This Imperfect World

(Chapter is shoter than usual due to Jiang only having half of the screen time)

Jiang panted as she climbed up the rocks before finally coming to the top. She, MK, and Nezah had finally landed after an hour of flying, and now, up in the distance, the Lady Bone Demon's mech could be seen in the distance. "So, this is the power of the Lady Bone Demon. I've heard tales of it but never experienced it firsthand" Nezah said.

"Oh I've experienced it alright. Up close and personal" Jiang said as she rubbed her throat a bit. "Even from here, I can feel her wretched arua" Nezah continued. "Yeah" MK agreed.

It was a little hard to not feel the chill that began to climb up Jiang's spine. "I fear the Monkey King is right. The Samadhi Fire is the best chance at stopping her" Nezah said. "Though it would help if we also had the Pheonix Flame" he muttered under his breath.

Though Jiang heard it. However, she held her tongue. There were more important matters at hand.

"The fool never should have taken off on his own. Let's make this quick. Get in, get Monkey King, and regroup with the others" Nezah laid out the plan. However, before he or Jiang could take off, MK stopped them. "Wait! What if... What if Monkey King is better off without us? What if we just get in his way?" He asked.

The Third Lotus Prince approached him. "I've known Sun Wukong a long time. He is not the loner he pretends to be. He seems important to you, both of you, so I can only assume your both equally as important to him. If there's anyone he needs right now, it's the both of you" Nezah said in a gentle tone, his words making it clear he was addressing both siblings. Jiang wasn't going to lie, she really needed that comfort.

It made her all the more determined to succeed, and try to make Wukong see reason. "Get in, get Monkey King, get out" MK said. "That's right" Nezah told him, giving a small smile.

And with that, the three began to make their way towards the Bone Mech. "Feels like it's been months since we last saw that thing" Jiang breathed as she ran. "I know right? And I'm still creeped out by it" MK said, making Jiang chuckle.

"You and me both little brother" she said. The trio got closer, then Jiang and MK both looked back at the sound of someone groaning. "Ayo? MK, check it out. This guy look familiar?" Jiang realized as she got to the edge of the crater.

"Hey, it's the guy who probably definitely isn't actually a real mayor" MK noted as Nezah joined them, though he was looking up at the sky. "Get down!" He cried, and everyone got out of the way of an ice block that crashed into the ground. "Jeez, where did that-oh my gods" Jiang said as she looked up into the sky.

All she could really see were small flashes of gold and blue light, and occasionally hear the sound barrier being broken. "Was that Monkey King?!" MK asked from behind her and Nezah. "Yes, he-" Nezah started to say before he cut himself off.

Looking back to see why, Jiang realized MK had pulled the guy who probably isn't the Mayor pug of the crater he had been in. "...He has the Lady Bone Demon on the defensive" Nezah finished his sentence as he looked back up at the sky. "Huh? Wait, you guys can actually see what's going on?" MK asked as he came over to them after dropping the guy on the ground.

"Well, yes, but only small flashes of it" Jiang told him, her eyes darting around as she tried to keep up with the battle. "That speed. Sun Wukong really was pulling his punches with me!" Nezah realized as he tightened his grip on his spear. "Yeah, yeah, that's great, but is he winning?! Maybe we dont need to stop him after all" MK asked.

"It, looks like it" Jiang answered after a moment's hesitation. "It would appear so" Nezah agreed. Once the fight went to the top of the Bone Demon Mech, Jiang used her gold vision.

"He's got her pinned!" She cried. MK seemed to rejoice at that, and even Nezah relazed just a tiny bit, but a feeling of dread had pooled in Jiang's stomach and formed a hard lump. Something wasn't right here.

And her suspicions were confirmed when LBD thrust her hand out, making a blue rotating spell appear behind Wukong. Suddenly, strange wisps of blue smoke and mist began to appear from the Mayor's body and fly up to the top of the Bone Mech. One of the wisps shot straight towards Jiang, and it slammed into her chest.

She had never felt more horrible in her life than she did right then and there. The cold that seemed to take over was almost unbearable, and Jiang could have sworn that her own heart had stopped for a moment. Then, pain that hit hard enough to make her double over racked through her body in waves, and it became even more difficult to breathe.

And yet, even from here, so far away from the Bone Mech in her current condition, she could hear Wukong's yells and gut wrenching screams of pain. If one little wisp had made Jiang feel like she did, she didn't even want to know what all that had made him feel. "Jiang?" MK whispered bringing her attention to him.

Both he and Nezah were watching her with looks of concern and worry. Jiang looked up at the both of them. "I'm alright. I'm still here" She said as she got to her feet.

"Whatever that was, it wasnt good" Nezah told her. "We cant worry about me right now" Jiang told him. Wukong's cries of pain had stopped, and it scared her.

Using her gold vision again, she quickly located the Monkey, but something was wrong. He didn't really, look right. The once bright red pheonix feathers on his cap had turned blue, his skin pale, and even the markings around his eyes had gone to a pale blue.

And he was stiff as a board. It terrified Jiang to no end as she wondered what the hell Lady Bone Demon had done to him. She was even more creeped out by the woman's terrifying laugh of victory that seemed to echo in her own mind.

Jiang watched as Wukong turned his head, and opened his eyes. And that made her go white with fear. "No" she breathed out, her voice shaky.

Wukong's eyes no longer shown with their usual beautiful golden hues. Instead, they were glowing a solid, cold, blue. Sun Wukong, was gone.

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