𝟎𝟏𝟔: 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭
A/N: I know I haven't put these songs on the playlist, but I listened to these songs when I wrote this out and I think it kind of sets the tone for the story, so here they are:
1. Run Away by Dark Divine.
2. Cheers to Goodbye by Escape the Fate
3. Cry with a Smile by After Forever
On the next Friday Night Dinner, things were oddly silent. Richard had to take a phone call so it left the girls to have a conversation among themselves – but no, things were silent.
"Everyone's awfully quiet tonight," Emily replied.
"Sorry Mom," Lorelai replied. "I'm just tired."
"Me too – school," Rory replied.
"Work," Lorelai added.
"Life," Rory replied.
"Dig it man," Lorelai said.
"Peace out Humphrey," Rory replied.
Elsie didn't get it.
Emily asked, "Elsie, how about you?"
"Cassian and I got into a stupid argument and he won't talk to me," Elsie stated.
Emily looked confused, "About what?"
"Studying," Elsie said. They looked at her like they didn't get it. She pursed her lips, "I wanted to have sex with him, he didn't because he was studying, so I tried to but he refused and I got irrationally mad at him and left. I did apologize for trying to force him into it. So, he kind of won't talk to me because I made him uncomfortable."
So to give Cassian space, Elsie has been sitting with Rory in the cafeteria because she knew that her friends would rightfully take Cassian's side in the matter since Cassian and Vivian were eating in the cafeteria because Headmaster Charleston was busy with meetings for next year. She'd also been sitting clear across Mr. Medina's classroom away from Cassian for good measure and avoided looking at him for precautions. She had told Cassian she loved him and she blew it because she'd gotten to horny and refused to take no for an answer.
"You can't just force people into that," Lorelai told her.
"Lesson learned before you taught it to me," Elsie replied.
"Emily!" called Richard.
"In here," Emily called back.
Richard came in and Emily went to tend to him. Elsie just wanted to know how she should get herself back in Cassian's good graces, but she was sure that the damage was already done. She didn't know why she had to ruin everything. She considered transferring to a new school to avoid the shame she felt, but that was being overdramatic.
"You were on the phone," Emily said.
"Long distance," Richard stated.
"God?" asked Lorelai.
"London," Richard replied.
The only person Elsie knew that lived in London was Trix, Richard's mother.
"God lives in London?" asked Lorelai.
"My mother lives in London," Richard stated.
"Your mother is God?" asked Lorelai.
Elsie almost rolled her eyes, because seriously?
"Lorelai," Richard said.
"So, God is a woman," Lorelai replied impressed.
"Lorelai," Richard stated.
"And a relative, that's so cool," Lorelai replied. "I'm gonna totally ask for favors."
Elsie groaned.
"Make her stop," Richard told Rory.
"Oh that I could," Rory replied.
"You spoke to your mother," Emily started.
"Yes, I did," Richard said. "She's fine. She sends her love and...she's coming to visit."
"What?" asked Emily.
Elsie almost cringed. She knew that Trix and Emily didn't like each other. Emily tried her best but Trix just disliked Emily.
Lorelai seemed happy, "You're kidding?"
Emily asked, "When?"
Rory seemed excited, but excited for reasons highly different than Lorelai's excitement, "I'm gonna get to meet my great-grandma?"
"Lorelai the first," Richard said.
"When?" asked Emily.
Lorelai told Rory, "I was named after her."
"Really? I had no idea," Elsie replied.
Emily asked, "Richard, when?"
"You're going to love her," Richard to Rory. "My mother is brilliant, absolutely brilliant."
"We share that also," Lorelai told Rory.
"I'm asking a question here," Emily said. "Does no one hear me? Am I suddenly invisible?"
"I'm sorry," Richard said. "What was the question?"
Emily asked, "When is your mother arriving?"
"A week from today," Richard said. "Elsie, Rory, I'm telling you; it's going to be such a treat."
Elsie considered the idea of tagging along with Trix back to London and wait for the rest of the school year to finish there before coming back. Again, that was melodramatic.
"Excuse me," Emily said, getting up and leaving.
"I still can't get over that I'm related to God," Lorelai said. "It's gonna make getting Madonna tickets so much easier."
Elsie groaned, because why couldn't she let that go?
In history class, Elsie ended up getting grouped together with Paris, Madeline, Dugray, Rory, and another guy for some fake government thing. So, they had moved their desks into a group.
She messed with the beaded blue bracelet that Rory had given her last Thursday.
She had removed the bracelet that Cassian had given her for her birthday last Wednesday, when she realized that they weren't going to get back together, and buried it in one of her desk drawers. So, Rory noticed the lack of bracelet and got Elsie and herself matching bracelets to make up for the lack of bracelets that their now (ex) boyfriends had given them.
Funny, how all it got them to bond better was over being dumped.
As per usual, Paris had everything figured out, "I think that the basic structure of the Elizabethan government is relatively sound. The division of power between the monarchy, the Privy Council and the parliament all seem to work. Agreed?"
"Agreed," Madeline replied.
"Ditto," Louise said.
Paris explained, "Okay, so in establishing our own government, I think duplicating a similar structure would be good, with a few alterations. Queen Elizabeth chose to remain unwed. She took on the burden of leadership all by herself at a time when possibly marrying the Prince of France or the King of Spain would solidify her throne while expanding her empire. And though it obviously worked for her and the concept of a woman ruling without man is certainly politically correct these days, I think we need to take a different tact. I think we need to devise a nation with a truly solidified royal alliance. So in addition to the different political branches, we'll also need a King and Queen. Rory, Tristan, what about you?"
"Us?" asked Dugray.
"Oh," replied Rory not sounding happy.
"No," Dugray replied.
"Yes, no," Rory replied, agreeing with Dugray.
"Why?" asked Paris.
"Because..." Dugray trailed off.
"I just don't want to be queen," Rory replied.
"Nothing wrong with that," Elsie admitted.
"Me either," Dugray replied. "King – I don't want to be king."
Rory asked Paris, "What about you? You be queen."
"I'm going to be head of Parliament," Paris said. "I can't be queen."
"Be both," Rory said.
Oh, it seemed like Rory was trying to play match-maker with Paris and Dugray.
"I can't be both," Paris said.
"Why not?" asked Rory. "It's our government."
"It's not done that way," Paris replied.
"It can be though, let's vote," Rory said.
"Rory," replied Paris.
"Henry VIII started a new church when the old one wouldn't allow divorce," Rory stated.
"He also cut off his wife's head," Paris said. "Is he still your role model?"
"I'm just saying we have the opportunity to make any kind of government we want here," Rory said.
Paris asked, "Why won't you be queen?"
"Because it's her choice," Elsie said. "She doesn't want to. Isn't that a good enough reason?" She realized how hypocritical that sounded, considering she tried to sexually assault her own boyfriend a week prior.
"I'll be queen," Madeline said, holding her hand up.
"There," Rory said. "Make Madeline queen."
"Fine, you're queen, Tristan's king," Paris said.
"I'll be the lady-in-waiting," Louise said. "The one with the low-cut blue velvet renaissance dress."
"Lady-in-waiting is not a political office," Paris said.
"No, but they get all the sex," Louise said.
Paris seemed confused, "What?"
Elsie asked, "What movies are you watching?"
"We are talking about government class not the movies," Paris said. "God, why can't I get one person to care about this as much as I do?"
"I care about this project," Elsie said. "I'll take the role of private secretary."
"Thank you," Paris said to her.
"I'll be head of the Quarter Sessions Court, but I'm still wearing the dress," Louise said. "Happy?"
"Out of my mind," Paris replied dryly. "Okay, so I secured us the class room to work tomorrow and Sunday, so that by Monday, we'll be ready."
Elsie had no complaints. She didn't have any friends, which meant no plans. She welcomed the distraction.
Madeline asked, "We're working all weekend?"
"You're kidding," Louise said.
The bell rang.
Paris got up and started passing out packets to her group, "Take this. It's an outline for the entire system – point of methods, some basic laws and penalties plus some random ideas. Please be ready to discuss it tomorrow nine o'clock in the morning, don't be late."
"Thanks," Elsie said, looking at her packet of information. She waited in her desk for a few more minutes waiting for her friends to get to their classes so she can leave.
She spotted Dugray picking up Rory's notebooks.
"Hey, I can give that to Rory," Elsie told him, reaching for the notebook.
Dugray held Rory's belongings out of Elsie's reach, and asked, "What the hell is going on with you and my cousin?"
"It's none of your business," Elsie replied, grabbing her bag.
She had changed her bag to a different one. She felt like she needed a change.
"Funny, she said the same thing," Dugray said. "All I want to know is why you're freezing them out."
"It's none of your business," Elsie replied, deciding to leave, because he didn't need to know everything.
To make matters worse, as she stormed out, she ran into someone on her way out, nearly toppling them to the ground.
That someone was Cassian.
"Sorry," Elsie managed to say before hurrying down the hallway to avoid crying in front of a bunch of others. She didn't deserve to cry since she was the one who ruined her relationship with Cassian. Escaping to London with her great-grandmother was looking pretty good right now.
Elsie almost didn't want to go downstairs to face Trix. She'd rather hide upstairs and drink wine that she borrowed from her grandparents and study Paris's doctrine to prepare for tomorrow. She could make it through the rest of the school year before asking her grandparents to transfer her to the different school. It was melodramatic, but it'll be for the best. She won't have to see her former friends for another two years and trying to avoid them.
She looked at the time and got to take a shower before Trix arrived and to somewhat sober up.
So, she read through Paris's doctrine once again when Trix arrived and Emily had Stella wax the floors while Trix took an hour-long nap.
So, Elsie got dressed and went into the living room.
A woman was reading a newspaper with what looked like either a monocle or a magnifying glass on a chain.
"Hello," Elsie greeted.
The woman looked at her, in an almost critical manner, "Ah, you must be either Rory or Elsie."
"I'm Elsie," the teen replied.
"Come here," Trix said. Elsie went up to her, "You're tall. How tall are you?"
"5'9," replied Elsie.
Trix said to Richard, "Richard, she's tall."
"I know," Richard replied proudly.
Trix asked, "How's your health?"
"Mostly good," Elsie said.
"Well, Gilmore's don't get sick," Lorelai the First replied. Richard had gone to get his mother a drink.
"Mom," said Emily. "Look who's here."
Lorelai the First didn't look away from Elsie, "Who?"
"Well, look," Emily said, with a forced smile.
"If I wanted to look, I would look," Lorelai the First said. "I haven't looked therefore you must draw your own conclusions." Richard passed her a drink, "Ah, thank you, dear boy."
"You're welcome, Trix," Richard told her.
Rory asked, "Trix?"
"Dad's pet name for Gran," Lorelai explained.
"Isn't it just darling?" asked Emily.
"Hi Gran," Lorelai said.
Trix seemed surprised, "Lorelai."
"Yes, it's so good to see you again," Lorelai said.
"Trix, this is Rory," Richard said. "You haven't met her yet."
"No, I don't believe I have," Trix said.
"Hello," Rory said.
"Come," Trix said. "I want to get a very good look at both of you. I already looked at Elsie."
Elsie went to sit down while Lorelai and Rory went up to her.
"They're tall," Trix said.
"Well, yes, they are," Richard said.
"Not as tall as Elsie, though," Trix replied. "How's your health? Almost as good as Elsie's, I presume?"
"Oh, good," Lorelai said.
"Very healthy," Rory said and Lorelai hummed in agreement.
"Good," Trix said. "That means the majority of your blood is Gilmore blood. Like I told Elsie, Gilmore's don't get sick. Am I right, Richard?"
"Oh, we wouldn't dare, Trix," Richard said.
"That's right," Trix said. To Lorelai, she said, "Your mother is always sick."
"I'm hardly always sick," Emily said.
"You're sick right now," Trix replied.
Elsie looked at Emily. She seemed fine to her.
Lorelai asked, "Are you sick now, Mom?"
"Headache," Emily said.
"Gilmore's don't have headaches," Trix said. "Our heads are perfect." To Lorelai, "You don't drink?"
"Uh, well..." started Lorelai.
"Emily, get this woman a drink," Trix said.
"Oh, I'll do it," Richard said.
"Oh, thanks, Dad." Lorelai said, "White wine."
"I'm going to go get the hors d'oeuvres," Emily said, going to get the kitchen.
"So, you're Rory and you're Elsie," Trix said.
"Yes, ma'am," Rory said. She and Lorelai had taken the couch opposite of Elsie.
"My son speaks of you two constantly," Trix said. "He seems very fond of you both."
"Oh, well, I'm very fond of him too," Rory said and Elsie nodded in agreement.
Richard passed Lorelai a glass of white wine, "These two little girls are as smart as a whip, Mom." Richard sat down, "I think they have a great deal of you in them."
Trix asked, "Really?" Richard hummed in agreement, "How nice." Emily came with a tray and Trix sounded offended, "Is this cheese?"
"Yes it is," Emily said.
"Am I supposed to eat that cheese?" asked Trix.
"Well, only if you like," Emily replied.
Richard asked, "Emily, where are those spiced nuts that Trix likes so much?"
"I'll get some," Emily said. She put the tray down on the coffee table and went to get the spiced nuts.
Elsie felt sympathy for Emily.
Trix looked at Lorelai, "So, Lorelai, since I've you last, you've grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised two children, and still haven't bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?"
"Well, sometime in between growing up and getting pregnant, I got my ears pierced," Lorelai replied.
"I've always hated a scandal," Trix replied. "However, I've always appreciated self-sufficiency. Tell me, how do you support these children?"
Elsie was highly unaware that Lorelai raised her. She looked at Richard, who looked momentarily stumped. That must've been left out in a desperate attempt at making Lorelai look good, since the last time Lorelai saw her, she was twelve, according to Emily and Richard. Maybe they didn't want Lorelai to look bad by abandoning one child to raise the other in a different town. She looked at Lorelai, who seemed surprised by the question. She forced a smile, "Yes Mommy, how did you support me and Rory?"
"I run an inn," Lorelai said.
Trix asked, "Hard work?"
"Yes, it is," Lorelai replied.
"Good," Trix said. "Hard work is good for a woman – makes her stronger. I admire people who enjoy hard work."
Emily came in with a bowl filled with nuts, "Here we go; spiced nuts."
"Thank you, Emily," said Trix. She held her hands out and wiggled her fingers, "I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."
Elsie had to look away to stifle a laugh, because her mind went straight to perverted stuff.
"I'll be right back," Emily said with a forced smile, before taking off.
Elsie tuned them out and Emily returned with plates and napkins. Elsie took some spiced nuts and more cheese, because it bothered that no one was eating the food, which was a waste.
"Richard, I would like to be escorted into the dining room, now," Trix said.
"Your wish is my command," Richard said, getting up to escort her to the dining room.
"Well, uh, I'm not sure that dinner is ready just yet," Emily said.
"Well, perhaps our presence in the dining room will teach your help that when one is told dinner is at seven o'clock, people often expects dinner at seven o'clock," Trix replied.
"But it's only five after, Mom," Emily said.
They stopped in the entrance between the dining room and living room.
"Only five after?" repeated Trix. To Richard, she said, "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop-off."
Richard smiled before heading into the dining room with Lorelai and Rory following after.
Elsie looked at Emily, "When the kidnappers call, you'll be the first to answer the phone, just so you can hang up on them, huh?"
"Yes," Emily said.
They were eating when Rory said to Emily, "Grandma, this dinner's delicious."
"Very good young lady. We all believed you," Trix cut in. "Now, let's talk about your education. Where are you two attending school?"
"Uh, we both go to Chilton," Elsie said.
Rory nodded.
"Elsie is in the top three percent and Rory is in the top ten percent of their class," Richard said proudly. He beamed at Elsie.
"We're very proud of our Elsie and Rory," Emily added. "Rory's going to Harvard and Elsie's going to Yale."
Trix asked Rory, "Harvard?"
"Yes, ma'am," Rory said.
Trix looked at Elsie, "And you're going to Yale?"
Elsie nodded, "Yes. Just like Grandpa and like his father before him."
Trix said, "So, Rory is going to Harvard?"
"Yes," Rory replied.
Trix asked, "Richard, how can you allow one of your granddaughters to go to Harvard?"
Richard started, "Now, Trix—"
"You're a Yale man; your father was a Yale man and Elsie is on her way towards Yale!" interrupted Trix.
"Well, we want Rory to be whatever kind of man she wants to be," Lorelai cut in.
Elsie looked at her mother.
"That's enough jokes for this evening, Lorelai," Trix admonished.
"Sorry," Lorelai replied, taking a sip of her wine.
Trix said, "Now if you don't mind my asking, Chilton is rather an expensive institution. I'm curious how the manager of an inn can afford such a luxury? Especially for two teenage girls."
Lorelai started, "Ah, well..."
"We're helping Lorelai out a little," Emily stated.
"Yes, we've seen to it that Elsie's and Rory's education is taken care of," Richard added.
"Rory's...and Elsie's Chilton expenses are temporary," Lorelai said. "It's a loan. I plan to pay them back every cent. They know this."
Trix put her fork and knife down, "That's it. I'm done, Richard. Tomorrow Elsie and Rory, I shall plan the menu. When you've lived in Europe, you learn a thing or two about food."
"Oh, we can't," Rory said, speaking for her and Elsie, trying to sell it like they've lived together most of their lives. "We're studying tomorrow. We're in a study group and our presentation is due on Monday."
"Oh, very well," Trix said. "Your mother can tell you all about it."
"I will," Lorelai said. "I promise."
Emily asked, "Won't you have dessert?"
"I once traveled to a small village in Cambodia," Trix replied. "I did not eat dessert there either."
Elsie ended up going to Stars Hollow with Lorelai and Rory, to pretend that she was living with them. She packed her bag with clothes and uniform for the rest of the weekend, since she didn't want to borrow Rory's clothes or Lorelai's. She even packed some toiletries.
She would've gone to her friends – but she didn't have any.
So Rory laid out blankets on the couch for Elsie to sleep on. After the worst shower ever, she had to sleep on the couch, which was the most uncomfortable thing she slept on.
Lorelai allowed Rory to drive the jeep to go to Chilton. Rory had made a pit stop to get doughnuts and coffee. Rory carried the doughnuts while Elsie carried the coffee into the classroom.
Louise was lying on some desks and Elsie felt bad for the desks because they didn't deserve to have Louise's butt on them.
"Hey," Rory greeted.
Madeline was surprised, "Wow, did you two bring coffee?"
"And doughnuts in the shape of clowns," Rory said. "Elsie thought they looked adorable."
"They've got hats," Elsie muttered. "How can you not think they're adorable?"
"Here is your decaf with soy milk," Rory said, handing a cup of coffee to Paris.
"Thanks," Paris said.
"You're welcome," Rory said. "Elsie and I read your doctrine and we both think that our imaginary kingdom is off to a pretty good start."
Paris seemed prideful, "Yeah?"
"Of course it'll be good start," Elsie told Rory. "This is Paris we're talking about."
"Yeah," Rory replied. "But I mean the taxes are a little high and the landowner's power should be regulated a little more."
"It was a different time back then," Paris defended her work.
"Yeah, but the fundamental human needs were the same," Rory said.
Paris started, "We're supposed to set it up within—"
"Ding, ding, ding," interrupted Louise. "No debating until I've had coffee."
"And a clown," Madeline said, handing a doughnut to Louise.
Dugray walked in, "Ladies." He paused, "Elsie, digging the short-shorts look on you."
Elsie was never going to wear short-shorts again. She pointed to the other male member of their group, "And the gentleman right over." She noticed that he had fallen asleep. Apparently he figured that he wasn't needed.
"Hi Tristan," Madeline greeted.
"Hey," Rory greeted as well.
Dugray asked, "Paris, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Oh, sure, okay," Paris said, confused.
They went outside the classroom.
Louise said, "And that is about what pray tell?"
"I don't know," Madeline said. "The project – maybe?"
"They could've talked project here," Louise said. "It's something else. Something private."
"Scandal," Madeline said.
"Maybe," Louise said.
"This is Paris we're talking about," Elsie said.
"Scandal-lite," Madeline corrected.
"All the taste, but much fewer calories," Louise said.
"We could spy," Madeline said.
"That's tacky," Elsie said.
"Yeah," Rory agreed. "We could wait for her to come back in to see if she wants us to know."
Louise said, "Those who simply wait for information to find them, spend a lot of time sitting by the phone. Those who go out and find it themselves, have something to say when it rings."
"Nietzsche?" asked Rory.
"Dawson," Louise corrected.
"I hated that guy," Elsie said. "I just wanted to punch him in his stupid looking face."
"Well, he was my next guess," Rory said.
Paris and Dugray came back into the classroom. Dugray walked somewhere else.
Louise asked, "So, what was with the confab in the hallway?"
"We're dying here," Madeline said.
"Well, Tristan, he...asked me out," Paris said.
Elsie was confused, because as far as she knew, Dugray never showed any interest in her whatsoever.
"No," Madeline said.
"My, my, my," Louise said.
"Wow, this is amazing," Madeline said. "God, I'm jealous."
"Details please," Louise pleaded. "Don't leave out anything. We want every comma, apostrophe and ampersand."
"Well, he just asked me out," Paris said.
"When?" asked Madeline.
"Tonight," Paris said.
Elsie tuned them out, until they got on topic with the group project.
Lorelai took off for the Saturday Night Dinner with Trix. She had left money on the counter and defrosted chocolate cake for them. Lorelai specifically said 'two'. Elsie almost wanted to say that Emily, Richard, and Trix weren't there, so Lorelai didn't need to try and parent her.
So, they were trying to study and eat the chocolate cake when there was a knock on the door.
Since it was Rory's house, she was the one to get up an answer the door.
"I don't know what to wear," Elsie heard Paris say.
Rory responded, "Ever?"
"On my date with Tristan," Paris responded. "I'm not trendy girl, okay? I don't haunt the boutiques hoping to find that one fabulous little top. I study and then I think about studying and then I study some more."
Rory asked, "Do you want to come in?"
Paris walked in, speaking, "I only have one lipstick at home, okay? And it's barely even a color. You put it on and it looks like you're not wearing anything which is why I liked it in the first place. But to date, you need the fabulous little top and you need a lipstick that you can actually tell you're wearing."
Rory asked, "Do you want to put that stuff down?"
Paris was talking as she put clothes that were still on hangers down, "You said once that if I ever needed to talk to anyone, I could come talk to you."
"Yes I did," Rory replied.
"Well, here I am," Paris replied. She spotted Elsie, "And what are you doing here?"
"Helping my grandparents act like my mom is taking care of me in front of my great-grandmother," Elsie explained.
Rory asked, "Okay, can I ask you a question?"
"Okay," replied Paris.
Rory asked, "Why didn't you go to Madeline or Louise about this? I mean, they seem to get that 'fabulous little top' thing."
"Oh, yeah, that they get," Paris replied. "The whole supportive 'You're going to be fine and not throw up twelve times on the way to his car' thing – that they don't get."
"Okay, let's just see what you got," Rory said.
Elsie went to go help and look.
"I brought everything just in case there was some sort of hidden potential in something that I just didn't see," Paris said. "So?"
Rory set aside a shirt, "Well, you'd be one well dressed widow."
"Forget it," said Paris. "I'm not going."
"Yes, you are. Come on now," Rory said.
Elsie asked, "Did you bring your entire wardrobe with you?"
"Yes," Paris replied.
Elsie asked, "All of it?"
"All of it except my Chilton uniform and my bat mitzvah dress which has menorahs on the collar," Paris said.
"I think I remember that," Elsie replied. She had gone to the bat mitzvah. "It was cute."
"Let's go," Rory started, going to the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Paris asked.
"To our one stop shopping store," Rory said, as she went upstairs.
Elsie followed after Paris, who followed Rory.
They went in what Elsie assumed was Lorelai's room.
Paris asked, "Is this your mother's room?"
"Yes, it is," Rory said.
"I can't wear your mother's clothes," Paris said.
"Yes, you can," Rory replied. "I do it all the time." She help up a pink blouse. "What about this?"
"My mother says the color pink makes my head look small," Paris stated.
"I think that's actually magenta," Elsie corrected.
"Okay, no pink or magenta," Rory said, putting it back.
"This whole thing is so insane," Paris stated.
Rory asked, "Why?"
Paris said, "Tristan asking me out? Why would he do that?"
Rory asked, "Why would he not do that?"
"Because he's gorgeous and experienced and only dates those most likely to become a trophy wife," Paris replied.
"Tristan would be lucky to go out with someone like you. He's not going to have to read the menu to you or explain that the dancing trash bins in the movie theater previews aren't real. It's going to be much less stressful," Rory explained.
"Summer was pretty smart," Elsie defended. "She was a cheater."
Paris said, "All these years I've hoped this would happen and now it has and I feel...I don't know. I don't have a lot of experience in the dating department. I mean, if you can't put it on your transcript, what's the point right?"
"I know," Rory said. "Before Dean, I'd never had a boyfriend. Or a kiss."
"Yeah," Paris agreed.
"I had a boyfriend and I fucked that up by trying to sexually assault him," Elsie replied bluntly with a shrug. "He rightfully dumped me."
Paris said, "Technically you and Cassian didn't break up. You're just on non-speaking terms at the moment. And he looks like he really misses you and looks miserable."
Elsie really didn't want that spark of hope. She messed things up and he should stay the hell away from her and she should stay away from him. She frowned, "Why? I tried to hurt him."
Paris gave her a pointed look, "You should talk to him."
"Why should I? I tried to sexually assault him," Elsie replied, in disbelief. "Anyway, this isn't about me, this is about you."
"Oh, yeah," Rory said, "How about this outfit?" She showed Paris a black skirt and a red and black blouse; although the red on the blouse looked like it was pinker the magenta shirt that Rory had originally picked out.
"It's okay," said Paris. Rory gave her a look, "It's great."
"Put it on," said Rory.
Paris actually seemed excited about it, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," said Rory. "Bathroom's down the hall."
Paris took off her jacket tossed it on the bed as she went to try on her outfit.
Elsie went to grab it but noticed that note cards had fallen out. She grabbed them and Rory took them from her.
Rory whispered, "She brought note cards on a date?"
"Maybe it's to study while Tristan goes to the restroom," Elsie said. "We bring books to parties. Don't judge her."
Rory went to the bathroom, "Uh, Paris. What are these cards that fell out of your jacket?"
"Oh, yeah, those are notes for tonight," Paris replied.
Rory asked, "Notes?"
"Yeah," Paris responded. "Just some reference points, really. You know subjects to bring up in case the conversation lags."
Rory said, "Well, can I suggest that you leave this one about the Spanish Inquisition out?"
"Unless you plan on launching a reenactment of the Monty Python sketch," Elsie added.
Paris added, "So, I'm guessing the Spanish Inquisition is not very romantic?"
"It is, if he's anti-Semitic," Elsie added.
There was a pause on the other side of the door, before Paris said, "Good point. Also, I'm dressed."
Rory asked, "How's it look?"
"Bad," Paris stated.
"Well, I don't really trust your opinion on that subject so come out here please," Rory stated.
"Fine, but it looks bad," Paris said. She opened the door and stepped out.
"You look great!" Rory said.
"The color of that blouse works on you, but I don't like the shirt, admittedly," Elsie said. "Hold on." She went to the living room and grabbed a gray shirt that had pink sleeves. She returned and handed the tops to Paris, "Here I think this shirt will go good with the black mini." Paris seemed annoyed, took the top and went back in the bathroom. She emerged and held out her arms.
"You look amazing," Rory told her.
"I feel weird," Paris said.
"Weird works because you look good," Elsie said.
"Really?" asked Paris. "You're not just saying that?"
"I swear to God," Rory said.
"Are you atheist?" Paris asked.
Rory seemed taken aback by the question. She asked, "Excuse me?"
"Because that affects the validity of your swearing to God," Paris pointed out.
"What she means is that you look great and we wouldn't tell you that if you didn't," Elsie told Paris.
Rory nodded.
"Okay, well if you two think if it looks okay," Paris said.
"I believe the word 'amazing' was used," Rory pointed out.
"Then I'll wear it," Paris said. "Thanks."
"Anytime," Rory said.
Elsie nodded.
"I have to go," Paris said.
"Don't forget your clothes," Elsie said.
Paris said, "You're going to hold this evening over my head for the rest of my life, aren't you?"
"Probably," Rory said.
"I won't," Elsie said. She wasn't entirely sure if she'll ever see Paris again if she transferred schools.
"Bye," said Paris.
She gathered her things and left.
Elsie looked at Rory, "Since when does Tristan like Paris enough to ask her out? I've been going to Chilton a long time. Never had he once showed any interest in Paris."
"Since I told him to ask Paris out," Rory admitted.
Elsie looked at Rory, "Let's hope that he doesn't let that slip out, because I know that Paris will never forgive you for it."
"And you should forgive yourself for what happened with Cassian," Rory said.
Elsie scoffed, "Why should I?"
"Because he forgave you," Rory replied.
Elsie asked, "How do you know?"
"The way he looks at you when you pointedly refuse to look at him," Rory said.
Elsie knew there was more to it than that. She arched an eyebrow.
"I was waiting for the bus a few days ago and he came up to me to ask if I can get you to agree to meet up with him before school, but I told him that I can't do that because you don't want to acknowledge him because you're truly upset with yourself for what happened. He told me to tell you that he forgives you," Rory admitted. "I was going to tell you that, but I know you don't want to hear it."
Honestly, that was true. She refused to hear of or speak Cassian's name. She wanted nothing to do with him or his friends because that was what she deserved. And he deserved better than her.
"You should try to talk to him," Rory told her.
Elsie asked, "If I was a guy, would you tell me that?" Rory didn't say anything, "Exactly."
Elsie found Rory sitting moodily on a bench.So Elsie joined her and asked, "What's up?"
"You were right," Rory said. "You told me Paris would hate me once she found out and now I ruined a potential friendship with her, Madeline, and Louise."
"Welcome to the Club of Screwing up Relationships," Elsie replied. They sat in silence for a moment, before she looked at Rory, "Want to be co-president?"
Rory nodded, "Sure."
A/N: The reason why I had Elsie do that because, well:
1. I wanted her to make a mistake.
2. It's for drama.
3. It's for Rory and Elsie bonding purposes.
4. Spoiler:
She actually didn't SA Cassian, she got a little pushy, but he pushed her away, but she stopped and got mad and stormed out of his room. So she thinks she tried to SA him and everyone is kind of going, "is she being for real?" So, Elsie is just overthinking it and is assuming the worst, which is why they're going, "just talk to him." Cassian figures that she should be the one to approach him first because she's avoiding him and he figures trying to corner her isn't a good idea. It's not helping because it's making Elsie overthink the situation.
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