𝟎𝟎𝟗: 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠
Richard had to go to Prague for business reasons. It was a given that he would bring Elsie back a snow globe from his visit to add to Elsie's collection.
"Your grandfather called last night and told me to let you know he's bringing you back something very special from Prague," Emily told Rory.
"Wow, Prague," Rory replied. "How amazing is it that he's going to Prague?"
Elsie was used to the travels. "It's not that amazing. He went to Switzerland last year."
"Prague is supposed to be lovely," Emly told her. "Very dramatic castles everywhere."
Rory asked, "Did you know the cell that Václav Havel was held in is now a hostel? You can stay there for like $50 a night." She turned to Lorelai who was picking at her food, "Hey, maybe on our big trip to Europe we could go to Prague and stay in his cell."
Lorelai replied, "Absolutely. And then we can go to Turkey and stay in that place from Midnight Express."
Emily noticed what Lorelai was doing, "Lorelai, what are you doing?"
"Getting rid of the avocado," Lorelai explained.
Emiy asked, "Since when do you not like avocado?"
"Since the day I said, 'Gross. What is this?' and you said 'Avocado'," Lorelai replied.
Emily focused on the two teens, "I'm focusing on you both now. Tell me about the Chilton formal next week."
Elsie had asked Cassian to the dance and he agreed. She managed to get Anthony to ask Vivian and he did and she agreed. Skye and Pepper weren't going because Pepper didn't have anyone to ask and turned down guys who asked her.
Skye's crush, Lindsay, wasn't like 'that' and turned her down, so Skye didn't want to go.
Lorelai asked, "There's a formal?"
"How do you know about the formal?" asked Rory.
Lorelai repeated for Rory, "Yeah, how do you know about the formal?"
"I go to Chilton and live here," Elsie replied, because apparently they forget she lived there and went to Chilton. "Of course I told her about it."
"And I read my Chilton newsletter," Emily added.
"Oh," Lorelai replied.
"As a major contributor to Elsie's and Rory's education, I figure I had the right to ask for a newsletter to be sent to my house," Emily replied. "I had read every issue since Elsie started Chilton. They get sent to my house." She went to get her copy.
Lorelai asked, "Are you serious?"
"I live here," Elsie replied.
"And it's a good thing too, since you don't bother to read yours. One of us should be up to date on the goings-on at the girls' school," Emily said.
"Hey, Mom, I read my newsletter," Lorelai defended, crossing her arms.
"Apparently not, since you didn't know that there was a formal," Elsie replied.
"I totally read it," Lorelai replied. "It just slipped my mind, that's all."
Emily asked, "What was the picture on the cover?" She kept the cover to her chest.
"It was a picture of a really rich kid in plaid," Lorelai said sounding uncertain.
Emily showed Lorelai the cover, "It was a spotted owl."
"In plaid," Lorelai said.
"The owls are endangered and Chilton is taking donations to help them," Emily told her. "Elsie and Rory gave a very nice one, in case you're interested."
"Thanks, Grandmother," Elsie told her.
"Mom, don't be giving donations on Rory's behalf," Lorelai said. "I'll do that."
Emily asked, "How can you do that when you don't bother to read the newsletter?"
"I read the newsletter," Lorelai said.
"You didn't know they were taking donations," Emily replied.
"It's a private school," Lorelai said. "They're always taking donations. They teach a class in it. I'll get them next time."
"They're not always taking donations and they don't have a class that teaches it," Elsie said.
Emily asked, "Well, what about the owls?"
"They'll live," Lorelai stated.
"Apparently not," Elsie replied.
"Yeah, that's why they need the donations in the first place," Emily stated.
Lorelai spoke to Rory, "So you have a formal coming up?"
"Yeah but I don't think I'm going to go," Rory replied.
"Nonsense," Emily said. "Of course you're going because Elsie's going."
"Mom, if Rory doesn't want to go she doesn't have to go," Lorelai said.
"Well, I don't understand why she wouldn't want to go. Elsie wanted to attend every formal the school has," Emily said.
"Because she's not Eloise," Lorelai replied. "I know you don't understand, but they're two separate girls with separate lives. If Rory doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to."
"I'm going to get a Coke," Rory said, grabbing her glass and getting up.
Elsie asked, "Grandmother, may I be excused?"
"You may," Emily told her and Elsie took off.
Elsie heard Emily ask, "What did you say to Rory about dances?"
"What are you doing?" Dugray asked Elsie.
"I'm like Stephen King," Elsie replied, reading Stephen King's Bag of Bones. "I love my lines."
Dugray asked, "Isn't the guy supposed to be the one buying tickets?"
"Stop shoving your unpleasant views of femininity down my throat," Elsie replied. "I do whatever the hell I want. And if that includes buying tickets, then so be it."
"I'm just saying," Dugray told her. "Are you also going to pick him up from his house to?"
"Stop shoving your psychotic 1940s view of dating down my throat," Elsie replied. "I'm so sorry I don't fit your toxic views of womanhood. I'm glad I'm not dating you because apparently you want me to leave my dignity behind."
Dugray moved onto Rory.
"I'm going to Stars Hollow to photograph Rory in her dress," Emily said. "Do you want to come along so I can get a picture of you both together?"
"No," Elsie said. "I don't think Cassian wants to go to Stars Hollow." She doubted that Rory and Dean would be happy to have the two gatecrash their primping. "If you want, I can see if Rory wants to go to the professional photographer to take our picture for you to put on the mantle."
"If you can, that would be lovely," Emily said. "I think I'll stay the night with them tonight because I don't want to drive back late."
"I don't blame you," Elsie said. "I hate driving at night."
"As do I," Emily told her. "Don't stay out to late."
"I won't," Elsie replied.
"Don't forget to lock up when you get home," Emily stated.
"I won't," Elsie replied. "I'll just lock up the doors before I get back and then double-check before I go to bed."
"There are leftovers in the fridge in case you get hungry later. There's also a banana cream pie too," Emily added.
"I know," Elsie replied.
"And don't let Cassian into your bed," Emily added.
Elsie felt her face heat up in embarrassment at that, "I won't, Grandmother."
Emily gave her a disbelieving look, "If he does somehow worm his way into your bed, make sure he has condoms."
"Grandmother," Elsie replied shocked. "We're not going to have sex."
Emily nodded in approval and left the house.
Elsie called Skye, Pepper, and Vivian to come over so Vivian and Elsie can get ready for the dance together.
Skye helped curl Elsie's hair as she applied eyeliner, eye shadow, and lip gloss. Skye sprayed Elsie with some vanilla scented body spray, "I bet this scent will drive Cass nuts."
It did smell good enough that Elsie looked at the brand to see what brand it was to buy for herself.
Pepper was helping Vivian.
"One of you should take a picture of Viv and me for my grandmother," Elsie said to Skye and Pepper.
"I'll do it," Pepper stated. She took a camera and took a picture of the two.
The dance seemed to be going good. Of course it would turn boring really fast. Sure, Elsie attended the dances, but within ten minutes of attending them, she and her friends would leave early to go out partying or the movies and return before the dance ended to make it look like they attended the whole dance.
However, she was attending the dance with her boyfriend, so this dance was different; it was more...intimate, in a way.
Cassian asked, "So, we're going to get our picture taken, have one dance or two, and get the hell out, right?"
Vivian said, "We should eat first." They went to sit at a table.
"We'll just end up leaving in ten minutes like always," Anthony stated.
Vivian asked, "How about we make it twenty minutes and then we'll ditch and go to some place that has better food and head to Skye's place?"
"Sounds better," Anthony replied.
"All right," Elsie said and Cassian nodded.
Elsie spotted Rory and a tall guy next to her. She almost grimaced at remembering what she promised her grandmother. "I'll be right back; I remembered something I promised my grandmother."
She went over to Rory and the guy she was with.
"That sounds good," the guy said.
Rory looked stunned while Elsie tried to figure out what the hell threw crap at the back of her sister's head. Rory's dress was okay but too plain. Maybe if there were designs on it, it would've been pretty.
"Eloise, hi," Rory said, eyes wide.
"Hi," Elsie replied. "Our grandmother wants us to get our picture together."
"Yeah, she mentioned that," Rory replied. The guy was looking between them confused. She must've noticed it, "Oh, Dean, this is my sister, Eloise. Eloise, this is my...Dean."
"Oh, so this is the twin sister," Dean said, "Nice to finally meet you."
"Likewise," Eloise replied, really looking at him. He wasn't rich, that much she can tell. The lack of wealth was probably made up in tallness though.
"I'm surprised that you're not wearing heels," Dean replied.
Elsie glanced down at the lavender flats she wore, "I don't want to tower over my boyfriend. It'll just be a little weird."
"Oh, that's Cassian," Rory said. "He's the headmaster's son."
Dean gave Cassian a head nod.
"He's my boyfriend," Elsie replied. She did notice how Rory said 'My...Dean' like they hadn't had the whole 'boyfriend-girlfriend' talk yet.
Madeline and Louise came up to them. Elsie decided to take that as her cue to leave, so that's what she did. She headed to the table, but Anthony and Vivian were attached at the mouth.
"That didn't take long," Elsie stated.
Cassian rubbed his eyes, "God, it's like watching my sister make out with my best friend."
"Well, we can dance if you want. So, you don't have to see that," Elsie replied, looking at anything but that.
"Yeah, let's dance," Cassian replied. They went to the other students who were dancing.
Things did go well, so far...
Elsie did get her picture taken with Rory.
Everything was going great. They got a few dances in. Elsie and Vivian danced together a few times, while Anthony and Cassian watched.
"We can leave and crash at Skye's place. We might be able to watch a movie or so," Vivian said.
"I probably should get home," Elsie said. "I have to make sure everything is locked up."
Paris was yelling at Rory, "Now you can just go all over the school and just tell everybody that Paris Geller couldn't get a date to the dance. That she had no one and since she couldn't just not come, she had to get her mother to ask her cousin Jacob to take and then she had to give him gas money to make him do it. Go ahead! Tell them!"
"That's just sad," Vivian said as they made their way through the crowd to go get their coats from the coat check, however, they ended up getting blocked by Tristan and Dean. It looked like Dean was trying to step away from Dugray, but the blond boy got in Dean's path.
"And this night just keeps getting more awkward," Anthony muttered.
"Get out of my way, Dristan," Dean demanded.
Dugray replied, "Oh, aren't you clever?"
Elsie and her friends had to go a different path to avoid that drama.
Cassian pulled up to the Gilmore house and Elsie messed with the edge of her dress, "I want you to come inside with me."
Cassian turned the car off and followed her inside the house. "Worried that someone broke in?"
"Kind of," Elsie replied. "I just don't want to be alone tonight." Something about being alone in the house bothered her. She was never home alone before. A mouse farting would suddenly be too loud and dark corners would suddenly hold a serial killer... How did Skye deal with sleeping in her home alone? Maybe that was why she threw parties...
"Sure, I'll be the meat shield when you throw me at the serial killer to defend yourself," Cassian joked as Elsie looked to see if the doors were locked. Elsie called her grandmother to let her know that she got home okay. They went to the kitchen so Elsie can get them something to drink. She didn't want anything alcoholic, so hot chocolate it was.
Elsie laughed at that as she warmed up some milk in a pot, "I wouldn't do that. I would at least use you as a hostage. I need to show them that I'm not in here with them, they're in here with me."
Cassian laughed, "This turned into a black comedy horror movie."
"I would like to see that movie. It'll probably suck, though," Elsie replied. She poured hot chocolate mix into some mugs.
"It probably would and have some overacting," Cassian said.
Elsie giggled, "Yeah. I hope it'll be like When a Stranger Calls."
"Just without the Law & Order crap in the middle though. I can do without that shit. I watch that crap when my mom does, because she eats it up," Cassian said.
Elsie laughed, "Yeah, the first twenty minutes are a horror movie, an episode of Law & Order in the middle, and then the last ten minutes is the continuation of that horror movie."
"The true horror is how that movie made you feel every millisecond of that ninety-seven minutes long movie," Cassian said.
"We should watch it," Elsie replied.
"We should," Cassian said.
Elsie finished making them mugs of hot chocolate and went to find the movie.
After getting back from Lorelai's, Emily was still mad over what happened. So, she was fully prepared to barge into Elsie's room to see what state she and the Charleston boy were in. However, when Emily opened the door, they weren't in there. In a bit of a panic, she looked in the rest of the rooms but they weren't in there. Maybe they went to a motel after she called, but that didn't sound like her.
She finally found them in the media room. Elsie was asleep on the couch under a blue fleece blanket and Cassian was sleeping on the floor with a red fleece blanket. There was a bowl of popcorn and mugs on the coffee table right next to a small stack of Marlon Brando movies and When a Stranger Calls.
She gathered the mugs and the popcorn when Elsie seemed to stir. She looked at Emily, "We didn't—"
"I know, dear," Emily replied. "Just go back to sleep."
Elsie fell back asleep.
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