Chapter Two


Chapter Two

Harry woke up to Ron pushing him.

“Harry? Harry, wake up!” Ron told him.

Harry groaned and turned in his bed to glare at Ron. He groped his nightstand beside him for his glasses and he put them on to see Ron standing beside the bed. He looked around to see that Ron had opened his curtains and sun was coming through the window.

“What, Ron?” Harry grumbled.

“It’s eleven. You have to be at the ministry in an hour, remember?” Ron told him.

Harry groaned as he remembered.

“Right. Thanks, Ron.” Harry said as he forced himself into a sitting position.

“Are you okay? You never sleep in unless we’ve had a fun night.” Ron said.

“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay. I don’t know. I just couldn’t get to sleep last night.” Harry said.

“You said Dudley sent you a letter?” Ron asked.

“That’s right.” Harry said after a moment of remembering what completely happened last night.

“What was it about?” Ron asked concerned.

“He just wanted to talk. He wanted to just have a brothers night or something. I guess he has something to tell me or ask me.” Harry lied, convincingly.

“You sure that’s it? It’s just not like you to not be able to sleep.”

“Yeah. I honestly don’t know why I couldn’t get to sleep. I guess that I was just having an off night.”

Ron nodded and Harry thanked Ron again as he was leaving. It was Sunday. Hermione, Neville, and Ron would be here today. Hermione worked at the Flourish and Blotts store in Diagon Alley until she was hired as an assistant at the ministry like Harry. Ron and Neville worked at the new plant store in Diagon Alley (Neville was second in command), Ginny worked at the pet store in Diagon Alley while Luna worked with her father as a reporter for the Quibbler. Neville was reaching towards becoming a Herbology teacher at Hogwarts and Harry was working toward teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts after many people had begged him too. I guess they thought Dumbledore’s army was the beginning. Hermione was working on being an assistant for Mr. Weasley at the ministry.

Harry sighed and he then got up and he put on a pair of jeans before grabbing a clean shirt. He wobbled on his feet as he left his room and then walked down the hall and to the large boy bathroom that they had. That was another deal. There had to be a girls bathroom and a boys bathroom.

Harry walked inside, turned on the light, and shut the door before he locked it. Harry striped until he was naked and he then placed his clothes on the floor before he then turned on the water to hot. Harry took off his glasses before he then stepped into the shower. He turned it to shower mode and he felt himself get wet. Everything was blurry around him since he didn’t have his glasses on, but he soon found the shampoo to wash his hair.

The thought of that letter still bothered him though. Lennox Potter.

Now that he had time to think about it, the name rang a bell. He couldn’t remember what so ever about where the name came from, but he knew the name from somewhere. He knew that he definitely hadn’t heard it in a while, but he still didn’t know where at all the name came from.


The thought suddenly hit him. The pattern that he had remembered that came suddenly to his head: L.L.P.P.

Where had that come from?

Then it hit him. L.P. Lennox Potter…so could it be Lennox. L. P. Potter? What would the two middle names stand for though?

And why was her last name Potter. Sure there were a lot of Potters in England, but…Lennox. L. P. Potter…that had to be right. It couldn’t have been a coincidence…

Could it?

Could it really just be a girl who name happened to be the same as his and he had sent her a mysterious letter?

All he knew was that whoever she was, she knew enough about him to be raised at the Dursley house that Dudley was still living in. Although, that was in the paper. Both wizard and a little bit of muggle.

There was a knock at the door and it jolted Harry out of his thoughts.

“Harry?” he heard Hermione, “Harry it’s eleven forty, are you okay?”

“Yeah. Yes I’m fine.” Harry called back to her.

“Are you sure? I could send a letter to the ministry.” Hermione called back.

“No…No I’m fine. I’ll be out in a moment.” Harry told her.

Harry then turned off the water and he then carefully stepped out of the shower. He went to the cupboard beside the shower and he opened it. He took out a white towel and he began to dry himself off quickly. When that was done, he put on his glasses and he then put on his clothes. He stepped out of the shower to see Hermione there.

“Hermione, I have to go.” Harry told her.

“Harry, Ron just went in to the ministry. You would’ve been late anyway.” Hermione told him.

Harry groaned in anger.

“Harry, do you want to go back to sleep? Ron said that you didn’t get a lot. You seem to be having an off day. I’ve never seen you sleep in and take a shower that took longer than fifteen minutes.” Hermione said, “sorry, Harry. We only want to help.”

“No…No you’re right. I think I’ll go back to bed.” Harry said taking a deep breath.

“Do you want anything to eat?” Hermione asked.

“No. I’ll be fine. Thanks Hermione.” Harry told her.

Hermione nodded and gave him a weak smile. Harry knew that the ministry wouldn’t be angry that he was taking time off. They might’ve been angry that it would’ve been at last minute, but he hadn’t taken time off since last year when his Uncle Veron and Aunt Petunia were in a car accident and both him and Dudley stayed the night at the hospital to find out that both of them were going to be fine.

Harry guessed it was the first time that he had ever had an off day. Harry knew that it was probably because of that letter, but none of his friends needed to know that unless he felt like he had to. It wasn’t too important. It might even be a hoax. Harry didn’t know for sure.

So why do I care so much about it?, Harry asked his thoughts.

Harry thanked her and he then made his way to his room. He shut his door before he sat on his bed. He sighed and placed his head in his hands and felt his breath become shaky. He sighed and then laid down on his covers. He couldn’t bring himself to get under them or change out of his clothes. The least that he could do was take off his glasses.

After that, he felt his mind get blurry. Maybe he was coming down with something suddenly. It would make sense. He had to admit that he never slept in. Harry was a morning person and Harry never stayed in the shower for a long time unless he had something on his mind that he needed to think out.

The only thing was, was that as hard as Harry tried and how he felt as if his mind was going to explode, he found that he couldn’t sleep. It bothered him that he couldn’t remember exactly what Lennox meant, whether he was sick or not, because he did know it from somewhere. If he didn’t then why was it bothering him so much.

After about a half-hour of laying there, his head having its own pulse, Harry finally went to sleep.


When Harry woke up, he looked around after he reached for his glasses. It was almost seven in the evening. Harry couldn’t believe that he slept for another seven hours.

As he looked around the room, he noticed that his curtains were over his window again and there was a soft, thick blanket over him. He guessed that his friends came into his room to check on him every so often out of worry.

Harry slowly got up and he got out of bed. He felt a lot better. He felt well rested and awake. He knew that everyone would be home right now, but he hoped that they wouldn’t bother him too much.

He walked out of his room and down the hallway to see everyone sitting in the living room except for Ginny. Hermione was the first to notice him. She was reading a book while everyone else seemed to be watching something on the television set.

“Hey Harry. How are you?” Hermione asked.

Everyone in the room looked up and he gave them a shrug before sitting on one of the chairs. Ginny walked into the room and she sat on the chair arm.

“Yeah, I’m good I guess. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I guess that I just really needed a day off or that I was exhausted for some reason.” Harry explained and Ginny leaned over and gave him a hug.

“Are you sure that you don’t feel sick?” Ginny asked him.

“Yeah, yeah I am sure.” Harry told her and he kissed her.

Ginny then leaned back and Ron said, “the ministry was fine for you taking a day off. They said that if you needed tomorrow off as well then that would be fine.”

“Thanks, Ron. We’ll see what is going on for me tonight and tomorrow.” Harry said honestly.

“Are you hungry? We’ve ate already, but we have leftover soup and bread if you want some.” Ginny offered to him.

“That will be wonderful.” Harry said after thinking about it.

He went to get up, but Ginny placed her hand on his chest and she pushed him back down on the chair.

“Sit down. I’ll get it.” Ginny told him as she got up.

Harry knew that it wasn’t worth the effort to argue with her. He relaxed in the chair and Ron asked him, “are you still going to go see Dudley tonight?”

“Oh…yeah.” Harry remembered.

“Are you sure that you should, Harry?” Neville asked.

Harry nodded.

“Yeah. The message that he wants to tell me sounds important.” Harry told them and Ginny came back into the room with a bowl of soup and a plate of toast for Harry.


It took Ginny a little bit of convincing to let her agree with Harry leaving the house, but she agreed in the end. She knew that Harry was old enough to make his own decision and that he seemed well enough to go out.

So, Harry went to his room, took the letter and he looked at the clock. He had five minutes before he had to go, but he realized that he still needed to keep this a secret. None of his friends knew about who he was really going to see. He didn’t want to worry and bother them with his troubles.

Even though he was early, Harry sighed and then apparated so that he was in front of Dudley’s house. He was in the middle of the street and when he saw a car coming, he walked to the one side and he saw a hooded person sitting on the sidewalk, looking at the Dudley house from afar.

Harry could see through the front windows that Dudley was having a fancy dinner with his girlfriend, who Harry was guessing was soon going to become Dudley’s fiancé.

“You’re very punctual.” The girl on the ground commented.

Harry looked at her as the hooded girl then sat up. She looked at Harry and she then took off her hood. The girl was wearing a black hoody that seemed to be a couple of sizes too big as well as black dress shoes and a black ruffled skirt.

The girl though seemed to be younger than Harry. She looked young at least. She had brown hair that was slowly turning a roasted brown with her red natural highlights and she had shallow, but soft blue eyes. She also had a distinctive face, one that Harry would never forget.

“I’m guessing that you are Lennox.” Harry said.

The girl seemingly named Lennox nodded and she said, “It’s good to meet you in person, Harry. It has been an extremely long time since we last saw each other.”

“I don’t recall you at all.” Harry said meaning her facial features.

“Like I said, it was an extremely long time.” Lennox told him.

Harry nodded and he then asked her, “you mentioned many things in the letter that I want to know about.”

“I figured. I had to tell you something to make you come here.” Lennox said, “and I assume that you haven’t told your friends or girlfriend.”

Harry hoped that she got that information from the papers.

“No, I didn’t tell them anything. They think that I am visiting Dudley.” Harry explained.

Lennox nodded. Harry knew that he had to get the question out, get more information about her.

“How old are you?” Harry asked her.

“A year younger than you, seventeen. I got out of Hogwarts a couple of months ago.” Lennox answered.

Harry was surprised and Lennox noticed, or she was expecting it, “I know. I look young for my age. It has always been like that for me. I consider it a blessing and I know I will when I hit my golden years.”

Harry nodded and he then asked her, “your name. In the letter you said that your name was Lennox Potter. Potter. What do you mean? I get fan letters all of the time, but never one like yours.”

“Well, I am a fan, but I’m not only that.” Lennox said and then she sighed and Harry saw her shift her legs and position before looking at her face and seeing her go a little pale, “in fact, Potter is my last name by law.”

“Potter?” Harry asked her.

“Yes.” Lennox said and she gave a deep sigh and told him, “Harry, I’m your sister.”

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