Part 17
AN: Everyone this entire chapter being out so early is entirely due to (our coffee bug) Harrypanther so give her a lot of kudos!!! Even I was surprised when I woke up from a food coma to see another chapter O_O
Chapter 17
It was like watching a movie, Hiccup thought as Clarissa tottered back to her seat, tossing her hair assuredly as she walked on. Though a good movie would have us winning by now, he added ironically as Krogan stood up and looked over to the Ushers.
"The Prosecution calls Mr. Enrique Alvares to the stand," he said.
Hiccup watched as the pool boy walked forward. He was dressed well in a fashionable better-soft caramel-coloured leather jacket, bright Hawiian shirt and beige chinos, his hair clearly gelled into place and shaved into the latest style. He looked arrogant and was pouting slightly as he took the Oath before he sat casually in the witness stand. Krogan walked forward and faced him thoughtfully.
"Mr Alvares can you elaborate on your relationship with Mr and Mrs Bludvist?" he asked clearly. Enrique leaned forward to speak into the microphone.
"I work for the Bludvists as a pool boy and I'm Mrs Bludvist's part-time lover," he said without hesitation. Krogan arched an eyebrow and he most likely wasn't the only one.
"And Mr. Bludvist was okay with that?" he asked. Enrique shrugged.
"He's the one that suggested it," he explained casually. "You know, the missus is all alone in the house most of the time. He figured if she was stepping out he might as well arrange it. They were an odd couple but they made it work." There were murmured and chuckled audible and Grimmel swept his arctic gaze across the court and banged his gavel once. Feeling like a member of a very naughty school class, Hiccup glanced over his shoulder to see the audience all looking embarrassed. Krogan paced across the court, then back.
"Can you tell me your impression of Mr. Trader?" he asked. The witness pulled a face.
"I didn't like him," he said.
"Why is that?" Krogan asked and Enrique leaned forward to the microphone immediately.
"Well, he's been around a lot and he always has this......creepy thing going on." Krogan raised an eyebrow. "It just feels like he's plotting something. And then I found him trying to feel up Clarissa...uhm... Mrs. Bludvist. I mean her husband just died. Even I knew to give her space." He shrugged.
"On the night in question, how did Mrs. Bludvist seem to you?" Krogan asked him evenly. Enrique shrugged again and pursed his lips.
"Agitated, probably. She was absent minded, like something was really bothering her. I chalked it up to nerves. I mean she just found her husband dead."
"Not the usual reaction," Astrid murmured. "You should be devastated, distraught, distressed..."
"Basically any word beginning with dis-," Hiccup suggested.
"Probably not dyspeptic," Astrid shot back and he felt his lips curl in a small smile at her quick wit.
"Or disingenuous," he added in a whisper as she smiled at his riposte. "But seriously, you can feel agitated and upset when someone dies," he pointed out quietly. "I didn't know what to do, couldn't concentrate when my Grandfather passed." She briefly rested a hand on his.
"Something really bothering her, absent-minded are not the descriptions of someone who had just lost a beloved husband," she reminded him and he nodded.
"You're right," he murmured as Krogan asked for details of the relationship. Surprisingly, Enrique became suddenly very coy, talking in generalities, though he kept stressing how active they were in the physical department and how often he and Clarissa 'got it on'. Hiccup looked at him and shook his head.
"He's lying," he murmured. "He's been direct and very clear before...but now he's not able to give any details. They're not in a relationship." Astrid narrowed her eyes as she analysed his words.
"He can tell you some things...but nothing personal that you wouldn't notice as a Cabana Boy...if you were that way inclined," she murmured. "What's his game?" Then they realised Grimmel was glaring at them. "Sorry, your Honour," she apologised. "I was just discussing tactics with my intern. Grimmel scowled.
"The Defence may cross examine Mr. Alvares after a fifteen minute recess," he said sarcastically. "I suggest you talk tactics then, counsellor. Fifteen minute recess!"
After Judge Grimmel had swept out, Hiccup rose but Viggo cleared his throat. Stiffening, he looked over to the Professor and saw Viggo motioning him to take a seat.
"I trust my talk on court etiquette didn't fall on deaf ears, Mr Haddock?" he asked pointedly as Hiccup bowed his head.
", Professor," he mumbled. "Sorry." Viggo frowned.
"Don't make me regret including you in my team, Mr Haddock," Viggo told him. "Remember-a Trial is like a game of Chess or Maces and Talons. Move and countermove, strategies and tactics, bluff, feint and traps. And central to any successful Trial is keeping the Judge onside. Judge Grimmel is famous for his dislike of whispering..." Hiccup blushed.
"I wish you'd told me that before, sir," he mumbled as Viggo sighed.
"Do your research," he said coolly and swept away as Hiccup sagged back in his seat.
"Yes-weren't you there when he told us about the Judge?" Snotlout hissed from behind.
"No-I think he was out getting something for his girlfriend," Heather muttered.
"At least I wasn't photocopying," Hiccup shot back and rose. Astrid looked up.
"Are you okay?" she mouthed but he shook his head.
"I need some fresh air," he murmured and walked out of the court.
Slowly, he walked through the marble-floored corridor, looking around and sighing. Last summer, he had been set on becoming an engineer, on building and creating and making life better. And then Heather had dumped him and all he had wanted was to come here to win her back, becoming a lawyer and proving himself. And he had proved himself, gelling with Astrid in a way that he wouldn't have dreamed. Astrid was everything that Heather wasn't and he looked back on his Senior High School self with a mental roll of the eyes. Now he had left home and met a truly wonderful, inspirational and smart women, Heather paled into nothing. Fishlegs was a decent guy but he was welcome to Heather if he wanted her, because Hiccup had seen through all his former girlfriend's foibles and bitchiness, deciding he wanted, he deserved more. And this, the courtroom and the intellectual challenge of investigating the cases and fighting for his clients...this was what he wanted. No matter that the man he was helping to defend was actually a bad man: he deserved a defence as much as a good man.
He blinked. High School Hiccup would never have considered this as a career but the truth was that he couldn't imagine himself as anything else now. He would find a way to convince Viggo that he would make a good Summer intern so that he could gain more experience and skills. He would master every aspect of the law he needed to. And he would ensure that he gained the career he wanted, despite Heather and anyone else who doubted him. He would have the career that he wanted-and Astrid.
He sighed and checked his watch. It was almost time to go back so he walked briskly to the bathrooms because he had no idea how long the next session would be.
He was just fastening his belt in the stall of the men's washrooms when he heard the door burst open and the sounds of steps rushing into the stall next to him. The door slammed and he heard the sounds of urgent kissing, of groans and moans the sounds of zippers being dragged down. His eyes widening, he froze and realised someone was about to have some fun in the stall next to his...
Mentally cringing and grateful he had already flushed, he very carefully unclicked the lock and tried to sneak out...then turned round and tiptoed back to the sinks and very quietly washed his hands, not wanting to betray his presence out of his own mortification at the situation. No number of episodes of parental embarrassment could prepare him for this! The moans were growing louder and there was definite creaking and groaning.
"Baby! Oh Baby-give it to me! Oh gods, that's it! Please..."
His eyes widened and he froze. He knew that voice. Then another man's voice spoke up.
"Enrique honey. I need you. Oh gods, you're just the best..."
"OOOH Baby...gods yes, that is just...oh gods!" Enrique groaned, panting and Hiccup stared at the stall. Whatever the pool boy had claimed, the second person in the stall with him was definitely not Mrs Bludvist! Tiptoeing to the door, he sprinted down the corridor and skidded into the courtroom, stopping by the Defence table where Astrid and Viggo were reviewing her notes.
"Enrique is gay!" he gasped. Astrid frowned.
"Excuse me, what?" she asked. Viggo stared at him in surprise.
"How the hell did you come up with that?" Fishlegs asked from behind them. Hiccup waved his hands.
"Because I was in the washroom and he and some guy were going at it in the men's room. Not very subtle. Or quiet..."
"Are you sure?" Astrid checked.
"There is no way I would have mistaken that voice. He even got called by his name," Hiccup replied urgently.
"But are you sure they were having sex?" Heather asked him pointedly. "It could have been something innocent..."
"Oh Baby give it to me? Oh Gods that's it. I need you? Oh Gods, oh Gods yes? I hardly think whoever was with him was helping him tie a half-Windsor!" Hiccup replied sarcastically. Snotlout's eyes widened and he shot to his feet but Fishlegs grabbed him and pulled him back into the seat. Viggo nodded.
"Thank you, Mr Ingerman," he commented and then turned to the auburn-haired intern. "Mr. Haddock while I appreciate the opinion I just don't see this working." But Hiccup faced him boldly.
"Look, if he's gay then there is no way he's Mrs Bludvist's lover. Means both are lying under oath. And they can be discredited..." But Viggo shook his head.
"Mr. Haddock...This is entirely conjecture," he said. "And such a line of questioning would just alienate Judge Grimmel further..." But Johann shook his head and stared at his attorney.
"Oh give the guy a break," Johann snapped. "He's a good observer, he seems genuinely convinced and at least he's trying!" Viggo glared for a second before he settled back in his seat.
"It's your call," he said. "But I cannot pursue such an irrelevant line of questioning without any due cause. You hired me, Johann, because I am the best. So we'll do it my way!"
Deflated, Hiccup resumed his seat, hearing Heather hiss a smug comment about him to Fishlegs. Astrid patted his hand again as they rose as Judge Grimmel returned. The gavel slammed down and Enrique resumed the stand. Hiccup found himself staring at the man, who seemed not to have a hair out of place...though there was the faintest of flushes still visible on his tanned neck. And he seemed completely composed as Viggo cross-examined him in a perfunctory and uninterested manner. And he didn't question the man's sexuality at all.
"I'm done," he said. "Mr Alvares, you..."
"Excuse me, your Honour, I would like to ask a few more questions myself," Astrid interrupted, her blue eyes fixed only on the Judge and pointedly ignoring Viggo.
"I forbid..."
"I'll allow it," Grimmel commented, smirking at Viggo's annoyance and Hiccup realised the man had taken a dislike to the self-important lawyer. Reluctantly, Viggo resumed his seat as Astrid rose, walking towards the witness box and inspecting the man. She was stunning in her deep navy court suit, the cream silk V-neck blouse revealing her pale neck and the little silver chain around her throat. Every movement was poised and he noted several of the Jury were flattening down their hair and sitting up straighter with slightly goofy smiles on their faces. Enrique looked her over dismissively.
"You got something to ask?" he sneered as Grimmel sighed.
"The witness will confine himself to answering questions posed by counsel," he advised as Viggo gave Astrid a deeply disapproving look-but undaunted, she inspected the witness.
"Do not worry, Mr Alvares-I'm just clarifying a few points for myself and the Jury," she told him clearly. He nodded.
"Okay," he said curtly.
"Permission to treat the witness as hostile," Astrid asked and Grimmel nodded.
"Granted," he announced.
"Mr Alvares-how long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Bludvist?" she asked swiftly. He answered without a pause.
"Three years,"
"What's her favorite perfume?" she continued.
"Chanel Number Five,"
"Her favorite food?"
"Smoked or poached?"
"Her mascara?"
"And your boyfriend's name is...."
The Jury, audience and lawyers all gasped and Krogan rested his face in his hands, shaking his head. Astrid was giving a small smile of triumph as Enrique realised what he had said and shook his head.
"No, no...wait! Chuck is just a friend. Not a boyfriend. A friend! You got me confused..."
"About what part?" Astrid asked him pointedly. "The fact you're gay with a boyfriend called Chuck or the fact you aren't Mrs Bludvist's lover?"
"Chuck is just a friend!" Enrique protested urgently as a man stood up from the back row of the audience. He was dressed in an almost identical black leather jacket to his boyfriend and he tossed his head as he headed for the door.
"You bitch!" he yelled and Hiccup stared, recognising the voice from the washroom. The furious Chuck stormed out and slammed the door as Enrique leapt to his feet.
"Chuck! Baby!" he called, making to go after him but Grimmel leaned forward.
"You are still under Oath and I haven't released you from the witness stand," he hissed sarcastically. "Sit down right now!" Reluctantly, Enrique slid back into the seat, his confidence suddenly gone. His expression was sulky, like a child caught out by a parent.
"I believe that Miss Hofferson asked you a question," the Judge prompted him.
"Are you gay?" Astrid pressed him. Chewing a lip, Enrique nodded.
"And are you Mrs Bludvist's lover?"
"So you never witnessed the alleged advance by the defendant towards Mrs Bludvist?" Astrid pressed. Sulkily, Enrique shook his head.
"No," he said.
"Then why did you say it?" Astrid asked him. He shrugged.
"She offered to pay me," he admitted. "Like a hundred kay! Chuck and I want to get married and that sort of money...well, being a cabana boy doesn't pay that well. Can I go now?" Astrid nodded, then turned towards Viggo.
"Any further questions, sir?" she asked but he shook his head.
"The witness is released," Grimmel announced as Enrique scrambled down and ran from the court, yelling apologies after the disappeared Chuck. Smugly, Astrid resumed her seat and leaned close to Hiccup.
"Thanks," she whispered as the court was swallowed by a hubbub of excitement at the thrilling proceedings. The Jury were all nodding and looking at Mrs Bludvist. "You were right. That was great work, Hiccup."
"And you were awesome," he commented. She smiled.
"We make a pretty good team," she reassured him. Johann stroked his beard and leaned slightly closer to the junior members of his team.
"Thank you," he murmured. "At least no one thinks I hit on that harridan..."
"Unfortunately, they still don't believe you couldn't have committed the murder," Astrid pointed out. Johann sighed.
"Alas, no," he admitted. "But at least I have hope my team are on the case and respecting my wishes." Hiccup leaned forward, his hands clasped as Krogan called the Medical Examiner.
"Then we prove you couldn't have been there..." he murmured. "And this time, I need to think about this like an engineer..."
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