Chapter 28
Sup you lot! Here be another chappie! It's been all fluff for a while, so now down to some serious mindfucking twaddle! Hope you enjoy... >:3
-Seto's POV-
To say I was nervous to start school again would be an understatement.
I was absolutely shitting myself!!
Since all that happened that day at the precinct, word got out that I killed someone.
I got up reluctantly on Monday morning, Brice joining me for a PG shower - no funky monkey before school, that's the rule. Hey that rhymed.
After we both showered I went to my room and picked out some clothes. I put them on and sat on my bed, tears forming in my eyes. All the while I was getting dressed, the doubts and fears were crawling back into my mind.
Everyone would know, they'd all be whispering about me and staring at me and oh god the looks of pure hate I'd get. I stood up, blindly stumbling to the door.
I was on the verge of a panic attack, when there was a knock on my door, and Brice walked in, a gentle smile on his face. He'd been doing so much better, and was back to his normal, caring self.
I stared at him with big shining eyes, silently hoping he'd catch on and let us ditch today. He noticed my expression and sighed coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, hugging me tight.
I held onto his shoulders and kept him close, not wanting to let go, ever.
"Hey, baby, it's gonna be fine." Brice whispered, pulling away, hands firmly on my hips, tracing his thumb along the pale skin there soothingly.
I looked into his eyes desperately, and a small tear ran down my face. I swiped it away angrily, looking at the ground. Brice's fingers froze, and he lifted his hands to cup my cheeks, ducking down slightly so he was looking into my eyes.
I was instantly drawn into those beautiful ocean blue orbs, so much love and concern and determination shining through, I was almost drowning in them.
A small smile played on his lips as he stroked my cheek, our foreheads pressed together, and I felt more tears begin to fall. Brice frowned for a second, wiping away the fresh tears.
"Hey, hey, none of that now mister. I'm gonna stand by you all day, and if I can't you'll still have Merome and Skylox."
I giggled slightly when he mentioned our friends 'ship' names he had come up with one night, while we were goofing off on Skype with them, hyped up on Red Bull, and I sniffled, nodding my head slightly.
Brice smiled again, and pecked my lips over and over, making me blush as I tried to suppress more giggles.
"Come on baby, I know it's in there! I'll tickle you, I swear! Come on, let's hear that little laugh of yours!" he muttered between kisses, grinning like a fool. Well, he was a fool. My fool.
He continued peppering my face with kisses, and I couldn't hold it in anymore, letting out a squeak, followed by a small fit of giggles, flinging my arms around Brice's shoulders as he spun me around.
Once I landed on the ground, I grinned looking at his huge beam. His smile was perfect, and he rubbed our noses together.
"There it is!" he sang, chuckling, kissing me long and deep. I smiled into the kiss, closing my eyes.
After he pulled back we just stood there for a moment, relaxing in each other's arms. Eventually Brice checked his watch, and sighed, hesitantly untangling himself from me.
He pouted and huffed, running his hand through his blonde quiff. "We gotta get going soon babe, it's almost 08:00."
My heart sank and I stood up, picking up my school bag and slinging it over my shoulder. After hastily brushing my teeth, I stood by the front door , waiting for Brice.
He emerged from the kitchen, carrying his rucksack and a brown paper bag. He held it up, walking towards the door with a half smile.
"Breakfast." he simply stated, and we both headed out, walking down the stairs to the carpark. They really needed to install a lift in this place.
We reached Brice's car and got in, munching on the peanut butter sandwiches Brice made, before starting the car. Brice was nervously gripping the steering wheel, while I fiddled with one of my long sleeves.
I bit my lip and looked out of the window as we were driving, the anxiety building in my stomach painfully. I timidly reached out a hand, taking Brice's in mine.
He kept looking at the road, but squeezed my hand reassuringly as we pulled up at school. By now I was taking deep breaths, my body shaking so much my vision was blurred.
Brice cut the engine and I felt myself being pulled onto his lap, straddling him so I was looking into his eyes. He cradled me to his chest in a protective hug, stroking the back of my head.
"I promise you Seto, nothing bad will happen. It'll be old news by next week. Just try and ignore them babe." he whispered in my ear, kissing my temple.
I let out a shaky breath, before sitting up, trying to make myself brave. You can do this Seto, you'll be fine. I am Seto, hear me rawr! Come on get it together.
I climbed off Brice's lap and opened the door, putting on my best calm face I could muster. I've had years of practice doing this so it came to me easily. Sad.
I took Brice's hand and he gave my hand another firm squeeze, casting a loving smirk my way. I gave him a weak smile as we walked up to the school doors, nervous as hell.
Huh, kinda reminds me of the time when we were first dating and came out to the school. Ah, memories. School, thou art a bitch.
Brice pushed open the doors and we walked in. I held my head up high, trying to ignore the wide-eyed stares and whispers.
"Hey, is that the guy from the news?"
"That dudes insane, he shot a guy!"
"Why the hell is that psycho not locked up?!"
"I heard he just stood there and laughed."
"I bet his boyfriend helped."
Each of these remarks hit me like daggers, making me cringe as I walked by. I was used to insults and dirty looks, but this felt different.
These comments were spat out in pure malice, and they didn't even know the story. About me, what I've been through, what I'm still going thought.
Brice groomed and held me closer to him, walking slightly in front of me protectively. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block them all out as Brice guided me forward.
He came to a halt, and I peeked my eyes open, to see him standing in front of our classroom. He caressed my cheek and planted a lingering kiss on my forehead, his slow breaths tickling my hair.
"Don't listen to them love. They don't know shit. Be strong Seto." he whispered, taking my hand tightly in his. I grasped it tightly so he reached out to the door handle. It really is like déjà vu here.
He pushed open the door and I could hear the excited chatter in the room fall silent. Brice tugged my hand, and I took a deep breath, masking my emotions as we walked in, heading to our seats. Even the teacher looked at us shocked.
I glanced at Brice, and he looked back at me, smiling, although it didn't reach his eyes. He was nervous too. I looked around the class, to find a surprising mix of emotions on everyone's faces.
Shock, anger, confusion, disgust, fear.
Then, my eyes landed on someone I didn't want to see. Chase stared back, a blank expression on his face. He helped cause all this. The creep got the gun form him, he was the one who hurt me and countless others, including Mitch.
I looked away coldly, staring at the whiteboard. Almost seconds later, everything returning to normal. People were chatting among themselves, and the teacher was writing up some crap to do with equilibrium, but the only thing I noticed was Brice's hand, perfectly sitting in mine on the table.
He rested his head on my shoulder, and I could feel the smile on his face. "See? Not so bad." he murmured, kissing my neck. I giggled and nodded, twining our fingers together.
I picked up a pencil, holding Brice's hand still - thank god I'm left handed - and wrote on the desk in front. 'Not bad at all :)' Brice erased the message and took my other hand, holding them both to his lips and kissing them.
I smiled and nuzzled him, closing my eyes. I think today's gonna be ok.
-Brice's POV-
First three periods went by smoothly. There were of course the states and whispers, but after the initial incident this morning, things were going good.
The only thing that annoys me is having to see Chase Matthews everywhere I go. I needed to confront him about the gun. He's obviously in deep with that nut job, we needed to know.
I think the closure of finally knowing what happened to his parents will help Seto, maybe even... maybe even enough to get him to speak again.
The lunch bell rang, and I pulled Seto towards the cafeteria, searching around for Chase. Seto nudged me, and pointed out the window.
I followed his gaze and saw Chase outside by a tree, alone. Perfect.
I looked to Seto, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "It's now or never baby. This is our only chance!"
He paused for a moment, before nodding, heading with me outside. We turned the corner, and walked up to Chase, who was smoking a cigarette behind a wide oak tree.
He was deep in thought, until his eyes flicked to us. That blank look from earlier returned, and he simply flicked a little ash to the ground, exhaling the white smoke.
"I know why you're here." he said in a monotone voice, taking another drag from his cigarette. Seto and he were staring at each other, their aura colours shining through their eyes, almost like a duel.
After a minute of silence, Chase sighed, slight irritation in his voice, and ran a hand through his slick hair.
"I had business with that guy, Derek, and I owed him. He said he needed a gun so I got him one. I didn't know you were one of his targets."
He took another drag, before dropping the spent cigarette butt and crushing it under his foot. Seto frowned and I gritted my teeth.
"What do you mean you didn't know? You're obviously hiding something about him and his past. How the hell did you get involved? Tell me or I swear to god-"
Chase cut me off with a dismissive hand. He looked at me, and for once he looked miserable. His stony, cruel eyes were dull, and he seemed to have aged in the last minute.
He sighed and leaned against the tree, closing his eyes. "I know what he did. And I know why." he mumbled, opening his eyes and looking at Seto.
Seto froze, eyes wide, purple flames slowly creeping from his body. Chase clenched his jaw, but continued.
"Derek was a Mage. A pretty powerful one at that. When he turned twenty one, he found his powers, and... They consumed him. He changed. He grew darker and more evil, going against the code and using his powers for evil. One day he snapped, and went on a rampage, killing a couple of humans. The Council turned to your parents for help, and stop him. They captured him, and he was stripped of his powers and forced out of his family's coven. He was pissed obviously. He planned to avenge himself, so one night, he went to your house with a knife and... well, you know the rest."
He paused, looking at us for a reaction. I was stunned, opening and closing my mouth like a goldfish. I whipped around and glanced at Seto.
He was frozen, a stoic look on his face. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but closed it again. I shook my head to clear my brain and stared at Chase.
"H-how...?" I stuttered out, barely able to form words. Chase looked at me, a pained look on his face.
"He was my brother."
Oh em jee! That plot just took a u turn bitch! ;) How's Seto gonna react to this? Hope you enjoyed this one, Luvs yas bubs! Laika out.
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