The After and Provoked (Part 7 - Final)

The entire group of Rangers and Savannah are transported to the beach side to meet Gosei following his call, "Woo! Thank god for teleportation."

"Right?" Emma agrees with Jake and everyone starts to the front entrance, which was only a few feet away.

"So what's in the Command Center?" Devon curiously wonders.

"You'll see." Gia replies as Troy opens the door for the crew.

Each person steps inside one by one, going down the hall. The red ranger enters once they are all in. Tensou hears the footsteps and rolls to greet them. Nate sees the room first by peeking his head in from the side. His eyes go wide in amazement, followed by Ravi and Devon. He travels to the row of keys displayed and reacts, "Phenomenal."

Ravi checks out the other row illuminating brightly, "Cool."

"What's with the freaky tiki?" Steel comments.

"Welcome to the Command Center." Gosei suddenly booms, scaring the Beast rangers and amusing the Megaforce rangers.

"Do you like to do that to everyone?" Jake inquires.

"Yes, yes I do." Gosei does not hesitate to confess, "My name is Gosei, prodigy to-"

"- Zordon and protector of the keys the legendary powers provide and yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda." Savannah speeds up the introduction and turns her head to peer at the Beast rangers, "You'll be hearing that a lot anytime you come back and have other Rangers join you."

"Thank you Savannah." Gosei says to the redhead sarcastically, humoring her in a way, "I thank you Beast Morphers. You have helped stopped what would've been a major disaster. I only apologize that I could not track this sooner."

"It's okay, we were able to handle it." Devon reassures.

"Well I'm glad you were not alone. Going into this with no background only spells trouble." Gosei replies, "I know it's time for you to be on your way, but always know that the legacy will bind you to us. Whenever you need help, we are ready and willing."

The other Rangers nod, siding with his words, and Ravi says, "Thank you Gosei."

"You're welcome. Have a safe trip back  Hopefully we see each other again." Gosei gave his goodbye.

"If this guy keeps coming back to our home, you might see us more often." Steel retorts.

Gia and Emma hug Zoey, Nate and Noah have their side hug, Jake pats Devon on the shoulder, and Ravi and Troy shake hands, "Good work."

"Thanks, you too." Ravi responds to the compliment, but then silently eyes the other Megaforce rangers. Troy looks in the same direction and back at him before looking to the floor. The blue ranger pats his shoulder and goes to grab the transporter.

"I wish you could stay." Emma says.

"I know, but maybe we could plan a girls day some time. When we're not dealing with robots or monsters." Zoey replies.

"Yeah, maybe one of our off days." Gia jokes, making the the three giggle and once more.

"So how are you guys going to get the barrels back?" Orion inquires.

"We'll stop by the ship to pick them up." the gold ranger responds and then calls for the group, "Alright guys, let's go."

Orion and Steel fist bump and the half human robot jogs over to his brother, followed by the rest of the team. The two red rangers shake hands and Troy remarks, "Til we see each other again."

Devon gives him a nod and they smile. He motions to the gold ranger, signalling that they were ready, and he presses the button. The Megaforce bunch wave them off as the transporter revs itself up. Before they knew it, the machine beams the Beast Morphers out of the base. Only the main squad and Savannah were present, besides Tensou and Gosei, "So..?"

"Yes?" Gosei inquires.

"Are we not going to talk about it?" Savannah queries.

"You both are lucky you weren't hurt. Kent's ways are surely destructive and we might've lost you last night." Gosei states as Troy and Savannah sigh, "....Good job."

They snap their heads up and Troy questions, "What?"

"What the...?" Savannah says quietly at the same time, however you could still hear it. The other rangers were a little fazed by this as well.

"The planet, let alone the galaxy, has you to thank. Who knows what could have happened had you not stepped in." Gosei says.

"Uh...thanks?" Savannah oddly accepts.

The other faces contradicted the guardian's praise. The dragon leader shows his concern, "Guys?"

"What do you think he'll do next?" Emma quizzes, "There's no way he'll just be okay with the fact that his home is in ruins."

"No he won't be, but we can't predict it. We'll just have to prepare as best as we can." Savannah replies.

"We? You mean all of us, or just you two?" Savannah makes a face at the pink ranger, "Because as far as we can tell, it feels like this team is just you two."

"Woah wait a second." Savannah goes to deny. Troy takes over before had the opportunity to speak, "Emma you couldn't go in this condition-"

"It's not about that. You said yourself that you kept this from us because you knew that we would try and stop you. Right?" The pink ranger inquires.

"Right." Troy confirms, "Because I know all of you, but that's not the key issue."

"But it is one. Anything could have happened out there and we wouldn't have known." Jake argues next.

"Did you even think about what would happen after all of this? How this would affect the team if you failed and got captured or killed?" Gia chastises, but receives no response to it, "No, you didn't."

"You would still have five people left. I think you would do fine." Savannah squabbles.

"We were fine with six. We didn't ask for seven." Orion bickers with her.

"And I didn't ask for your opinion." Savannah snaps.

"Ever since you came here, we've done nothing but lose." Orion quarrels.

"And that's my fault?" Savannah inquires.

"It's going to be now that you've pretty much made Earth a bigger target than before." Orion argumentatively states.

"You really couldn't of at least thought this out more?" Gia backs him up.

"Yes. Let's waste time in doing that as he comes closer and closer back home. Real bright Gia." Savannah snips.

"Everyone calm down, okay?" Noah tries to settle this, "It was a difficult choice, and while I personally don't agree with it. It's happened and we can't change it."

"Thank you." Troy says to the blue ranger.

Jake shakes his head and scoffs, "You don't get it do you?"

"Get what?" Troy queries.

"You don't trust us!" The green ranger spats, "You went straight to Savannah and just took off."

"You. Were. Hurt. Who am I gonna take, the couch? Of course I'd ask her, she was up and ready for the job-"

"And if she hadn't been?" Jake poses the question.

"I would've gone by myself!" Troy slips out too quickly to realize.

"Exactly." The green ranger's point was made.

The room was silent afterwards, tension filled with only the fan making its noise from the side of the entrance. The dragon leader looked around the room at everyone, including Savannah, who shares his stare. Troy eventually looks away from her and gives Jake one last glance before walking out of the base. He slams the door behind himself when he exits. The nineteen year old plans to join him, but does not go without a few words of her own, "Just so you know, we're allies, not a team. There's only so much trust that comes with it. You're living under my roof, so feel free to leave if you don't want to be there anymore. I did it to be helpful, but you don't have to take it." She stares at the silver ranger, "And don't think I'll be so generous if this," she gestures between them, "Keeps being an issue."

Savannah glances back at the rest of the group and turns around to leave. Tensou was quiet the entire time and rolls out when she starts to go. She stops, pats him on the head good-naturedly, and then completely disappears. The Command Center is in a standstill and no one utters another word.

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