Something shaking her made Jiang wake with a start, then she let out a yelp as she fell off the couch. "Earthquake!" She heard MK yell from the other bedroom in the apartment. Oh right, she had come over to MK's apartment last night for a movie marathon and she ended up crashing on the couch.
Jiang rolled herself under the table in front of her, and waited for the shaking to stop, rolling her eyes as she heard MK lament about his "prized possessions" as he called everything Monkey King related in his room. The shaking finally stopped, and Jiang began to get to her feet. "Nine o one! We're late for work!" MK suddenly screeched.
Well shit, might as well start thinking about her eulogy. Speedrunning everything, Jiang hastily got dressed and grabbed her hair sticks, deciding to get her hair done all the way in the shop. "Pigsy is so gonna kill us" she commented.
"Your not helping with my anxiety!" She heard MK yell. Apparently she said that louder than she thought. After he got ready, both siblings quickly made their way down to the shop. "Pigsy! I'm so sorry we're late. Me and MK both overslept" Jiang called as she entered the area, twisting her hair up into it's usual bun before fixing it in place with the chop sticks.
"I didn't set an alarm! And honestly I don't even remember going to bed, and then the earthquake, and, and..." MK said. "Please don't fire us" Jiang practically begged. Then, the two got one hell of a shock.
"Fire you, why would I fire you two?" Pigsy asked with a bright smile. MK and Jiang shared a look of confusion before looking back at the pig demon. "Well, last time you said that if me and MK were even a minute late again, that you would fire us" Jiang told him.
"I said that?" Pigsy asked looking confused. Tang laughed as he came over and gave Pigsy a side hug. "That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy" he said before both he and the pig demon broke out in laughter.
MK and Jiang both looked very confused, but before anyone could say anything, another earthquake shook the place. "Oh shit. Aftershock, aftershock!" Jiang called out as she used a nearby table to support herself. The quake ended and MK, who had fallen down again, stood up.
"Aftershock? Whatchu talkin about Jiang?" Pigsy asked. "Did you not feel that?" MK asked. "Feel what?" Pigsy asked him.
"Oh, I think MK and Jiang have a real case of the Mondays, hmm?" Tang said, looking at the siblings. Jiang gave him a searching look as MK said "Maybe it's an inner ear thing?". Then he reached to his ear, attempting to pull out the staff, making Pigsy laugh.
"The staff ain't in your ear kid" he said. "Well, that's a bit of a relief. Wait, then where is the staff?!" Jiang cried. "On top of the mountain. Sealing away the Demon Bull King and the rest of his family" Tang told her.
"Uh, what now?" Jiang asked. "You guys do remember, right? I keep saying you work them too hard" Tang said before turning to Pigsy. "That's it. You two are taking the day off" Pigsy said.
"...I think I need to sit down real quick" Jiang said as she did just that. "Who are you and what have you done to Pigsy?!" She whisper shouted in MK's ear. "Who cares?! Let's go!" MK cried, dragging his sister with him out of the shop.
"Our first day off in two whole years" MK said as he rolled along on his skateboard. "Well, this is my first day off in six years. How do you think I feel? And what the hell is going on here?!" Jiang said then cried. "All I know is that today is the perfect day! No traffic at rush hour, free shoes and cheesty samples, beating all the high scores on Monkey Mech, more free cheesty samples!"
The crowd that had slowly begun to accumulate behind the two shouted "Perfect!" for the fifth time. "You guys are really driving that point home huh?" MK said before another earthquake shook the place. But, this time, something seemed, different.
The crowd had suddenly disappeared, and Jiang managed to detect a strange presence, but, looking around, no one was there, which got her thinking that all this probably wasn't some elaborate prank that MK was trying to pull. "Okay, something is definitely going on here" she said. "But what?" MK asked.
"No idea, but come on. We're going to find out... Somehow" Jiang said before hopping on her hoverboard. "Wait, I just realized. Pigsy smiled! He never smiles, I gotta tell Mei!" MK cried, running off, only to stop short as the siblings best friend was right there. Like she had teleported there.
"Hey MK, Jiang. You guys good?" She asked. "Mei! Boy am I glad to see you. Please tell me you can see them too" MK said as he and Jiang were surrounded by city folk. "Nine of that matters. We're gonna be late!" Mei cried before seizing both MK and Jiang and running off.
"Late for what?!" Jiang called out. "Mine and MK's romantic river cruise for two!" Mei said before letting Jiang go. She continued to run off with MK, who looked shock. "River cruise for two? What?" Jiang muttered to herself.
This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. She was getting everything she ever wanted in one fell swoop, but nine of it felt right. It didn't feel like it was real.
And with that thought in mind, she made her way to the river docks, and after a bit of searching, she quickly discovered both Mei and MK. Just in time to see Mei confess her love for MK. Even with everything that's been happening, Jiang had to clamp her hand over her mouth to not burst out laughing.
The look on her brother's face, not to mention his reaction, was some of the most funniest shit she ever saw, and this moment made it's way to the top ten funniest things mental list that Jiang had. Then, Mei started acting a bit weird, and after that, MK left. "I think I nailed it" Mei suddenly said with a weird accent.
Sandy appeared beside her. "Let's hope so" he said. Jiang looked at the sight with confusion, and growing suspicion.
"What, in the world?" She breathed. Mei and Sandy suddenly looked in her direction, and she ducked behind some vegetation. Then, she quickly got away and started running.
Where, she didn't know, but she had to find MK, and tell him what she witnessed. Running into an alleyway to avoid anybody, Jiang suddenly slammed into the very person she was looking for. "MK! Wait, tell me something only MK would know" She said, looking at her brother, pulling back her fist.
"This entire day has gone all wonky and only me and you seem to realize it!" MK cried out of fear of getting hit in the face. "Okay, it's actually you" Jiang breathed. "How're you two doing down there?" A voice called out.
"Monkey King?" Jiang asked as the Great Sage came down on his cloud. "Wait a second, what're you doing here?" She asked. "Oh, you know, hangin, chillin, Monkey Kinging around. Anyway, enough about me, what's new with you two?" Wukong said before pausing.
"You guys seem agitated" he noted. "Well, I think we have a right to be after everything. It's like everyone's lost it! Pigsy gave us the day off, and Mei confessed her undying love for MK even though their just friends" Jiang said, raising an eyebrow and smirking a bit at MK, who looked like he was about to blow a fuse with how he was glaring at her. "And Sandy turned his boat into a live cruise? Oh gods. I think I'm the one who's lost it" Jiang said.
Sun Wukong jumped down from his cloud in front of the two. "Ah, your not crazy. This is all very normal! My power's just so great that it's probably too much for your brains to handle. You two are gonna see some weird stuff, you just gotta accept it" he said. "Accept it, huh?" MK said as Jiang crossed her arms.
"Yeah, you just gotta accept it! Apart from that live but, it all sounds fine, perfect!" Wukong told them as he turned around. And that did it. Jiang grabbed MK's wrist and dragged him with her out of the alleyway.
"Come on" she said, bringing around her hoverboard. She pulled MK on and shot off somewhere. "Where are we going?" MK called over the rush if the wind as he held on to his sister's shoulder.
"You'll see" Jiang replied before going faster. She came to a stop outside a familiar construction sight, and drove into the lift. Then, she pressed a button, and the lift went down.
"Jiang?" MK asked. "I just gotta check something" was the short reply that he got. Then, once the lift hit the ground, the two got out and started walking.
"This is fine, this is fine, we're definitely not going crazy, it's everyone else that's going crazy" she heard MK mutter to himself. She then spotted something that made her stop, and MK, who wasn't paying attention, walked right into her. "Jiang, what- oh" he said before seeing what she saw.
"The staff!" He cried. "Hey MK! Jiang!" Mei's voice called out behind him. The two siblings spun around, seeing their friend.
"Mei! What are you doing here?" MK asked. "No matter, but, what are you guys doing?" She said, deflecting the question. "Just about to take the old staff for a spin" Jiang said, giving Mei a smile over her shoulder.
"Take it?! But you can't take it! If you take it, then the Demon Bull King will return!" Mei snapped at her. Jiang felt MK tap her shoulder, so she turned around, and spotted Sandy. "Leave the staff where it is you two" he said.
Sandy almost growled it out. "Oh MK, Jiang, you don't want that mean DBK to return, do you?" Tang asked, appearing out of nowhere. "Why would we all just head back to the shop? I'll make us all a nice pot of noodles" Pigsy said, holding a pot as he also appeared out of nowhere.
Jiang looked around before her face hardened, and she gently pulled MK behind her as he let out little fearful whimpers. Then, someone landed behind them. "You can still have your perfect life" Wukong said in a slight sing song voice.
"Yeah, we can all just hang out" Mo the Cat said. A moment of silence fell on everyone as everything became clear for Jiang. "Jin, cat's not meant to talk!" Mei said to Pigsy.
"Yeah, jig's up. Let's get em!" The pig demon cried, pointing at MK and Jiang. Everyone then attacked the two. "I knew it! I knew something wasn't right with you all!" Jiang yelled out as she and MK dodged everybody.
MK darted towards the staff, but was quickly stopped by Sandy and everyone else dog-piling him. "MK!" Jiang breathed, looking between him and the staff before coming to a conclusion. She couldn't help her brother without the staff, she would get caught too.
So, while MK provided the unintentional distraction, she snuck around and climbed up the other side of the hill. "Hey!" She yelled, making everyone look up, shock quickly coming into everyone's faces. "You fellas forgot something" Jiang said with a smirk as she placed one hand on her hip and the other on the staff.
Both she and the weapon began to glow so bright that even she couldn't see anything. But she heard something crack and break, and the next thing she knew, she was standing in front of two demons, who looked identical to each other. But one had orange colored skin while the other had blue.
She heard MK getting up behind her, and then felt his presence beside her. The second MK and the twin demons spotted each other, they both began screaming, the two demons holding on to each other, and MK holding on to Jiang, who sighed while rolling her eyes. "Who are you?!" MK cried.
"We're your worst nightmare! Jin, Yin! The golden super demons!" The orange one, who Jiang guessed was Jin, said. "Mate, silver and gold, silver and gold!" Yin said with disappointment as the two began a light tussle with each other. "Okay, got it, you two are prankster demons. Now explain what me and my brother are doing here" Jiang said after she facepalmed.
"We'd heard about the great Monkey Kids, and knew that you two would be a worthy adversary" Yin said. "Yeah, so we called out to you, and you both foolishly answered" Jin said. Suddenly, everything hit Jiang like a friet train.
She remembered her and MK coming out to this hut to deliver an order. After knocking, Jin opened the door. "Who is it?" He asked.
"Pigsy's noodles. Home of the world's longest.... Noodles" Jiang said before trailing off as she realized that the customer wasn't listening. She and MK shared a light shrug. They both had their fair share of rude customers.
"Well, in order to enter, you first have to identify yourselves. Are your names MK and Jiang?" Said a weird old woman's voice from behind the door. "Well, we're currently going by those names, yes" Jiang answered as the door opened all the way. "But my name used to be-" MK was cut off by his and Jiang's yell as they were both sucked into, whatever the demons were holding.
Coming back to the present, Jiang now glared at the two that had put her and her brother through a strange hell. "The Calabash was supposed to contain the both of you forever!" Jin snapped. "At least until we figured out step three. But.." Yin said before he and Jin took up fighting poses.
"We'll have to destroy you the good ol fashion way!" Jin finished. Both Jiang and MK sighed. "Fine" MK said before Jiang spun the staff and pointed it at the two.
"I feel like having a fight" she said with a light smile and half-lidded eyes. "I don't think they know we're bluffing" Jin muttered. "Oh, I've just figured out step three" Yin replied.
"You do realize we can hear you, right?" Jiang asked, making the demons look at her in shock. "...Smoke bombs!" The two chorused before throwing down two smoke bombs. Once the smoke cleared, MK looked shocked to see the demons were gone.
Jiang, on the other hand, sighed. "I get the feeling we'll be seeing more of those bozos in the future" she said. "We are the greatest tricksters that ever existed!" She heard Yin yell from somewhere behind her before another loud puffing sound resonated throughout the building.
Now, there was one last order of business to take care of. And that, really scared Jiang and MK. Heading back to the shop, the siblings cautiously poked their heads in.
"Mei? Tang? Pigsy?" MK asked. The pig demon landed on the ground in front of the two. "Where have you two been?! I've got-!" Pigsy yelled before MK jumped at him, crying out his name.
"Wait.." he suddenly said before he began poking the angered pig. "If you don't get your hands offa me, you and your sister will be fired!" Pigsy snapped. He was very much surprised when MK gave him a tight hug.
Everyone immediately looked at Jiang for answers. "Long story short, me and MK got trapped in something called a Calabash by two trickster demons, who then proceeded to give us hell by giving us the 'perfect day'. We, obviously, managed to break out, and now we're here" she explained. Everyone let out an "Oohhh" before MK let go of Pigsy.
"Well, any more orders for us to deliver? We'll be bringing the staff along from now on too" Jiang said. Pigsy did have a lot more orders to deliver, so Jiang and MK went ahead and took care of those. So many had collected while she and her brother were in the Calabash, that the sun was close to setting by the time they were finally done.
"Man, this has been some day" Jiang said. MK let out a groan in relief as he slumped in his bed. "Welp, I'm heading off to my apartment. See you in the morning" Jiang said, getting ready to leave.
"Hey Jiang?" MK asked, making his sister pause and look turn to look at him. "Don't get caught on the way" he said. Jiang let out a chuckle and smiled.
"Right back at cha brother. And do me a favor. Don't ever change" Jiang said before walking away to a hopefully not disturbed sleep.
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