Babysitting Maggie: Trapped Part 2
Hello elegant readers! Everybody wanted part 2 so here it is! I hope you all like this! Everything was planned out last minute. The picture in the media is my journal where I keep all of your requests and ideas for all books! Love you guys!
After the little crisis with the crazy cat lady; you, Leo, and Maggie made it to Percy and Annabeth's house.
Sure enough, it was a blue house with white shudders. It was a cute, two story suburban house. By the door, you saw the bush that had the spare key.
Leo opened your door for you and you got out and opened the back door to get Maggie out.
She was still peacefully sleeping, so you quietly and gently unbuckled her and pulled her out.
She leaned her head in the crook of your elbow as she fell asleep again. You and Leo both awed at the sight before going to the door step.
You were waiting at the blue door as Leo bent down to get the spare key. He found it and jammed it into the door, letting you all in.
When you walked in, you walked up the stairs to find Maggie's room. You went down the hall, opening every door.
You eventually found Maggie's room. It was the room across from Percy and Annabeth's.
You walked in and placed her carefully in her crib. You laid her on her stomach so she wouldn't choke while sleeping.
You smiled at her sleeping figure and grabbed the baby monitor before heading back downstairs to Leo.
When you went downstairs, you went in the kitchen and didn't see Leo. You went to the living room and there he was, sleeping on the couch.
You giggled to yourself before plopping yourself down and snuggling next to him.
He yawned and opened his tired eyes before nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, one of the many adorable things he does.
Just then, the baby monitor went off and you heard Maggie screaming and crying. You looked at Leo and he looked at you expectantly.
"You're coming with me. She probably needs a diaper change." You said in an annoyed voice.
Poor Leo sighed and walked behind you as he poured. You rolled your eyes while looking forward. Let's just say, being pregnant makes you grumpy some days.
You and Leo opened the door of Maggie's room and you were immediately engulfed with screaming.
"You pick Maggie up while I get the changing table ready." You told Leo.
You watched Leo as he carefully picked Maggie up and gracefully cradle her. Leo was adorable when he was careful.
You went over to the changing table and set it up. You grabbed the wipes and the diapers.
"Bring Maggie over here and set her down." You told Leo nicely since you were done with your anger.
Leo walked over to the changing table and set Maggie down. He made sure her head went down last so she didn't bump it.
"Now, take off her diaper and clean her with a wipe." You told Leo. Leo gave you a face that was unreadable.
"Wait. I'm changing her?" He asked.
"Yes. You need to learn sometime, and that time is now. Get to work." You snapped back. Maybe your moodiness wasn't over...
He did just as he was told. You smiled proudly because he followed your directions.
"Now put on the new diaper and we are all good to go." You told Leo.
Leo put on Maggie's diaper and looked at her proudly. Leo was actually great with kids so far.
You carried Maggie down the stairs and into the kitchen with Leo at your tail. You were basically teaching Leo Baby 101.
"It's now time to feed her. Annabeth said she had some bottles of formula in the fridge." You said as you put Maggie in her high chair.
Leo walked over to the fridge and got a bottle out. He looked at it, then looked at you with a questionable look, then back at the bottle. You silently chuckled to yourself.
"Run the bottle under hot water to warm it up." You said while making funny faces to keep Maggie entertained.
Leo walked over to the sink and began running the bottle under the sink. He waited a few minutes before checking the temperature.
"Uh...(Y/N)? The formula isn't warming up." He said slowly.
You glared at Leo before grabbing the bottle. You checked the water and sighed to yourself.
"Leo, this water is freezing. You didn't put it on warm."
You turned the water to warm and kept the bottle under it for a few minutes. You checked the temperature of the formula and walked over to Maggie.
You held the bottle as she sucked on the nipple if the bottle. She chugged down the formula and finished it within five minutes.
You handed Leo the bottle as he placed it in the sink for it to be washed. You carried Maggie out to the living room.
"Hey Leo, will you get me a glass of water?" You asked.
"Sure honey." He yelled from the kitchen. You heard the running of water. Soon, Leo walked out with you water.
You took a sip as he sat next to you looking at Maggie peacefully sleeping again. It was like she was a Hypnos child because all she does is sleep.
"I can't wait for this moment with our daughter." Leo whispered. You gently smiled and looked at Leo with your bright (E/C) eyes.
"I can't wait either." You whispered back. You laid your head on Leo's shoulder and closed your eyes for rest. After a few minutes of staying like that, you opened your eyes.
You went to pick up your glass of water to see no water in it. You looked around and saw all the water above Leo's pants.
The water doused Leo and he jumped from the sudden cold feeling. You giggled and stared at Leo's now wet pants.
"What the Hades! Since when did Maggie be able to move water with her mind?" Leo whisper shouted.
"I think she picked up on Percy and Annabeth's powers combined." You said back.
"I wonder why Percy and Annabeth didn't tell us this."
"I don't think they know." You said back.
Just then, you looked at Maggie to see her beautiful sea green eyes. She smiled at you and giggled because you were still giggling. She knew exactly what she did.
"I think it's bath time for you." You told Maggie in a baby voice. She widened her smile and clapped her hands.
You carried her and told Leo to clear one side of the sink. After he did that, you handed him Maggie.
You plugged the drain and turned on the warm water. You made sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. Let's just say, you were going to be a great mother.
You put a lot of bubbles in her little bath. You went to the bathroom and grabbed the baby shampoo as Leo u dressed her and put her in the sink.
You came back out with the shampoo in your hands. Leo's pants was completely dry since he put himself on fire. Maggie was playing with a blue rubber ducky.
You grabbed a cup and carefully poured water on Maggie's head. You put your hand over her eyes so she wouldn't get water in them.
You put a dot of shampoo and gently washed Maggie's head and the little bit of hair she had.
After washing her head, you let her play for a little bit. She looked up at you with a mischievous smirk on her face that she obviously got from Percy. She then looked at Leo.
You smiled, knowing exactly what she was going to do. Leo walked toward her to pick her up and dry her off. Before Leo took her out, she splashed Leo again with soapy water.
She giggled and clapped her hands toward you as you laughed at Leo. Leo glared at you and looked at you straight in the eyes.
"You are taking her out." He said, over exaggerating some of the words. You playfully rolled your eyes before picking her up and drying her off.
You got her changed into her pajamas. You carried her upstairs and laid her down to go to sleep. Percy and Annabeth were going to have a long night since she slept most of the day.
You walked in the living room to see a pouting Leo on the couch. You mentally awed at the sight and sat on his lap. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his pouty lips.
"I don't think she likes me very much." He grumbled.
"I think she was just messing with you. Plus, you're hard not to like." You said back.
He smirked at you before smashing his lips into yours. He made sure he wasn't hurting your stomach though.
After the kiss, Percy and Annabeth walked through the doors of their house and set all of their stuff down. They walked over to you and Leo.
"How was she?" Percy asked.
"She was great. She doused Leo with water twice though." You replied.
"Wait, she has Percy's powers?" Annabeth asked.
"Actually, she had both if your powers. She can move water with her mind!" Leo said.
"I'm so proud that she has my powers!" Percy squealed.
"She's also very sassy." You said.
"Tell me about it. She's just like her dad." Annabeth said while glaring at her dancing husband.
"Where's Maggie now?" Annabeth asked.
"She's upstairs asleep." You told her.
"Alright. Here's fifty dollars. Thank you for watching her." Annabeth said as she handed you a fifty dollar bill.
You refused but she made you take it anyways. She said it could be used for shopping money for Baby Valdez.
"It was also Baby 101 for Leo. He changed a diaper and did a few other things." You told Percy and Annabeth.
"It's hard work, isn't it?" Percy said.
"Yeah. Can't wait to do it!" Leo said sarcastically.
They both earned a smack from you and Annabeth. 'So immature.' You thought before you and Leo went home to rest from the eventful day.
Hope you guys liked this one shot. Sorry if it sucks. It's just I'm tired and it's 6:00 in the morning right now. This is how much I love you all! Xoxo❤️ Cierra, Daughter of Apollo🌞
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