Trivia: Legea Born and Fractured
This is the story of how Legea came into being. Not as we conceived the idea in our heads, but as it was brought into existence in a whole other plane: in Legea itself.
I do not believe that there are other "realms" besides our own. Even if there were, I say that they would not be a legitimate concern of ours. But as my sister says(who wrote what you are about to read), "What if – God did create other worlds."
And that's what this is.
It's only what makes sense. My dad likes to talk about this. In the invention of fantasy universes, he says, you eventually run into the problem: where's morality? Is there any? Why?
Some people write morality without a higher power, even though there's no such thing, usually because they haven't thought it through or they prefer to ignore it.
Some people recognize the problem and confront it head on. If they're not Christians, their methods range from unworkable solutions, to adoption of a pagan scheme, to a rejection of any solution and acceptance of a world of ambivalence, where everything is grey.
If they are Christians... it leaks through inescapably into their writing, in one form or another, sometimes more veiled, sometimes less so. Their writing has a depth and foundation upon which all else can spring upwards in beauty. For me, nothing less than the Absolute of absolutes would do.
Haris = The first known man, called the father of men. It is not known how long men walked the earth before the disobedience.
The legaeësse = sentient beings apart from man, though they can take the form of men. They are beside them in the hierarchy of races(see Trivia: The Hierarchy of Intelligent Races)
All following writing, unless otherwise noted, is by Mercy Buchanan
Haris had three sons, Hather, Othen, and Thorgan. It happened when they had become man, that the legaeësse did not live on earth at that time, but they came back and forth to earth to assist men. But Holcearor, highest and most wise of legaeësse, looked about at men, and wished that he had been made ruler of the world. And as he nursed this desire, he began to want to rule the skies also, and the moon and sun, and he wished that he were Ruler of all Worlds, even the highest heaven. But he kept these things in his heart for a time. Now at last he began to lay his plans, and first he went to the other legaeësse, and with clever words he tricked them and they agreed to assist him in his treachery. But he knew that of all creatures, man was the most important to fall, for he is head of races, and with him would fall all others.
So he went to Haris and his wife, and they invited him into their house, for they knew him. And he spoke to them of the fountain of Wisdom, but he warned them(though it was a lie), that the Ruler of all Worlds did not desire them to have any of this, though they deserved it. And indeed their desire grew very strong, and Haris called his sons, and told them about this, and they too wanted to drink from it.
But they did not ask, and instead they crept in secret to the fountain, planning on stealing, for so strongly they believe they deserved it, and also that permission would not be granted them.
Yet even as Haris lifted the water to his lips, they heard a Voice, and he dashed the water to the ground, but no proof is needed for He who knows all, and their guilt was written on their faces.
"Why did you not ask?" he said, and they understood the trick played upon them and knew that they should not have listened so readily to another.
And in that hour death and misery entered the world, and Holcearor laughed, but his treachery was known to the Ruler of all Worlds. And he called him out, and the other legaeësse, and said, "Surely for your part in this treachery you shall spend your days with men, in the lower heaven and on earth, and you shall redeem yourselves by helping men as you were made to, facing the troubles that shall now be on earth, until the day in which your body is killed, or your obedience repays the debt which you have made."
And many of the legaeësse were griefstricken for their part in the treachery, but Holcearor was angered only further, and some of the others followed him, and he called himself Ruler of Night.
But Haris son of the Earth spoke in anguish saying, "What shall we do? for indeed what can we do to pay for this?"
And He of the Highest Heaven spoke: "There is nothing in all the world that you can do, nor anything you can accomplish outside of it, to relieve your punishment. For man is the Head of Races, and with man all others have fallen. But I shall send you My rescue. When the times come, and the fortress crushes your physical foes, in those days I will send My messengers out of the Maelstroms and they will tell you of My salvation."
And Haris, his wife, and his three sons returned to their place.
Of Werevultures
Now the Ruler of Night, desiring an army for himself, found the werevultures, and caused them to hate men, desiring the world for themselves, though it was not given to them.
Of Legaeësse
Before the disobedience no legaeësse lived on earth, and they were not confined to bodies, though they could take form if they desired. But for their part in Holcearor's plot, many legaeësse were banished to the lower heaven and the earth, and though these were still not confined in bodies if they did not desire, a legaeësse born in Scothagea (Verity: i.e. Legea) did not have that power, and only until they fulfilled their debt were any freed from the confines of the world. Those who live in this world are called Eralegaeësse. The others who did not take part in the disobedience reside in the highest heaven, but are sent down to Scothagea at times. These are called Caelegaeësse.
Eralegaeësse: Those with Forms
There are three kinds that the Eralegaeësse can be divided into: Mairtalehiath(those of the heavens), Mairtaleroa(those of the land), and Mairtaleräel(those of the sea). This does not have anything to do with the differences between black legaeësse and bright legaeësse(V: this refers to those who follow Holcearor and those who still obey the Ruler of all Worlds), who can, like men, come from any family.
After the disobedience certain of the Eralegaeësse were given places to watch over: in the lower heaven one was given the moon, another the sun, and so in the other parts of Scothagea.
Concerning the fall of the Horhintor, later Glumintor
There were three brothers, the princes of Rohator. Now it was that the oldest became kin of that country, and the second departed it, and founded Rothalon, but the youngest traveled until he came to the Horhintor, and marrying the daughter of their king, he took his place when he died. And the brothers were friends and allies.
But it happened that the Ruler of Night hated all these lands, for truth was known there. And so at last he came to the men of Rothalon disguised as an old man, and told them many things; but lying. Yet he made his point too soon, and when the men of Rothalon heard his blasphemous words, they saw him for who he was, and he left the country.
Nevertheless, he was not long daunted. For he then went to Horhintor, and them he tricked. So they followed him, and they went with the fallen legaeësser who had joined the Ruler of Night, and they made war on others. (One man opposed this, but the country would not be swayed, so he went to seek counsel with the Lady of Islanc, that is the Tower of the Sea).
But at last they were defeated for a time, and the Rothalonans saw who they were and were grieved. But the king offered them mercy, saying, "Have not all men fallen to such whiles, even as you?" But they scorned his offer, and refused his kindness, returning to their own land and ever worshipping the Ruler of the Night.
Rohator and Rothalon
Yet Rothalon and Rohator her sister country continued both, though Rohator grew weaker. But at last there came a time when Rohator grew strong again, for a main wiser than before took the throne. And he took a wife, and was borne a son, whose wisdom soon seemed to surpass his father's He knew many things, and found out many more, but werevultures were plaguing the kingdom at that time, and even as he searched for a way to defeat them, his knowledge was his own undoing.
The end of the First Era
When Rodron had reclaimed herself from Gontland, there came a time of darkness and ignorance in Legea. For wars had torn nations apart, and many great things had been lost. At this time in many places creatures such as the legaeësse and thindran began to be considered myth, for few walked among men in these days. Even the werevultures seemed to disappear, attacking seldom. This time men called the Dark Years.
Concerning the knowledge of the truth at the time of the Ceristen Series (compiled by Mercy, edited by Verity)
Arahad: They have the history right, but have a mindset of, "If I'm good enough, I'm fine".
Gontland: In a sense atheistic, but they have reverence toward dead ancestors(specifically their rulers)
Rodron: Periods of greater and lesser knowledge through history. The constant reminder of the fate of their mother/sister country has served them well.
Dirion/Orden: When they came to Legea in the Second Era they had lost their knowledge for the most part (though writings of Veno Thir and Gorun the Wise from First Era indicate they had possessed it earlier) but they picked up on it again from Rodron.
Enedhwin: They suffered loss of truth at times(the Great Earthquake, the Dark Years) but have kept it overall.
Erahar: They have degenerated into semi-superstition, mixed with remnants of truth.
Fearnland: like Erahar, but further gone. They have an "Old Man" or "hrithh" who acts as a priest figure.
Glumintor: Worship the Ruler of Night. Obsess over werevultures. Practice certain abominations and terrible rituals(this is now less known because they have withdrawn)
Harotha/Menevace: Superstitious peasantry; nobility imagine themselves 'enlightened', in other words, atheists.
Mattadon/Rehirne: Lower classes degenerated into superstition and ignorance; nobility still hold to traditions, though it is doubtful how many truly understand.
Havis: A very little known country, it is hazarded that they practice some form of ruler-worship.
Mesoremn: Officially 'correct'. Upper classes care little as a group, poorer remain ignorant because of lack of learning.
Runnicor: Slight ancestor-worship; general belief that if you appease the gods/ancestors they'll leave you be.
Sunsteri barbarians: Uncivilized customs, a small pantheon of imagined deities.
Terragere: The general consensus is that something is there, but it doesn't bother them if they don't bother it.
Verity: Whew, that was fun to type up! Thanks to nightwraith17 for bringing this to my memory and suggesting I put it out here! Anybody catch the reference to Marjorie's song "The Tower of the Sea"?
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