Chapter 5- GBF

Duke and Freya sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by maps and notes. They were determined to find Mia, but the stress was taking its toll. Freya rubbed her temples, trying to think of any place they hadn't checked yet.

"Maybe we should check the old cabin by the lake," Duke suggested. "It's secluded and Mia knows about it from our camping trips."

Freya nodded. "That's a good idea. We can head there first thing in the morning."

Meanwhile, upstairs, Clemmons was sound asleep, unaware of the turmoil his family was going through. Buster, on the other hand, was tasked with the challenging job of putting Allen to sleep.

Allen was lying in bed, eyes wide open, clutching the covers tightly. Buster sat beside him, gently stroking his hair, trying to offer some comfort. Despite Buster's soothing presence, Allen was still terrified.

"What if she gets hurt, Buster? What if we never see her again?" Allen's voice trembled as he voiced his fears.

Buster, unable to speak, squeezed Allen's hand reassuringly and shook his head, conveying that he believed Mia would be okay. He then picked up a small notebook from the bedside table and started to write.

She's strong and smart, just like Mom said. Harl is with her. She'll be safe.

Allen read the note and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "But what if something happens before we find her?"

Buster wrote again, We'll find her. You need to rest so you can help tomorrow. She needs all of us at our best.

Allen nodded, still anxious but understanding the importance of rest. He tried to relax, focusing on Buster's calm presence. Buster continued to sit with him, his hand never leaving Allen's, providing a silent but powerful reassurance.

Downstairs, Freya and Duke continued to plan. "I'll call Harl first thing in the morning," Freya said. "If anyone can help us narrow down her location, it's him."

Duke agreed. "We'll find her, Freya. We just have to stay focused and not lose hope."

Upstairs, Allen sighed. "I can't sleep, Buster. Every time I close my eyes, I see her lost or hurt," Allen confessed, his voice trembling.

Buster thought for a moment, then got up and went to the bookshelf. He pulled out one of Allen's favorite childhood books and sat back down on the bed. He opened the book and started to highlight the words he was TRYING to read.

As Buster read  ( kind of), Allen slowly began to relax, the familiar story and his brother's calming presence helping to soothe his anxiety. Buster continued reading, glancing at Allen occasionally to see if he was drifting off. Finally, after a few more pages, Allen's eyes started to close, and his breathing evened out.

Buster gently placed the book on the bedside table and pulled the blanket over Allen, tucking him in. He stayed by his brother's side until he was sure Allen was fast asleep. Once Allen was settled, Buster quietly got up and left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Downstairs, Duke and Freya were still deep in conversation, trying to come up with a plan. Buster joined them, his expression serious.

"How's Allen?" Freya asked, looking up at Buster.

Buster nodded and gestured with his hand, indicating that Allen was finally asleep.

"Good," Duke said, relieved. "Now we need to figure out our next steps. Any ideas, Buster?"

Buster took a seat and started writing on his notepad again. He showed them his suggestion:

We should check the places Mia loves. The park, the library, and maybe even the forest again. She might have left clues.

Freya and Duke nodded in agreement.

"That's a good plan," Freya said. "We'll start first thing in the morning. For now, let's all try to get some rest. We need to be at our best to find her."

Suddenly, loud yells echoed through the house. Duke and Freya immediately recognized the voices of Clemmons and Allen. Buster, who was about to head to his own room, sighed deeply and slammed his head into a book in exasperation. He had thought he'd finally managed to get Allen to sleep, but it seemed the peace was short-lived.

Buster quickly ran back upstairs to find both Allen and Clemmons sprawled on the floor, unconscious. It didn't take long for him to notice the hunter photo, which had somehow found its way into Clemmons' hands.

He shook his head, exasperated. How was it that he, the usually silent and steady one, was the calmest among his brothers? He took a deep breath and got to work.

First, he gently moved Allen back to the bed, making sure he was comfortable. Then he turned his attention to Clemmons, lifting him up and placing him on the couch. Buster found a wet washcloth and dabbed it on Clemmons' forehead, hoping to rouse him.

Downstairs, Freya and Duke heard the commotion and came running up.

"What happened?" Freya asked, eyes wide with concern.

Buster held up the photo, shaking his head. He then pointed to his brothers, miming a fainting gesture.

Duke sighed heavily. "That picture again? We need to get rid of it."

Freya knelt beside Clemmons, checking to make sure he was okay. "We'll deal with the picture later. For now, let's focus on keeping everyone calm and safe."

Clemmons began to stir, blinking his eyes open and looking around in confusion. "What...what happened?"

"You fainted," Buster wrote on his notepad, showing it to Clemmons.

Allen, still groggy, looked over from the bed. "Is everyone okay? I thought...I thought..."

"Everyone's fine," Duke assured him. "You both just need to rest. We all do."

"Especially Buster," Freya added, giving him a grateful smile. "He's been keeping things together for all of us."

Clemmons sat up slowly, rubbing his head. "Sorry, Buster. And sorry, everyone. I guess I let my imagination get the better of me."

Allen nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. I just...I'm so worried about Mia."

"We all are," Freya said gently. "But we need to stay strong and calm. Tomorrow, we'll search again with clear heads."

Duke looked at his sons, determination in his eyes. "Get some rest, boys. We'll find Mia. We just need to keep our wits about us."

Buster, relieved that his brothers were okay, gave them each a reassuring pat before heading back to his own bed. He couldn't help but think about Mia, hoping that wherever she was, she was safe. As he settled down to sleep, he resolved to stay strong for his family, knowing that they needed his calm presence now more than ever.

( In the middle of the night).

In the middle of the night, Buster woke up to an unexpected weight pressing down on him. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he realized that Allen had crawled into bed with him, seeking comfort. But that wasn't all—Clemmons was sprawled on top of Allen, creating a human sandwich.

Buster sighed deeply and slapped his forehead in exasperation. It seemed that no matter what he did, chaos followed his brothers. He carefully maneuvered out from under Allen and Clemmons, making sure not to wake them. He gently repositioned Allen, ensuring he was comfortable, and then rolled Clemmons off Allen and onto the other side of the bed.

As he stood there, looking at his sleeping brothers, Buster couldn't help but smile. Despite the madness, he loved them dearly. They were a tight-knit family, even in the face of uncertainty and fear.

Deciding he needed a moment to clear his head, Buster quietly left the room and headed downstairs. He made himself a cup of tea, hoping the warmth would help him relax. He sat at the kitchen table, thinking about Mia and hoping she was okay.

As he sipped his tea, he heard a creak from the stairs. Freya appeared, her face etched with worry. "Couldn't sleep?" she asked softly.

Buster shook his head, giving her a small smile.

Freya sat down next to him, resting a hand on his. "Thank you for being so strong, Buster. Your brothers need you right now. We all do."

Buster nodded, squeezing her hand in reassurance.

"We'll find her," Freya continued, her voice steady. "We just have to stay hopeful and keep looking."

Buster nodded again, feeling a bit of the weight lift off his shoulders. He knew his family was counting on him, and he was determined to do everything he could to help bring Mia back home safely.

After finishing his tea, Buster headed back upstairs. He found Allen and Clemmons still tangled together but sleeping peacefully. With a sigh, he climbed back into bed, careful not to disturb them. As he closed his eyes, he resolved to be the rock his family needed, ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring.

Buster had barely drifted back to sleep when Allen suddenly yelled, "SOMEONE HAS MIA! SHE'S GONNA GET KILLED!" The outburst jolted Clemmons awake, and he immediately started running around the room, screaming at the top of his lungs, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Buster sat up quickly, his heart racing. He knew he had to calm his brothers down before they woke up the whole house. With a sigh, he got out of bed and went to Allen first, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Allen was trembling, his eyes wide with fear.

Buster gestured for Allen to take deep breaths, mimicking the action himself. Allen tried to follow along, slowly starting to calm down. Buster then turned his attention to Clemmons, who was still running around the room in a panic.

Buster grabbed a pillow and gently but firmly threw it at Clemmons, aiming for his legs to stop him. The pillow hit its mark, and Clemmons stumbled to a halt, looking at Buster with wide eyes. Buster pointed to the bed, silently commanding Clemmons to sit down.

Once both brothers were seated, Buster took a moment to catch his own breath. He then grabbed his notepad and pen from the bedside table and quickly scribbled a message:

"We need to stay calm. Mia is strong and smart. Panicking won't help her. Let's think of how we can find her."

He showed the note to Allen and Clemmons, who both nodded, though they still looked scared. Buster sat down between them, putting an arm around each brother, trying to provide comfort through his presence.

Just then, Duke and Freya burst into the room, having heard the commotion. "What's going on?!" Duke asked, looking at his sons with concern.

Allen, still shaken, managed to explain, "I had a nightmare... about Mia."

Freya knelt down in front of them, her expression softening. "It's okay, sweetheart. We're all worried about Mia, but we need to stay strong for her. We'll find her."

Duke nodded in agreement. "Your mom's right. We're going to find Mia, but we have to stay calm and think clearly."

Suddenly, Allen remembered. " Fire truck!" He yelled, running downstairs.

" Bust, Clemms, I think you should go with him." Freya yelled.

They nodded, and hopped onto the back just as Allen turned the vehicle on and drove.

As Allen sped away in the fire truck, Clemmons and Buster exchanged worried glances. Clemmons shouted over the roaring engine, "Does he even know how to drive this?! He's a police officer, not a firefighter!"

Buster shrugged helplessly, his expression reflecting his concern. He gestured towards Allen, who was focused intently on the road ahead but clearly struggling with the unfamiliar vehicle controls.

Clemmons leaned closer to Allen, yelling over the noise, "Allen, slow down! You don't know how to drive this thing!"

Allen glanced back briefly, his eyes wide with panic. "I know, I know! But Mia might be in trouble, we have to find her!"

Buster, trying to maintain calm amidst the chaos, pulled out his notepad and hastily wrote a message: "Allen, let's think this through. We can't help Mia if we crash this truck."

He showed the note to Clemmons, who nodded in agreement. "Listen to Buster, Allen! We need to think of a plan."

Allen took a deep breath, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "You're right," he shouted back. "Okay, I'll slow down and we'll figure this out."

Buster nodded approvingly, relieved that Allen was listening. Together, they scanned the streets, looking for any sign of where Mia might be. Despite the urgency of their mission, Buster couldn't help but worry about Allen's impulsive actions.

Meanwhile, Duke and Freya, who had followed in their own car, raced after the fire truck. Duke called out on his radio, trying to coordinate with the police and fire departments to ensure Allen's reckless drive didn't cause further chaos.

Freya held onto Duke's arm tightly, her heart pounding with fear for both Allen and Mia. "We'll find her," she said, more to herself than to Duke. "We have to."

Duke squeezed Freya's hand reassuringly, his eyes scanning the road ahead. "We will, Freya. We will."

Then, a moment of realization struck him. "Wait, what am I worried about? Allen is a police officer!"

"In the air force!" Freya replied, her tone a mix of incredulity and amusement. "The guy hasn't even started driving yet!"

"And here he is, driving without a license," Duke muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "Driving without a license!?" He pulled the compartment, and out came loads of handcuffs.

Freya raised an eyebrow. "How many handcuffs do you carry anyway?"

Duke grinned mischievously. "Twenty-seven."

Freya burst out laughing. "Twenty-seven?! What are you planning to do, arrest the entire city?"

Duke chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hey, you never know when you'll need 'em."

As they continued their pursuit of Allen in the fire truck, Duke couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable turn of events. "Only our family," he muttered under his breath, earning a knowing smile from Freya.

Together, they sped down the road, hoping to catch up to Allen before he caused more chaos than he was trying to prevent.

Meanwhile, since Allen had no idea what he was doing, Clemmons scrambled to assist him. The sirens blared loudly as they sped down the road, weaving through traffic.

"Left! Left!" Clemmons shouted, pointing frantically.

Allen hesitated, glancing at the road signs. "Wait, does that mean turn left or go straight?"

Clemmons gritted his teeth. "Left means left, Allen! Just follow my directions!"

Allen nodded, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Got it! Left!"

They careened around a corner, narrowly avoiding a mailbox, much to the dismay of the homeowner watching from their window.

"Watch out for that stop sign!" Clemmons yelled, pointing ahead.

Allen squinted at the sign. "Stop sign? Is that the one with the octagon shape?"

Clemmons groaned. "Yes, the one with eight sides! Slow down and stop!"

Allen slammed on the brakes a little too hard, causing the fire truck to lurch forward. "Oops, sorry!"

Clemmons grabbed the dashboard for stability. "Okay, let's try that again. Slowly this time."

Despite their confusion over road signs, they continued their wild chase, determined to catch up with Allen and hopefully find Mia safe and sound.

Allen finally managed to slow down at an intersection. The sirens wailed, and Clemmons was constantly pointing out directions and hazards.

"Left! Take a left here!" Clemmons yelled, his voice barely audible over the blaring sirens.

Allen jerked the wheel, turning sharply onto a narrower street. "Left, got it!"

They raced down the quieter road, Allen's knuckles white from gripping the wheel so tightly. As they approached another turn, Allen's brow furrowed in concern. "Hey Clemmons, where's Buster?"

Clemmons glanced quickly around the cab of the fire truck, realizing with a start that Buster wasn't in the passenger seat beside him. He leaned out the window, scanning the street behind them. To his surprise, there was Buster, clinging to the ladder rack at the back of the fire truck like a flag in a hurricane.

"Uh, Allen," Clemmons called out, gesturing wildly towards Buster. "He's... uh... he's back there!"

Allen glanced in the rearview mirror and burst out laughing at the sight of Buster hanging on for dear life. "Buster! What are you doing back there?"

Buster's eyes were wide with both fear and determination as he gripped the ladder rack. "I couldn't find a seat inside!" His face said.

Clemmons shook his head in disbelief, trying to suppress a chuckle. "Just hold on tight, Buster! We'll get to Mia!"

Allen nodded determinedly, refocusing on the road ahead. "Hang in there, Buster! We're coming for you, Mia!"

" What was that? Mere cats are invading?!" Clemmons yelled.

" No! We're coming for you, Mia! That's what I said."

" WHAT?!"

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