Hey guys! This idea came from ForeverAlone215 Go check out her account because it's amazing and spectacular!! Daughter of Athena on this one.
It was after lunch and you haven't seen Leo all day. Usually he would come and get you from your cabin for breakfast.
Leo was your best friend and you loved him. You loved how you could be yourself around him.
You were really shy and introverted. You never talked to people except for the ones close to you.
You barely had any friends because you would never socialize with any of the campers.
There's only two campers you would talk to. Leo and Nico. They were your best friends.
It was weird how you were friends with Leo because he was really outgoing and talkative.
You were more relatable with Nico because you and him had the same personality: shy and quiet.
You were currently walking around camp trying to find Leo. You walked around the cabins.
Leo wasn't in his cabin, so you decided to check Bunker 9. You were walking when you were greeted by Percy.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Percy said.
You simply nodded and did a slight smile before walking away and continuing what you were doing.
When you got to the Bunker, you quietly typed in the password, which was leovaldezisonfire and walked in.
You walked carefully throughout the bunker, looking for Leo. You went to the room where his work space is.
Leo wasn't in the bunker, so you walked out and looked around once again. You made your way back to camp so you wouldn't get attacked by a monster.
You walked by the cabins, carefully listening for the voice that belonged to your best friend.
When you walked by the Zeus Cabin, you heard Leo's voice. You were too afraid to knock on the door, so you did the only logical thing.
You put your ear to the cabin's door. Leo sounded like he was stressed while Jason sounded like he was giving advice.
"I love everything about her. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her laugh, her personality, everything! I don't know how to tell her my feelings though Jason." Leo explained.
After hearing those words, you knew Leo was talking about the person he had a crush on.
It broke your heart that he didn't feel the same way. You knew it wasn't you he was talking about because you had the worst laugh and so on.
You lifted your head off the cabin door and walked to the Hades cabin with your head down.
Since Leo was busy, you mine as well hang out with Nico. He might be asleep, but you didn't care.
You fastly walked to the black obsidian cabin and knocked on the door. You heard a few groans before the door slowly opened.
A very grumpy Nico opened the door. You stared at him until he actually saw you. Once he noticed that it was you, his eyes softened and he let you in his cabin.
"Hey (Y/N), why do you look so sad?" He asked.
You sat on his couch and curled into a little ball into his decorative pillows on the couch.
"I'm fine...can we do something in here?" You asked Nico with a sigh.
"Sure." Nico said.
You uncurled from the ball and stretched on the couch. You saw Nico put in a video game.
He handed you a Wii controller while Mario Kart came up on the screen. You smiled at Nico because he always knew how to cheer you up.
After beating Nico in Mario Kart a few times, you decided to go back to the Athena cabin to think everything out.
After walking into the Athena cabin, you walked over to your bed and flopped down on it with a huff.
You snuggled into your blankets because you were cold and started thinking about everything.
You decided that you would act like you didn't hear anything that Leo said while you were with him.
It would mess up your friendship since he didn't feel the same way you did toward him.
You had the idea to move on from Leo. You have always had a tiny crush on Thomas from the Apollo cabin.
Thomas had dark brown hair with sparkling green eyes. He was tall and thin, but also had some muscle.
Thomas was your dream guy...besides Leo. Thomas was just a crush and Leo was the one you loved.
After thinking everything out and agreeing with your plan because it was wise, the dinner horn rang. You walked to the dining pavilion to get dinner, not prepared to talk with your siblings.
It has been a week since you eavesdropped on Leo and Jason's conversation.
You still hung out with Leo and acted the same as always. Leo also acted normal and didn't think anything about your sad expression.
The week has been hard though. Sometimes you would cry yourself to sleep because you were so heartbroken.
You couldn't take your bottled up emotions anymore, so you decided to go to someone for advice.
Just then, your sister Annabeth walked in. She was your closest sibling and you talked to her like you weren't shy.
"Hey Annabeth?" You asked her.
She looked over at you and smiled. She walked over to your bed and sat down beside you.
"What do you need (Y/N)?" She asked politely.
"I know you aren't a child of Aphrodite, but you are in love and know how it feels. I need advice."
"Advice on what?" She asked.
"Well, last week I overheard Leo talking about his crush to Jason. I know it isn't me, so I decided to move on from my crush on him. I like Thomas from the Apollo cabin, but I love Leo. What do I do?" You asked her.
"I would confess your feelings to Leo so you feel like it's not piled up on your chest weighing you down. It'll help you feel better." She said before getting up and patting your shoulder.
You sighed and put your head in your hands. You were too nervous to confess your feelings to Leo.
You got off your bed and opened the cabin door to reveal Leo who looked like he was about to knock.
"Hey Leo!" You chirped happily, even though you were dying inside.
"Hey." He said softly.
Leo had a determined look on his face. You wondered why, but you didn't want to ask.
Little did you know, Leo had a determined face on because he overheard your conversation with Annabeth.
He felt the same way about you. Since he knows you have a crush on Thomas, he was determined to win your love over Thomas.
I feel like I could've done better with this, but it's good enough. What do you guys think?
You all probably want a part 2. If you do, just say in the comments and I will make it later!
I love you guys and hoped you liked this! Also, did you hear what happened in Nice, France?
If you haven't, I posted what happened in my rant book. It's really sad and we need to pray for France. ❤️🇫🇷
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