Chapter Five: The Invasion, part two
[A/N: it was originally one big chapter but it was way too long.]
After those dreams, the next day the invasion came. Everyone from before was there, the mechanic or what ever his name was, the swamp people, the freedom fighters. I was a little stunned to see Jet there.
"Hey, Jet." I said, with a wave as Katara got a water whip to shoot at him.
"Whoo!" He held out a hand and stepped back.
"Katara." I stated for her to put it away.
"Fine." She growled.
"What are you doing here?" I asked with a hand on my waist.
"I was in Ba Sing Se when the Fire Nation marched in." He lowered and turned his head. "But when we left I met Pipsqueak and the Duke." He grinned pointing his thumb at them, mm that grin it can take your thoughts away.
And apparently I was staring because Katara hit my arm.
"Gyawa, here's your glider." I never caught his name said, handing it to me from his wheel chair.
"Finally, I missed this." I sighed, grabbing the glider like a new toy.
"And I hope you don't mind I added a snack compartment." His father said, showing it to me by eating some.
"That'll come in handy." I replied wishing he put meat in there.
When it came round to explaining the invasion plan Sokka was way too nervous. "Don't worry, you'll do great." Hakoda said, before Sokka completely messed it up.
"Let me start from the beginning. Katara and I found Gyawa and Aang in a iceberg now I didn't like Aang at first but I loved Gyawa and learned to love Aang over time. Then we went to the southern air temple where Aang used to live. And then we meet the kyoshi warriors-" Sokka said, after he realized he messed up and was trying to explain everything.
I couldn't help but hide a snicker as he took that deep breath and ranted like a fast paced Siri. "Wow he meant the beginning beginning." Katara whispered.
"Thank you, Sokka. It's okay why don't you take a brake." Hakoda said, before he killed it. "When this is finished, the Avatar will have defeated the Fire Lord. We will have control of the Fire Nation Capital, and this war will be over!" Everyone cheered, everyone but Sokka who now looked depressed.
After I changed to my air nomad clothes and took the bandanna off, I was ready to show the world the Avatar wasn't dead.
When we were ready to go, I realized Sokka wasn't around, so I looked for him. "We're about to leave," I reminded the Water Tribe boy, as I flew behind him.
"I messed up, Gyawa." He stated in a disappointed tone.
"How so?"
"The invasion plan was my moment of truth and I completely flunked it. I just fell apart." He explained as he stood in his Water Tribe warrior armor.
"That wasn't your moment of truth, it's on the battlefield with the soldiers, to truly command them." I replied, standing next to him proudly. I knew that I needed to do, I had to keep things exactly the same.
"My dad explained the plan perfectly and inspired everyone. Like a real leader should." He kept saying.
"Are you listening to me? It's out there not here." I answered with a grin, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"You seem so confident about everything. How do you know we're going to win?" Sokka asked, with a more positive voice.
"If you go on the field like your going to lose, your definitely going to get what you thought." I answered, looking at the rising sun, that was the que for everything that day.
We went through the gates of Azulon with ease. When we surfaced for air I got ready to separate from the main group.
"So this is it huh?" Aang gave a worried sighed.
"Are you ready to let the world know the avatar is alive?" Sokka asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah." I replied with a grin.
"I hope you kick some serous Fire Lord butt, twinkle sparks." Toph said as I hugged her.
"Everyone listen up; the next time we resurface, it will be on the beaches. So stay alart and be smart. Now break time is over back in the subs." Hakoda explained before going back in.
Sokka and Toph went back in without a thought, but Katara and Aang on the other hand stayed. I flew away to give them the space they needed, and plus I didn't want him to go. But I was glad to see I hadn't messed Kataang up.
Flying through to the Fire Nation capital I did get hungry, luckily the snack thing did work.
When I got to the Capital, no one was there, not even animals. It felt so weird doing something I knew would lead to nothing, but I wasn't going to change anything.
I bursted through the doors and made sure the palace heard me. "Ozai?" I sang, trying to sound like Deadpool, making muscles like Wonder Woman. "Where are you?" humming again, blasting through the curtains to an empty throne room. "Oh well." I sighed, slowly walking back.
When I got back to the Gaang the invasion was underway and everything looked the same. It was a huge relief. "Please tell me you're here because the Fire Lord turned out to be a big wimp and you didn't even need the eclipse to take him down." Sokka asked as I landed.
"Yep." His face really wanted to believe me. "Nah but for real; it's empty. The whole town is just gone." I explained making him gasp.
"They knew."
"It's over the Fire Lord is probably long gone. Far away on some remote island where he'll be safe during the eclipse." Aang sighed, looking down at the ground.
"No. My instincts tell me he wouldn't go too far, he would have a secret bunker somewhere he could go and be safe during a siege but still be close enough to lead his nation." Sokka explained.
"If it's an under ground secret bunker we're looking for? I'm just the girl to find it." Toph added with a grin pointing at herself.
"The Machinist gave me this time device. It looks like we got about ten minutes before the full eclipse. Ten minutes to find the fire lord." Sokka looked up at me with confidence in his eyes.
"We can still do this. We can still take out the Fire Lord." Jet reassured, I then realized he was there, I hadn't seen him before.
"Wait, if they knew we were coming it could all be a trap but maybe we should use the time we have left to make sure we all get out of here safely." Katara suggested.
"Everyone who's here today came prepared to loose everything for this mission. They know what's at stake. If there still a chance and there's still hope, I think they would want Gyawa to go for it." Hakoda replied, with a little grimace on his face as he held his wound.
"What do you think? You're the one go has to face the Fire Lord. What ever you decide I'm with you." Sokka said, as everyone looked at me.
"Let's do this." I answered, I had my mind set I wouldn't change anything.
"I'm coming too." Jet piped in.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Jet." I stated.
"Why? You still hold a grudge around me. I changed, Gyawa." He tried to plead but if he went that would be changing things.
"No that's it, you need to stay here and lead the freedom fighters." I tried to explain making a different excuse.
"I'm going, Gyawa!" Jet growled, shoving through me.
"Do you feel anything down there?" Sokka asked, after we landed on the side of a volcano at the heart of the Capital.
"Yup, there are natural tunnels criss crossing through the inside of the volcano." Toph replied.
"Anything else? Is there a structure some where?" Sokka asked, sheathing his sword.
"There's something big, dense, and made of metal deep in the heart of the volcano."
"Sounds like a Secret bunker to me." Sokka chimed, with a smile.
"This way. that ones a dead end." She pointed at the dead end while running the other way.
"What would we do without you?" Sokka sighed, lava started getting hotter.
"Apparently die in burning hot magma." Jet, remarked as we looked at it like it was the plague.
"Yeah pretty much." Sokka replied.
"The tunnel continues on the other side, it leads right to the bunker." Toph said, as we stopped running because the floor was hollow. It spit hot gasses when ever it felt like it.
"We'll have to been fast but careful." as Sokka said, this he tried to run through but hot gasses blew up right next to him. He screamed in horror that he almost got killed.
"How was any of that careful?" Aang mocked tone.
"I was wrong. We need to be fast, careful, and lucky." As he replied with a finger up, we all ran through the hollow floor.
We ran a few steps more before running into nothing but lava.
"There's no floor, it's just a river of lava." Sokka wined and for good reasons.
"Climb aboard and hold on tight." Aang said, as we made our gliders.
Sokka and Toph flew on top of Aang's glider while Jet hanged on for dear life on mine. Every last one of them was scared till we landed in front of a large metal bunker door.
"That's some door." Sokka explained with amazement in his voice.
Toph knocked at it a few times: "Not a problem." She put her hands against it and then pulled it like it apart was paper.
"I am so glad we added you to the group." Sokka sighed, as he was the last one to go through the door.
We all ran through until we saw a Fire Nation councilman walking by, we all turned and took our stances.
"The Fire Lord's chamber is that way, go left, and up the stairs, you can't miss it!" He demonstrated with his fingers as he cowered away.
"Thanks." Sokka replied, with a smile.
"Only thirty seconds till the solar eclipse." Sokka warned, looking at his clock.
We all stood in front of the door to the Fire Lord's chambers. "Are you ready to fight the Fire Lord?" Sokka asked me.
I took a deep breath getting ready for Azula, this was going to be 'some fight.'
We opened the doors to see, Azula sitting on the throne. "So, you are alive after all." She said, with a calm cunning tone, everyone tensed. "I had a hunch that you survived but it doesn't matter, I've known about the invasion for months."
We all kept our stances, even if I knew how this would play out. "Where is he? Where's the Fire Lord?!" Aang asked in fury.
"Mm you mean I'm not good enough for you? Your hurting my feelings." Azula stood up and replied, with a mocking manner.
"Stop wasting our time and give us the information. Your powerless right now so your in no position to refuse." Sokka pointed his black blade at her.
"And stick to the truth I'll be able to tell if your lying." Toph explained.
"Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar. I am a 400 foot tall, purple platypus, bear, with pink horns, and silver wings." Azula stated like it was a fact.
"Okay you're good I'll admit it. But you ought'a consider telling the truth anyway." Toph said, as she entrapped her in earth, only to have it shatter.
"When I left Ba Sing Se I brought back some souvenirs, Dai Li agents." They came from the walls and stood in front of her. The Dai Li made a wall in the middle of the room blocking us from getting to her.
Toph quickly jumped and made a whole in the middle of the wall. As the chase to get Azula went on we ran after her through the door I burst through with earth bending making a land slide at Azula.
"Wait, stop attacking, don't you see what she's doing she's just playing with us. She's not even trying to win this fight." Sokka explained as we all stopped running.
"Not true! I'm giving it my all." Azula replied with a teenage girly tone.
"She's a fire bender! She don't deserve to live!" Jet growled, before he was about to attack her again, but luckily I was strong enough to keep him away.
"Jet, don't. She's just trying to keep us here and waste our time." I pleaded.
"Mmm right I think your friend just said that, genius. And as she can't see I should tell you for your friend here, I'm rolling my eyes." Toph took a stance to blow her away.
"I'll roll your whole head!" She threatened before Sokka chimed in again.
"She's just baiting you again."
"Okay so what do we do? Just ignore her?" Aang asked.
"We don't have a choice. We just have to get out of here and find the Fire Lord on our own somehow." Sokka replied.
"No! She won't get away with this!" Jet hissed, beginning to stomp at her.
"No!" I yelled as I stepped in front of him.
"You're protecting a fire bender, Gyawa! Out of my way!" He tighten his grip of his sword.
"We don't have time for this!" I shouted back, this was exactly why I didn't want him to come! I looked back to see Azula grinning away.
"Somebody back me up here." I looked over Jet's shoulder to get long faces.
"Back off, Gyawa!" He threatened.
"Sokka's your name right? My favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time. She was convinced you were going to come rescue her of course you never come. Then she gave up on you."
Sokka's face turned to tears and anger as Azula swung his girl around her fingers. I growled as Sokka ran up to pin her down.
"Come and get it." She hissed, under her breath with a knife on her hand. Toph heard this and immediately pinned her down.
"Where. Is. Suki?!??!" He snarled this even though he knew he was wasting our time. Azula just smirked as she was held to the wall.
Everything was going as planned. Mah mahmah.
"Where's Suki? answer me!"
"Sokka, she wouldn't talk!" Jet harshly stated like he still wanted to kill her.
"Oh Jet, the Earth King has invited you to lake Loagai." She cleared stated with a smirk.
"No!" I growled, gripping my glider tighter.
"I am honored to except his invitation." Jet mindlessly replied, before swinging at me.
I immediately moved back and threw a kick of earth at him. "Jet..." I hissed, he ran at me with another swing.
I pushed back with air before Toph rolled earth at him.
"No!" I squealed, as I realized Jet fell for it.
He immediately fall to the ground and coughed out a bit of blood before getting back up.
"Jet your a free-" I tried to say, as he hit too close to my right.
"Where are you keeping her?" Sokka growled, still interrogating Azula.
Jet suddenly cut at his back, Sokka yelled from the pain and swung his black blade at him.
"Your a freedom fighter Jet, don't do this!" I yelled, as we watched him and Sokka go at it. He stopped in his footing making me sigh in relief.
"Oh sounds like the fire bending's back on." Azula said, before bursting through her braces. "Dads' all the way at the end of the hall then down a secret stair way on the left. I'm sure he'd be more the happy to see you now." She said, before running off.
"I fell for it! I used up all our time!" Sokka sighed, before Jet feel to the ground.
"Jet!" I gasped, running to his side. "Oh no." I whispered under my breath.
"It's okay." He chocked with a grin.
"Ummm..-" I stuttered, trying to copy what Katara would do. I put the water on his chest as he kept coughing blood.
"We have to go back!" My voice shook, a deep pit in my stomach was becoming unbearable.
I thought Jet was safe, but he was so close to dying, I wasn't good at healing but I could feel the blood.
But then it hit me, I could bend the blood back in him or keep it in.
"What are you doing?" Sokka asked, with a stunned tone as I began blood bending him.
"Gyawa?" Jet asked unsure as he felt all twisted up inside.
"I'm new to this so keep still." I warned, trying to keep concentrating on the blood.
"Are you blood bending?!" Aang asked, with a gasp.
"I have no choice." I growled, as I slowly got up still controlling him.
"Gyawa, you need to stop this." Sokka demanded as I began to lift him up.
Jet's eyes were wide, no doubt because he felt the worst feeling in the universe. "No, he'll die if I don't keep this up. We have to go back." I harshly replied beginning to walk.
"What about the Fire Lord?" Jet asked, with one last cough.
"She'll have another chance, I know she will." Sokka said, looking over to me as he walked with Jet.
I didn't reply or give a look back, It was unbelievably hard to keep the blood in. And first of all I didn't know how I was doing this, it was the middle of the day. Maybe it was because of the eclipse or because I was the avatar, either way I was just grateful.
When we got back Katara gave me a horrified expression. "What are you doing?!" She gasped.
"I need you to heal him." I stated, ignoring her look like I was a monster.
She immediately got out water as I softly landed him on the ground. She waved her water hands around his chest before looking up at me with confusion.
"What did you do?" She questioned.
"I bended the blood." I stated.
"You can do that?!" Hakoda asked in shock.
"In broad daylight?!" Katara squinted again.
"I don't know." I shook my head as she kept at healing Jet. She didn't seem too happy with either Jet or me blood bending.
A fire blast hit near my head and that's when I realized we were in a bunker of earth and everyone was laying siege on us.
"What's the situation?" I asked Hakoda.
"Not good," he shook his head looking down. "We're pinned down, and they destroyed the subs". He finished.
"How are we all going to escape?" Sokka asked, lowering his head.
"We're not." Hakoda stated still wounded badly.
"Then our only choice is to stand and fight. We have the Avatar, we could still win." Sokka stated, putting his fists together.
"Yes, with the Avatar we could still win, on another day. You kids have to leave, you have to escape on Appa together." Hakoda calmly explained to his son.
"What?! We can't leave you behind! We won't leave anyone behind!" Katara protested as she still was healing Jet.
"You're our only chance in the long run. You and Sokka have to go with Gyawa somewhere safe. It's the only way to keep hope alive." Hakoda looked up at me, making me feel extra bad.
"The youngest of our group should go with you, the adults will stay behind and surrender. We'll be prisoners but we'll all survive this battle." Bato added.
"I've got some experience with Fire Nation prisons. It's not going to be easy, but we'll get by." Haru's dad said, the earth above began to crack.
"I'd hate to say this but we have to leave." I stated with a dread looking at Katara.
"Go." Jet muttered.
"We won't leave you." I growled, Jet didn't have to die.
"I'll be fine, just go." He waved his hand at me with a grin before putting it back on his chest.
"Jet, you don't need to do this." I said, kneeling at his side.
"Gyawa, there won't be enough room, Jet will be in the way." Katara stated, making me turn my head towards her with narrowed eyes.
I suddenly felt a warm hand reach me and softly grab my hand. "Go." He grinned.
I couldn't help but connect this to my dad's death. The same grin he gave me when he died, the same warm feeling of the hand and the pit in my throat.
"No!" I yelled before gently grabbing him by the arm and pulling him up.
"Gyawa..." Katara muttered.
I ignored it and earth bending us up, "You're not going to die like this." I snarled, laying him down on Appa, he didn't say anything just gave me a sincere look in his eyes that said everything.
Everyone said they're goodbyes and hugged their love ones. "We lost today but we've never been this close. We tasted victory and that counts for something."
When everyone was ready to leave Aang nudged me to say something. At first I thought the Braveheart speech but then I was like nah this is serious.
"When your in those prison cells, I hope you remember that they can never take your true freedom. I'll take the Fire Lord down, and I will end this war! You can count on it, don't lose hope." I spoke, before me and Toph used the earth to form a the barrier to cover us.
We took flight, and kept the wall around us as they laid siege. Even Appa could feel the somber and sorrowful feelings in the air as he groaned.
"I know just the place for us to go where we'll be safe for a while. The western air temple." Aang said, as we flew away to safety.
I looked down at Jet, he was alive. Once again, I changed things and I didn't even mean to.
I began to wonder if I changed more, if Zuko would even join us somehow, I was almost praying I didn't.
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