Chapter Thirteen: I'm Ready

"Lindsey, I don't know what I'm supposed to say! Like do I start off with a little speech or do I just go for it? I'm so confused!" I complained to Lindsey. I had called her right after I got home. I explained everything that has been going on to her and she didn't know what to say.
"Michael, I really wish I could help. But, Gavin's not a girl so I have no idea what he would want," Lindsey told me. I groaned and leaned back on the couch.
"Why don't you ask Ray?" Lindsey asked. I sighed.
"Because, I haven't told him about any of this and he's probably upset that I haven't talked to him since he left," I told her.
"Well, maybe now would be a good time," Lindsey told me. I groaned and told her bye and hung up.
I went through my contacts and found Ray's. I pressed it and called him. I was actually kinda nervous to talk to him. I haven't spoken to him since he left.
"Hello?" Ray answered. God, it was good to hear his voice.
"Hey Ray," I said.
"Michael? Oh my god it is you! What up? I haven't talked to you since I left," Ray said. I sighed and put him on speaker so I could grab my Xbox controller.
"I know. Anyway, I need some advice," I told him.
I explained everything to him. From my one night stand which Gavin to the last kiss I shared with him in the car. Ray was a good listener, only giving input when needed. I forgot how nice it was to have a best friend to talk to whenever you needed one. I mean, yeah, Gavin was my best friend, but after I developed feelings for him it just hasn't been the same.
"So, you and Gavin are, like... A thing now?" He asked me.
"Well, going to be. I want to ask him to be my boyfriend but I have no idea how I'm supposed to ask him," I told Ray.
"Wait, so Mavin is real?" Ray asked. Here we go again...
"Yes, Ray. Mavin is real," I told him. I heard scream into the phone and I laughed at his enthusiasm.
"I knew it would happen! I told everyone it would! Fuck yeah!" Ray celebrated.
"Ray, help," I reminded him.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. Anyway, I think you should start off how you feel about him. Gavin's already admitted to you so I think you should return the favor. Once you do that, slowly work your way to asking him, and then he'll give his answer and then you'll be golden," Ray told me. I smiled and sighed.
"Thank you, Ray," I told him.
"Anytime, Mi-cool," Ray mocked. I laughed and we talked a little more about random things. Ray eventually told me he had to go and I did too since it was going on midnight.
I went to bed and Mavrick jumped up and curled up next to me. I pet him while I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling extremely nervous. I sighed and got up and started getting ready for work. I fed Mavrick and grabbed an apple and left for work.
I sat in my car for a good ten minutes before I finally got the courage to get out and go into the building. I greeted random people I saw in the hallways and walked up the stairs to the office.
Most of the guys were already there. Gavin looked back at me and smiled and I returned the smile. I sat at my desk and started setting up for the VS between Jack and I.
After the VS, I edited it, and posted it. By then it was going on lunch and I quickly shut off my computer and headed out. I went back to my apartment and grabbed a snack and made sure Mavrick was okay.
When I was heading back, I felt a sudden wave of nausea come over me. At first I thought it was nothing, just nervousness. As I headed into the building I realized this nausea thing wasn't gonna go away. So, I just did what I always did. Forgot about it and moved on.
When I went into the office, I sat down and instantly grabbed some medicine. It probably wasn't gonna help at all but it was worth a shot. Gavin gave me a concerned look but I just waved him off.

The day went by so slowly after that. The nausea went away but it was still sitting in my stomach. I also noticed how exhausted I was becoming for no apparent reason. I, again, shrugged that off and just continued to work.
Everyone packed up to leave. I looked over at Gavin and sent him a text telling him to stay late. He gave me a confused look but none the less stayed. Here goes nothing.
Once the guys left I got up and gave Gavin a note telling him to meet me on the roof in five minutes. He, once again, gave me a confused look but I just left the office.
I sat up on the roof, dangling my legs over the edge. Yeah, it was dangerous. Yeah, I'd probably get in trouble for it. But, I could honestly care less. It was sunset and nobody would be able to see me unless the looked up at me.
I heard the door to the roof open and I knew Gavin was there. I looked behind me and smiled at him, beckoning him to come closer. Gavin came over and sat next to me, copying my position.
"What did you need?" Gavin asked me. I smiled and grabbed his hand. I curled my fingers around his and I felt myself blushing.
"Gavin, you know I really like you, right?" I asked him. Gavin smiled and nodded.
"Well, I've come to terms with my feelings, and I've realized that I really think I'm ready for another relationship. With you," I told him. Gavin blushed and smiled.
"So, Gavin. Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him. Gavin smiled and nodded quickly. I wrapped my arms around him, careful to move us so we didn't end up falling. I hugged him as tightly as I could and when I pulled back, we shared a long and passionate kiss.
Yep, I'm ready for this.
Sorry for the short chapter but I feel like I've been spamming this story with chapters. Like I literally only have 6 more chapter written for this and they're kinda terrible. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying. Please leave feedback and tell me if you're enjoying!

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