Chapter 2
Sorry about all the late updates I am SERIOUSLY running out of ideas..sorry if they don't come right away. I'll try to update soon for The CHOSEN one but it may take awhile.. sorry...anyways here is chapter 2 for Left to die!
I looked around to see a small lake. It was so pretty in the daylight. The whole lake was surrounded by trees and flowers everywhere! I guess it's just the dark that gives it the eerie feeling and look to it.
Then it hit me.
I try to recall on why I'm here in the first place.
Then the memories come flooding back to me. The last thing I remember is coming to the lake with Jason, when he pushed me into the freezing water.
Why did he push me into the water!?
How is it morning if I'm alive?
Am I even alive?
The last question hit me like a ton of bricks.
What if I died in the water? Is my body still there?
The questions started to plunge back just as I heard sirens in the distance.
Not even a few seconds later I turned back to see two ambulances and a few cop cars coming down the hill to the lake. When they all piled in, I ran up to them screaming and waving my hands but they just kept walking like I wasn't even there.
I ran up to a cop, pulling a hound dog out of the car, and tried talking to him.
"Sir, what's going on here? Is someone hurt? What hap-" I froze when he started to walk forward and passed right through me.
Oh my cheese balls, i'm dead...
The realization hit me hard in the chest as my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, sobbing.
I then heard the dog let out a deep growl and stop the cop from moving.
The cop stopped and questioned the dog like it could understand him. "What is it boy?"
I turned my head to see the dog walk towards me as if he could see me. I tilted my head at the dog and slowly reached out my hand towards him.
The dog walked closer to me and I put my hand on his head petting it softly.
He sat down on the ground and let me pet him while the cop just stared in awe at his dog.
This made me giggle but took all serious to me once I realized they needed to find my body. So I stopped petting the dog and he looked up at me with sad but lustful eyes. I put my hand to his nose and spoke to him.
"Go find me boy!" The dog sniffed my hand and obeyed my command.
He set off, racing towards the water in the lake and barked frantically once he hit the edge of the board walk.
When the cops leave, part both of your hands towards the water.....
A voice echoed through my head.
What do you mean? I tried talking to the voice.
Don't you dare think I'm talking to myself because this was a females voice different from my own.
So I waited 6 hours for the police to leave..
(about 6 hours later)
All of the cop cars and ambulances had left by now, giving up on finding my body which made me a little mad but they can't just dive in and find me...I'm not that special.
The voice repeated the same thing it said before in my head, but this time it sounded like someone was right here behind me.
I looked around only to find the silent sound of the trees in the wind.
So I faced the lake and did what the voice said to do.
Don't freak out when you do it!
I lifted my hands up together and focused on the lake. Why am I doing this? I don't know. Some voice in my head told me I sound crazy.
I slowly pulled my hands apart, watching the water split into halves.
My eyes widened at the sight but then darted to the mid-center of the bottom of the lake. I can't believe I was looking at my own body!
"Don't lose focus please!" Someone shouted from behind me. I wanted to look but they said not to.
A girl that wore a pink mini skirt and a floral peach blouse walked towards my body. Her hips sashayed which made her long bleach-blonde hair sway back and forth.
Wow..I stared in awe at the flawless beauty of the girl. She was beautiful compared to my chocolate Brown shoulder-length hair and my grey tank top with the matching shorts.
I then saw her eyes focus on my lifeless body and it float in mid air.
Without hesitation, she and my body turned in sinc. She walked back up to the land where I was and set the body down. "Now slowly push them together again."
I listened to the command and gracefully pulled my hands back together. The water was now completely still and back to normal.
Remembering what just happened, I turned to the girl but before I could say anything, she spoke to me like she read my mind.
"Yes your dead, and yes that just happened. Now enough questions, and lets get your body to the police station."
I stared in awe at her words but followed her and my once again floating body.
Something still bothered me though. "Can I do that too?"
She answered without taking her focus off what she was doing. "Not yet, we can do more, it's just going to take longer to get the powers." She and I kept walking forward. "Right now all you can do is control anything with your hands, soon you can do it with your mind. I don't know what else we will be able to do so when that happens, we will report back to each other."
I looked at her like she was crazy. "By the way" she says. "My name is Cidney Morrows. You should know me from the incident at the lake with my boyfriend."
Cidney then fake coughs. "Ex..boyfriend." she corrects herself.
When we were walking, soon after I saw my boyfriend Jason with Tonya Evans.
ERRRRRGHHHH! I HATE HER SO MUCH!!! I JUST WANNA...wanna...throw rocks at them!
Shut up...I'm too good to be bad. Except being bad at revenge.
"Go ahead." I heard Cidney tell me. I tipped my head a bit in confusion. "You know you want to."
"Did you just-" I started.
"Read your mind? Yes...yes I did. You can also do that too" She laughed.
After a few moments she spoke again. "Well go on." she shrugged her shoulders towards Jason and Tonya.
Then right before I was about to do what I was going to do, I looked to the right to see my best friend, Valerie walking with our best friend Riley. They were laughing at some joke Valerie probably said.
I started to tear up, thinking this is what I left behind. But I held back the tears and walked up to Valerie.
She looked up with wide-eyes right at me. "Krista?"
"Honey" Riley spoke. "We've already been through this, Krista died a year ago, the police did all they could."
"B-but she's right here-"
"Val.." she gave Valerie a stern look.
I saw Valerie sigh.
"Good" Riley said. "Now lets go get you some ice cream."
Valeries' eyes shot open at the word 'icecream'. "Okay!"
They started to walk forwards and I was about to follow them when I remembered Cidney.
I turned around to see Cidney smiling at me. "Go ahead" she nods at Riley and Valerie. "I'll meet up with you later after I take your body to the cops."
"Thanks Cid." I followed them for the rest of the day wherever they went.
I've been dead for over a year? I'm talking to Cidney about this later!
Once Riley went back to her house and Valerie to hers, I still followed Valerie back to her home.
When I walked through the door I had walked in a year ago, the smell of pancakes and orange juice filled the air.
Memories came back of me and Valerie here at her house in her bedroom. She and I were playing with her barbies like normal kids.
"Pwomise me we will ALWAYS be best fwends!" Little Val said to me.
The little me held out her pinkie and little Valerie accepted it. "I Pwomise!"
(End of Flashback)
Once me and Valerie got up the stairs to her bedroom door, she shut the door in my face.
I frowned and kept walking forwards through the door.
Once I got through the wooden white door, I saw Valerie sitting on her bed crying.
I walked to her bed and sat down on it. This made her jump and look over at me.
"K-Krista?" she spoke with tears in her throat.
I was taken back that she could actually see me! "You can see me?"
"Of course! Where have you been? Everyone is worried about you--"
She stopped asking questions and looked at me waiting for me to speak.
"I'm not alive. I'm" I took a deep breath. "I'm dead."
Her eyes bulged out in fright and confusion. "What? Then how can I see you?"
"I don't know. I'm new to all of this. I just woke up like this today. No one could see me then Cidney came and told me that-"
"Wait.." she stopped me from talking. "Who's Cidney?"
Shut up I know it's not a cliff hanger or a good ending but I'm tired and my mom wants on the computer. I hope you liked the EXTRA long chapter! If you have any helpful suggestions for my book, just leave me a comment or message me! I won't be mad I PROMISE c: Shank you guys! I WUV YOU! :D and yes I am tired at 6 in the afternoon! Don't judge me... -_- *tsk tsk tsk*
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