JACKSON PULLED THE CAR INTO PARKING spot of a motel. Dick sat on the hood of his car waiting for the trio. Once he turned off the car, the dark-haired boy turned to look at Lia and Niki. "Just say the word and we'll leave." The girls nodded before stepping out of their black 1967 Chevy Impala. "What now?" Niki said as she stood only a few feet away from him.
"You meet her but first I need to tell you something." They nodded waiting for him to go on but the detective seemed at a loss for words. Mainly because he didn't know how the trio would take it. "She killed a man."
"Okay. Do you know how she did it?" Lia asked.
"She won't tell me and if I am being honest I don't think she knows either. But someone's after she and I don't know why. We're headed to see some friends, you'll be safe there."
"Where is she right now?" Lia asked. Dick pointed at the door across from him. "I am going to go check on her." Lia quickly made her way into the motel room.
"Let's get something straight Dick. We don't need your protection." Jax began but Niki quickly interrupted him. "Look you asked for our help. So why does it feel like you pulled us out of our lives for nothing."
"I am just trying to do what's best for her and right now she doesn't just need me, she's going to need an army. I don't know what they want from her or what she's capable of but she needs to be protected." Dick said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Let's hope you're right," Niki said
☁ ☢ ☠
Lia knocked before she walked into the motel room. She walked in and found Rachel sitting by the tv watching game. If the Latina was being honest, she had a few suspicions about Rachel Roth. For one, she wasn't entirely human, everything about her pictures said it. The dark energy that filled the room when she stepped in engulfed her. The energy was familiar yet like nothing she'd ever felt. One thing she did know was that whatever was wrong with Rachel wasn't good.
"Game of Thrones?" Lia asked.
Rachel quickly turned to face her, fear on her face. "Sorry, I thought you heard me come in. I am Rosalia, I am a friend of Dick's" Lia lied.
"Stop lying." Lia was a bit taken back by her response but nodded, "Fine. We're not friends, acquaintances at best. He thought we could help you."
"My cousins and I. They're talking to Dick outside."
"To be honest I don't think I can be helped," Rachel admitted. "Well you haven't met us, it's kind of our thing," Lia said as she took a seat next to her. The door opened to reveal three adults. "Rachel these are my cousins, Nikita and Jackson." The two waved at her. "I am going to go get pizza, I'll be right back. Is that Game of Thrones? Should you be watching that?" he asked.
"You obviously don't have any experience with teenagers. Go get the pizza we'll take care of her. "Dick nodded and headed out. "You're all cousins."
The trio looked at each other as they stifled a laugh, "It's complicated." Jackson headed for one of the beds and laid down. "So what season are we on?" he asked.
"Season one. I am going to get something to drink. " Rachel said as she got up from her spot on the bed. The trio nodded. Rachel hadn't been completely honest she sat in the other room using Dick's laptop when a beeping began. The trio quickly made their way over to Rachel, Dick's laptop was printing something out. By the looks of it was a police report. The second page was a bit more intense, it was a picture of the man Rachel had killed.
Lia was the only one who could see what Rachel was seeing which was the dead man coming out of the picture. It even snarled at her. "No! No!" Rachel screamed as she jumped up. But what was more interesting was that Rachel's reflection was banging on the glass. Her eyes dark and a dark cloud or mist following her every move. "Let me out!" The fifteen-year-old began to frantically shake and drew a cross on the paper she was holding and began to pray.
Niki reached out for her and pulled her into her embrace. "Hey, hey I got you. You're safe."
"No, I can't let her get out." Rachel cried. "What do you need us to do?" Niki asked as she let go of the dark-haired girl. Niki turned to Lia and Jax, "Keep an eye out for Dick. I've got this." She said as she followed a praying Rachel to the bathroom.
Together Rachel and Niki drew crosses and stepped into the bath. Niki wrapped her arms around the girl and pulled her close. They rocked back and forth together. "You're safe, I promise. No one can hurt here." The door to the motel opened and Jackson let Dick know what had happened, once he knew he quickly made his way to the bathroom. "I've got it from here," he said. Niki nodded and let go of the girl, letting Dick pull her into his embrace.
Niki stepped out of the bathroom and made her way to Lia and Jax. "So what did you see?" Jax asked Lia. "She's scared of herself. But it feels like more than that. The reflection isn't entirely her, it's like that other half is possessed."
"You're telling me, we're dealing with your dad," Jax said. "
"This isn't my dad. I don't know what this is. But we have to find out before she hurts herself or anyone else." Lia said It was obvious that they were going to have to follow Dick. This whatever it was was from Dick's understanding and there was no way they could let him do it on his own. "We should eat so we can head out," Dick suggested.
After eating they got into their cars and followed Dick. They were on speaker with him, "According to those flies, the man who came after Rachel may have been part of some doomsday cult. They apparently believe it's their destiny to prevent the end of the world. Does that mean anything to you?" Dick said.
"Well, back when I was a kid, I didn't get too angry, or scared. Cause bad things happened." Rachel said.
"What kind of bad things?" Rachel was quick to change the subject, "I guess I'm an orphan, too, now."
"Welcome to the club." Lia joked.
☁ ☢ ☠
The group stood at a door. "Dick, we can stay at a hotel. This feels like we're intruding." But before Dick could say anything a blonde opened the door. "Hey," Dick said.
"Hi." She said.
Rachel reached out and extended her hand out to the blonde. "Hi. I'm Rachel."
"Dawn." Her eyes then looked at the three demi-gods behind Rachel. "Can we talk?" Dick asked. "You're about four years too late, but sure" Dawn stepped aside and let them in. "Lia, keep an eye on Rachel." The Latina nodded. "Sorry about this. I'm Niki, this is Jax and that's Lia."
They made their way up to the roof. And so Dick filled Dawn in on their situation. "She killed someone? She's just a kid." Dawn asked. "Whoever they are, they've got people in the department. We needed somewhere safe to regroup, think about what we're gonna do."
"I am sorry but I don't mean to be rude but who are you guys," Dawn asked. "Diana recommended them to me. She spoke highly of them. She said they've dealt with things like this before."
"So he keeps saying but she's like nothing we've ever seen. She's a sweet kid, I can't imagine what she's going through. Look we don't want to get in your way so we're going to be staying at the hotel across the street, " Jax said.
"You're not getting in anyone's way you're more than welcome to stay here. Any friends of Dick are friends of mine." Dawn said. Niki smiled, "We'll let you two catch up." As they walked away, Niki turned to Jax. "He's hiding something."
"But so are we," Jax said.
"Well maybe if he told us what he's hiding we'd tell him our secret. We can't exactly just trust him."
"But Diana trusts him." Niki ran a hand through her hair, "I don't think it's that simple, we don't even know her or how Dick knows her. We've never trusted anyone but ourselves and the Gods and that's exactly how we've made it this far." If Jackson had learned anything about Niki it was that she didn't lose arguments so he had to learn that these were the only fights he was allowed to lose.
"So what's our next move?" he asked as a tall man stormed onto the roof. "I am not sure. What I do know is Dick isn't one of us, he's Bruce Wayne's kid. If Rachel isn't like us, she needs us and it's obvious that Dick isn't ready for that type of commitment. How much you wanna bet that he's leaving us here with her as some type of glorified babysitters. I don't why he couldn't just leave her with us."
"Because he doesn't know us, we're strangers and you don't think that as the son of Bruce Wayne he'd have a trust issue then you're crazy."
"All I am saying is we need to keep our guard up because the only reason we're here is to look out for Rachel. Dick isn't on our side nor worried about us hell he doesn't even have a guess how Diana knows about us."
☁ ☢ ☠
The next morning Dawn, Lia, and Rachel had gone to pick a few things from the market while Niki and Jax made lunch. "Did you hear him last night?" Jax whispered as reached for the cabinet above Niki. She nodded as she turned off the stove, Dawn walked into the kitchen. "So are you two together?" she asked.
"We were a long time ago," Niki said.
"Can I ask what happened?"
"We're better as partners, not lover's plus this way everyone will stop thinking we're Lia's parents." Jax joked. Dawn laughed, "I am not going to lie, I did think she was yours"
"At the end of the day, we're family. We've done everything we can to have that." Niki said as she looked over at Jax. "Lunch ready." They watched as Lia and Rachel both made their way to the kitchen. Everything appeared to be normal like they were all just friends enjoying each other's company.
It wasn't until Hank arrived that, that energy disappeared. Niki and Jax sat on the couch looking at their computer screen, if Niki was right about Dick then they were going to need to find an apartment. "Well, isn't this cozy?" Hank said. It didn't take a genius to find out that Dick and Dawn had a past one that made Hank jealous. Jax closed his laptop and stood up and made his way over as Dick got up from his seat.
"Don't touch me," Hank said. By now Everyone was watching, "Stop!" Rachel yelled. "You want my girl now?" Hank said as he pushed Dick. The detective pushed Hank against the wall then Hank pushed Dick against the table. Jax made his way over, getting ready to push the two apart when Rachel stepped in between them, "Stop!" her scream had caused everyone to stop and cover their ears and glass to shatter. And in seconds Rachel stepped back, "I am sorry"
Niki had seen enough there was no way she was going to let Dick leave Rachel with two humans who had no experience with powers, that would simply put Rachel in danger. Niki watched as Dick followed after her. "You're not doing this alone." He simply nodded and knocked. When he opened the door, Rachel was quick to apologize. She sat on the bed hugging her knees. Niki walked around the bed to the other side. "It's getting worse." Niki took her hand. "You don't have anything to be sorry for, Rachel," Dick said.
"You should never be sorry for what you can do. Can I show you something?" Niki asked. Rachel looked over at her and nodded. "Jax, Lia, and I are in a way like you. We have powers, just like you. At one point in our lives, we were scared of them but that was because we didn't know how to use them." Niki brought her free hand close to Rachel, her palm facing up. "You ready?" she asked.
In seconds, a storm of clouds appeared in the palm of her hands as she looked at Rachel her eyes glazed over and became stormy. Niki closed her palm as lightning flashed. "Have you ever heard, the quote, with great power, comes great responsibility?"
Niki nodded, "Sometimes comic books are wiser than any textbook. What we can do might be scary to some and sometimes even to us but the only way to end that fear is by learning to use it. You can always ask me or Jax, or Lia we're more than willing to help you find ways to control it until you're ready to use them."
Dawn's knocking interrupted their conversation. She opened the door, "How are you doing, sweetheart? Hank is sorry. He can be a real asshole sometimes." She then looked over at Dick. "We gotta go. Hank and I have that thing."
"Dawn, I really think you should reconsider. Okay? We both know it's too dangerous."
"You win some, you lose some. Take care of him, okay? He needs all the help he can get." Dawn teased. Rachel nodded, "Okay." Dawn closed the door and then the front door was shut. " She needs your help. I can feel it. Isn't that what you do?" Rachel asked as let off Niki's hand. "What?" Dick asked.
"You help people." Dick chuckled, "I used to think so. I used to think it was one of the things I was best at. Until I realized the more help some needed the worse I had to hurt the others. Do you understand?"
Rachel sat up, "Sometimes when I feel the darkness come out... it feels good." Dick nodded, "I understand."
"You want to help them. You're just scared. Sometimes there's just no time to be scared."
"She's right. Go, we'll be here." Niki reassured Dick.
☁ ☢ ☠
Niki wasn't surprised when Rachel showed what she had found. A letter and money. "They're up here. Hey, what are you doing up here? I was worried, Rach. What's wrong?" Dick asked as he looked over at Niki, Jax, and Lia. They all looked away, they had talked it out with Rachel and she had said she wanted to do this alone. "You were gonna leave me here. You said you weren't but you lied. You must lie a lot. You're good at it." By now Hank and Dawn had both made it up the steps.
"What's she talking about?" Hank asked. Rachel handed Hank the letter Dick wrote to him and Niki. "Hank, don't read that. I." Dick tried. "It's got my name on it. What the fuck? You were gonna leave them here and you were going to pay us all."
"It's not that simple," Dick said
"I know you guys can watch out for her. Seems pretty simple to me. You were gonna buy us?" Lia turned to Niki, "Did he really think this would go down smoothly? Hank hates him, and now Rachel doesn't trust him."
"In all honesty, I don't know what goes on through his mind. But to be fair this the most drama we've ever dealt with and it's a bit entertaining." Niki joked, a smile appearing on her face. "Well, hello there, you seven." A woman said. "I have a bad feeling about this," Jax said as a man and two teenagers appeared. The trio quickly made their way over. The man kicked Hank in the stomach causing him to fall.
"Rachel, come on," Dick said as he grabbed Rachel's arm. Jax looked over at Lia and Niki, a smirk on his face. "Finally some fun," he said as ran towards the man helping Hank up. "Do as I say," Jax told Hank. "You heard Jax," Lia told Niki as she ran over to the red-headed teenager and threw a punch. "May the Gods be with us," Niki muttered under her breath as she ran over punching the oldest woman in the nose. As Niki fought the clouds in the sky became darker but that wasn't the case for Lia, with every punch Lia's fists became hotter and hotter.
This was different for the godly trio, these humans were keeping up with them. It was like they were on steroids. Dick was the first to be knocked out. What happened next surprised everyone except Jax, the stranger threw Dawn over the building, Jax threw himself after her hoping to catch her. Lia had been pushed down the stairs. Then Hank was hit in the head with a bat. One was left.
"I am not letting you take her," Niki said her eyes stormy as she got up to her feet. The sky thundering above them and lightning radiating from her fingertips. "Then I guess you're going to have to die." the red-head said as she charged right into Niki pushing her off the building. As she was being pushed off Niki reached out and touched the girl's face. The electrician caused the girl to pass out but it was too late for Niki she was already falling.
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