Chapter 21: Confidence

Gerudo Valley was filled with people buying items from the market in every corner. Link and I just ran out of food we packed for the trip on Epona through Hyrule field. Now it's time we can enjoy ourselves just for a little bit and rest in a motel around here... Or where Pride lives and let us stay

"I kind of like this place. The atmosphere feels unique and there's people here you wouldn't see in Hyrule" Link smiled at his surroundings. I smiled at his amazement. It made me happy to see him like this. I can still remember when he was only a emotionless child and even the time when he was confused to know how to feel about anything. He has almost every piece back all expect for Pride and Regret... Those are going to be two very important pieces to complete his Triforce of courage. Confidence and consequences are two important things a person's mind must have in order to get through the worse and succeed

"I know! This is exactly what I thought when I came here to get your Goron sword!" He looked surprised

"Oh! So this is the place you got it from? But it's so far away! Who did you-" he face palmed "I mean... It hope it wasn't too much for you to come all the way here for my sake" I smiled

"It's fine! I rode of the owl so it took less time than we had with Epona. This is where I found another one of your pieces"

"Really?" He gasped

"Another piece? Which one?" Navi asked. Before I spoke, I heard someone laugh across the market, dragging towards us. We looked up when seeing Pride, wearing the Keaton mask I lend him, jumping from every tent top to another, carrying a bag with what looked like fruit. One apple fell out and casually landed on in my hands

He was being chased by shop owners holding swords to punish him for what he did. I sighed and crossed my arms, blowing on a strand of my hair away from my face

"Causing trouble I see" I sighed again

"What was that? Did you know that guy?" Link asked. I placed a nervous smile

"That's your pride!" He looked confused before going after the men chasing Pride. I followed not too far behind. Pride made a sharp turn, disappearing into a lone dark alleyway. The men who were doing the chasing got angry and left, giving up. Link and I looked at each other

"I thought you said I was done with the negative emotions" he frowned

"Well.. Regret is sort of a negative emotion, it'll just lead you to know not to do something reckless and see the consequences... Aside from that. Each piece has their own lives they choose to create with every individual personality. Pride is a thief, but don't think he's a bad person..."

"W-well... I already know that... It's just that" he stared at the alley "why does he steal if the pieces don't eat?" That's a really good question. We took matters into our own hands and went into the narrow alleyway Pride ran to to lead us into a very wasted looking home complex. Every building looked like it was getting ruined by the process of erosion.

There was trash everywhere and there were even people sitting on the side of the road with ripped clothing "oh my..." It also seemed so dark even if it was a shiny day. Link and I walked through the street, trying not to stare at the very few of the people staring at us.

We heard children laughing. Up ahead was a bunch of kids with their families sitting together and laughing, having a feast of some sorts.

The children who were laughing and having a good time weren't seeing where they were going and almost ran into us. A young girl with a scar on her eye ran into me. She looked scared before she even saw who she hit and froze when she made eye contact with me. She stared in awe before her friends noticed and surround me

"O-oh..?" I looked at them feeling on my skirt and hair like it was gold or something

"Pretty!" They were all so amazed by my presents that it's actually making me feel embarrassed

"Don't be shy!" I looked up to see Pride walking up to us, removing his mask to look at Link and I with his unique white colored eyes with the single pupil in the middle of both of them. He made sure the kids didn't look at him by using his hand to hide his eyes from them "they just think you're really pretty and look like a princess" he chuckled "come on kids, go eat" they listened and ran back to their parents

"Pride..." I said. He smirked widely, showing his happiness and confidence

"It took you long enough to find me! I felt the hero while I was running, sorry I couldn't stop but I had to give these people food to survive" he held his hips with his chest up. Link stared at him without saying any words. He looked like he couldn't find any to say

"What is all this..? You steal food for people? Why are there so many families living like this?" I asked. Pride glanced over at the people before looking back at us

"It wasn't like this all the time... It happened when Ganondorf started stealing from innocent people and businesses. You know... Doing what he wants. The Gerudo often comes to the market to steal the money the people need to feed their families. There are still many businesses who survived but others were shut down because there aren't anymore tourist coming back. Those families suffered and that's when I showed up last year... I wanted to help these families and stop the Gerudo from stealing what's not theirs. I had said to leave me here so I can protect this place... But I can only come back to the hero if you're on your way to Gerudo Valley" I nodded

"I understand" he smiled "it's wonderful what you're doing for these people... But you're causing trouble for the people who still have business" he turned away

"I don't steal as much as you think... I gather more water from the river more than stealing. When food is a priority at the matter, that's when I do it. These people learn to go without too much food. Only a apple is enough for them they say but..." He frowned at the ground "I've been waiting for the day when those Gerudo thieves get a piece of their own medicine" I held his shoulder

"We will take care of it..." He smiled and looked at Link. The two made eye contact for a long while before Pride chuckled

"What a coward" Link was taken back while I was simply surprised "almost getting killed because someone said one little thing about Lina. You got offensive real quick" he pointed at himself with his thumb "what I learned about being alone in the streets is that don't let anyone bring you down. You have to stick up for yourself and know what you are. You are not anywhere below the line. You are above everything because you are the boss of your own life!" Link's eyes sparkled at his words. I held my heart, smiling at them.

Pride chuckled and looked at me "hungry?" I waved my hand

"It's okay. We can buy whatever we need later... And here" I handed him a Skulltula token "this is worth a lot so it'll be enough to help these people for a long while" Pride took the token shocked before smiling wide in happiness

"Wow! This is awesome! This should be worth enough for the time we can teach those Gerudos a lesson!" He pet my head "thanks princess!" There goes that nickname...

Ever since we left the shadow temple, Link has been calling me princess as a nickname. He said he's someone who protects me, so he's like a knight protecting the princess or something. I'm not a princess... Zelda is and... I want to see her

"No problem!" I smiled "we don't need them anyways. If the families need more, I'll be happy to give a few over. But giving too much isn't a good thing. I helped a few homeless people before and just giving them money won't be enough. Giving them what they need is better" the boys stared at me like they were making mental notes

"Interesting..." Pride nodded "alright! I'll take care of this while the two of you stay here! Help yourself to some food! There's more than enough" I shook my head at his doing before he ran off, putting his Keaton mask back on

"He's..." Link said

"Tell me about it" he smiled

"But he's pretty cool... I can't wait until we're one and I'll get to have that confidence he has" I giggled and we joined the families letting us have some of their food. All I ate was a apple I wanted to give back but got declined, Link probably ate like a few bananas and whatever what was offered to him. The kids tried giving me as much as they think I need, but I didn't want to take anyone's food at all.

The kids continued playing around as the parents told us what happened to their businesses and what the Gerudos did to others when they try defending themselves. I never thought the Gerudo was that bad... I have a feeling I know how to get above them and make them knock off all the unnecessary stealing. The evil witches must've hypnotized some of them to turn bad for Ganondorf. This makes me mad

The day was growing old and I could see the moon above us now. Pride hasn't come back in hours... I hope he didn't catch into trouble

Speaking of trouble. My ears picked up on multiple foot steps no one seem to notice. I narrowed my eyes before opening my hands to take out my scythe, I was stopped by having a hand cover my mouth from behind. I gasped and looked up at someone I could tell was a Gerudo by their clothes, and...

Everyone around us panicked. Link jumped and took out his Goron sword to attack, but got grabbed from behind, dropping his sword and got pinned to the ground

"We found them" a Gerudo walked from the darkness the light the bond fire gave out "the boy with the fairy and girl with the strange blue hair... You've caused a lot of trouble for the great Ganondorf, haven't you two?" Link groaned, trying to fight the Gerudo on his back

"Take him to the cellar, I will take care of this one" the Gerudo who had a hold of me said

"Are you sure?" The others asked before leaving when the Gerudo gave them the nod. Once the Gerudos left with Link, I was released and looked up at Jasmine staring at me

"Jasmine..." She smiled

"It's good to see you again... Are you alright?" I nodded "good... I didn't want them bothering you so I was the first to get you. The Gerudo have been searching for you two because of what you've been doing around Hyrule... I let the hero be taken because not only did I not want them touching you, but you can save him as well" I frowned up at her staring at me with her bright blue eyes

"The other Gerudo were hypnotized by the evil twin sisters, have they?"

"Yes... All of them except for me and Nabooru. She wasn't around when everyone was put into that fate. Me however... Well, I'm not real, as you already know" I frowned and heard a pair of footsteps coming closer. We looked to the side and saw Pride jumping at Jasmine with the Goron sword Link dropped. Jasmine jumped out the way and took out her two swords to fight him back. These two aren't real people and yet... They fight

I looked back at the families huddled together in fear, watching for Jasmine to see if Link can beat her and save them. Jasmine and I were talking in a whisper, so they don't know she's not a bad person

"It's all going to be okay" I told them with a soft voice "Jasmine is a friend of mine... She helped me stay away from the Gerudo so I can go back to help Link. If she helped both of us, it'll be suspicious. Please do not be afraid" I looked back at the fight "Pride! Stop!" He froze and stare at me shock as Jasmine was on the ground "don't touch her, she's important to me" I held my heart

"Important... As in" he pointed at my heart, knowing now she is a part of my heart. He dropped the sword and backed away from her "I-I'm so sorry..." I walked to him to hug his arm

"It's okay... It looks like I don't have time for a good night rest... Thank you for the food and everything you have done. I'll make sure to help these people by confronting the Gerudos. I will be on my way now to rescue Link" I offered my hand "it's time now, Pride" he stared at me with such sad eyes before looking back at the families and smiled

"Looks like it's my time to leave everyone... As I said before, I won't be staying much longer. I have a destiny to uphold and it has to do with that boy that was taken.." He removed his mask "I never showed my face... Because I didn't want to scare you with my eyes. I am a part of that boy... That's why I look like him. I refused to go back to him so I can protect you all... This girl is going to make things all better"

Someone pulled on my skirt. I looked down to see the little girl who ran into me earlier "big brother did a lot for us.. He saved my little brother from being so hungry. If you're going to take him from us... Be sure to take good care of him" I smiled and pet her head

"Of course... I am his guide after all" I took Pride's hand he offered and backed away towards the darkness

"His wife!?" The girl gasped. I flinched and blushed. That's not what I said...


"Not yet, but one day!" Pride laughed. My eyes widened in shock at him. Jasmine just giggled. He waved to everyone "I left the food and clothes supply at the usual place! Take care!" He ran me off to where the market street was. Everything was quiet and wrapped for the night. I faced Pride and stared at his glowing white Iris

"Every piece had their own lives... But you, you are what should make Link himself the most. Confidence has a strong bond with courage. Thank you for coming back" I offered both my hands together "we will be victorious... I just know it" he smiled happily

"It would been better if I was last and regret was before me... But whatever. I do want to be with everyone a bit longer, but this is destiny. Thank you for letting me stay here a bit longer" I smiled happily as well with him as he turned into a light and became a piece of the Triforce. I threw it up in the air to become part of my light and put it to storage for safety. I faced Jasmine staring at me, smiling

"You are very tired, aren't you?" I nodded and let out a stretch

"I am... But there's no time for that now. Link needs me" I held my hips with confidence "I can rest when we save Hyrule" she giggled and brought me to a hug. I relaxed in her arms

"Oh... I wish I could had met you back when you were a child. I'm jealous everyone else got to. Well.. Except Volvagia... But I still feel left out" she let go to look at me "but seeing you like this is fine... As long as I got to be with you, even for just a little bit... I don't mind that" I frowned

"You're not dying anything time soon... You hear me? I already lost everyone else, I'm not loosing anyone else! Even if we only met that one time... We are one after all" she nodded and took off the Silver Gauntlets from her arm... How did I not notice that? It's too dark I guess

"I will walk you to the Gerudo Fortress... But I must remain here and now protect the market"

"Now?" She nodded

"Now that you are going to save the hypnotized Gerudo, I can help this place run the way it should be"

"How do I save the Gerudo?" She pointed at the jewelry on her forehead

"This is suppose to brain wash the race, but thanks to me being a living light, it doesn't effect me! Let us go now" I held her hand, feeling like a kid again when I look up to the ones who can't bare to be part from me. My mother... Shauna... Scotty... Volvagia... And Fado. They all looked up to me, but I always admired who they are... I hope I can get to know Jasmine long enough before she has to leave... I just met her and she's already simply wonderful...

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