Chapter 15

"She reminds me of the moon. So lonely, so full of imperfections. But just like the moon, she shines within the darkness. So strong, so bright and so much beauty within.

And at times I wish she didn't seem so fucking broken, full of pain. But then I remember that it was the way she portrayed her brokenness, was what helped put my heart back together. And her pain is beautiful and my heart is full.

And I think in some way we were meant to find each other. To know that wherever we are in the world, there's someone listening, and I hope to God that she is smiling, despite what's going on inside of her or around her. The pain doesn't last forever. There's always a way to get away from it. All you have to do is drive. I know she will find her way through the dark and she will find the happiness we all deserve.

Life has a way of giving us things we need without even realizing we needed it to begin with. We just need to see what's in front of us, for all it's worth.

Because I have learned the difference in the way girls look at me. The difference between when they want me for just one thing and when they want me for so much more than that. And although she just gives me that one thing, I can see it in her eyes that's not all she wants. It never has been and I don't think it ever will be. And that's why she's always been different to me. Because somehow when she looks at me, it's as if everything around us is magic. And all I see is her.

She once was the girl I needed, to forget about my broken heart. And as time passes, I knew I was always right about her. That there has always been more than meets the eye about her. She's always been that mystery I never knew I wanted to solve, and yet as the days pass, I wish I could get inside of her head. I wish I could be the one to always make her smile.

Without even knowing it's what I wanted, she gave it to me. The moment I had been waiting for, that I didn't think existed anymore. It's made me see that what I had with the girl I once loved, was nothing compared to what I could have. The comfort of silence. That comfort when you're next to someone and know that words don't have to be spoken. She didn't give me the kind of silence that is empty, she gave me the kind of silence that's full of answers.

It's made me see that the best part of all of this, is that it's just the beginning. And there's magic in beginnings. They're full of surprises and you never really know what's going to happen.


If there's something I am really good at, it is definitely being late for things I shouldn't be late for. Luckily, Mrs. Andrews figured this out about me and told me to be in the wardrobe room for six o'clock, because it was six fifteen when I ran in, and all she could do was laugh at me, because she knew that I'd be late. But I wasn't really late, because apparently I didn't have to be there until six thirty, meaning I was early just like she wanted me to be.

Oh, she thinks she's so damn funny.

And now I'm sitting in the wardrobe room all alone, waiting for the Pink Ladies to come in for their costume change. I have all of their stuff ready for them already and Mrs. Andrews says I can't leave the room. This is by far the lamest non-paying job I've ever had to do. No wonder the last girl quit. Extra curricular activities are the worst. Thank God it'll be over tomorrow night.

I decide to take the time to read the words Boy_Undiscovered posted while I was taking my much needed nap, but when I take my phone out of my purse, I notice that he has sent me a message at some point between the time I woke up and now, and click on it instead of the blog notification.

Boy_Undiscovered: Hey, so there's these words you wrote in your last blog post, that I have fallen completely in love with, and I was hoping you would give me permission to use them in a song.

Boy_Undiscovered: These ones in particular- *I'll just whisper to the rain, to hear it echo back my name, and scream into the dark, because everything is tearing me apart.*

Boy_Undiscovered: So, what do you say? Would it be alright with you? Please.

I find it hard to believe that someone would want to use words I had written in a stupid blog post for a song. Words that came from deep inside of me, that somehow hold so much meaning. But I come to the conclusion quickly that they're just words. I'm not doing anything with them, so why wouldn't I allow it?

Girl_Disconnected: Yeah, sure. I don't mind. Under one condition....I get to hear you sing the song one day.

"What I don't understand, is how you got a prom date with Harry when he told me he wasn't even going!" I hear Rachel's voice just outside the door, and within a few seconds the Pink Ladies have arrived for their costume change. The silence I was surrounded with is instantly gone, the room now filled with hustle and bustle of girls throwing their first costumes off and getting into their new ones, all the while trying to talk over each other.

"All I did was ask him if he'd go with me," Maddy explains in her annoyed tone. "He agreed to go with me. It's just going to be a group date with Jayde and Niall."

"I don't see why it's such a big deal," Kate pipes up, as she puts her arms through her pink leather jacket. "You're mad for nothing. You could literally go to prom with any guy you want to."

"But I want to go with Harry," Rachel whines, making me roll my eyes, as I help Maddy into her skin tight leather outfit.

"Why is it so important that you go with him?" I ask, turning to her.

"Because he was mine before you guys stole him from me!" Rachel cries. "He's supposed to be the guy I have sex with on prom night."

The room is suddenly surrounded with silence, as Rachel's outburst seems to have done something to us, that we're apparently unsure of what to say next.

"Ya know when you're in grade nine and you make that one promise to yourself that you're going to do before you leave high school?" Chelsea asks.

All I can do is shake my head and stare at her confused, because I have absolutely no idea what she is talking about.

"Well," Chelsea continues. Apparently, she's going to explain what she means, and I'm more curious about it than I probably should be. I revert my attention back to Maddy and her costume so no one can see how intrigued I am. "In grade nine, Rachel and I made our promises, and hers just happened to be that she was going to have sex with Harry on prom night. And basically she's held a decent friendship with him this entire time, that it could have happened for her."

"But you went and fucked that up!" Rachel yells. "And now I'm never going to have sex with him!"

"I didn't tell him to say no to you!" Maddy argues back. "That was Harry's decision. You can't be mad at me for something I had nothing to do with!"

Mrs. Andrews walks in, angry look on her face. She doesn't need to say anything to them, for them to know they have to get back on stage. I can only imagine how the rest of the musical is going to go, seeing how angry they are at each other, and I wish I was allowed to leave the room, so I could see if they mess up or not because their heads are not in the right place.

I sit back down on my chair in front of the vanity and smile to myself in the mirror. Funny, how they're fighting over the one guy I happen to be sleeping with. The guy I had sex with in this very room. If only they knew neither of them even stand a chance-at least right now they don't. Harry and I aren't together by any means, but he's promised not to sleep with anyone else, and he doesn't want a girlfriend. He just wants me, making me feel like, in some way, he's mine-or at least, more importantly, not theirs.

I realize now more than anything, that Harry and I being a secret was the best decision either of us had ever made. Their arguing about him is entertaining, and while they should be angry with me, I'm flying so low under the radar because all they can see, is each other pining over the same guy.

But with all this fighting and Chelsea's explanation of their promises in grade nine, I've learned that Harry has never slept with Rachel before like Maddy and Kate had thought. And although Maddy had already figured it out, we know the truth for sure now. She was the girl he had spent most of his time hanging out with through high school, and while he had his arm thrown around a few other girls as well, she was the one they thought for sure. Maybe Charlie was right when he told Maddy that Harry doesn't sleep around.

Obviously it's something that I have questioned too many times. Probably more than it should have been questioned. His past shouldn't matter to me as much as it seems to. But I still can't help but wonder why he would choose me, if that's not the kind of guy he usually is.


Rachel held onto her anger towards Maddy for stealing her unofficial prom date, enough for her to get some of the usual dinner goers to go somewhere for dinner without us. I thought for sure this would mean we wouldn't end up going anywhere, and Harry wouldn't be stuck paying for my dinner, but I was wrong. Harry and Niall decided to stick with Maddy, Kate and I, who were the only ones uninvited, which only made Rachel's anger intensify. And since they were going for pizza, Harry and Niall suggested we go for the chinese buffet.

The drive to the restaurant isn't long, but it feels like it is, as I sit in the back seat of Kate's car listening to her and Maddy fuss over Rachel, before Maddy goes on and on about how happy she is that Harry is coming out with us instead of them.

I try to tune them out, not caring to join in on their conversation, and happy when my phone starts dinging when Boy_Undiscovered messages me back and Harry texts me.

Boy_Undiscovered: Deal! You can for sure listen to the song once I record it. :)

Boy_Undiscovered: Thank you! x

From: Harry
>>You and me. Tonight?

From: Harry
>>I miss your body on mine. I miss touching you. I want to kiss you.

From: Harry
>>I want you. So fucking bad.

From: Harry
>>Please tell me I get to fuck you tonight.

I feel my lips curve into a small smile as I read the texts as they come through. Today has been hell all around, and an escape is definitely in the forecast in my near future. There's nothing I want more at the moment, than to forget about almost everything. As if he can read my mind, like he knows it's what I need.

"Who the hell is texting you?" Maddy asks, turning around in her seat to look at me. My smile fades as I look back at her, hoping that she didn't get a glimpse of it in the first place.

"Oh-I," I stutter. "It's no one."

"It's a boy, isn't it?" she gasps. "It's Niall! Am I right?"

"It's not Niall," I answer. "It's not a boy. Can you just get boys off the brain for two seconds?"

"I doubt it," Kate laughs. "She's in so deep with Harry, I'm pretty sure she's done for."

From: Harry
>>Sweet girl, I know you want me..

From: Harry
>>Stop ignoring me and tell me you'll be mine tonight.

"It's a boy!" Maddy laughs. "And it sounds like he's desperate for you!"

I roll my eyes at the two of them laughing in the front seat, and breathe out a sigh of relief that they've stopped questioning me for the time being.

To: Harry
>>I'm all yours. ;)

From: Harry

From: Harry

From: Harry
>>You fucking winked and I get to fuck you tonight!

To: Harry
>>And you think I'm the strange one.....

We pull into a parking spot in the parking lot of China Garden where Harry is leaning against the wall of the restaurant waiting with his legs crossed at the ankles as he smiles down at his phone.

"Look how cute he is," Maddy gushes. "With his dimples and those curls hanging in his face! He's so perfect in every way! Like, look at that smile and -"

"We get it," I groan, as I get out of the car.

"Why do you always have to be such a downer?" Maddy huffs quietly, as she opens her door.

I know I wasn't meant to hear her comment, and part of me wants to scream at her. Part of me wants to tell her how it is. Ask her why she's always so annoying. Just say something to open her giant eyes and see how much of a crappy friend she is sometimes. But instead, I keep my mouth shut. Despite the fact we've known each other forever, our friendship won't matter in a few months when everyone leaves for college. There's no point in opening my mouth now.

I keep my eyes on Harry and take a deep breath to calm myself. He still has a smile on his face from my text message as he keeps his eyes locked with mine, and I allow for the way he looks at me from a few feet away, to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest with rage.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Niall asks, interrupting the moment, as he walks over to Kate's car from his. We watch as the others walk into the restaurant and I lean my body on the window as I look at Niall who's holding out a small folded piece of paper for me to take and smiling at me.

"What's this?" I ask, taking it from him.

"You said you needed a job, right?" he asks. "I knew someone who was hiring, so I made a call for you."


"All the info is on there," he tells me. "It's just a book store downtown, but it seems like something you would like."

I open the folded paper slightly to look at it, seeing The Twisted Corner written on the top, before looking back at him. "You did this for me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Of course," Niall smiles. "Look, I know you didn't really want to go to prom with me. You sort of just got forced into going. I think you're a cool chick, and I want you to see that I'm a nice guy."

"Thanks for this," I say, waving the paper around. "This means a lot, honestly."

"What are friends for?"

When we walk in the restaurant, Kate, Maddy and Harry have already been seated. They've pulled a chair up to the head of the table for one of us to sit at, and Niall grabs the chair next to Kate, making it look like I'm the fifth wheel at our party of five.

I can't remember the last time I went out for chinese food, and as awkward as I feel, walking around the huge buffet and picking foods to put on my plate, I'm excited to eat as much food as I want for free.

"So what did Niall give to you?" Harry whispers, as he walks up next to me and puts some chicken balls on his plate.


"He gave you something outside," he says, as we move down the buffet table.

"You're a nosy fucker, aren't ya?"

I walk over to the next line of food, looking around trying to decide what to eat, not answering his question, seeing Maddy's eyes on me. I hate that she is watching me like a hawk, and I hate knowing why she is.

Harry brushes his arm against mine, as we both put mixes of vegetable on our plate, making me look at him. Our backs are towards Maddy, but I can still feel her eyes on us. "You need to stop," I whisper yell, looking back at the food. "Maddy is watching us, and I don't want to be questioned later."

"Just tell me what he gave you," he pleads.

"Can we talk about this later?" I ask.

"Oh, there won't be any talking later," he winks, nudging my arm again.


Sitting down at this table, I have come to realize why I like to stay home, and not be around people as much as possible, because I have had to stop myself from rolling my eyes too many times to count. I thought not having to deal with the likes of Rachel and Chelsea would make this outing relatively bearable, but listening to Maddy and Kate go on and on about the musical makes me want to stab myself. Watching Maddy attempt to have conversations with Harry is entertaining though, because it's obvious she gets nervous around him and sometimes makes really awkward comments. Harry seems to disagree with everything she says, and I have to hold in laughter at the disappointed looks that keep flashing across her face throughout the meal.

I try not to looked shocked when I feel a hand resting on my knee, but automatically I look to my right, to see that Harry is smiling as he takes a bite of his noodles and stifles a laugh at my sudden reaction.

"So, where are you going to college?" Niall asks, looking at me.

"Jayde's not going to college," Maddy answers for me.

"That's not true," I retort.

"I thought you didn't apply anywhere?" Maddy asks, putting her fork down and staring at me.

I don't like that all eyes are on me at the moment. And I hate that previous lies I've told are coming to bite me in the ass at this moment. And I hate that I opened my mouth, because now they know I've applied to college after saying I didn't. Might as well come out with the truth.

"I didn't think I'd get in, so I said I didn't apply," I sigh, looking down at my plate. "Now, I just have to choose one."

"How many did you get into?" Kate asks.


I know for a fact Maddy and Kate only got into one or two schools and the way they look at me when I tell them that I got accepted into four, says everything and again, I wish I had kept my mouth shut.

"Me and Kate are going to California State together," Maddy beams. "We're going to take the Theater Program together. It's going to be awesome."

"I got into three," Harry says, running his hand up and down my thigh. "I don't know where I'm going yet either."

"Where are you going Niall?" Kate asks.

"UCLA," he smiles. "I got a basketball scholarship."

"That's so awesome," Maddy and Kate say in unison. "You'll be in the same city as us!" Maddy adds. "Harry, did you get into a school in California?"

"No," he answers, as his hand slides higher up my thigh. "Manhattan U, South Florida and Columbia."

"What about you, Jayde?" Niall asks.

With Harry's hand on my leg, gliding higher every second, I can't seem to think straight. I just want to leave this dinner and begin my evening with Harry right now. "Um, Brown, NYU, Iowa U," I answer, slowly. I don't want to say the last one, but I know they can count, and they're staring at me and I want to throw up. "And Columbia."

Maddy's whole body seems to sink and Harry's perks up as he looks at me, squeezing the inside of my thigh. Way to not make anything obvious, idiot.

"I don't even know if I'm going to go yet," I tell them quickly, standing from the table. "What I do know, is that I'm going to get dessert."

Thankfully, dinner came to an end faster than I expected it to, when Maddy asked the waitress for our bills while we were still eating our desserts. It was clear that she was annoyed and she didn't let it go unnoticed that she wanted to leave. I could sense that she was mad at me, but I didn't feel the need to clear the air to her for any reason. And I watched her roll her eyes when Harry gladly paid for my dinner and listened to me thank him over and over again.

Niall offered to drive me home, and I watched Maddy's expression change from gloomy to happy when I accepted. Downtown isn't too far of a walk, but I sensed that if I declined, somehow Harry would offer and it would just make Maddy even more upset with me.

"I hope you'll come to my party tomorrow night," Niall says, as he pulls into my driveway. "It's basically just for the cast and the band, and whoever they're dating."

"Yeah, I might," I answer, as I step out of the car. "I'm not sure yet. Thanks for the ride, I appreciate it."

"No worries," he says, as my phone dings. "Have a good night!"

From: Harry
>>I might be a while.

From: Harry
>>Maddy went and got her car from school and showed up in my driveway as I was about to come over.

To: Harry
>>Take your time. I'm going to have a shower.

From: Harry
>>Shit. Fuck. Stay in there until I get there. ;)

A/N: Thank you thank you thank you SO much for 10K Reads!! I am over the moon that it's reached that milestone already! ☺☺☺

If you're still enjoying this book, please press the star! There's so many ghost readers. I'd love to know who's reading! And I love to see your love for my book!

Sorry if this chapter isn't that great, I've been feeling a little spaced out the last couple days.


Much Love,

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