𝟎𝟐𝟑: 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬

It took a very long while to get Headmaster Charleston to change his mind on the suspension thing, because Elsie and the other 'pledges' had no clue that breaking and entering, because they were blindfolded so they were innocent.

According to Cassian, the Headmaster suspended Francie (for stealing his keys, breaking and entering, hazing...) and the other Puffs who had kidnapped Elsie and the others. 

Elsie was glad because she wasn't going to lose her top one percent spot.

Richard had to go on a business trip to Akron, Ohio, so it left the girls to have another Friday Night Dinner.

Emily asked, "How's the meal?"

"Tasty," Rory said.

"Very tasty," Lorelai said. "New cook?"

"Yes, Marisella," Emily said. "She's introduced us to some wonderful dishes so charmingly specific to her native country?"

"What country is she from?" asked Lorelai.

Emily replied, "One of those little ones next to Mexico."

Elsie almost rolled her eyes, "She's from Belize, Grandmother."

"Too bad Grandpa's not here," Rory said. "He likes weird food."

Elsie didn't think Mexican food was weird.

"Yeah, where's he eating his weird food tonight?" Lorelai suggested, "Argentina? Morocco?"

"Akron," Emily replied.

"Ohio?" asked Rory.

Elsie asked, "What other place do you know called Akron?"

"So why is Grandpa in Akron?" asked Rory.

"They sent him to deal with some problem with their local office down there," Emily told Rory.

Lorelai said, "So, Dad's in Akron."

"Yes." Emily explained, "The amenities are atrociously lacking. He had to eat at a coffee shop last night. The whole thing's terribly insulting. He's miserable."

"I hate that he's miserable," Rory said.

"So do I," Emily said. "We really ought to do something."

"Yes, I agree," Rory said.

Lorelai said, "Warning, warning."

"I'm glad to hear you say that Rory, because I thought of a wonderful way to cheer him up," Emily said, ignoring Lorelai.

"Cool, what?" asked Rory.

Lorelai said, "Danger, Will Robinson, danger!"

Continuing to ignore Lorelai, Emily said, "An oil portrait of you for his study."

Rory said, "An oil portrait."

Lorelai said, "I tried, have fun."

"It could hang right over his mantle next to Elsie's," Emily said. "He'd just love it."

Rory said, "Well, I guess that would be okay."

Lorelai chimed in, "Oh Mom, please, don't make her do this."

Emily pointed out, "She just said she would."

Lorelai said, "Fine, paint the picture, but don't make her sit and pose for it. Paint it from a photo."

"A photo?" Emily asked, horrified, "That's what they do at malls."

"I'll sit, it's fine," Rory said.

Emily started it, "Just because your own experience sitting for a portrait was bad doesn't mean Rory's has to be."

"What portrait?" Rory said, "I haven't seen this."

"That's because they never finished it," Elsie said. "I've seen the unfinished portrait."

"Three painters started, and they all three quit," Emily replied.

Rory asked, "Why did they quit?"

Emily explained, "She wouldn't stop scowling."

Elsie thought that it sounded like Lorelai did worse than scowl. Couldn't these painters just paint a smile on Lorelai's face instead?

Lorelai said, "I was going for a Billy Idol thing."

Emily said, "The one from Italy had some sort of breakdown."

Rory said, "Oh my God."

"Hey, it didn't hurt Van Gogh," Lorelai defended herself. "The guy should thank me."

Emily pointed out, "A year later, I swear I saw him rummaging through our recyclables."

"What else did you do to him?" Elsie said, "It sounds like you did worse than scowl at the guy for hours."

"Well, I'm happy to sit," Rory said. "If it's for Grandpa, why not?"

Emily smiled, "Wonderful. I'll set it up first thing in the morning."

"Psst," Lorelai whispered. "If you want, I can teach you the Billy Idol. Most people focus on the lip thing, but the eyes are just as import—"

Emily slammed the salt shaker on the table to interrupt Emily. Lorelai stopped talking.

Elsie and her friends in Elsie's room doing homework together. Cassian had seemed a little sad at the fact that Elsie had redecorated her room. He didn't know that it was the second time that she had redecorated.

"I can't believe that you were going to become a member of the Puffs," Vivian said to Elsie.

Elsie looked over at Vivian, "I don't think it was anything special."

"But I bet it was exciting," Skye told Elsie.

Elsie nodded, "I just wish I got to ring the bell though."

"Explains where the keys went off to," Cassian muttered, looking down at his graph notebook.

Apparently he, Vivian, Bitty, and Hanlin were looking all over the mansion looking for the missing keys, when it turned out that Francie had them all along. 

"Explains why he was so pissed after he got off the phone," Vivian said. "Never saw him that mad."

Apparently he got a phone call from a different security guard who called him in over a bunch of pajama-clad teenage girls walking into the school.

Anthony looked at Elsie, "How shocked was he when he saw you?"

"Couldn't tell," Elsie said. "He looked a little to the right to avoid looking at me."

It was kind of hard to look the man in the eye after that whole 'not communicating for a month' situation with Cassian. She did kind of break Cassian's heart and there was still a bit of shame lingering in her belly from that. She kind of wondered if Charleston held a bit of resentment towards her from that, even though she and Cassian patched things up.

Also, it was kind of hard looking at Charleston when he knew what her boobs looked like, considering that one day he walked in on her and Cassian having sex.

It was apparently harder for Cassian because he and his dad didn't even look at each other for a week because of it. Bitty and Vivian had found it hilarious; Cassian didn't. 

Elsie looked at Cassian, who was busy trying to work out a math problem. She was honestly going to miss him when he went to Louisiana.

"Hey, what time is it?" Skye said, "My parents are going to be home and I need to get back."

"Yeah, I should probably get going," Anthony agreed as they backed up their backpacks.

Even Vivian packed up her messenger bag. One her way out, Vivian bumped her shoulder into Cassian's.

"Dick," Cassian muttered. He looked at Vivian and waved her off when Vivian motioned with her head to the door.

Vivian left and Elsie looked at Cassian, who was back to trying to work out that cursed math problem again.

Elsie really was going to miss him, even though they had one more school year to go. "Cass..."

Cassian looked up and looked over at her. He smiled, "Yeah?"

"I'm going to miss you when you go to Louisiana," Elsie told him.

Cassian set his notebook aside, "Why are you thinking about that?"

"Because it's true," Elsie told him.

Cassian asked, "What if I go to Yale with you?"

"But you don't want to go there," Elise pointed out.

Cassian got up from the chair, "So?"

Elsie got up from the bed, "I really don't want to force you to go if you don't want to."

"And if I tell you I want to go with you?" asked Cassian.

"I don't want to make you miserable by having you go with me," Elsie pointed out.

"You won't," Cassian replied.

"But you want to go to Louisiana," Elsie countered.

"What if I want to go to Yale with you?" asked Cassian.

Elsie pulled him into a kiss.

Cassian kissed her back, pulling Elsie closer to him as Elsie pulled at Cassian's clothing trying to pull his clothes off as Cassian moved to press kisses on her neck.

"Cass," Elsie started and Cassian hummed an acknowledgement against her neck.

Elsie pulled him into a kiss instead as they made their way to the bed.

Afterwards, with Cassian holding Elsie close to him (she can tell that he seemed less tense), Cassiana asked, "What were you going to tell me before you kissed me?"

Elsie thought about it, "I honestly have no idea."

Cassian laughed and kissed her.

Rory came by for her oil portrait painting. While she got dressed in the gown that Emily picked for her to wear, Rory ranted about some guy named Jess, "I'm telling you, Elsie, he doesn't care about Luke at all and is letting him take the heat for everything."

Rory had explained the fake murder scene out in front of Doose's Market (Elsie laughed at that and Rory had glared at her for it) but Elsie honestly had no clue who this 'Jess' guy was or what he even looked like.

Elsie looked at the time on a clock. Rory has been complaining about Jess for twenty minutes already. "How's Dean doing?"

"Dean?" asked Rory, like she had no clue who Dean was. "Oh, he's fine. Jess even stole Pierpont. Can you believe that?"

"What the hell is a Pierpont?" asked Elsie, noticing how Rory switched gears to complain about Jess and his many transgressions.

"Babette's lawn gnome," Rory replied. "He even dressed like Luke after the debutante ball."

"Rory," Elsie started.

"What?" asked Rory.

"You've been complaining about Jess for twenty-five minutes," Elsie pointed out.

"So?" replied Rory.

"I think you're crushing on this guy pretty hard," Elsie pointed out.

Rory scoffed, "I am not. I have Dean."

"A few minutes ago you acted like you forgot who he was for a moment there," Elsie pointed out.

"I did not," Rory said. "Jess annoys me and he's a huge jerk."

"There's a fine line between love and hate," Elsie pointed out. 

Elsie hummed a response, "Right. My bad."

Rory had gotten defensive, so Elsie deduced that she was right. 

By the next Friday Night Dinner, Rory's oil painting was done and was hung by Elsie's watercolor portrait. 

Honestly, Rory's portrait was terrifying to see because it was bad.

Cassian, Skye, Anthony, and Pepper had seen the portrait and laughed.

Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it was still bad.

Emily led Rory and Lorelai into the study. Emily flourished at the portrait, "Ta-da!"

"Whoa," replied Rory, looking at the portrait.

"What do you think?" asked Emily.

"It's freaky," replied Rory.

Yeah, freakishly bad, Elsie thought.

"Freaky?" asked Emily.

"Well, just seeing me here, up on the wall like that, it's uh..." Rory said, "I like it though. It's good, I guess. I should probably take myself out of the judging process."

"I think Richard's just gonna love it," Emily stated. "It's the perfect thing, don't you think?"

Lorelai hummed an agreement.

"You've got to admit, it turned out better than you thought it would," Emily continued bragging.

"Yeah," replied Lorelai.

Elsie groaned, "Just say what you really want to say, Mother."

"Yeah," Emily agreed. "Come on, say a little more than that."

"It's great Mom," Lorelai said. "It's fabulous. It's just a notch below Rembrandt."

Elsie looked at Lorelai, "Who the hell pissed in your cereal this morning?"

"Yeah, you don't have to take that attitude," Emily agreed.

"What do you both want from me?" Lorelai said, "I'd light some sparklers and jump up and down yelling 'yay for the painting' but I'm fresh out of sparklers and my feet hurt too much to jump. But I promise next week when I have more energy, I'll write a love song for the chandelier."

Elsie muttered under her breath, "Someone's on their period." Emily left the room.

"Mom," Rory prompted. Lorelai followed after Emily. "She had a headache."

"Should've taken Tylenol and moved on with her day then," Elsie replied.

Rory looked like she was going to say something, but stopped and nodded an agreement, "True."

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