Another day was passing by in Loonatics HQ on their tower's 134th floor. Chase was hanging out with the team, slightly away from Slam feasting on a box of Watermelons, stuffing one whole fruit in his face after another. Meanwhile, Tech isn't working on any gadgets at all, instead meditating. As for Danger Duck...
"Hello, Superhero Costume Discount Warehouse? I've been trying to place an order...hello?" Duck asked, on the phone whilst the big guy was gorging, much to his annoyance. "Please, Slam, I'm trying to hear?" Duck asked as his phone beeped. "Oh, there you are. I'd like to order the Perforated Superhero Cape in Robin's Egg Blue?"
"I'll check on your order sir, please hold." the responder said as Duck leaped up to his feet.
"What do you even need a superhero cape for? They're often times more of a hazard than a cool look." Chase piped in.
"Just trying to jazz things up a bit, give the costume a little flair, stand out more in front of the Boss Lady." Duck said.
"Trust me, man, I've seen a movie that shows you that capes dont work," Chase said.
"And old-school headphones do?" Duck asked before going back to his phone.
"He's so into the meditating thing," Lexi said as she and Ace were watching Tech meditate.
"Ever since I showed him how to do it, nothing disturbs him," Ace replied, as Duck was fiddling with his phone, not getting a response.
"This is ridiculous! Our realm is called "Advancerealm" and on our world, its the 28th century! We've got jetpacks, hovercrafts, computer-synchronized latte makers, but I still can't get a good cell signal on the 134th floor!" Duck complained before his phone went off, his ringtone so loud it actually made Tech snap out of his meditation.
"Duck, shut that ringer off." Tech kindly requested.
"At least the ringer works, the rest of its junk," Duck replied.
"Have some respect. I'm clearing my mind here." Tech said as the meditation platform lowered to the ground.
"Please. You'd need a hazmat team to clear the junk outta your head, Tech." Duck said as he answered his phone again. "Hello? Hello?" he got no reply, which was the last straw. "Ugh! I've had it! No more technology for me! From now on, I do everything the old-fashioned way."
"Yeah, right," Lexi said sarcastically. "No phone? No EMP3 Musicblaster-5000?"
"And no hi-tech weapons?" Ace asked.
"Who needs 'em? My bare hands are lethal weapons." Duck said, showing off by having two power orbs in his hands.
"There's no way you can go without technology in this place for very long." Chase piped in. "You probably won't even last a week."
"Oh yeah? Well, I'm not you, Mr. AI-Brain. You can't say you can't use technology for everything because you've got Beat stuck in your cranium!" Duck said.
"This duck is getting on my nerves... and I don't even have nerves, I'm only going off of yours," Beat said to Chase in annoyance.
"(Thats okay, Beat. I know how to teach him a lesson.)" Chase thought before turning to Duck. "How bout we make things interesting? You say you can't go without Technology? How bout showing you can? Against Tech."
"Oh? What are you up to, Chase?" Tech asked, standing up.
"You and Duck are gonna go low-tech for a whole week. Ducks prized cape is on the line. If Duck backs up his smack, Tech, you've gotta buy that cape for him. But if he gives in before you... he's gotta buy it for you." Chase smirked.
Duck and Tech looked at each other.
"...I want the matching knee-high boots." Duck insisted.
"No problem," Tech replied.
"You're on, Mister!" Duck said, shaking Tech's hand.
"Absolutely idiotic... and yet genius, Chase," Beat remarked. "You didn't even need me for that response. Color me impressed. Mildly."
"Trust me, this will be fun to watch. And it'll shut Duck up for once." Chase said.
"Once I win, that is," Tech agreed. "And by the way, I'm a 13. Wide," he said to Duck.
Meanwhile, a few miles from the Loonatics HQ...
"Construction moving along smoothly, Ms. Vandelay! The building will be completed in about half an hour!" A construction robot wearing odd insignia would report to someone.
"Good. The time has come to take my father's legacy and expand it beyond what he thought imaginable. It's time to bring SPECTRA forth once more... only I'll enhance it with a full success rate... VECTRA will soon be launched." A feminine figure remarked as she chuckled to herself, checking her watch. "Mm. I'm off to get some lunch. Will the building be done by the time I get back?"
"Yes, Ms. Vandelay!" The robot smiled.
"Good. Keep up the great work, Daniel!" The feminine figure responded in a now friendly tone as she patted the robot on his back in support, as said robot beamed proudly.
Back at Loonatics HQ a bit later, the team and Chase were at the briefing table as Zadavia beamed in.
"Gather round, Loonatics. We have a major crisis, besides Ducks' new costume requests. A new business mogul has appeared in Acmetropolis and she appears to be dead set on building her company here." Zadavia informed.
"That doesn't sound so bad enough for us to intervene, Zadavia. She's probably just eager to get in on th' planet." Ace said.
"Perhaps... if it were not for the fact that she is working under the name Vandelay Technologies," Zadavia said.
"Vandelay Technologies... they're one of Advancerealm's most successful manufacturing companies in robotics and cybernetic hardware," Tech remembered. "I heard the company was taken over awhile ago by Roxanne Vandleyas son Kale when she mysteriously stepped away, but Roxanne soon retook power after Kale was unseated for some reason."
"Kale was forcibly removed from his position after a team on the inside discovered that he and his Department Team were corrupt, and building some sort of mind control AI program," Zadavia explained.
"So what does this have to do with us? Like Ace said, this is probably nothing." Chase said.
"It would be, if not for the fact that while her building's construction was underway, a theft was reported. Highly classified documents from Vandelay's own records, not to mention what is believed to be experimental Cyber tech, reported by Roxanne herself." Zadavia said.
"That definitely seems like bad news." Lexi pointed out.
"In addition, another theft occurred right here on our planet, when the Acme Supercomputer was also taken," Zadavia said.
"That's the most advanced system on the planet," Tech said. "I should know, I built it for them."
"See what happens when you rely on technology? Utter chaos!" Duck piped in. "I'm so winning this bet you pulled, Chase."
"Duck, pay attention!" Zadavia insisted.
"Yes'm." Duck replied.
"I'm uploading security footage from the heist now," Zadavia said as the footage was played, showing multiple combat robots running into the facility.
"Get us a closer shot of those bots, Tech," Ace said.
"Done," Tech said, as they got a closer look at the designs. "Those are Vandelays Standard-issue Security Robots alright. Whoever this new company head is, she's not shy about force."
"I think that's her right there," Chase said, as the female in question walked into view of the camera.
Everyone then got a good look at who the head girl in charge really was. She was an incredibly attractive young woman, at the age of 20, as she had long flowing black hair that reached down to her middle back with light blue tips at the end and seemed to be wearing a professional business suit that held her D cup breasts well in place.
"Hubba-Hubba!" Slam grunted.
"She's not that pretty." Lexi interpreted, a bit of jealously in her voice.
"Nah, he's right. She's hot." Ace piped in.
"Keep your eyeballs in your head." Lexi insisted as Ace smiled embarrassingly.
"Scour the entire area. Find it!" The woman demanded.
"W-we don't even know what you're after, Zayna-" A robot exclaimed.
"MS. VANDELAY. TO YOU. And I'll let you know when I see it! Now get moving, we can't let anyone figure out what we're after!" The woman declared, before pulling out a handgun and with a bang, the feed was shorted.
"Zayna... and did one of the robots mention the Vandelay name?" Tech asked. "That's impossible, Roxanne only sired two children."
"Unless... ....The girl we're looking at... is Kale's!" Chase exclaimed.
"You gotta be kidding me, how could that slimeball have a kid?" Duck asked in disbelief.
"It's not entirely impossible. Kale lived to be around 38. During his run as Vandelay CEO, it's entirely possible that he could have fostered a child before his demise." Zadavia said. "Taking her possible father into account, attractive or not, it's obvious she's bad to the bone. And you have to figure out what she's up to. Good luck all, Zadavia out." she then ended her transmission.
"Alright. Lets Jet!" Ace ordered.
The Loonatics and Chase soon jetted off to the location they had the most interest in.
"So where are we going, Ace?" Chase asked.
"T'where the action is. We're gonna take this problem right t'the new boss front door." Ace said. "And I think I can see where she's settin' up shop." he said as they saw a large V-shaped building in the midst of construction.
"Right near the Acme Tech University," Tech noticed.
"Which is the ancestral homeland of geeks, dweebs, and brainiac nerds." Duck piped in.
"I went to school there," Tech added.
"There's a shocker." Duck said sarcastically.
"Does this puppy have a hyperdrive?" Ace asked, gunning the throttle to make the ship go faster. "I'll take that as a yes."
"So whats the plan when we get there?" Chase asked.
"Were gonna stir up a bit o'commotion. We'll get the boss lady to come t'us, but before that, we'll see if we can find those files she stole from Vandelay's original campus." Ace said. "It'll help us figure out what she's really doin' here."
"Won't that get us in trouble?" Lexi said.
"Not if she ain't open for business yet, and she ain't exactly legit," Ace said.
"Ooh-ive-always-wanted-to-pull-off-something-like-this-kinda-makes-it-look-like-were-the-bad-guys-but-were-still-techincally-the-good-guys-unless-were-trading-allegiances-which-we-arent-right?" Rev asked.
"Relax, Rev, we're still the good guys," Ace said. "Now let's get in there and stir up some trouble!"
The Loonatics then hovered over the new building before dropping in on the site and getting the security's attention.
"Hey! Intruders!" A Vandelay security bot exclaimed. "The building isn't even fully completed yet!"
"Take them down! But finish the building too, or Ms. Vandelay will turn us all to scrap and bolts!" Another exclaimed.
"These guys sure have some personality to them," Chase said.
"Vandelay designed all their robots with hyper-advanced AI. Almost like they feel human emotions." Tech explained.
"Stop yappin' and start slappin'!" A security bot exclaimed as it swung a baton right for Tech, who dodged out of the way in time.
"Start th' scrap fest!" Ace said with a smirk. He then leaped into the fray and started bashing bots left and right, junking just about any bot he could get his hands on and melting some with his Laser Vision.
Lexi fought off all the Vandelay bots she could, kicking one SBR after another in rapid fashion. "Back off, boys!" she said, rapidly hitting any bot in her path with her fists. With her high agility, she was able to keep up with the hunks of metal and then some.
Rev sped around the construction site and punched one SBR and GNR after another, using his high speed to instantly disassemble them. Meanwhile, Slam was mowing them down in tornado form, sending hundreds to the scrap heap at once, before tangling with a BRU-T1L as they bashed all over the area.
"Tech, see if y'can find those files Zayna swiped from the actual Vandelay inside her buildin'!" Ace said.
"I'm on it!" Tech said, running to the building, Duck following right after him.
"I'll go with you for protection, and also to make sure you dont cheat on our bet behind my back!" Duck said.
"He could've done without that last part..." Chase noticed as he blasted a few GNRs with his arm canon.
"Ducks ego knows no bounds..." Beat noted.
Duck and Tech soon barged their way into the nearly completed building. Duck used his Power Orbs on any bot that charged their way, blasting them to pieces. The rest of the team soon joined them once they cleared the outside....
However, the Loonatics would quickly find the battle not as easy as they expected. Sure, the building was getting finishing touches... but functionally? It was still sound. Alarms would suddenly blare just before the group could split off into other rooms, as laser beams erupted from every exit, covering all exit routes from the room they walked into. No escape.
"Wuh-oh." Duck instinctively spoke as the screens suddenly pulled up the face of Zayna Vandelay, who was currently sipping down the rest of a soda before she finished taking her drink and looked at the group.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Loonatics. I wasn't aware superheroes were just allowed to barge in on private property, not to mention while it's still under construction." Zayna remarked disdainfully.
"Well excuse us for bein' curious about what you're up to here, Missy," Ace said.
"You don't know the half of what I'm up to, rabbit. Even if you did know, you still wouldn't be able to understand my vision. No one understood my father's vision! NO ONE! But I'll make you understand, I'll make you ALL understand!" Zayna yelled.
"Uh, hello? Dear old Daddy was using mind control to make consumerism easy!" Duck pointed out. "Worst villain scheme ever!"
"One of my father's biggest oversights... yes, while it would have made consumerism easy, he could get profit just as easy by advertising better. Advertising, after all, is its own form of mind control after all." Zayna chuckled.
"Uh, dang, she's got a point there..." Ace winced.
"So I'm turning his vision into a great prospect... using mind control not to bring in more profit... but to fix all the flaws of this corrupt society!" Zayna exclaimed.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" Lexi asked.
"Aren't you tired of the politics? The war? The hatred that plagues this entire universe? The multiverse, even? I'm setting my course to changing SPECTRA into VECTRA, an AI to introduce mind control as a positive asset! And all it takes is a small stimulation to the positive end of our brains! No more negativity! No more war! No more hate!" Zayna smiled.
"I fail to see how that's an improvement..." Tech said.
"ARGH! It figures you wouldn't! So fine.... I tried the easy way, to see if you all would just listen." Zayna groaned before suddenly, electricity sparked all around the group, as various... portals began to open up... PORTALS!? "Have fun with my newest variations of the Vandelay security system! I'll be clocking back in at around 15 minutes, just to personally see this "heroism" flop before it even began." Zayna laughed before the screens faded to black.
True to Zayna's words, enhanced Vandelay bots began flooding out of the portals, each led by a lead bot that seemed to take inspiration from elite video game enemies, with one taking inspiration from the Gears of War Locust Boomers, one taking similarity to the Marauder from Doom, another taking the form of Heavy from TF2, and the fourth and final commander taking the form of the Nevermore from RWBY.
"Mommy..." Duck squeaked, noting the Boomer, Heavy, Marauder, and Nevermore bots. "I didn't know you could make robots like this. Once again, foiled by technology."
"Tech, any thoughts? Any suggestions?" Ace asked.
"I'll try and find us a way out of this trap. Right now, we've just gotta focus on surviving." Tech said.
"Easier said than done with these bots here," Chase said.
"BOOM!" The Vandelay Boomer shouted as he fired a massive orb of explosive energy.
"SCATTER!" Ace yelled as everyone tried to dodge, but the explosion would still send them all back into packs of normal Vandelay bots, as the Marauder and Nevermore made the move to start their melee strikes while the Vandelay Heavy revved up its machine gun.
"Soon, you will be ded!" The Vandelay Heavy shouted, almost ready to fire!
"Duck, jam one of your orbs in that Heavybots gun!" Chase quickly directed.
"If this gets us all blown up-!" Duck called as he got a Power Orb ready and quickly Quacked over to the Heavy Bot, before jamming it up the barrels of its minigun before warping away.
"Uh oh...." The Vandelay Heavy remarked as it blew up in his face. "AAAAAAH-! I am ded..." It would remark in classic Heavy fashion.
"One down, three to go!" Duck said.
"Chase! We need t'take out the other gun-bot so we can focus on the big guys!" Ace said.
"Right! Beat, gimme a sword!" Chase said.
"What kind of sword do you want, Chase? Be specific." Beat quipped.
"Beat... the same one I beat down the Androids with!" Chase groaned.
"Apologies, perhaps that was ill time for humor. Request acknowledged." Beat replied, as the laser sword formed in Chase's hand.
The Boomer-Bot fired another grenade from its Boomshot, which Chase dodged. It would take some time before another one could be fired, as the Boomshot takes a bit to reload, so Chase dashed towards his target and in one slice, cleaved the Locust bot in half.
"Chase, defeating the respective enemies that came from the portals deactivated them. Defeating the remaining security drones will likely make the trap we are in cease functioning." Beat advised.
"Yeah, that sounds appropriate. Hey guys! Take out the giant bird and the demon robot! That will deactivate the portals they came from and shut off the security trap we're in!" Chase said.
"You heard 'em, Loonatics! Take out the big guys!" Ace said.
At that, Slam without haste engaged the Marauder. He caught the swing of its Plasma axe and punched it in the face, but the demon bot was unfazed, pushing the Big man away. Slam then noticed the Marauder bot winding up again and, noticed its eye color flashed green for a second. That was when Duck got a lucky shot in when he nailed it with an Explosive Power Orb, Stunning it and knocking it off balance. Slam then dashed in close and kicked the Marauder bot in his ankle, dropping him low, before Slam grabbed its axe and smashed it over the Marauder, making it fall to bits, as Slam grunted in affirmation of his kill.
"Nice goin' Slam! That just leaves the big bird!" Ace said as the Nevermore bot was flying around them, launching razor feathers at them from up high.
"We gotta get it out of the air and ground it. Rev, you're the only one who can fly on your own, would you mind-" Tech said.
"Say-no-more-Tech-leave it to-me-i'll-show-this-robo-bird-how-to-fly!" Rev agreed as he used his super speed to take off into the air and quickly matched speed with the Nevermore bot.
The Nevermore screeched at Rev, trying to knock him out of the air, but the Roadrunner was able to use his smaller size to his advantage, speeding around the larger chassis of the Grimm bot and giving it a few good hits. It began to falter and descend from the hits, allowing someone else to join in the .
That someone was Ace, as he drew his trusty sword and leaped up at the Nevermore bot. After a lead-in with his laser vision, zapping it in the head, he then decapitated the bot with one good slice, sending it down. After that, it was easy enough for the group to send the rest of the security bots to the scrapheap, which in turn shut off the laser grid.
(end song)
"That takes care of that," Chase said.
"Let's move. We dont have much time until Zayna comes back and finds out her trap didn't work." Tech said as they got moving.
The Loonatics and chase soon started scaling the rest of Zayna's building.
"Zayna most likely has the top-secret Files she stole from Vandelay in her office," Tech said.
"Why would anyone keep important stuff like that in there?" Lexi asked.
"I dunno if we should question that or not, Lex," Ace said. "What I do know, is that if Zayna dont has her top secret documents, she won't be able to do anything with 'em once the buildings done."
"We take the documents, we halt her plans," Tech said.
"Its-a-superhero-style-hiest-you-think-all-heroes-do-these-once-in-awhile-or-maybe-its-just-us-in-which-case-were-the-first-and-only-ones-to-pull-this-off-that-makes-us-special!" Rev said.
"I don't think anybody else does what we're doing, Rev," Chase said.
The group kept ascending through the building before they crossed a gap near the top level and unceremoniously crossed paths with Daniel while he was working, and he spotted them.
"The Loonatics!" Daniel said as he drew a Plasma baton. "I won't let you get any farther! YAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Daniel yelled as he rushed at the group head-on.
Lexi quickly jumped in front of the group and acrobatically maneuvered her way right into Daniel's path, causing him to swing at her. She easily dodged the strike, before axe-kicking Daniel in his head.
"Ouuuh... ...Ouch." Daniel groaned before collapsing.
Daniel the Construction Worker
Lexi spun to her feet as the rest of the team caught up.
"Well THAT was Underwhelming." Duck was the first to say it.
"What did he think was gonna happen?" Chase asked.
"Yeah, now i kinda feel sorry for kicking the guy..." Lexi said.
"T'be fair, he attacked first, Lex," Ace said. "Now c'mon, Zayna's office can't be too far."
"Beat, we close?" Chase asked.
"It is literally the next room in front of us." Beat deadpanned.
"Hah... can't get in... without an access card. Like this one." Daniel weakly spoke as he stupidly held up his near-highest security access card, which Duck swiped.
"Thank you for your hospitality, my good man!" Duck quipped.
"...Oh darn it..." Daniel groaned as he sparked and passed out.
The group then used Daniel's key to get inside Zayna's office. Her private space was spacious and... oddly enough looked like an actual living space. There was a library in her office containing several positive thinking best-selling novels, there was a gaming console in the room as well, showing her youthful side, as well as various other nifty little knick-knacks, such as a sword collection, a cybernetics collection, even a collection of replicas from Fire Emblem games.
"We're in. Let's find those files before the boss lady gets here." Ace said as the group started looking around.
Of course, Duck would pull the classic move and start investigating the bookshelf, as everyone looked at him like he had a third eye.
"...What?" Duck asked them with a pretentious tone.
"Who does the old book in the shelf trick anymore, Duck, like seriously?" Ace asked.
"Well, you never know! Someone may not be as high-tech as the rest of you are!" Duck remarked, accidentally leaning against a particular book, as it shoved into the shelf, and lo and behold, a secret room opened up. "Ah-hah! What did I tell ya!?"
"...I'll be damned," Chase said.
Tech quickly went inside and saw the Secret room was full of Project Data and technology Zayna stole from Vandelay. There was all kinds of info about Project Armstrong, and among the files, Tech found one Labeled SPECTRA.
"I found it! The Top Secret information on Spectra!" Tech said opening it up and reading. "So the rumors were true. Kale really WAS planning to use Project Armstrong as a backdoor for AI Mind Control. If SPECTRA launched, he'd have full control over people's minds!"
"What a waste that he only wanted to use it to gain profit. On that note, I can agree with his kid." Duck snidely remarked.
"Wait, there was supposed to be some Cybernetics from Vandelay stolen in this room too! Where are they!?" Lexi asked, noticing some pieces of Vandelay tech missing from the descriptions of the stolen tech.
"We don't have the time to worry about that, keep trying to find the rest of th' files." Ace remarked, as he opened another filing cabinet and pulled something out. "What the... VECTRA...?"
"Isn't-that-the-name-of-that-wacko-project-Kale's-daughter-is-working-on?" Rev asked.
"She also said that she wanted to induce positivity in people's minds. Tech, can you make sense of it?" Chase asked as Tech compared files.
"Unreal... Zayna isn't trying to copy her father's work... she's trying to improve it!" Tech noticed. "Like here, Kale's tech was gonna put complete control over people's minds. Zayna's only looking to control one area of the common brain. VECTRA isn't mind control... it's almost just a brain enhancement!" Tech remarked.
"But if Vectra is like Spectra, it only works with Armstrong implants. So what's her idea for controlling everyone?" Duck asked.
"...Whoa. This is really sneaky stuff. She's also in the works of creating a vaccination for a really common and deadly virus! And in that vaccination is a nanochip. It's through that very nanochip that she'll send the message through the nervous system to enhance the brain to think more positively! Wow, this girl thinks on a whole 'nother level to Kale!" Tech remarked in awe.
"But for the signal to work, she would need an advanced computer system. That must be why she stole the Acme Supercomputer." Chase remembered.
"And once she finishes her buildin' her front here, shes gonna use Acmetropolis as the first testin' site for her big project!" Ace realized.
"Well, unfortunately for her and admittedly her noble ideas, we're not gonna let that happen, are we?" Lexi asked.
"Yeah, I mean, we need job security!" Duck exclaimed.
"Alert: Elevator in Zayna's office is in motion. Zayna is on her way this instant." Beat alerted Chase.
"Guys, Zayna's coming!" Chase warned.
"Ah, nuts! Hide, guys!" Ace said.
"WHAT ABOUT THE BOOKSHELF!?" Duck asked as he was being dragged to the hiding place.
"Darn it!" Tech exclaimed as he was about to fix that when the elevator dinged. "Too late! We have to make do!" Tech exclaimed as he hid quickly.
The elevator opened as Zayna walked into her office, quite satisfied with her lunch break. "Ah, you know, Acmetropolis actually has incredible places to eat. If it wasn't for the Loonatics, I'd stay around. Now, to resume my- ...Why is my bookshelf moved...?" Zayna asked as she saw the slid-open bookshelf. "...Hey, Daniel, did you play around with the books again?"
"Uoooooh..." Daniel groaned from outside, as Zayna gasped.
"Daniel!?" Zayna exclaimed before she growled and pressed a hidden button on her desk, as a computer voice rang out.
"Commencing full room and secret room infrared, x-ray, ultraviolet, everything else needed to find things scan." The computer declared.
Knowing that they were gonna be found out, Chase jumped from his hiding spot and stood right in front of Zayna's face, the rest of the Loonatics doing so.
Zyana then spotted them and her eyes widened, thinking all this time that her security system had done the job.
"WHAT!? HOW!?" Zayna asked in absolute shock. "That's impossible! I designed that after multiple failed video game runs to know which enemies were the absolute toughest to take down individually!? How did you all manage to GET THROUGH!?" Zayna exclaimed in shock.
"You think you're the only one who plays video games? You just gotta know the right methods to beat the bosses." Lexi said.
"Rrrgh... ...Wait a second... then... Daniel... ...Was... that...?" Zayna asked, her anger turning to realization, which slowly began burning to a deeper, darker fury.
"Uh.... Yeah, that was... hehe... us." Duck gulped. "...When do I call for help...?"
"Daniel... was my friend. The only Vandelay Security bot, the original Vandelay Security bot, to ever treat me as more than 'Kale's daughter!' And you all treated him LIKE SCRAP METAL!?" Zayna roared as she slammed her desk in anger, making it crack a bit.
"Hey, he attacked first!" Chase said in defense.
"And who attacked the building he was constructing first!?" Zayna countered.
"...Ouch, she got us again." Ace winced.
"ENOUGH! You all... are going... to FEEL MY WRATH!" Zayna roared. "DAH!"
Launching into the air, though perhaps unnecessarily, Zayna began her combat swap, as she threw off her suit to reveal her full black latex battle suit, open only to show her cleavage, as the arm mounts soon activated, attaching two plasma-enhanced titanium blades to her wrists, before she opened up her hands, as each hand gained a circular formation almost like an Iron Man repulsor blast receptacle on it, as her front side and back side would also light up with circular formations to form power cores, as she landed, soon sharpening her blades against the other and taking her battle stance which seemed similar to Kirito from SAO.
"Whoa..." Lexi said.
"That's an impressive custom-made Cyborg body..." Tech admitted.
"And I did it all by myself. With a little help from Dad's prototype works he should have finished." Zayna proudly, yet darkly, smiled.
"Listen, Zay." Ace said. "I know we barged in here for all the wrong reasons. And I know y;'mean well with dis whole positivity inducin' thing. But that's still mind control. It ain't different from what daddy did."
"You see, I would have been inclined to talk with you all. But you had to go and hurt Daniel. You can slander me and my work all you want. But you Hurt the one friend I have in my life? ...Well. Let's find out together." Zayna smiled darkly, before she suddenly vanished from sight!
"Whoa! Where did she-" Duck was about to say when suddenly, rapid slashes hit him all about, before he was launched into the air and dive kicked by Zayna, right out of her office.
"Woohoo...! Go... Boss...!" Daniel cheered.
"Whoa-ho-ho-!" Duck cried as he was smashed through the window to the outside, almost falling to his doom before he Quacked back into Zayna office, rejoining his team.
"So that's how we're gonna do this, huh?" Ace asked as he drew his sword as everyone got into fighting positions.
"No, we're doing this outside my office," Zayna remarked, soon sending a shockwave, as the Loonatics were sent out of the office, landing on a fighting platform as Zayna joined them.
Zayna quickly dashed for Ace first, clashing blades with him before kicking him in the ankle, and then high-kicking him in the face before unleashing a charged Repulsor blast from her hand power receptacle, before she could leap back out of Lexi's attack range, quickly seeming to cycle through a menu of sorts.
"Taste this! ELAQUA!" Zayna yelled as her magitech glowed momentarily, as water spears shot out of her hand cannons at Lexi, Duck, and Tech!
"Incoming!" Duck said as he quacked out of the way instinctively, Tech forming a Magnetic Barrier to protect him and Lexi. Zayna charged to smash Tech's shield down, but Ace got in the way and clashed blades with her again.
"She's no pushover....!" Ace noted in exertion while pushing against Zayna. She pushed back against him and engaged in a fast-paced sword fight with her, pitting his one blade against Zayna's two, Zayna proved her Kirito stance wasn't just for show, seeming to show equivalent skill to him as she clashed with Ace, slowly but surely winning the battle over Ace.
"C'mon, we gotta help Ace!" Lexi said, in worry slightly, as not many could put Ace on the backfoot.
Ace dodged one of Zayna's katanas before parrying the other, leaping over some of her rapid strikes and keeping up with her speed.
"Not bad for a Bunny who used to work behind the scenes." Zayna chuckled at his handiwork. "But I'm afraid this isn't like your stunt double work. Injuries ACTUALLY HURT!" Zayna roared as she kicked Ace in the gut, and looked to slash across his chest.
"Not so fast!" Chase intercepted Zayna by blocking her fatal cut with his laser sword.
"Oh please. What can you do?" Zayna asked before she flip-kicked both Ace and Chase before her battlesuit glowed. "QUAKE!" Zayna roared, as she pounded the ground, sending all the Loonatics off their feet.
"Why-do-I-feel-like-this-is-a-really-really-really-bad-situation?" Rev asked.
"HAH!" Zayna yelled as she used grappling beams to toss all the Loonatics and Chase into one unified group, she smirked. "I hope you all can fall with grace!" Zayna exclaimed as she launched up, using magitech circles for more steps up, as she launched a powered-up kick that sent all the Loonatics flying out of the window of the building!
"She sent us outta the building!" Duck said.
"Way to say it, Captain Obvious!" Chase shouted as the group began to free fall.
Slam, noticing that they would fall to their demise if they were bunched up like this, used his brute strength to bust them all free of the Grapplebeam before lifting them to safety using his Tornado maximizer. Rev and Chase were able to fly to safety right after that.
However, as they were descending, Zayna herself leaped through the open window as they went down to the ground, and while they were at a safer height by now, Zayna wasn't going to let them land painlessly.
"Time to see the capabilities in full of this," Zayna spoke to herself as she typed in a command, her battlesuit glowed while a thunderstorm moved in, and she laughed. "Here it comes! ARCTHUNDER!" Zayna roared as purple lightning ERUPTED from her hand cannons and her chest cannon, as it SPED towards the Loonatics and Chase at full speed, meaning they had two options, try to land quickly, or try blocking it!
They chose the former option, as any attempt to divert the blast would result in getting them fried. Slam quickly set his team down while Rev and Chase landed as the bolt sped right to them, almost at impact!
"We're safe!" Duck said.
"Not for long, her blast is still coming for us!" Lexi said.
"Scratch-that-Lexi-it's-RIGHT-ON-TOP-OF-US!" Rev shrieked.
Tech then acted fast and jumped in the way of the bolt at the last second, zapping him to immense degrees as, at least to Zayna's perspective, he was reduced to smolders as Zayna landed down, laughing as she saw this.
"One down... Six to go." Zayna remarked as she flexed her hands. "...That. Was for Daniel. And all the other creations you all heartlessly destroyed intruding on my property!"
"(She's showing a lot of compassion for her own security and that construction bot. She's a lot different from Kale...)" Chase thought.
"...It's a shame. I hoped no one else would become part of the severely wounded on this day. So I'll offer you all a choice. Take your wounded friend home, but leave the documents and tech... or we can continue this fight, regretfully." Zayna declared as she looked at Tech with a slight look of regret, before refocusing on the Loonatics.
Knowing tech would Moleculary Regenerate in about a few seconds, Chase decided to buy some time. "Yo. I got a question for you, Zayna."
"Ask it." Zayna declared gently. "If you're opening a diplomatic discussion, now is the time."
"I'm not familiar with your father, but Ice heard the stories about him. But based on everything we've heard about him, and seeing how you act... can you honestly say you're just like him? Are you really the bad guy?" Chase asked.
"...Finally... after all these years, finally." Zayna would say, almost in relief, that someone else had decided to go along a similar route. "...Only Daniel ever called me Zayna, and not the alias of "Kale's daughter." Make no mistake. I am not who Kale wanted me to be. My father wanted me to be like him. A rich, successful, wealthy businessperson. There is so much more to this life than wealth. That's why I wanted to reprogram SPECTRA! Because I have a dream!" Zayna exclaimed.
"Huh?" The Loonatics asked.
"That one day, every citizen would choose the right way to live, and not become corrupted beyond recognition, damnit! A nation of love, not hate, of discussion, NOT COMMITTEE! A nation that lives and breathes on what it should have been founded on in the first place, where every person can choose to be free! Free to live in the way that they believe is right, free to live through the eyes of a good person! To truly make America, Acmetropolis, EVERY NATION IN THE UNIVERSE GREAT AGAIN!" Zayna exclaimed.
"And yer gonna resort t'mind control to make that dream a reality?" Ace asked.
"Take a look around and you'll understand why! The nature of humanity is flawed where they see freedom as a means to hurt others! To stab everyone in the back! To kill without remorse! That's not how society should be! You can't sit here and tell me that as heroes, you don't understand that the way society is going right now is damn wrong, and it refuses to correct itself!" Zayna shouted.
"Of course we do. But that's why we keep fightin'." Ace said. "Makin' a world free of violence ain't as easy as flippin' a switch in somebody's brain. Even if VECTRA works and people start thinkin' the way you wanna think, what's to stop 'em from not?"
"There's always gonna be something that acts as a flaw. Nothing can be perfect on the first try." Lexi said. "And if you really wanna have people be free, you should let them make that choice for yourself, not choose for them."
"But you can't accept that, so you're choosing to take the easy road and subconsciously make the decision for the people. You dont want to work hard to make your dream a reality, instead, you wanna make it easy-peasy and try to play the hero in control. Here's the thing, toots. This may actually make it worse." Duck remarked with folded arms, as Slam grunted in affirmation.
"What?! I worked hard to make my dream come true! I worked every ounce of every day to make this a reality! The plans! The idea! The improvements! All mine! My father wouldn't work this hard for a single dime he owned, I don't believe in that!" Zayna shouted in anger.
"And yet, despite all the hard work you put in... you STILL want to take the easy road at the end?" Chase asked.
Zayna stopped short at this, her eyes widening in realization as she looked down, panting a bit. However, she suddenly noticed the area where Tech had been beginning to shift. "...What...?"
Suddenly, the remains were Tech was began to glow green, and in a matter of seconds, his entire body regenerated to normal, shocking Zayna.
"What?! You have Molecular Regeneration?!" Zayna asked in shock.
"Suprise!" Tech said as Zayna tried to attack, only to get bashed by the Loonatics as Tech would finish his regeneration, Zayna growled, and her eyes darkened as she snarled darkly.
"No... I refuse to let my ambitions die due to some oversight. It might be the easy way out... but it's the only way to possibly see a permanent change. And in the end, THAT's what matters!" Zayna yelled.
"Stubborn as your father..." Tech said as he dusted himself off and rejoined his team. "You might declare yourself to be different from Kale, but in the end... you and he still share the same DNA. Corner cutters." Tech smirked.
"I AM NOT MY FATHER!" Zayna roared. "Initiate Vandelay Magitech Protocol, OVERDRIVE!"
Zayna's suit suddenly began to change, the receptacles turning from blue to red as from her back sprouted two explosive-plated shields that she could move at will, as well as a spear forming on her back, before she removed the wrist-mounted plasma blades as they became pure plasma, as Zayna growled in pain from holding them before they merged together into one singular, sharp katana, that sparked blue and red—the HF Vandelay.
"COME ON!" Zayna would challenge the Loonatics.
"Okay," Ace said as he leveled his sword as Chase and the Loonatics got ready again, Chase putting on his headphones as the music played in his head. "Let's dance!"
Zayna planted her feet and then charged with incredible speed, letting out a cry of rage as she swung her sword with a powerful slash, as erupting earth followed her wake, a mix of the elements of fire, earth, and wind. The Loonatics all dodged out of the way, Zayna's power slash missing, but cutting through the rainstorm, clouds, and even the property around her own building, which ruined the parking lot.
"Jeez! Watch that cutter! We'll be half as good as we are now if we get hit by that thing!" Duck exclaimed.
"Crude time for a joke!" Lexi exclaimed.
"Attention: Weak spot detected. While the front power core can be hit, she will likely deflect any attack that comes for it. So I suggest the back power core. Strike there, and while it may not disable her, it will put her suit down for a bit, about a 30-second window for attack while it reboots." Beat remarked. "I also detect that while powerful... it is incomplete. Two bolts are missing from its construction. Thus, efficacy will last for 10 minutes, or until she overcharges the suit."
"Two bolts? That means she must have made a mistake. Remember the project I told you about that missed one bolt?" Chase asked.
"Yes. You got a D on that assignment as I recall." Beat quipped.
"Okay, you didn't have to throw that in," Chase remarked.
"HEAD IN THE GAME, CHASE!" Ace yelled as a slash was heading Chase's way!
"Crap!" Chase said, matrixing under Zayna's sword as she missed another HF slash that cleaved the lamp post behind Chase, as it fell, clunking Duck in the head. "Guys! We have to go for Zayna's back!"
"Wha...? Who now...?" Duck dizzily remarked after taking the lamp post to the cranium.
"Of course... her suit has design flaws! She must not have completed it all the way before coming here!" Tech said avoiding the spear on Zayna's back. "That explains the pieces of missing Vandelay tech in the lab! It must have been prototypes of what she's using this minute!"
"RRRAGH! ALLMAGEDDON!" Zayna would yell, firing blasts up to the sky as suddenly, pure elemental meteors began raining down, consisting of tsunami-level waves contained in some, the explosive force of a volcano in others, the force of a tornado in some, in others, a lot of trees, and of course, literal meteors.
"But how are we gonna get close to her with all this stuff she's pulling out?!"Lexi asked.
"I dunno, think of something!" Chase said.
"...I got it! Chase! Call my number!" Duck exclaimed.
"What!? But the bet-" Chase exclaimed.
"The bet won't matter IF WE DIE! DO IT!" Duck exclaimed.
"Okay...!" Chase said.
"I'm so gonna regret this later... but a hero has to make sacrifices, and today, at the cost of a good look, that includes me!" Duck said, whipping his phone out. "Wait until my signal, just keep her busy!"
"Ms. Vandelay! You're going to destroy the property!" A security bot suddenly exclaimed as they ran out to see the fight.
"Ma'am! Yes ma'am!" The bots exclaimed as they rushed back in.
"Duck seems to have a plan, so let's keep her eyes on us!" Ace said as he blasted his Laser vision while Zayna was distracted.
"GAAAAH!" Zayna yelled as her left eye was hit, thankfully closing it to avoid losing it, but a nasty scar would appear there later. "You HEARTLESS HEROES!" Zayna roared as she fired a beam back at Ace that clocked him in his chest!
"Ace, no!" Lexi called as the other Loonatics rushed Zayna to prevent her from following up with a kill shot.
"Argh... Stop! Crowding me! You all are next!" Zayna exclaimed. "I'm not in the killing business like my father, JUST THE PISSED OFF BEATING YOU UP BUSINESS!" Zayna roared as Lexi was clocked with the explosive plating, while Slam got a sword pommel to the head and a roundhouse kick good for 20 yards. Rev sped behind Zayna looking to strike at her back, but the plating was in the way, and Zayna caught Rev with a strike, as her suit sparked before she roared.
"Wait... is that... the one that hits us WITH MATH AND A HUGE ROCK!?" Duck exclaimed as that would be exactly what it was. "*gulp*...Mother...!"
"I got this!" Tech yelled. "Just watch," Tech smirked, cracking his knuckles.
"Tech, what're you doing?!" Chase asked.
"This sort of thing needs massive focus. And I can break it easily!" Tech exclaimed. He then used his Magnekenisis as he charged up his hands. "If I calculate this right, I should be able to concentrate my Magnekeneis and fire a blast that will do THIS!"
Tech then fired a green bolt of Magnetic energy that zapped Zayna dead center. The result of this attack was an EMP in beam form that hit her dead on, zapping her suit.
"Gah! Damnit! Fine then! HAAAAH!" Zayna roared as the Loonatics all got blasted back with a massive burst of energy, except Duck, who was out of range, as Zayna looked at him.
"*gulp* MOTHER!" Duck exclaimed.
"STAY BACK!" Chase roared, as he charged in, as Zayna easily parried his attack and quickly dragged him in, palm striking him in the elbow. For most, this would instantly break every part of the body there. Luckily, thanks to Beat's enhancements, it was just hyperextended, albeit, it would still mitigate his attacking arm. Zayna would follow up with a rapid series of attacks, as she knife-edge chopped Chase in the ribs before she shoved her explosive plates forward to crash into Chase to send him rolling across the ground.
Zayna then caught up to him as she raised her sword, only for Lexi to jump in, as the two clashed momentarily before Lexi was kicked down, and she did the same for Slam, Rev, Tech, and Ace, who put up more fight than the rest with his sword, only to get knocked down, as Zayna raised her arm cannon.
"It's not ready... it's NOT READY!" Duck gasped in horror.
"Now.... Say your prayers." Zayna declared before suddenly, her suit beeped, as it only sparked. "...What...?"
"Notice. Integral parts missing. Bolt #0412 and Bolt #0487 missing from the Cybernetics." The computer system declared.
"What...!? SO THOSE WEREN'T SPARE BOLTS!?" Zayna exclaimed.
"You... should've paid attention to the instructions." Chase quipped in minor pain.
"SHUT UP!" Zayna roared, raising her sword to kill Chase the ol' fashioned way.
"Beat... Call Ducks cell!" Chase yelled.
"Calling Danger Duck." Beat declared.
Duck, knowing this was the right moment, tossed his phone right at Zayna's feet...
And his obnoxious ringtone, the loud alarm, digital beeps, obscene quaking and all, rang out at max volume.
"AAAAAGH! WHAT THE HELL!?" Zayna roared as she held her ears.
Ace saw this chance and didn't intend to waste it. He leaped right at Zayna from behind, Guardian Strike Sword in hand, and with a yell, stabbed his trusty blade right into the power core on Zayna's back!
"GAAAAH!" Zayna yelled in pain, as the attack sent her rolling and tumbling, her battlesuit back at 1st stage as she hit the building back first, bloodied up and eyes shadowed.
(end song)
The Loonatics all recovered, seeing that Zayna was knocked completely out. It was clear the battle was over, albeit, it was a tough one.
"She's out," Ace said seriously before breathing relief. "Hoo... dat had to be the toughest person we've ever locked horns with."
"No joke," Lexi said as Slam grunted in agreement.
"Even still... it's such a shame her dream is so twisted," Tech said. "Good intentions, bad execution."
"So-whatre-we-gonna-do-with-her-do-we-turn-her-in-send-her-to-prison-I-mean-she-wont-be-there-for-long-but-she-may-learn-her-lesson-in-the-slammer-heres-hoping," Rev said.
"Nah...let her go," Ace said. "We'll tell Zadavia she got away. But were sparin' her today."
However, suddenly, the group watched as Zayna suddenly began to stir, and began to slowly, but steadily stand up, as the Loonatics all got on edge.
"She's-still-goin-she's-still-GOING!" Rev exclaimed.
"Loonatics, to arms!" Ace exclaimed as they all raised their weapons...
Only for tears to start running down Zayna's face, washing some of the blood away, as she slowly dropped back down to her knees, and her wrist blades detached, clanging to the ground next to her as she began to sob and cry.
"...Even now.... ...Even now I still keep getting compared to that monster... that pathetic excuse of... ...of a father..." Zayna cried. "Abandoned me at birth... had to get hidden by my mother... claimed to be aborted... only when I resurfaced did my dad ever pay attention to me, and even then he shoved me aside, but the label... the label still stayed. "Kale's daughter. Kale's daughter. Kale's. Daughter. KALE'S DAUGHTER!" Zayna roared, smashing her fist to the ground as it bled. "...All my life... I tried to live by the principles I was taught to have. Work for everything you have, even when the easy way is the only way... ...But even now, you all still slap it on. Kale's daughter. Kale's daughter. I refuse... I. Refuse. To accept that. Kale would never think for the benefit of others. Kale would never sacrifice all he had to put together a plan to bring peace to the world. Kale... ...He wouldn't fight. Not this hard... he'd find a back route." Zayna said as she looked up at the Loonatics, eyes mixed with sadness and hatred. "...Just because I used mind control... that's all it takes for you all to put me in company with my father!? That's what it takes for you to put me with that... that... THAT BASTARD!?" Zayna yelled, tears now rolling down her face in disbelief and pain.
Chase raised a hand to tell the six heroes to take it easy, as he walked up to Zayna. She was sobbing like crazy, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at Chase.
"I get it." Chase simply said.
"...What...?" Zayna asked in shock, her eyes turning wide in shock with tears still rolling down her face.
"You're just like me, aren't you?" Chase asked. "An outlier, an outcast. Not accepted by society at all. Like I said, I don't know your dad's story... but hearing all the things he's done, to Vandelay, even his own family where he came from? I think that's enough for others, even your own people to think you're just like him. I can't say I don't know what that's like. I don't know why I even wanna be a hero, and yet, as I live my life now, it just comes out whenever I want to tell someone my dream. And people just talk bad behind my back about it."
Zayna took in every word Chase said, as she leaned down to a seated position, tears rolling as she looked at the rain pouring to the ground, as she seemed to finally be wavering in conviction.
"I just... I wanted to make people happy... I was tired of seeing people suffer... because of sin... because of hatred... because of my father... because of..." Zayna sobbed.
"You keep saying that," Chase said. "But is that really all you are? Is World Peace through forced decision what you really want?"
Zayna's eyes widened further, realizing Chase's words held some merit to them... before she finally got back to her feet, as she took a deep breath... and sighed.
"Those files aren't going to get you much farther than common knowledge." Zayna suddenly spoke, before pulling out a data chip. "This is what Vandelay was really protecting. This data chip holds every nook and cranny behind Kale's grand design with SPECTRA... not to mention, the improvements he had planned after the first stage. I'll give you this, but I want my VECTRA folder back."
"No way, those files are also comin' with-" Ace was about to say.
"I didn't say the files. I want the folder." Zayna remarked.
"...What the heck are you meaning?" Tech asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Zayna asked. "I'm starting VECTRA again. From scratch."
"Alright," Ace said as he spilled the files out and handed the folder to Zayna. "Y'keep workin' on your big project, got it? But if it ain't different from yer last model, you better believe if we or anyone else find out about it... we'll be comin' back for ya."
"I anticipate that," Zayna stated. "...You've given me consideration points if anything. ...Now how about you get off my property before I call local authorities?" Zayna quipped.
"Sure," Chase said as the Loonatics took their leave. "See you around, Zayna," he said to her over his shoulder.
"Hmp," Zayna remarked as they left, and she limped back to her office. Once there, she sat at her desk, sighing in pain and tiredness as she laid the VECTRA folder before her, looking at it with a huff.
"Zayna? Do you... need assistance?" Daniel's sparky voice asked as he limped in next to her.
"...Yes, Daniel. We need to get the implants back out first. I have to put in the last two bolts. After that, I'll need you to help me." Zayna remarked.
"But... they took all your groundwork! You worked for months on VECTRA!" Daniel exclaimed.
"They didn't get all of it, Daniel." Zayna smiled, pulling out a USB Port and shaking it before him, as Daniel had a realized look on his face.
"Aaaaaah. Great news!" Daniel smiled. "Here's hoping you can finally be better than your crummy father!"
"...Yeah. That's the hope." Zayna smiled back as she twirled the USB Port around, chuckling a bit. She then thought back on Chase, as she went over the readings she got while fighting against him and the Loonatics. "Chase Ryder, huh...? I'll remember you... and your little friend too." she smirked.
Later, back at Loonatics HQ...
The crew and Chase were hanging out, tech missing from the equation.
"Rev-Runner-fights-for-the-saucer-but-Rev-beats-him-to-it!" Rev announced, playing a game of one-man air hockey while Slam watched. "He-lays-it-into-the-corner-but-digged-out-by-Rev- Runner! Another-tricky-shot-but-not-quite-tricky-enough! Rev-shoots....saved-by-rev-runner! Looks-like-Rev-really-came-to-play-Rev-shoots-he-scores-and-the-fans-go-wild!" rev announced as Slam cheered.
Ace was shooting some pool with Lexi as Chase watched when suddenly Duck came into the room.
"Has anyone seen Tech? He hasn't been around since we got back." Duck said.
"Oh, I saw him. He'll be here shortly, and he's got something to say to you." Chase said.
"Thanks." Tech's voice came as he walked in the room, wearing the very Robins egg Blue cape and knee-high boots Duck had wanted the whole time. "I went ahead and ordered 'em. Nice huh? They're sending you the bill."
"But... but..! Those are mine! You were supposed to buy those for me!" Duck retorted.
"Eh... y'used your phone, Duck. We all saw ya." Ace replied.
"But i...! I only used the phone to distract Zayna! If not for me, Chase would be shredded to pieces by her huge sword!" Duck argued.
"A bet's a bet," Lexi replied to that.
"You set me up!" Duck protested to chase.
"Hey, I had no intention of cheating you out of that cape. It was your idea." Chase defended and reminded. That was when Zadavia beamed in.
"Good work, Loonatics. Zayna may have managed to escape, but you set back her plans for her VECTRA system, and the Acme Supercomputer has been returned." Zadavia said before she noticed tech. "Oh my, Tech. Dont you look heroic."
"Why thank you, Zadavia." Tech reveled.
"Very impressive indeed," Zadavia said.
"But, but, but...!" Duck tried to say.
"Zadavia, out." Zadvaia then ended her transmission.
"Wait, come back! I picked out the cape and the matching boots! I also saved Chase's life! I the heroic one, be impressed with me!" Duck wailed to no avail.
"Maybe you can call her back on your cellphone," Lexi said.
"If y'can get a signal," Ace added.
"Y'know... you're all Despicable." Duck simply said to his team and ally.
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