Losing My Virginity in Vegas

          (Readers are strongly recommended 17+)

          Las Vegas, Nevada. The grandest of energy and nightlife. Everybody's heard of it. From ranging to being in all kinds of movies, to generating an unstoppable attraction for those who wish to party their life away, Vegas is definitely one of those places that every young person is somewhat attracted to in their life. The flashing lights and constant sounds can almost be an addiction in itself to some, causing them to go overboard and dedicate their lives to a partying lifestyle they can't let go of. 

          But for me, it will always be the place I had my first time with the girl of my absolute dreams.

          And so I found myself walking down the strip one late night all by myself. It was my first time travelling to the city that never sleeps, and I was enthralled by the entire scene. Almost everybody had a smile on their face, and the energy of the nightlife was simply unmatchable to any city I had ever visited in the past. There were so many different attractions and places to tour that it was almost overwhelming for me. All I wanted to do was explore the scenery like a little kid playing on the playground with his friends.

          After being taken aback by the positive vibes of energy, despite the smoking of tobacco allowed in nearly every casino, it was then I met her. We ran right into one another, bumping shoulders like something straight out of a love movie. You know, I've never been much of the romantic type, but I always believed in the idea of finding love in the strangest of places. I've never been one to chase a girl to come on a date with me, which was probably why I was single and still a virgin at the time.

          It was like a shock of electricity flowing throughout my entire body, tingling me with a desire to escape my comfort zone and finally find love. And what better place to do it than Vegas? We started naturally talking after apologizing for bumping into one another. Sometimes I had difficulties connecting with the opposite sex, but with her it was just so simple and natural. I didn't feel any pressure to hold the conversation as I did in the past.

          Before I knew it, I explained to her that my name was Damon, and this was my first time ever visiting Vegas.

          After shaking hands, very much curious to get to know her, she explained that she'd been a local and lived here her whole life. 

          Flattered that she wanted to speak with me, unable to not be attracted to her somewhat strange, tentative aura, we both eventually came to the conclusion that we should hang out together for the day tomorrow. This would be a big step for me. Not only could I be shy around females, but I'd never met this girl a day in my entire life. 

          Having said that, I needed to push myself out of my comfort zone and really live life the way it's supposed to be lived. 

          We then made plans to meet the next day and have her give me a full in-depth tour of the beautiful Las Vegas atmosphere.

          So the following morning I woke up early, nervous yet eager to get to know this mysterious girl. After brushing my teeth and making sure I did my hair nice, putting on a rather fancy dress shirt to make a good impression, I got on a shuttle bus that took me directly back to the strip. She told me to meet her outside of the New York, New York Hotel and Casino at the end of Las Vegas Boulevard. I saw her instantly as the shuttle bus pulled into the parking lot. After running into her last night, I truly was devoted to getting to know her and what she was all about.

          After I got off the bus we greeted one another again, that same flow of electricity and natural chemistry simmering between us like a tea kettle. Without trying to force it or make it unnatural, we easily connected once again, chatting and talking a little more to break the ice between us. 

          Once we got warmed up and comfortable, she led me into the first casino, where the flashing lights and gambling machines were like fireworks going off on the fourth of July. I had never gambled before in my life, but I thought I would give it a try or two when she asked if I was interested. Why not? I was with a pretty girl in Vegas who seemed quite interested in me, so I didn't see any reason to turn it down.

          We laughed and pulled jokes as we sat in the chairs, spending money on the machines, but also remembered to not overdo it and get too competitive. She told me how she'd seen it take over peoples' lives as a full-blown addiction, so obviously we played it safe. 

          Afterwards, we left the casino and ventured back onto the strip, where we laughed and talked more. 

          As time passed, I was starting to feel more and more comfortable with this girl. At first, I thought I may need a drink to loosen myself up, but we seemed to have a natural connection while the two of us were stone-cold sober, even in a city that promotes the term "blackout or backout."

          Considering it was right across the street, I asked her if we could visit the MGM Grand Casino, considering I knew of it from where it held all the famous, world-class boxing events. Showing that mysterious smile of hers, she gladly led me to the hotel, the two of us crossing the street as the hot desert sun poured over us. 

          On the way there, we stopped by a food truck and got some nachos and non-alcoholic beverages to share. They were delicious, especially with the melted cheese and salsa and guacamole. Even though I had only known this girl for less than a period of twenty-four hours, there was just something about her that I couldn't get over. I still couldn't believe this was all happening.

          After finishing our snack, we made our way to MGM Grand, as I was exposed to the green hotel that had produced so many great boxers and fighters that I'd watched on TV in the past. When we got there we obviously couldn't go into the arena without purchasing a hefty ticket, but it was still a great experience, especially with her. We walked through more of the casino, exposed to more gambling machines and flashing lights. She told me about all the interesting stories and unforgettable experiences she'd had on the strip. It was so cool.

          When we left the MGM Grand, that's when I was REALLY starting to like this girl. Again, I'd never been the romantic type, but there was just something about her that brought out a soft, gentle, vulnerable side that I had closed myself off from for many years of my life. I just couldn't get over the fact I was already developing feelings for someone so far away from my hometown and living space. We had only talked for several minutes last night, and just hung out for the early portion of the morning. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't deny my feelings were starting to grow for her, like a flower blooming in the spring.

          We kept making our way down the strip, venturing and exploring as many different casinos as possible. It was like we were kids lost in an amusement park, wanting to try every single ride we saw. My goodness, were the hotels fancy and beautiful as we made our way farther south. The waterfalls and palm trees were so elegant, and the way the calm, flowing waters lured down the sidewalls of the casinos was exotic. She told me how many drunk people she'd witnessed going for a swim in those pools, and we shared yet another great laugh.

          By the time the afternoon came around, us sharing another great meal and talking up a storm, I was beginning to hardly feel any nerves at all with this girl. One of my biggest fears in a social situation, whether it be a date or just with a friend, is running out of topics to talk about and everything getting all awkward. But we just simply didn't have that. Even after hours upon hours of getting to know one another, we just kept flowing like a calm, gentle stream in the forest.

          When we stumbled upon the Treasure Island Hotel, it really gave a deep childhood vibe to the scenery. Coincidentally, we started talking about our early youth and what that was like. She told me her favourite princess was Cinderella, whereas my favourite superhero was Buzz Lightyear. Cringey, I know.

          Once again in the casino with the flashing lights and dramatic sounds, we continued our stories, discussing what our ambitions were for the future. She told me that she wanted to get into literature, as I went on to explain I was very interested in building things, like carpentry.

          That's when our conversation, and not at all in a bad way, became more serious. We had only just met and we were already opening up about our struggles in the past. Not only did we share similar interests, personality traits, and chemistry, but also our challenges were quite similar. I had always fantasized about a girl I could tell my problems to, and vice versa with her telling me hers, and now I somehow found her, in the middle of Las Vegas. I eventually confessed that my biggest fear as a child was heights, and she was perfectly understanding with no judgment. This was just so cool. I was absolutely obsessed with her, my feelings continuing to grow and grow like wild cherries.

          By the time we reached the Strat Hotel, we already had our fingertips laced, holding hands like we'd been a couple for months now. Our once flirty conversations were now beginning to turn into physical contact and romantic affection.

         At this point, in terms of the connection we were building, any nerves I had left were completely gone. Now it was time for us to get even further out of our comfort zone, by going on the absurd, terrifying rides on top of The Strat Hotel.

          The reason this idea was brought up, was because she suggested, in a loving, kind way, that she help me break my fear of heights together with her. When I first stretched my neck up and looked all the way to the very top, I told myself I couldn't do it, no matter how much I liked this girl. 

          But then I thought again, reminding myself that I may not ever get an opportunity like this. 

          So after she convinced me to go with her, the two of us signing the provided waivers, we were on our way. I got tenser from my past, but reminded myself that she was there for me, no matter what happened. Reluctantly, but also somehow, someway excited, I climbed in beside her on the roller coaster, her giving me another assuring smile as the two of us held hands again. 

          And so we were off, the ride starting and speeding up, this all taking place on top of the towering hotel. We both screamed in fear and excitement, my stomach heaving up into my chest as we went around and around, the indescribable rush and anxiety from the possibility of the ride snapping and us falling to our death.

          Even though we were only up there for several minutes, it felt like forever to me—hours upon hours of love, excitement, and joy. I felt like I was a bird, soaring over clouds and sailing in the wind. The whole time this incredible girl sat beside me, as we managed to keep holding hands, despite the extreme speed of the ride. I wanted this moment to be forever burned into my memory, just the two of us flying through the clouds together. It was such an accomplished feeling to finally conquer my fear of heights, let alone to do it with someone so dear and special to my heart. 

          Once we got off the ride, we hugged and celebrated such an amazing moment together.

          And then it finally happened. The night sky eventually rolled around again, right when everyone in Vegas is waking up for another round of nightlife. We found ourselves sitting together after a long day, inside the lobby of another casino we booked. I couldn't believe how fucking incredible of a day this was. I didn't care how stupid it sounded, considering we only had known each other for a day, but I was 100% in love with this girl. I felt so safe and secure with her, like she was always going to be there for me, spreading our love like peanut butter across a slice of warm toast.

          That's when we made eye contact yet again, staring into one anothers' pupils with lust and devotion that not even the Gods above could separate. We briefly glanced at our lips in sync, the passion for one another growing faster than a weed in the garden—but a beautiful garden that would be forever remembered and cherished in my memory until the end of time. Even after I died, I still wouldn't be able to forget the incredible day I spent with this amazing girl and her beautiful, charismatic personality.

          Without even saying a single word, not having to motion or complete a sentence, we leaned in and felt our lips connect, burning through us like fire spreading in a scorching building—colours of lust and beauty blazing throughout each and every flaming room. Again, I was nervous, but it didn't stop me. After everything we'd been through today—a fairytale-like romance story—I was not stopping myself and letting those old insecurities take over such a wonderful, happy moment.

          The taste of her lips were like the feeling of ice cream swirling inside your mouth on a hot summer day. I had only kissed one girl before in my life—back in the tenth grade when I was drunk and out of it—but here I was actually with the girl of my dreams, and we were still both completely sober. I ran my hands through her swift hair, as we massaged one anothers' mouths. 

          Knowing that we couldn't take this any further in public, we naturally, and with a burning desire, found ourselves jogging through the casino and flashing lights, absolutely desperate to find a room alone together. Already in the elevator, now making out savagely, we once again ascended up the hotel. The lust beginning to form between us was grander than diamonds in a cave.

          Somehow managing to make it to an available room without tearing our clothes off, we locked the door on the eleventh floor. This was so much more than just a fuck...so much more than a one-time thing for me. There was no going back at this point. As nervous as I was, I knew she was the one I wanted my first time with. I couldn't even imagine another girl—a five-star model with a perfect body—who I'd rather do this with than her.

          Long story short, that girl rocked my fucking world. Took me to the moon and back, through the galaxies and every solar system.

          But that's when her demeanour changed. That's when I saw a side to this girl I didn't recognize, all after we finished. I expected the two of us to stay there for hours, cuddling and holding one another like we physically couldn't break the erotic, loving connection between us.

          Yet that didn't happen.

          Instead of doing that, I watched her get up right away from the bed, not even once looking at me. She quickly put her clothes back on, not saying a single word. Out of nowhere, it felt like I never even knew this girl. Her entire personality switched, as she put her shirt on, and grabbed her pants. And, most importantly, out of all the things she had on her, made absolutely sure to pick up her wallet sitting on the dresser. She then exited the hotel room, never once looking back at me, and that was the very last time I ever saw that girl.

          Too bad I had to pay for such a wonderful experience.

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