugged Esperanza. He blinked a few times before looking at you and grinning.

"We made you breakfast." You said as you sat next to your shirtless husband. You handed him the food after he gave you a hug and kiss.

"Waffles! These are my favorite! I have the best wife and daughter...also Baby #2 on the way!" He said.

Oh yeah, you were eight months pregnant with your second child. Leo kissed Esperanza's forehead, your lips, and then your stomach.

You smiled at your husband as he ate his waffles. Your baby on the way is a boy, and you and Leo were excited.

"Alright Esperanza, go get changed because we are taking daddy out to lunch." You said.

Esperanza smiled and ran out of your room to her room. You smiled at she left and looked back at Leo, who was already looking at you.

"We're going out to lunch too?" He asked excitedly.

You nodded and smiled while walking over to your closet to get clothes. You picked out a pair and got changed.

When Leo was finished with his food, he got changed into his usual attire. You looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:30.

You and Leo were done changing and so was Esperanza. Leo grabbed the car keys as you picked Esperanza up.

You all walked out the door and went to the car. You put Esperanza into her car seat and then got in the passenger side.

"Drive to wherever you want to eat." You told Leo.

Leo glanced at you and smiled before intertwining his right hand with your left one.

You knew exactly where he was going to pick. He picked Casa Grandé, a Mexican restaurant, just like you expected.

On the car ride, you picked up your phone and made a group text. The group text consisted of Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Will.

You texted:
Alright guys. You can go to the house and start setting up. We will be out for maybe two hours, so hurry. Percy and Annabeth, you two are on gift duty. Piper and Jason: decorations. Frank and Hazel: games. Will and Nico: You guys are on food. Nico, make the cake and don't make it black. Nico is the only one aloud to make the cake because he makes the best (no offense).

End of text.

"Who are you texting?" Leo asked curiously.

"My mom." You lied.


You got into the parking lot of Casa Grandé. Leo got Esperanza out of the car. You all walked into the building and was immediately engulfed with the smell of Mexican food.

A waiter took you all to a booth seat. Leo sat across from you and Esperanza. The waiter took your drink orders as he handed Leo the menus.

You got Sprite, Esperanza got water, and Leo got Coke. Esperanza had your personality, which was shyness, so she cuddled and hid under your arm when the waiter came.

"What are you getting (Y/N)?" Leo asked.

"Probably Nachos with cheese and beef and two soft tacos." You replied.

Leo looked at you stunned and then slowly nodded. You playfully glared at him.

"Hey, I'm hungry and pregnant with your child. Don't be so surprised." You said.

"Anyways, Esperanza, did you find what you wanted?" You asked her.

"Mommy, daddy, I want the enchiladas." She said in the cutest voice. Enchiladas always reminded you of Grover. (Anyone else?)

You nodded and saw that the waiter was coming with the drinks. Esperanza immediately went back to under your arm.

"Daddy, what are you getting?" Esperanza asked.

"Probably the nachos like mommy." He said. You kindly smiled at him and he returned it.

The waiter finally came to your table and handed out the drinks. You thanked him and collected the menus.

You told the waiter what you and Esperanza wanted. He had a shocked face for a second when you ordered, but then saw you were pregnant. Leo slightly glared and the gave him the menus.

You and Leo talked for awhile while you waited for the food. Esperanza was quietly coloring and being in her own lala land.

Your phone buzzed and you told Leo that you had to check something. You saw that it was a text from everybody in the group text.

The rest of the Seven plus Solangelo replied with okay's. Nico even sent a smiley face emoji and a thank you when you said he was the best cook.

All the food came and you and Leo began eating your food. You saw Esperanza still coloring, so you lightly bumped her arm.

She looked up at you with her adorable brown eyes and you pointed to her food. She looked to where you pointed and smiled before eating her enchiladas.

After eating lunch, Leo paid the bill and you laid down the tip. You all walked out of the restaurant. You held Esperanza's little four year old hand while walking across the street.

You all got into the car once again. Leo picked Esperanza up and strapped her into the car seat.

"Now we are going to the Low's to get you new tools." You said.

Leo looked at you stunned. You could tell he was speechless that you were doing all this stuff for him.

He drove to Low's and parked in a parking spot. You guys walked in and went to the tool section.

You let him pick whatever tool set he wanted. He didn't pick the least expensive or the most expensive, he chose the middle.

He hugged and kissed you. He whispered thank you before grabbing the tool box with the tools.

You all walked to the check out and paid for the tools. As you were walking back to the car, little Esperanza decided to say the most adorable thing ever.


"Yes Esperanza?"

"Does this mean that I can have your old tools? Please please please!" She begged with the pout Leo had.

You awed at her face and so did Leo. Even Leo couldn't resist her little pout and plea.

Leo swept Esperanza off her feet and carried her on his right side. He kissed her cheek and smiled.

"Of course honey." Leo said.

"Yay!" She said and wrapped her tiny arms around Leo's neck and then yours. Esperanza was a really good kid.

As Leo put the tools in the trunk and you finished putting Esperanza in her car seat, you got a text from Annabeth.

She said that everything was finished. All the decorations and games. She said that all the guests were at your apartment to.

Leo got in the driver side and closed his eyes for a few seconds. You were staring out the window after reading Annabeth's text.

You soon felt little butterfly kisses on your neck and jawline. Then cheek and lips. You smiled as Leo did that. You looked back at Esperanza to see she was playing on your iPad.

"Now where?" Leo asked.

"Home." You simply said.

When you were almost to your house, you texted everybody to hide. Leo pulled into the driveway.

You got Esperanza out and she held your hand as you all walked to the door. Leo said he would get his new tools out later.

You told everybody to park away from the house so he wouldn't suspect anything.

Leo walked in and turned on the lights. Everybody jumped out of their hiding spots and Leo grinned.

He was engulfed in hugs by everybody as you went to check the cake. Esperanza ran off to play with her cousins.

Nico told you the cake was red velvet, Leo's favorite. The cake had red frosting with flame designs on them. You hugged Nico and he hugged back because he loved the little family you and Leo created.

Will set out chips and salsa as an appetizer. The decorations were flawlessly done by Piper and Jason.

There was a table filled with presents that Percy and Annabeth got for everyone for Leo.

Hazel and Frank set up the Wii and got all the Just Dance games. You saw Esperanza, Maggie, and Jasper playing against each other. Esperanza was winning because she had her dad's dance moves.

You leaned back on the kitchen counter and saw Leo walking over to you. He opened his arms up and wrapped them around you when he got to where you were standing.

"Thank you so much (Y/N). I've got the best family ever." He said.

Leo pulled away and kissed you passionately. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his was on your stomach.

The baby kicked and you pulled away smiling. Leo had the biggest grin on his face and kissed your stomach.

"You can come out any time now. We're ready for you Baby Valdez." He whispered to the new life in your stomach.

He stood up and leaned against the counter next to you. He wrapped his arm around your waist as you leaned your head on his shoulder.

Leo was a great father and husband. He's perfect to you and that's all you need. He's funny, caring, kind, and a million other things.

Esperanza loves Leo and Leo loves Esperanza. If Leo was a female, he would be as perfect as your daughter.

Now, you have a son on the way that will be perfect like Leo. You couldn't wait and neither could Leo. Even Esperanza was ready for a baby brother.

"Thank you." Leo whispered again and kissed your forehead. 'Leo deserved all of this. I'm glad he had the perfect birthday.' You thought before eating a piece of cake because the baby was hungry.
This one shot is 2052 words! I hope you all liked the Leo Special! More updates will come tonight! Love you guys and stay amazing❤️ Xoxo~ Cierra, Daughter of Apollo🌞

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