Chapter 11: Affection
I didn't have time to digitally draw this but I wanted to show off Lina as a adult and her mark on her chest!
Kakariko was still lively... We went to my home that was still in perfect shape. I smiled as I went to the cabinet to make some food... Maybe I shouldn't. This stuff must have expired "you hold the Triforce of courage, Link" I told him as he sat on the table "in ancient times, your ancestor was chosen by the goddesses to protect Hyrule. You were blessed with the Triforce of courage. But something happened to your last ancestor who saved Hyrule. He wield the four sword, splitting his body into 4 personalities. Once he saved the land, he had to put the sword back... Putting himself together, but that caused his body to do things. His Triforce had broken into many pieces... Taking his personalities and emotions with them. Once a hero had passed, the Triforce will return to the sacred realm it came from... But only one piece came back. That was the piece I gave you when we first met. I have a duty to collect your pieces so you can save Hyrule. I can easily just avoid evil in this generation, but there will be evil out in new times and the hero cannot come back because he doesn't have his Triforce... I had to let everything happen... Your other pieces were in this future... And I had to hurry to get them for you" I looked at him with a stern face "I was asleep in the sacred realm for 5 years as a child so I can learn everything I know on how to guide you... I helped you and gathered the pieces I can return to you... Another 7 years passed and everything happened... It's because of me, but I had to do it" I shut my eyes "time is cruel... I'm sorry Link... I'm sorry for lying to you and Zelda... But it was for the sake of future Hyrule... I'll guide you through everything! I promise! Just please... Don't hate me" my cheeks were suddenly taken to look into his serious eyes "Link..?"
"I understand" my eyes widened "you did it for Hyrule... If you didn't put my Triforce together, Hyrule would be doomed eventually. I know my destiny now as the hero of time. I will do everything in my power to protect not only Hyrule, Zelda, or our friends... But you, because you were there when I started feeling. You are my beginning" I sobbed before wrapping my arms around him
"I'm so sorry! Thank you" He returned my hug, bringing me close. He feels so different now that he's a adult. I'm so happy... Even if this whole future is my fault... He never blamed me. I'm so happy "I promise I'll return all your pieces back"
"And... I'll be able to know what I feel about you" my face blushed like a exploding tomato. W-what did he say..?
"W-what?" He let go of me
"Something in my brain is telling me something, but I'm not sure how I should feel about you..." I covered my face "do you know?" I turned away shyly
"What's wrong?"
"Not right now! There's a piece here in Kakariko, at Lon Lon ranch, in Goron city and Lake Hylia somewhere! There could be more out there! But for now, let's focus on the ones I know are at and do something about this future" he nodded. Goodness... Is it hot in here or is it just me..?
"Did you speak to Rauru?" He nodded
"Yes... He told me everything"
"Good..." He stared at me "what about that... Boy who was waiting for you in the temple of time? Sheik?"
"Oh, yeah... He told me to awaken the five sages. One is waiting for me in the forest he said... Because of the evil power in the temple, no sage can hear the awakening call from the sacred realm. He also told me to go to Kakariko... I wondered where you went... How long did you wait for me?" Oh?
"Hm.." It doesn't really matter "long enough, I would had waited you for 20 years if I had to" he smiled a little, shocking me "y-you smiled!" Navi flew to his face and gasped as well
"You're right!" Did that light we found in the chambers where the master sword rested make this possible? He said he was light, but the look in his eyes made it like there was more emotion in them
"Hm?" Link looked confused
"Nothing... Let's go and get that piece real quick. Then we can go check out Lon Lon Ranch"
"Oh right, Malon..." I frowned. I wonder if she remembers us... Link and I went out to Kakariko, seeing how bright it was. It wasn't as bright as it was 7 years ago, but it was good enough.
I took a deep breath and felt the piece near by... Before paying attention to that, I saw Impa and Shauna walking by. I gasped and ran over. That's weird, I didn't think I would see Impa anytime soon!
The two looked at us. Shauna gasped when she saw me and started crying. Shauna..? Are you... One of my sages? I ignored it and ran up to her "oh, Lina! I'm so happy to see you again!" She cried. Impa walked over to us as Link walked to my side. Shauna started hugging me like a little sister
"You two... It's been 7 years. You manage to get yourself the sword" my stomach suddenly started growling. Man! I haven't been this hungry in a long time!
"Hungry? Come! We'll feed you!" Shauna grabbed my hand and ran me to a home a few people share together. The kind fat lady, Maria, who cooked for her housemates, cooked us a feast on the table. I just peaked at Talon sleeping in a bed. there's no hope in waking him up. Link dug in his meal, but my brain was possessing while Impa spoke about what happened through the years we've been gone and Zelda being safe. I knew all this, but Link and Navi needed to know Zelda was okay
"Lina, your hair grew so much" Shauna said, playing with my hair "it use to be on your elbows, but now it's pass your knees" I reached down my seat to take my hair. I have a lot of it... I didn't say anything about it before since it wasn't bothering me. I'm use to short hair, but it feels like I'm use to this as well...
"It's very lovely!" Maria told me "I can't believe it's been 7 years since you've came back. When you were kids, many of the villagers watch how you two go around knowing what you were doing. The blue haired girl was always the one who could make a adult follow her. She was mature and many of us watched fascinated" I looked at her before glancing at Link's weapon and shield on the floor
"I guess you can say I had to grow up... I matured like I grew up normal to my adult hood but went back to become a child" the story was all true, but all they know is that I made it as a comparison "we grow up differently... We all do... As children, we learn at a young age and master the skill as we get older. I have a request... Impa"
"Link is skillful at swordsmanship, but now that he's matured, now that evil surrounds us, things won't be as easy. Please help Link and train him" Link looked at Impa, waiting for a answer. Impa nodded, standing from her chair
"A wise request... Of course. I will help him. Are you willing to learn, boy?" Link stood, nodding
"Yes" the lady crossed her arms to think
"What's wrong? Maria?" Shauna asked
"Well... By looking at this boy, well... I thought the blue haired girl was the only one who was missing from the village" Impa looked at Link
"I see what you are talking about, but I'm sure this is the fairy boy I was talking about being missing with the blue haired girl"
"What are you talking about?" I asked. Impa sighed
"There's a young man in the village that showed up about a year ago... He came out of nowhere in the day time and disappears in the night. He often goes around flirting with the other young ladies and watches over the couple who got married the same day he showed up. He's very social and friendly, but a total womanizer" I blinked confused before looking at Link just staring. It's nice how the piece is social and friendly, but... A womanizer?
"Weird... Mind if I go meet him? Link, you can train if you want, or do you want to meet him too" Link thought for moment
"The sooner I train the faster I can grow and start fighting" I nodded with a smile before following Shauna outside. She put my pin on my hair to keep away from my face
"Did you eat enough?" She asked
"Yes, thank you..." I stopped walking and faced her. She stopped and looked at me confused "Shauna... Are you my sage?" She softly smiled
"I knew you'd find out"
"Sort of... I'm still confused, but what I want to know is how do you know you're my sage and why would you put my life before yours? Zelda's sages don't even know they're sages, so how do you?" She closed her eyes
"From the day we are born, we all know our destiny when we learn how to function as a living creature "
"Do you know the rest?" She pet my head, shaking hers
"There's no rush to find your sages... We are here when you need us. When you need us, we won't hesitate to give you our soul" I pouted, pumping my chest
"Why would you just do that..?" Her smile widened
"You'll understand another time, but for now..." She pointed up ahead "there's that piece of the Triforce you've been looking for" I turned around to see a blonde boy in village clothes, something he would wear in Skyward Sword, sitting on the Cucco fence while flirting with a village girl blushing at his words. My blood started boiling. What does he think he's doing!?
I stomped over upset, hearing their conversation "are you sure? Just a little kiss won't hurt. Come on" he chuckled
"A-Ace... I can't..." Ace? Is that what Affection calls itself? I can't believe how these pieces know how to make their own lives and personalities "My father won't like me kiss a man I won't marry... Unless" she looked at him with hope in her eyes. He gave her the kindest smile before rejecting her, which not only relieved me, but shocked me
"Sorry love, but my heart is for another. A blue haired maiden with beautiful and eyes... And small hands. She's the only one I want to look at for the rest of my life" I held my heart, trying to slow it down the best I can...
The girl frowned and noticed me staring at them. Her eyes widened at my appearance, from my head to toes. She looked amazed, which made me a little uncomfortable. Affection looked over at me and smirked
"There's my beautiful girl... Where you been? I've been waiting for 7 long years" I took a deep breath before walking over. The girl bowed and ran off
"I'm sorry!" I stared at her before facing Affection still smirking at me. His face was inches from mine, but I remained on my place
"What's with the look, love?" his voice was flirty and husky. His glowing pink eyes stared into my soul
"What's this? If I return you to Link is this how you're going to make him behave?" He chuckled and leaned back
"No. We pieces have made a live for ourselves by using Link's emotions. I have my own personality thanks to having one single main personality with other emotions following it. If I return to the hero, he's not going to become who you see now. His Triforce doesn't define who he is as a person. He won't take the personality I created from Affection" his words took me by surprise. I didn't expect a piece to actually speak to me like this... The Triforce is actually talking to me?
"So... Link won't turn to a idiotic womanizer like you?" He raised a brow amused
"Anyone who's a womanizer is idiotic" he chuckled "have anything else to say before I take hold of your piece"
"Yes" he looked at the sky "the emotions... Loneliness, Disappointment, Sorrow, Affection, Fear, Curiosity, Devotion, Regret, Love, Pride, Hope, and Light... You have collected many of them, and now there are a few to collect around Hyrule as a adult. Know that the Triforce had created power with these main emotions. Not many of them have it, but take me for example... I know how to attract people to one another and it resulted in a couple to fall in love and get married" he smile wide "curiosity used its power to lure children to become curious. It doesn't mean harm, it's just the expressive power without proper control. After all... We aren't human. A emotion the Triforce has can make anyone feel the same. That girl was attracted to me because of that emotion" he chuckled "loneliness can make anyone feel lonely like how he made Princess Ruto feel.. You see what I'm saying?"
"You're affection yet you're wise... Do you carry wisdom with you?"
"No, Link already got his wisdom from Devotion a long time ago. Light was suppose to tell you all this, but there wasn't a lot of time left... Once the hero takes me, he will be more social, friendly and will actually have a opinion" he saluted to me before turning into a light "gook luck, beautiful!" I stared at the gold piece in my hand before blushing. Man... This emotion was a real headache, but it's good that he told me all that. Now knowing all the emotions will be useful. I have a few to go...
"Got it?" Shauna asked
"How come you're not freaked about suddenly seeing a boy you know turn into a light?" She giggled and hid her hands behind her
"Well, you see... I already know about your mission of returning the Triforce to Link" huh!? "You just keep on with the hard work, look for the sages of Hyrule and Time and you'll be fine! That crummy owl might be around here somewhere, but I think it's a better idea to find Epona" I stared at her for a long while. So she knows what I know then... "Oh! And I'm sure you'll... Need this too!" She dug behind her for her bag and handed me a...
"Hookshot..?" She nodded happily "how do you have this?"
"Oh don't worry about little old me!" She held her cheek, waving her other hand like she was flattered "your sages will do anything for you!" I sighed and nodded, deciding to walk alone around the village instead of interrupting Link's lessons.
I walked to the windmill place ran by the man who... Got mad at me because of what I did back in my youth. I played the song of storms to make the windmill spin out of control. I just thought it'll be funny. Pretty messed up if I do say so myself
It was becoming night time fairly quickly. I was getting hungry again. I should go buy some groceries for the house so Link and I can eat when we rest before going out to another mission to find the sages of Hyrule, not the sages of Time... I have to look for them on my own
Carrying the groceries wasn't as hard as I thought. I got back the muscles I had back in my old life, so I'm able to carry a bunch of bags in one arm while my weaker arm carried one instead of 4 like the other
"I wonder where Link is..." Just when I said that, I saw him sitting on a crate with some villagers and Impa with Shauna having some drinks. I sniffed the air, glaring at what Link was drinking. It covered the air even if I was a bit far from them
As I approach them, I saw how many bottles were next to Link. He was all pink as everyone looked like they were celebrating. My mature self went over to tell these children off
"What do you think you're doing?" Everyone was silent when they heard my stern voice. Link looked intoxicated with his eyes all droopy. He got his ears pierced? "Link, why are you drinking that? Do you know what that does to your liver?"
"Liver?" Impa asked, only drinking one bottle while Shauna had a whole barrel to herself, not even looking like she was done. I looked back at Link staring at me as Navi was sleeping on his head, also intoxicated. I glared angrily
"Who gave a creature of the forest alcohol!? Why would you give Link alcohol if he was in training! Alcohol isn't going to help him!" I was beyond angry "Link! As your guide! I cannot let you drink something like this!" I grabbed the bottle from him "you're so going to regret this in the morning" he doesn't even know what regret is... I didn't get that emotion for him yet "you're going to be in real pain in the morning Link, so you really want me to tell you I told you so?"
"I don't know..." I sighed and gave Impa the bottle
"I'm taking Link back home" I put my extra bag from my free hand and put it on my strong arm so I can take Link's hand and walk him home. He was a bit droopy, but at least he wasn't messing up the balance I had on my strong arm.
Once returning home, I put everything down and sat Link on the table "drink this" I made some hot chocolate for him "it should help a bit" before giving him the coffee cup, I splashed his body with cold water, making his shout "that should help as well" putting a blanket on his shoulders, I gave him the chocolate milk "never do something like that, got it?" I handed him his piece, watching it flash into his body. He sighed and rested his head on my arm "Link?" His cold hand held mine
"Your hands are really small..." I blushed as he played with them before he looked at my eyes. His cheeks were flushed. He's out of it... "Your hair is as blue as Lake Hylia... Your eyes are as bright as the sky... You're more beautiful than anything Hyrule has to offer..." My heart pounded from my chest. I smiled, stroking his hair until he fell asleep
"Oh Link... What am I going to do with you?"
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