Chapter 8: Pretend

"When you wish to see me again, play my song and I'll take you anywhere" the owl told us after dropping us off on the roof of Hyrule Castle. His song..? The Song of soaring? I looked through my music boxes as I heard Zelda's voice called for us

"Link? Lina?" We turned to see Zelda in her night clothes rushing up to us "it's been so long! what are you two doing up here?" I could ask the same thing

Link took out the Goron's Ruby to show to Zelda. She put her hands together in awe "you got it!? Wow! That's so great! We're one step closer to defeat Ganondorf" I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing she was wrong, but of course... I can't say anything "you two look exhausted. As thanks for your hard work, I will treat you to a stay here in the castle! I'm sure my father wont mind! Right Impa?"

"I don't see why not" Impa walked from behind us. I want to ask her something... She might know something about my home "you two are welcomed in the castle. I'll talk to the king right now. Zelda, go inside and take these three to your room" I pulled on her arm "hm?"

"Miss Impa... There's something I want to talk to you about. Do you mind if we take a walk after you talk to the king?" She looked surprised before giving me a warm smile

"Dear... You're so mature for your age. Alright, please follow me" she looked behind me "Zelda, get the maids to prepare for the sleepover. You better not cause trouble" Zelda smirked mischievously. I gasped shocked before giggling. I didn't know Zelda could be that kind of person to cause trouble

"Okay!" She took Link's hand "come on Link!" She ran him inside the castle. The wind from Hyrule field blew through my hair

"We can talk after I tell the king. Follow me" I nodded and followed her through the large castle. It was so beautiful inside it was too unreal. I stayed next to a soldier guarding the king's bedroom as Impa went inside to talk to him. I sat on the floor and looked at my music boxes from inside my bag.

There was a brown box that was titled "Song of Soaring" so that means I can use that owl to go anywhere if we can't use Epona in our youth? That's perfect!

I looked through all the colorful boxes and looked into the gold one... Lina's Lullaby? I have my own Lullaby?

I started playing it. The song made my body flutter in light, or at least that's how it felt. I felt lighter and in peace... I felt like I could do something with this song kinda like I can do with Zelda's lullaby in a way. This song is incomplete, not like the song is incomplete, but the magic that might be able to produce. I need something by my side when I play this song

I opened my eyes and looked up at Impa frowning at me. She helped me on my feet and gave me my bag before we started our walk around the castle to the exit

"What did you want to talk about, dear?" Impa asked in the hallway. I looked down at my music box with a upside down golden triangle on it

"Link and I went to Kakariko Village and tried finding a place to sleep... He went to find work to get us food and I continued looking for a place. I found this house in front of a large front yard protected by wooden fences... I went inside and..." I stopped walking when we were outside "I discovered it was mine. It seemed that my parents were worshippers of the goddesses and were priest in the temple of time... I was their daughter and grew up within those walls of the house before something bad happened on my 5th birthday..." Impa kneeled to my height

"I knew your blue hair looked familiar..." My eyes widened as she held my cheeks, wiping my tears away "I knew your parents... They were very religious. They pray for Hyrule and even served the castle. The king never heard of you, but because I lived in Kakariko and protect it when I have my time, I came to visit your parents and saw that they were taking care of a small child from the window. They confronted me and told me their believes. I didn't know what to think... I somehow believed you had magic within you. I am the last of the Sheikah, and I somehow feel like there's nothing out there I'm destined to be besides serving the princess. What I feel... I felt you as well. You have magic within you..." She pet my head "your parents were great people, but it's sad to know that no one ever knew about you. It was a way to protect you. Hyrule wouldn't understand... A baby with magic will make people terrified, but look at you now... You're out and very smart" I looked down again

"Do you know what happened to me..? I think they came after me when I was... Sleep walking to the lost woods" her eyes widened

"What? How do you know that?" I showed her my pin "that pin..."

"Link had this with him... A Kokiri told him about a Skullkid who can lure children to the forest and she found this there..." I don't know if I want to tell her I was sleeping within the sacred realm yet "I don't know how I survived, but I think they..." I cupped my mouth, sobbing. She held me in her arms

"... I'm sure they'll be proud of you no matter where they are. Dead or alive... All that matters is a destiny to save Hyrule. I know you and Link can do this... Blue maiden" I sobbed onto her shoulders "it's okay... You're going to be okay" I nodded and left her arms

"I have to find the Great Fairy... Would you please walk me?" She stood

"Of course" we walked to a rock blocking the entrance. Good thing I had Link's bomb bag in my bag

"Impa... Would you have someone protecting my home..?" She smiled and bowed for me

"Yes. I'll even get them to help keep it clean" I smiled before crawling into the hole to meet the great fairy so she can give me Din's Fire. She told me about the Moon Song. Telling me that it will cause my surroundings to snow over for 12 hours, like the Sun song would do when changing the day time to night time. I don't see the similarities, but I think it has to do with the Moon being able to cover the sun and block the light? Well, the solar eclipse isn't visible or anything, but whatever. I don't think it'll be a song I'll find useful

I returned to Impa and she took me to Zelda's room in a tower. Her room was as big as my house and was bright in pink with toys and a large bed. Zelda, with her hair down with blonde locks, was laughing while having a tea party with a confused Link wearing prince clothing under a ford of blankets and pillows

"What are you doing, Zelda?" Impa asked. Zelda looked up and laughed happily, running to me to take my hand

"We're playing prince and princesses! Doesn't Link look dashing?" Link looked at me before walking over to stare. I looked down, blushing. He does look nice...

"Yeah..." He looked down at himself

"This isn't the first time wearing something like this..."

"It's not?" Zelda asked

"We put plays on in the forest for the other Kokiris. Saria was the princess, Mido was the villain, and I was suppose to be the prince... But I didn't know how to act so Mido was the prince instead while I just sat there" I frowned at him staring out the window before looking at me. He wiped away a old tear I didn't remove before "you were crying..?" I looked down


"What's wrong, Lina?" Zelda frowned. Impa pet my head

"You all have fun, don't stay up too late. Curfew will be at 12"

"Really?!" Zelda's eyes flashed in happiness

"Just this once" Impa left. Zelda cheered up and down before running to her closet and give me one of her dresses. Wait a minute... Since when this was her kind of style?

"Here! Wear this!" I took the dress

"This is yours?"

"Hm? No. Impa had the maids in the castle make this for someone in Kakariko about 5 years ago. It's a bit big for the 5 year old it was for. Something happened and I ended up having it, but it doesn't fits me. It compliments you most though!" I stared at the dress before doing to the bathroom to change. Coming out, I walked towards the mirror Zelda walked me to to look at me in awe. Her eyes sparkled at the way I looked. Link even gave her my pin to put in my hair. I look...

"You look like a goddess!" I stared at the short white dress with wide sleeves amazed. This dress reminds me of the one Zelda wears in skyward sword... But a bit different "Oh! Let's play Goddess, Princess, and Hero!"

"Goddess, Princess, and Hero?" Link asked

"Yeah!" Zelda put me on top of her bed after I took off my shoes "stand up and be our goddess! I'll be here and... Link! Kneel down with your sword in the air!" He listened and lifted his sword. What is she going to do? I'm excited to be playing pretend again, but she seems to have an idea

She whispered something to his ear "uh... I am Link the hero... I am here to save Hyrule..." I smiled. He doesn't seem to have much pride in his words. I'm sure I can find that soon

"And I am Princess Zelda! I will some day take the honor to rule over this beautiful land! The land our goddess Lina has protected for us!" Huh? "Fellow citizens of Hyrule! All hale Goddess Lina! For the three golden goddesses that created the Triforce of courage, power, and wisdom in the name of Nayru, Din, and Farore! Lina created the hidden Triforce down the middle! The power of love!" I can't believe what she's saying. How big is that imagination of hers? "With this ocarina of time-" she lifted her blue ocarina "we will defeat Ganondorf and save Hyrule together! Please goddess! Give us your words of wisdom to help us fight for the land!" I looked down at my friends facing me like I was a leader, something I never will have the ability to be...

"A dark future is approaching us" I closed my eyes, holding my heart "Ganondorf is going to come to the castle to steal the ocarina of time..."

"W-what..?" Zelda said, wide eyed

"As the hero and I finally get the spiritual stones, Ganondorf will come to the castle. Princess Zelda, it is up to you to escape. The ocarina of time isn't the only thing that is in danger. Impa will take you from this castle to protect you... You must stay hidden... You must shut down and create your alter ego. That will be the only way to keep him from finding you"

"Lina..." I looked at Zelda frowning at me before I climbed off the bed to face her

"Listen to my words, Zelda. They are not pretend. Do you understand..? Escape when you see him. We will take care of everything" I smiled "your goddess will lead the way" she kept frowning before nodding and bowed to me, so did Link and Navi

"Your words are like a light... I hear them loud and clear... When the day comes. Please hurry back when you get the third spiritual stone. I believe this..." She showed me the ocarina of time "will be safer in your hands" I smiled

"It is up to the hero to take care of the future, it is my job to guide him" she faced Link

"Then will you Link, take my place to protect the ocarina of time when you come back to see me?" He nodded

"Yes... Princess" she nodded and let out a stretch

"I didn't expect that to happen. I wanted to play pretend, but it seems that we created a strong bond and a promise!" I smiled. Navi flew up to the ocarina of time

"This looks like Lina's ocarina" Zelda looked at me

"You have a ocarina?" I took it out to show it to her "oh! Wow! It's like a copy! But yours is pink! Does it have the same powers as the ocarina of time?" I looked at my ocarina

"I... Don't think so" I don't think this will have the ability to open the door of time

"Surely it has a background to it" I started thinking very hard. I remember getting it online and wait for it to come in for about 2 weeks by delivery... It wasn't expensive, but I had to work just to get this thing. I was actually lucky enough to be the one to get this when it was the only one available. I'm sure now that it was always meant for me. Dreams can send you to a different kind of world and I suddenly got the kind to make hard labor a thing... This ocarina is a reminder of who I was back in that world. When I had no future and then taken to a world where I have to play a important role

"I really am not sure... It does have some magic to it but then again. I know nothing about it" she nodded

"You're really something, you know that Lina?" I blushed


"Come on! Let's all have a tea party now! Lina, you can have that dress. It suits you more" I guess it does... It makes my hair pop. My blue colored hair just makes me stand out even more when this dress is on

We left Hyrule Castle with my regular clothes, when I got Link to teach me how to play the Song of Soaring. We left on its back to go to Zora's river to purchase the magic beans. We don't need all of them like the game since heart pieces don't exist, but we do need a few of them

Link played Zelda's lullaby on the Triforce on the floor to open the waterfall leading to Zora's domain. The breeze coming from the domain flew through my hair. I felt the aura again... A piece! It's been so long since I've collected one! This is great!

We entered the domain and it was more awesome than I thought! It's so much bigger and there's a lot of water! But... I can't swim.

"You two have connections to the royal family if you were able to enter from the waterfall" we looked at a zora male child swimming towards us

"Who are you?" I never seen him before. He climbed out the water and faced us, holding a bone fish with strings attached. Whoa... That reminds me of...

"I'm Prince Scotty of the Zoras" my jaw dropped

"You're a Zora prince!? Here?!" He chuckled, shaking his head

"No, but it's nice to meet you" his eyes were filled with something I couldn't understand... Happiness? But why? "What brings you here?"

"Oh.. We want to go see Princess Ruto"

"Well, you're going to have to talk to the King Zora. I can lead you there, but you're gonna have to win a game I made up"


"come on! I'll show you how you can win the game!" He started leading me the way to the top of a waterfall. Normally you'll have to go through King Zora throne room, But there are ways around here that just confuse me.

Link stood there for a moment before deciding to follow us up the waterfall. Scotty presented it to us while strumming his fish guitar "here!" He threw some rupees into the water "if you can get these rupees under the time limit of 30 seconds, I'll give you something useful!" He winked at me. I frowned and stared at the water. I remember this game

"But I... Can't swim" Link stood next to me with his chest up "Link?" Why is he doing that?

"I'll do it for you" my eyes widened "start the timer" Scotty chuckled and yelled at him to begin. Link dived down the tall waterfall and grabbed the rupees on time, hurrying to come back up to us.

"Say" Scotty looked at me with a stern expression "this is going to be hard to tell to a stranger, but I feel like I can trust you... Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" He looked down at the domain

"I've been given a arrange marriage to Princess Ruto..." My jaw dropped

"Oh..." He shook his head

"My favor is to ask King Zora for me to not allow it"

"Why not? You don't like the princess?" He turned away

"It's not that I don't like her..." Closed his eyes and held his heart for a second before looking at me "I... I have something else in mind and I can't think of anyone else but my..." He looked devastated

"Scotty..?" Link came back heavy breathing. Scotty chuckled at him

"Well done! You beat the time limit! Here's your reward!" He gave Link the Silver Scale "you can dive deeper with it, you know?" I wanted him to continue what he was saying, but it seems like he's over it "as promised, I will show you the way to King Zora!" Scotty took my hand and walked me there, again leaving Link behind for him to follow us. I could tell he wants to feel something right now because of Scotty. Speaking of which, the closer we get to the throne room, the stronger that aura feeling was becoming

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