Chapter 10: Deep Waters
Copyright © jasminedarcie
All Rights Reserved
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner or language whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.
Edit: Please follow me on twitter to not miss out on behind the scenes of writing this story. Also you can provide me feedback on Twitter as well. Please follow me @JasmineDarcie .(
UPDATE: 6,000 VIEWS! Woah, I didn't expect this at all everyone. I love you all so much and please do keep reading and commenting. I love hearing what you think about the story and characters. I get fuel from your comments. Also, I get fuel from your readings as well :) It's a win win both ways. I will be updating this book soon and will continue to give frequent updates this year. Will publish a writer's note when I have written half of next chapter. I am just a very slow writer. It takes me an hour to writer small portions of the chapters, but I will be resilient and aim to publish more frequently. Thank you so much :D !!! Also, if possible, please spread the word to other readers as well about this book. Thank you :)
Hello everyone :) Thank you so much for waiting patiently and being committed to reading this novel. I read all of your comments and I am so sorry for not replying to them and messages because I have been very busy. I am so sorry for the late update, but I was applying for further studies for the past few months which is why I was not able to update. Now in the future, I will likely be updating more often. This story is long and will not end soon as I have many plot lines to offer.
Please do read this chapter and let me know what you think. Please feel free to give any critiques and let me know if you liked the chapter. I have published this chapter after a long time, so please let me know if I still have my writing ability and not have lost it. Also, if possibly please do spread the word about this story to others as well. Thank you for giving 5K views to my story.
NOTE: I will be publishing a new story very soon! It is my first work of independent fiction. The preview of this story is at the end of this chapter. Please let me know if you would like to read it :)
Thank you for all the love you have given to this story.
P.S. I added songs to each of the sections of the story and feel free to listen to them as they along well with the sections. Please let me know if you are ok with me adding songs and if you like the song choice. Also, feel free to suggest your choice of songs that I could add to the story :) Thank you so much :)
Shivaay's Point of View
The smell of black coffee filled up my senses as I took a deep breath as I twirled the coffee around in my mug quickly. I took a sip of bitterness that exactly reflected my mood. I sighed as I took another sip trying to take in the morning sunrise that eclipsed into the kitchen.
Is she going to come today? I mean she should right? It is her best friend's wedding...But, why am I thinking about her and worrying whether she will show up or not? It shouldn't matter to me. I mean why should it matter?
Closing my eyes shut, the image of her last night suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. The vision of her in that lehenga and that teasing smile on her face. The way she carried herself and that hint of shyness...why is she getting to me so much? Why is that image on a loop in my head? I shook the thought out of my head as I ran my hand through my hair as I sighed and walked out of the kitchen.
"You ok?" I quickly turned around to see Omkara as he crossed his arms and looked at me.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why are you asking?" I asked curiously as he walked up to me.
"I don't know. You just seem a bit aloof these days. I mean you are aloof in general, but these days you don't even act rudely to anyone. Are you sure everything is fine?" Omkara questioned.
He was correct. I was more aloof than I usually was and even I cannot tell why. Something is eating me inside and I don't what it is. For some reason, my mind keeps thinking of her these days. Thinking about our moments that we spent with one another ever since we met each other. These days my mind is only stuck at that train of thought and is not willing to let it go.
"Yes, everything is fine. You know how stressful business can be," I said as Omkara smiled and patted my shoulder.
"Of course, and that is why I decided to open my own start up to avoid pressures to maintain a legacy company," Omkara said as I rolled my eyes at him.
"Anyways, let's get going huh? It is Priyanka's haldi today and it is our duty as her brothers to ensure everything is done correctly alright?" Omkara said as I shook my head as I took a last sip of my coffee and placed it on the counter.
I felt a sudden bump into my back as I quickly turned around only to notice it was her.
My breath stopping for a second as I took in her vision. Glowing in orange as she fixed her the bottom of her sharara and held up the sequencing dupatta on her shoulder. Her eyes shifting up towards me awkwardly as she held a plate of flowers in her hands.
"Um..sorry..."Anika mumbled as she took a step away from me as I pretended to be annoyed and mask a sense of attraction I was feeling while looking at her.
"Whatever. What are you doing here so early?" I asked as she looked at me a bit confused as she raised her eyebrows.
"It's my best friend's haldi. I should be here early and help with the preparations," She noted defensively as she rolled her eyes and looked away at me.
God, this attitude of hers. It always annoyed me whenever she showed this attitude towards me. This attitude was always an indication of frustration she felt towards someone.
"Stop making that face," I ordered as I pointed my finger at her.
"What face?" She said innocently as I threw her a glare before grabbing on her wrist.
Her eyes widening as she tried to loosen her grip as I tightened it around the set of her bangles.
"What are you doing?! Stop it!" She exclaimed as I pulled her closer towards me.
"Nothing. I am doing nothing, but warning you to stop behaving in such manner with alright?! I hate it when someone shows me this attitude? Ok? Now how about you get lost?" I said as I let go of her wrist as she looked me with a certain amount of tears in her eyes.
Why do I find so much satisfaction in treating her in such manner? I shouldn't. I mean what am I turning into? Why am I mad at her? Is it because of Armaan or...? God, I cannot even think right now.
I quickly walked away leaving her behind.
Anika's Point of View
What is wrong with him? Why is he treating me in such manner? I mean doesn't he have any decency regarding how guests should be treated? I thought as I looked back at my wrist that appeared a bit red. What did I even do wrong? I mean I just rolled my eyes at him and I was justified to do considering how horrible his attitude is and he totally deserved this level of rudeness from me.
Whatever, I am just going to ignore him today and attempt to enjoy the function.
Two Hours Later
Anika's Point of View
A small smile appeared on my face as I looked at Priyanka all decked up in a lime green and blue lehenga as she smiled and looked at me.
"How do I look?" Priyanka asked as she placed on a pink colored dupatta on her head.
"Amazing as always," I replied smiling as Gauri also smiled and grabbed open a large red handwoven pulkari as I grabbed hold on to the other edge of the pulkari and waved up the long drape above Priyanka's head. Priyanka's cousins headed way as they all took a hand at holding up the pulkari over Priyanak's head as we proceeded down the long porch steps.
Priyanka smiled proudly walking down the long pair of steps as we laughed and chattered along as we made our way towards the large yellow, pink and white draped tent where a large wall made of colorful flowers stood.
I fixed my dupatta as I handed over the pulkari to Pinky aunty and stood on the side as dadi began to do an aarti on Priyanka. I sighed as I waved my dupatta on my face as I felt the heat of the scorching sun get to me as I placed it on the side of my face trying to block sunlight.
"Looking beautiful," My ears shot up as I quickly turned around realizing it was Armaan who looked ahead at Priyanka smiling. I gave him a curious look as I looked away towards Priyanka.
"Yes, Priyanka is looking beautiful," I noted as I fixed my hair to the side and looked ahead as Pinky aunty placed the small paste of haldi, a mixture turmeric and honey, on Priyanka's face.
"She is looking beautiful, but so are you," Armaan remarked as my eyes widened as I turned towards him and noticed a small flirtatious smile on his face. I bit my lip nervously as I didn't know how to react. It was odd to have a stranger compliment me. I shook my head back and forth as I looked at Armaan as he smiled.
"Um...I...don't know what to say," I replied as Armaan smiled and back towards me.
"Something would be nice."
"Look I don't know you well enough to acknowledge your compliment," I replied as I looked towards him.
"Then try to get to know me," Armaan replied as I smiled lightly and looked away.
"It is hard for me to get to know people," I said as looking toward Priyanka as Pinky aunty rubbed her cheeks with haldi.
"I can make it easier for you to know me. Perhaps, a small lunch?" Armaan questioned smiling as I raised my eyebrow at him. Is he asking me out? Wait, what is happening? I tried to clear my head out as I looked at him quite a bit taken back. I felt my chest feel heavy as I took a deep breath. In that moment I could only think about Shivaay. For some reason, he just appeared in my mind as my memories with him rekindled. I sighed as I looked towards him and shook my head.
"I should go," I muttered as I quickly turned on the small heel of my flats and moved my way through the crowd as I tried to catch my breath. I kept taking deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down realizing I was indeed going to a state of panic for no reason at all. What is happening to me? I thought as I fixed my dupatta and began fast walking down the long green lawn.
I felt a tight grip on my wrist as my body swiftly turned around. My eyes widened as I felt my state of panic beginning to consume me and my thoughts as my hands began shaking as I looked up at Shivaay.
"Are you ok?" Shivaay asked in an unfamiliar, softened voice as I felt my dupatta as sliding again down my shoulders.
"I don't know....I don't know...." I whispered as I continued to shake nonstop as Shivaay grabbed hold of both of my hands and began rubbing them lightly.
"You are having a panic attack aren't you?" Shivaay asked as I looked up at him gazing into his bright blue eyes. How can he latch on to his instincts and in a second determine that I was in a state of panic. How can he just do that? Such thoughts blurred my mind as I tried to calm myself down.
"Here come inside," Shivaay said as he grabbed my hand and began walking up the porch steps. For some reason, I followed him without any argument as in that moment I only wanted to get away from the crowd of guests, music and the awful humidity that I felt increase in intensity as I stood longer outside.
"Come in here," Shivaay said as he pulled on to my hand tightly as we walked into the large living area that was seemingly empty of any guests.
I sighed and took deep breaths as I grabbed a seat on the small sofa next to the patio doors. I tried to calm myself down against the coolness of the AC as I grabbed my dupatta and waved it against my face. Sweat lightly tricking on my face as I wiped it with my dupatta and tried to calm myself down. My eyes tried to follow traces of Shivaay as I realized he had disappeared.
Quickly looking around I tried to find him as I realized in this moment of utter anxiety, the only person who would understand me the most would be him. He knew how to handle me and how to calm my nerves whenever I was in a state of panic. Gosh, why I am becoming so dependent on his presence, I was never like this before he came back in my life.
A small crystal glass appeared in front of me as I looked up and realized it was Shivaay. His face showing an unfamiliar concern as he pushed the glass towards me. I felt my hands shake as I quickly grabbed hold of the glass and downed the cool water down my throat as I felt his hand on my back as he tried to calm me down.
"Are you ok? Hm...Anika?" Shivaay asked as I shook my head lightly as I handed him the glass as he looked towards me.
"What happened? Why the sudden panic?" He questioned as my eyes shot up as I flashbacked to the moment when the panic set in. That moment when Armaan asked me out on a small date likely triggered a stir of emotions inside of me. Emotions linked to memories with Shivaay that somehow did not want to part from me. I sighed as I realized that perhaps that might have been the trigger for the sudden set of anxiety or maybe it was all the work-related stress I was going through from the previous days. Who knows? All I know is that I have to calm myself down and ensure Priyanka's haldi goes well and is not disrupted by my issues.
"I don't know," I replied quietly as I felt the closeness between us.
His shoulder lightly pressing on my arm as the edge of my dupatta laid on the lap of his creame colored kurta. My bangles clinking loudly and catching on to his ears as I pulled my dupatta away from him and placed it on my lap. His eyes shot up as he looked at my hands playing nervously against the dupatta as I tried to move an inch away from him. Suddenly, I felt his hand clasping on to the small pair of my hands as my eyes widened at his sudden daringness. I looked up at him in curiousity as he took a deep breath and looked at me.
"We need to talk about something important," He muttered as I raised my eyebrow at him. Talk about what? I mean what is there to talk about? I thought as I looked at him.
"I saw you with Armaan and I want you to know to stay away from him."
My eyes widened a bit taken aback from the sudden comment. What does he mean to stay away from him? What does he think of me?
"What do you mean? What are you trying to say?" I questioned with a sense of anger appearing inside of me as I tried to slip my hands away from his hand, but the weight of hand overbearing mines' and not willing to let them go.
"You know what I mean. I saw you both yesterday. The way you two were dancing. Huh? And then today...the way you were talking so close to each other at the Haldi. I am not stupid Anika," His voice slipping from clenched teeth.
My eyes shot up towards his face. His eyes bloody and narrowed as his face reddened. He appeared furious as the grip of his hand tightened on mines'. I shook my head as I threw it up in the air. Is he jealous? I thought as I felt my hair slip back as I looked towards him.
"I cannot believe what you just said. How can you think of me in such way. After all we have been through. I know we're...."I took a pause as I tried to avoid the word "divorce". My eyes wandered down to his hand that was clasped on mines'.
"All the time we've spent together and you think I would go around and...? I cannot even say the word that you are thinking right now. I guess you really don't know anything about me huh?" I whispered as silence approached us. I felt the wind blow lightly as I tightened my fists and slipped my hands away from his with disgust.
"I didn't mean-"
"Oh please...please don't try to cover up yourself ok?" I rolled my eyes as I pushed his hand away and got up fixing my dupatta.
"Hey...just listen to me once," Shivaay said as he grabbed a hold on to my dupatta as if he was trying to hold onto a piece of me.
"Don't do that. Please, don't," I whispered as I stared my dupatta entwined around his thumb. He sat still as he looked up at me. His eyes oddly glistening as if he was trying to hold on to me.
"Why do you make everything so hard? Why?" He mumbled as I took a deep breath and shook my head.
"Why mumble? Why can't you just say what you feel out loud?" I said smirking lightly. I am tired. Tired of hearing his nonsense, that is never genuine, but attempts to poke at my feelings.
Grabbing a hold of the edge of my dupatta, I pulled it away from him.
"Don't you dare do that again. Do you understand? You have no right," I replied sternly as Shivaay sighed and looked at me.
"Also, don't tell me who I should talk to and shouldn't. You are nobody to me. Alright?" I announced as his eyes widened a bit taken back as he looked at me.
"You cannot talk to me in such manner," Shivaay announced as he halted me in my steps.
"We're not at work, so I can," I replied smugly as I threw him.
I stood still as I took a deep breath and crossed my arms as I felt his eyes standing still on me. The wind whistling through the open window as the curtain waved back and forth unaware of the chaotic emotions present in the depths of the heart.
Shivaay sighed loudly as he placed his hand on his mouth as he threw his head up in the air and looked at me.
"Why are you making everything so complicated?"
"You created this web Shivaay. I am only trying to escape it," I whispered as I smiled remembering the destruction he had created in my life.
I grabbed a hold of my dupatta with my heels tapping lightly on the floor as I walked out towards the patio. I felt his presence hover around me as he got up and followed me out.
"What's happening here?"
A bit taken aback I looked up and noticed it was Gauri looking at us curiously trying to take in the set of emotions we had embroiled ourselves in.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," I mumbled as I looked back towards Shivaay whose eyes were set straight. He appeared dazed and out of reality. It was unusual of him. He never ever acted in such manner.
"Everyone's out there celebrating, but you two were in here. Is everything ok?" Gauri questioned as she appeared to be determined to make us spill out the truth.
"Um...nothing. I...just wanted to get some fresh air, so I came here," I replied as I moved my eyes away from her trying to avoid her gaze and be caught in my lie.
"Anyways, Shivaay bhai and Anika, please come and put haldi on Priyanka's face. You both are the only ones left." I shook my head as Gauri smiled at me and led me down towards the large tent.
Shivaay only a few footsteps behind us as he attempted to leave a space. The music boomed loudly as Priyanka giggled with her friends as they placed haldi on her. I smiled as I saw her in a state of happiness and joy. She is so lucky. Lucky to have found the love of her life that is able to set such a glow on her face. I remember how once I had that glow on my face too...when I loved Shivaay.
My eyes quickly took off in Shivaay's direction as he kneeled down in front of Priyanka and got a small piece of Haldi. He lightly smiled as he placed the haldi on her forehead and then her nose playfully as Priyanka giggled and rolled her eyes.
"I wish you all the happiness Priyanka. I wish you get the piece of happiness that fate has written for me," Shivaay said smiling as Priyanka shook her head.
"Come, Anika and put some haldi on Priyanka's face," Pinky aunty whispered to me as I smiled and took a step closer to Priyanka standing right behind Shivaay.
"Why would you say that Shivaay bhai? I would never ask for your set of happiness. You deserve all the happiness that fate has written for you," Priyanka announced as she held Shivaay's hand in her owns.
"If I deserve it," Shivaay replied as Priyanka raised her eyebrow at him as Shivaay placed his hand on her head.
"Oh no Aryan! What have you done?" I looked back and saw Aryan had taken the last remaining piece of haldi and smeared it across his face. The yellow paste all over the five-year old's face as he resembled a sunflower paired with his golden sherwani. Gauri clearly frustrated with her five-year old's deed.
Bursting into laughter, I placed my hand on my mouth as I took a seat next to Priyanka.
"Oh my God Aryan! You are too much!" Priyanka said laughing as I laughed and looked back at Shivaay as he appeared dazed with his eyes standing still on my face. He appeared a bit goofy as he slightly smiled as his eyes wandered across the details of my face. I felt my cheeks slowly burning as I looked away trying to avoid his gaze.
"Oh God, Anika. I really wanted you to give your blessings to me, but look the haldi is all finished," Priyanka said holding my hand.
"It's ok Priyanka. You will always be in my blessings," I replied as I smiled at her.
"Don't worry Anika. Look Shivaay has some haldi remaining on his hands," Dadi said as she looked at Shivaay and nudged him towards me.
Shivaay slowly took a step towards me offering his haldi covered hand to me. My eyes standing still on his fate lines covered with the yellow hues of the haldi. I felt my hand tremble as I began to move it up as I looked up towards him. His eyes avoiding my gaze as he stared at my hand that slowly made its way into his. I sighed as I felt the coldness of hand against the warmth of mine. The fire inside of me trying to burn away his coldness as my fingertips lightly rubbed on to the haldi as his hand stood still.
Taking away my hand covered with the haldi, I weakly smiled as I placed it on Priyanka's forehead and then her cheek as Priyanka smiled.
"I hope the symbol of this color spreads in your life. The color of haldi represents love, friendship, and a lifelong support system. I hope you get all of this Priyanka," I said smiling as Priyanka felt a few tears fill up in her eyes as she tried to blink them away.
"I hope you too get colored with these yellow hues one day," Priyanka replied as I felt my heart tinge. These yellow hues will never be with me Priyanka. I thought as I took a deep breath and looked back towards Shivaay as he stood behind me. If only you knew Priyanka...who your brother truly is. I thought as I got up.
"Ok, now is time for the pool party!" Armaan exclaimed loudly as the cousins cheered and Priyanka giggled as Pinky aunty helped her get up.
"Acha, Anika, I will go and freshen up ok? Then we will have lots of fun!" Priyanka exclaimed as she high fived me as Pinky aunty led her towards the house.
"Anika...will you be joining us at the pool party?" Armaan questioned as he walked up towards me smiling. I smiled weakly trying to be friendly to the complete stranger in front of me.
"It's her choice...not yours' right?" Shivaay intervened as he hovered around us.
"I guess Shivaay, but I'm the bride's cousin and I have a right to be friendly and polite to guests," Armaan said smiling towards me.
"Um...I will be there. Soon," I replied as Armaan shook his head and waved me away as he went off with his cousins towards the pool.
"What was that?" Shivaay questioned abruptly as he turned towards me as I stood a bit taken aback.
"What do you mean?" I felt myself being on the defensive as I crossed my arm and looked at him.
"You and Armaan...I told you-"
"Oh please! Stop this! Can you please stop trying to act like my-" I stopped in my tracks as I was about to blurt out the sacred word that I had sworn to not say.
"Say it. Come on say it," Shivaay said testing my patience as I tried to cool myself down and not be intimidated.
"Please. Just leave me alone ok? Please..." I took a step away from him as I fixed my dupatta and walked away towards the patio.
3 Hours Later
Shivaay's Point of View-
Clink. Clink. Clink. I raised my head slightly up as I heard the familiar voice of anklets. Lifting my eyes up, I felt a faint smile appear on my face.
Her hair flowing back and forth as she lifted her head and giggled. The orange hue of her suit giving her an afterglow as sunshine laid down on her light golden skin. She placed a strand of hair behind her ear lifting the glow of her earrings. Anika.
She smiled and began walking towards me slowly as I sat still against my chair. My eyes taking in the beautiful vision in front of me.
She made her way towards the large wooden table in front as she looked back at my laptop. Her hand slamming the laptop shut as she leaned against the table. She folded her hands into her lap as she looked at me smiling.
"What happened? Hm? Were you thinking about me?" She whispered as she began giggling as I felt myself smile like a goof.
"If I say I wasn't thinking of you-"
"Oh stop. I know you were thinking about me. Tell me weren't you not?" She questioned as she laid her brown marbled eyes into mines'. My eyes gazing into the depth of her soul as her cheeks reddened as she grabbed my hand and placed it into hers.
"You can never stop thinking about me Shivaay. I was a part of your soul and still am. No matter can never let go me," She softly spoke as I broke my gaze away from her and shook my head.
"What do you mean? I mean...we're divorced and-"
"On paper. But I know I have given you a piece of my heart that I cannot take back and you cannot let go of," She said smiling as she rubbed her hand against mines'.
My eyes shot up as I suddenly move my head up a bit taken aback. What was that? I tried to shake my dream out of my mind. What is wrong with me? What am I thinking? I really still have a piece of her heart? No...absolutely not. Shivaay be logical and stop believing dreams. I thought as I took a deep breath.
My eyes wandered off towards the large pile of books that laid on my desk. It had been three hours since that ridiculous party had started. Smoke literally covering the yard as people smoked cigarettes and drank wine to amuse themselves. I sighed as I laid my head against the chair and looked out towards the window trying to search for the color orange...Stop. Stop Shivaay. What are you doing? Why are you letting Anika get to you like this? I tried to snap out my train of thoughts as I turned towards my laptop to work on a presentation that I had to present to the staff of physicians on Monday.
Taking a sip of coffee, I attempted to keep myself awake as I rubbed my eyes and attempted to focus, but somehow my mind wandered back to Anika. I stared at my hand with the yellow hue of haldi on it. I still felt the touch of her warm hand linger on my fingertips. Why do I want her touch to always linger with me? What am I thinking? I thought as I looked back towards the window and noticed her an orange figure standing near the patio. I rubbed my eyes to take a closer look, realizing it was Anika who was smiling and chattering away with Armaan. Furrowing my eyebrows, I bit my lip vigorously as I quickly turned away from the sight and attempted to focus on the presentation.
Anika's Point of View
"So you have an interest in working with disadvantaged populations?" Armaan asked me quite a bit taken aback from my statement.
Somehow, Armaan had caught me walking back to patio and decided to entangle me in his web of questions and conversations. Despite appearing as a rich fellow, he tended to be more aware of the society around him. Taking part in HIV/AIDS charities and creating programs that provided outreach to first-generation college students. Indeed, his track record was quite impressive and was a stepping stone to our conversation.
"Yes, I do. I mean I want to return to my roots and served other disadvantaged communities," I replied smiling as he raised his eyebrows as he smiled and looked at me.
"Well...I wish you the best of luck," Armaan said as I thanked him and looked away towards the loud chaos that appeared at pool party.
"Pretty rough party" He noted as he shook his head and looked at me.
"Yeah...I guess everyone is really excited for the wedding," I said smiling as I took a sip of soda.
" long have you been working for Shivaay?"
"Not long. I mean he just took over our hospital, so it's only been about a month and half," I noted as he appeared to mumble something and bit his lip.
"Is everything ok?" I asked curiously as I looked at him.
"Yeah...I mean everything's fine. I was just asking for other reasons," Armaan said smiling as he fixed his white kurta.
" do you do?"
"Well recently Shivaay's father and my dad, they're brothers, separated their businesses. Business in the sense that Shivaay's dad handles all the hospitals on east and west coast while my father handles all the hospitals in the South of the U.S. I recently took over my father and am handling hospitals in the south," Armaan noted as he attempted to avoid more questions and took a sip of his beer.
"Um...nice to know I guess," I mumbled as I looked around in awkward silence.
My eyes wandering towards the guests who appeared to be having the time of their lives. Smoke filling the air as the sound of champagne bottles popping open lightly appeared lbehind the background noise of the DJ. Music booming loudly as chits and chatters spread across the lawn. This was definitely a pool party considering how literally everyone was having fun in the pool as they splashed one another, drank lots of alcohol, and danced. They appeared to be having the time of their life ignorant of the world's misfortunes. The life of the rich is truly a fantasy of the poor, I thought as I reflected back on my life that had always been filled with keeping an eye on how much money should be spent to buy food and worrying whether my father's paycheck was enough to sustain a living.
"What's going on?" My head quickly shot up as I noticed it was Priyanka looking at us curiously as she took a sip from her wine class. Looking a bit drunk as she threw her arm around my shoulder and tried to balance.
"Nothing. I was just trying to get to know Anika more," Armaan replied looking back at her.
Placing most of her weight on me Priyanka started giggling as I held on to her back trying to make her stand straight.
"Well...Armaan, you will fail in trying to win this girl's heart. She's already taken!" Priyanka exclaimed giggling as my eyes widened in shock at her statement. Wait what is trying to say? I thought as I looked at her curiously as Priyanka giggled, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.
"What do you mean Priyanka? I think you're mistaken." I tried to clear the air that Priyanka had fogged up with her imagination, but clearly I was failing.
"Oh sure. Come on, Anika! I am not blind. In fact, everyone can see what's going on between you and Shivaay bhai. Do not lie to your best friend ok? Ok, Anikaaa," Priyanka said loudly as she grabbed a hold of my cheeks and squeezed them taking the air out of me. What is Priyanka saying? No, she must be mistaken. Wait....everyone is thinking that Shivaay and I? Oh God, she is wrong. In fact, everyone is. I thought as I shook my head and attempted to gather a statement to clear her misconception.
"Priyanka! What is wrong with you?!" Shivaay exclaimed grabbing her from the shoulders and pulling her away from me as Priyanka rolled her eyes.
"Oh is Shivaay bhai. I don't get it do you always show up at the right time and the right moment. I mean here I was...talking...about Anika and you and then you show up," Priyanka blabbered and continued blabbering softly as she laughed to herself.
Armaan looking a bit shocked at Priyanka's statement as his eyes went towards Shivaay and back towards me as if he was trying to find an invisible connection that linked both of us together.
"What about Anika and I?" Shivaay grabbed Priyanka by the arms looking at her curiously as she giggled and rolled her eyes.
"Nothing! Nothing at all!" I intervened as I grabbed Priyanka by the arm and began quickly walking towards the pool. I am tired of answering Shivaay's questions and inquires, it is best to just forget the situation and avoid a long conversation with Shivaay on how I should stay away from Priyanka and his family since they would eventually find out what our true relationship is-which is that of a divorced couple.
"Hey! Where are you taking me Anika?" Priyanka moaned as she laid her head on my shoulder as I walked her towards a small table near the pool.
"What was that Priyanka? How can you even say that?"
"Well...I mean it is.....trueee...."Priyanka broke out in a fit of giggles as she took another sip of her wine.
"No! No! I think you have had enough!" I exclaimed snatching the glass of wine from her hand as Priyanka furrowed her eyebrows.
"And how do you know?!"
"Well, because you have started doing your part of damages, such as spreading rumors!" I exclaimed as I fixed my dupatta and rolled my eyes.
"Ok fine? I made a mistake I guess. I mean I don't think I did. It's pretty clear and evident how much you and Shivaay bhai each other. I can see how he looks at you Anika. Shivaay bhai never looked at Tia the way he looks at you. Plus...I am your best friend Anika. You have never looked at someone the way you look at bhai."
My hands trembling lightly as I felt blood rush to my face in the cool atmosphere. How can Priyanka even think this? How could she even think that....? But is what she saying really true? I mean I never...noticed.
Grabbing my arm tightly, Priyanka pulled me up.
"Ok enough serious talk and let's go swim in the pool!" Priyanka exclaimed as she began to drag me towards the pool. What is she thinking? She knows I can't swim at all. I grabbed a hold of the chair attempting to save myself from being dragged.
"Priyanka stop! I cannot swim! What are you doing?! You're drunk!" I shouted as Priyanka shook her head as if she couldn't hear me.
"Oh please stop being a bore Anika! You will be fine! This is the less deeper side of the pool. You will be able to stand!" Priyanka moaned as she pulled my hand away from the chair and dragged me towards the edge of the pool.
Staring at the pool intently, I realized it was the deep end. The less deeper end was the other side. Priyanka is clearly very drunk and not in her senses.
"Woah! Why does this pool appear more larger than usual? And Anika...I never knew you had two heads! Ha! Ha!" Priyanka began slamming her hand against her knee as she held my wrist as I attempted to snatch it away from her.
"Come in your senses Priyanka! Please! This is the deeper side of the pool and I cannot go in ok?" I exclaimed.
"Uh huh...sureee Anika...Stop being so boring. Ok? Come here. I will help you!!!"
Suddenly I felt a larger push as I felt my feet slipping back. Attempting to balance myself, I tried to hold my hands up in the air only to fail as with a whiff of air I felt myself submerging deep into a heavy surface. My eyes closing shut as darkness began to approach me. Attempting to push myself out of the water, I slammed my arms hard against the surface as I felt water rush into my ears. A trail of crackles obstructing my hearing as the heavy water pushed me down not wanting to let go of me as it attempted to pull me towards it illusion. And soon everything stopped.
Shivaay's Point of View
"You wronged my family and I Shivaay! You and your father! We didn't deserve what we got!" Armaan yelled as he scorned me.
"Oh please stop it Armaan! Stop trying to fight over a done deal. It's not my fault your father relented and decided to keep only the hospitals in the South. I told you they were failing. I told your father to stay with us as I had a plan!" I exclaimed as I slammed my whiskey against table.
At the wrong moment and time, Armaan had decided to bring up the absurd topic of how we divided the hospital branch amongst the family incorrectly and how his family deserved more. Oh God, I mean this seriously is not the time to bring such nonsense. I attempted to avoid his gaze as I looked around.
My eyes stopping at a peculiar sight in front of me as I noticed Priyanka beginning to yell as her voice was drowned behind the loud music. An orange dupatta floating on the water attempting to beg for life. That's Anika's dupatta.
Without a second thought, I found myself running across the patio steps as I pushed Armaan away. Feeling myself slip across the wet grass, I balanced myself and made my way towards the pool. As every ounce of adrenaline pumped through my veins, I noticed a body floating down towards the surface of the pool.
"Anika! Anika!" I began yelling as I pushed Priyanka away.
Making a dive into the pool without a second thought, I found my hand reaching out to the soul in front of me. Laying limp as the water was ruthlessly pushing her down. The sounds of everyone's voices appearing to be lost in the silence and peace of the water that was shifting into a monster and wishing to devour her. My hand reaching out towards her lifeless arm as I attempted to grab hold of it. The water pushing us more down as I attempted to pull Anika towards me. Finding my arms latching around her waist tightly, I quickly dug myself out of the water.
Taking a breath of air, I felt her body limp against mind as the wet cloth of her suit merged with the creame kurta that laid wet against my body. As I lifted her up into my arms, I turned my face quickly towards her noticing water bubbling out of her mouth as she was slipping away.
"No Anika! No! You cannot do this to me!" I yelled as I placed her body against the poolside.
I noticed Priyanka beginning to cry loudly as I felt my family and guests tower over both of us. Clasping both of my hands together, I slammed them against her chest as I began pumping water out of her lungs.
"No! Anika! I am so sorry!" Priyanka began repeating over and over again as Ma caught a hold of her trying to control her.
"Get away! All of you! Stay back!" My voice echoing amongst the crowd as noise level went down into dead silence.
"Call 911! Can you all hear me! Call the damn ambulance!" I exclaimed as I leveled her head and without a thought placed my lips softly against hers. The edge of my lips against hers felt odd, but complete as I breathed life into her body.
Taking the air out of my lungs, I merged it with hers as I attempted to give her life. My hands pumping continuously against her chest as I gave her a second breath. I heard a small crack against her chest as I pushed my hand harder against it.
I took a deep breath as my lips laid softly against hers. My lips clutching on to her lips and attempting to awaken life inside of her.
"No..Anika. Please, you cannot do this to me ok? Please stay with me ok?" I repeated softly against her wet lips as I felt her lips lay lifeless against mines. She laid limp against the grass. Her body stone cold and unwilling to breath.
"Huuuu" The sound of air suddenly rushing out of her as she spat a mouthful of water at me.
"Anika! Are you ok?!" I patted her cheeks lightly as her eyes appeared half open as they closed shut again.
"Anika...please open your eyes," I pleaded as I placed her head in my lap. Her hand dropping dead against the grass. Noticing her breathing lightly, I began to rub her hands against mine and warm up her body.
"Anika beta..." Ma began as she kneeled down in front of us as I held her.
"Please stop this. Can everyone just stay away?" I ordered as I held her tightly against my chest as if though I was protecting her from others with a realization that others couldn't care for her the way I did.
Sirens began to approach us as I swiftly turned my head around to see the ambulance entering the main driveway. I grabbed a hold of her legs and held her up in my arms as I began running towards the ambulance as the paramedics got out a stretcher.
"How long was she in the pool sir?" The paramedic asked as I laid her down on the stretcher and held on to her hand.
"Approximately three to five minutes. She was not breathing as likely she had water in lungs. I gave her CPR and she is breathing now, but not fully conscious." The paramedics quickly got the stretcher into the ambulance as they began to give her oxygen.
"Will she be fine?! Just tell me already!" I began yelling as a paramedic held me back as others began to take her vitals.
"Shivaay please stop. Look everyone is watching us," Ma noted as she looked around at the guests as I pushed her hand away from my arm.
"I don't care! I don't care what others think ok?!" I exclaimed as I looked back at a lifeless Anika as the paramedics attempted to stabilize her.
"We will need to take her to the nearest hospital sir. She's breathing, but unconscious for some reason," The paramedic noted as I sighed as I walked up to the steps of the ambulance.
"Ok, I will go with you alright? Is it ok if I take a seat in here?"
"Sure, just grab a seat quickly," The paramedic noted as I grabbed the handle of the ambulance and jumped into a seat next to Anika grabbing on to her hand.
Appearing lifeless in front of me, she lightly held on to my hand as her eyes opened up halfway before closing them shut. Her bangles lightly clinging onto the threads of my kurta as if they were hanging on to dear life. Her lips faintly blue as she breathed in oxygen.
"Anika...please. Please don't do this to me. Don't give me this sentence for my mistakes. Please...I beg of you," I whispered as I held her hand up lightly against my lips, breathing lightly against her fingertips.
"Oberoi hospital is the nearest one to this location, but it's a bit far compared to her state. We'll try our best," The paramedic noted as he closed the doors shut as the ambulance made a swift turn and began speeding down the single lane street.
My eyes catching a quick glimpse of my family who stood shocked as they shared confused glances with each other. I don't care. At this moment, I don't care what anyone thinks about both of us. All that matters to me is Anika and her life. I cannot let anything happen to Anika.
"Please connect to Oberoi hospital and notify that a close loved one of Shivaay Singh Oberoi's is coming in route to emergency alright?" I ordered to the paramedic as his eyes widened as he finally caught on hold to what my position was at the hospital.
"Yes sir, let me transmit the information over to the ER there."
The ambulance continued to speed and change lanes on the freeway as it made its way to the hospital. My eyes not moving an inch away from her face as my eyes were set on her breathing pattern. Taking a quick glimpse at her blood pressure that was on the lower end of normal as her pulse barely stabilized.
"Anika...if you can hear me then know that you will be ok. I will not let anything happen to you. I promise you that," I mumbled as I laid my lips against her hand.
Feeling a sense of heaviness on my chest, I took a deep breath as I tried to take hold of myself. Why am I feeling as if my life is slipping away? Why does my mind feel like it's taking turns on corners every single second. Why cannot I think clearly and logically?
The ambulance came to a sudden halt as I realized we had reached the ER. The doors slamming open as the paramedics took out Anika on the stretcher and began running towards the ER as I ran after them.
"Get the fricken doctor!"I yelled at a nurse as I slammed my footsteps into the ER and I grabbed on to Anika's hand as the paramedics began dragging her into an ER room.
The ER doctor came rushing in as he began to take her vitals. Crossing my arms, I peaked over his shoulder as I looked at Anika attempting to catch her breaths.
"What's wrong with her?! Huh! Tell me!" I began repeating to the doctor as he sighed and looked back at me.
"Mr. Oberoi, I know you are worried, but please let me take her vitals and do a checkup. If you can please wait patiently outside sir? Please?"
I took a deep breath as I felt an arm around my shoulder noticing it was Omkara. How did he make it here so quick? I thought as Omkara held on to me and took me outside. The doors slamming shut behind me.
"Shivaay, please relax. Anika will be fine ok?" Omkara said calmly as I shook my head back and forth as I leaned against the wall next to the room.
"Relax? Are you serious Om? I cannot relax. I mean....I..."I stopped as I attempted to gather my thoughts and understand why I was reacting in such manner. Why is this situation getting to me so much? If Anika is a stranger to me then why am I reacting in such manner? I took a deep breath as I ran my hands through my hair attempting to calm down my nerves.
"Shivaay...why are you reacting in this manner?"
Looking up at Om, I realized I had no answers to why I was reacting in such manner. I rolled my eyes as I looked away from him towards the closed doors of the room where Anika laid.
"How's Anika? Is she fine?" Ma questioned as she quickly rushed towards me as I placed my head against the wall feeling annoyed and irritated by the fake empathy that everyone was trying to portray.
I know my mother too well. She's just trying to fake her concern so she and her family won't get questioned regarding the incident that happened. I mean it did happen on Oberoi property.
My eyes quickly shifted towards Priyanka who tipsied towards us. She appeared to still be a bit drunk. Wait...she was the last person next to Anika before she fell into the water. How did Anika fall into the water? Anika is well aware that she cannot swim then she couldn't have possibly....?
"What did you do Priyanka?" I hissed as I began walking towards her as Ma stepped in between us.
"Bhai...I can explain..." She mumbled as Ma squeezed her hand indicative of the fact that definitely Ma was trying to hide something.
"Tell me Priyanka. Tell me," I ordered as I clenched my teeth tightly as I walked a step closer towards her.
"Bhai...I...wasn't in my senses....I thought...that pool was on the less deeper side and I would push Anika and she would get in the water and be standing on her feet...I mean...I didn't realize it was the deep end...Bhai I am so-"
"Shut up! Shut up Priyanka! Please...I cannot even think you would do such a stupid act. Do you even know what you have done Priyanka? Huh? You were drunk, so heavily drunk the day before your wedding and you decided to put someone else's life at risk due to your stupidity! My God...Wow and too think I thought you were the sensible one...And Ma, you were trying to hide this from me right?"
I felt myself fuming with anger as my heartbeat continued to race. What the hell was Priyanka thinking? God, she's her best friend and I cannot even believe she would do something so stupid to her.
"Shivaay beta...look Priyanka was not in her senses. Now she's a bit in her senses after I gave her some lemon water and threw some cold water on her face. She knows what mistake she has done and is truly sorry for her actions," Papa noted as he placed his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.
"Oh please dad, stop being so fake. I know why this entire family is here right now. You all don't want to get in trouble for what your daughter did. Her life is at risk because of Priyanka's actions. We cannot neglect that ok?" I replied as I threw his hand off my shoulder and walked away from them.
"Bhai...Anika is like my sister and would never even dream of harming her...I was drunk and made an awful mistake of which I am guilty. I am so sorry-"
"Leave. Priyanka go away and don't come in front of me for a while. Ok? I do not want to see you right now. Please leave. In fact, all of you leave ok?" I ordered as I threw them a glare as Ma shook her head and sighed as Papa threw her a look before taking Priyanka and walking away.
"Shivaay, please calm down. Priyanka is our sister and she's getting married tomorrow. You shouldn't be treating her in such manner ok?"Om noted.
"Om please leave before I release my anger upon you. I should be treating Priyanka like this for what she has done and I don't care that she's getting married tomorrow. In fact, since she knows she's getting married she should have some sense of maturity. How is she going to be a responsible wife or a daughter-in-law if she is doing such immature acts and being drunk to a point that she's not in her senses? Huh? Om please go away!" I pushed him away lightly.
"Shivaay, what is wrong with you?!" Om exclaimed as I slammed my hand against the wall catching the attention of the nurses near us as they turned their heads towards us.
"Leave Om! Just go away!" I yelled as Om looked a bit taken aback as he took a step away from me.
" never even reacted in this manner when Tia got sick in the hospital the way you are doing so with Anika," He whispered before turning away and slamming his feet against the ground as he walked away.
Placing my head into my hands, I leaned against the wall as I looked back at the staff of nurses staring at me intently.
"How about you go do your job? Huh? You do know who I am correct?" I hissed at them before they realized the monster I was turning to as my body pumped every single drip of anger.
"Anika...I cannot let you go. I cannot let you leave me like this," I whispered as I took a deep breath and slipped down onto the chair.
Taking a sip of coffee, I leaned back against the sofa as I smiled and look at the beautiful sight in front of me. Wearing a light pink anarkali, she twirled around to the light music playing in the background as she held a bit of heaven in her aura. Sunlight peaked through the curtains of the penthouse and fell upon her as she laughed.
What am I doing? Months ago, when I had married her. I thought it was just for two or three months before I would leave her and take my revenge from her. My revenge for the humiliation I had faced twice at her hands. But, why is it that I cannot let go of her? Why is it that all day long, she lingers in my thoughts and wishes to not let go of a piece of my soul? God, why cannot I let go of her?
"What are you doing Anika? Hmm?" I questioned her as she smiled and twirled herself towards me before clasping her arms around my neck laying her lips lightly against my forehead.
"Hmm...trying to entertain my sick husband of course. I mean I do know how much of a workaholic you are and you must be getting bored laying on the sofa in this manner, so I thought why not entertain you," She mumbled against my forehead as I wrapped my fingers into hers as I laughed her silliness.
"What? What's so funny now?" She pouted as she twirled her arm around my neck and took a seat at the coffee table in front.
"Hmm...well I don't know Anika. We have the TV, the internet, and a pile of magazines, I don't really understand how will I get bored," I replied as she crossed her arms and threw me a glare before flipping her hair and biting her lip.
"Oh of course. I just realized that these lifeless objects are more entertaining than me hmm? So you mean I am less entertaining than these lifeless objects?" Anika questioned as I sighed and grabbed her hand.
"Now, I didn't say that at all did I? Stop always putting words in my mouth," I said laughing as I brushed my lips against her hand as she shyly smiled as I smelled lavendar from the palm of it.
"Ok whatever. Now let me get you some soup," She said as she got up fixing her dupatta.
"I broke my leg for God's sake Anika and you are giving me that bland soup?" I said frustrated as she crossed her arms looking at me.
"So? That soup will give you energy and strength," She said defensively.
"Well I don't need it Anika. Ok? And please take care of yourself alright?" I noted as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her next to me. Her cheeks turning pink as I wrapped my arm around her as she shook her head and tried to get out of my hold.
"It's been months since we have gotten married, but you still are so shy," I noted as she giggled and placed her hand on my chest.
"I don't know Shivaay. You make me feel...a unique emotion that I never felt for anyone else. An emotion that is combined of love, respect, appreciation, and...butterflies. You give me these butterflies that do not want to let go of me," Anika noted smiling as I wrapped my hand around her waist.
"Well Mrs. Oberoi, you have to stop doing this. Hmm? What will she think?" I noted as she raised her eyebrow looking at me curiously as I lowered my eyes towards her waist as the anarkali popped up a little bit. Placing my hand lightly against the small life beating inside of her.
"She will just think how much Dad loves her mummy," She said smiling as I laughed and took her into an embrace.
Feeling a drop of tear coming down my cheek, I sat still as I stared into the darkness around me. Clutching tightly to the chair as I waited patiently to know if she was alright. Biting my lip over and over again, trying to still feel the touch of her lips when I had breathed life into her. I thought of ways I could have avoided this situation and protected her, but I couldn't think of anything. Why just this situation Shivaay? Why not all the other situations you could have avoided? What about the ways you could have avoided hurting her and breaking her into pieces that she could never gather together and glue her soul back together? My soul began to reflect back on my doings as I sat in silence and let the pair of tears dry on to my cheek.
"Shivaay beta, how is Anika?!" I looked up realizing it was Anika's father, Mr. Malhotra. Soon, Anika's mom followed as she looked at me tensed and worried with her cheeks dried of tears.
"Uncle, don't worry. Um...the doctor is checking on Anika. Hopefully, she will be fine," I said as I helped him take a seat as he shook his head and looked at me with tears in his eyes.
"Oh God, Shivaay, what will happen beta? We left immediately from the house when Pinky called and told us what happened. I am shocked. I never thought this would happen to Anika. Why is God making her suffer so much?" Aunty said tearfully as she began crying.
"Aunty, please calm down. Don't worry, I think Anika will be fine," I said trying to give myself false hope as I took a deep breath and tried to calm my thoughts.
"Pinky said that Priyanka accidently pushed her in the pool. Is that true beta?" Uncle questioned as my eyes widened as I looked back at him feeling guilty.
"I am sorry uncle and aunty. I am sorry for Priyanka's actions to be honest. Please forgive me," I said holding my hands as uncle took a hold of them as he shook his head.
"It's ok beta. You saved Anika's life. If it wasn't for you then...I don't even think Anika would have made it to the hospital. Pinky told us everything and so thank you. Don't blame Priyanka beta. We know her for years and know she is innocent," Uncle said weakly smiling as I smiled back as Uncle took a seat consoling aunty.
The door quickly opening as I noticed the doctor walking out with a group of nurses as I looked at them in anticipation of good news.
"How is Anika? Is she ok?" I began questioning as my hands began trembling in nervousness.
"Do not worry Mr. Oberoi. Dr. Anika Malhotra is fine and stable. She went unconscious due to the drowning, but she is good and her blood pressure and pulse have become stable now as well. However, unfortunately, she has gotten a rib fracture. Likely, the fracture was due to the CPR you were administering to her," The doctor noted. I felt a sigh of relief that suddenly turned into guilt as I realized I had just fractured her rib. Oh God, how can I be so stupid?
"It is not your fault at Mr. Oberoi. You did the correct job of administering CPR and it is not unheard of having a broken rib due to CPR. I mean come on, her life was more important than having a broken rib. Broken ribs generally recover in about six weeks, so Dr. Malhotra will recover soon ok? She is a bit conscious now, so you can go meet her," He noted before smiling and walking away.
Looking back at her parents, I smiled as they looked at me with joy as uncle hugged me.
"Uncle and aunty. You two can go and meet her," I noted as they smiled and quickly walked inside of the room as I crossed my arms and felt a small smile appear on my face.
Thank you God. Thank you for saving her. God, why do I feel so much happiness as if I have gotten my life back? Peaking through the door, I looked at her as aunty grabbed a hold of her hand. I smiled as Anika held on to her hand tightly as she breathed life into her soul.
Anika's Point of View
Tears slowly began to stream down my cheeks as Mom held my hand and began to cry. I felt a sharp pain in my ribcage as I tried to elevate myself and console my mom.
God, what had happened to me. Thank you God for keeping me alive and saving me. Fear still trembled through every bone of my body as I kept rewinding in my mind how the cold water had devoured me and attempted to take my soul away. The thought of it making my heart race.
The last thing I could remember is falling into the water and going blank. But, the voice. Was that Shivaay's voice I heard. All I remember is spitting out water and then going blank again. Remanents of a blurry memory appeared in front of my eyes as I remember having my hand held on to tightly. Was that Shivaay holding my hand?
I laid in fear and confusion as Mom held on to my hand and Dad placed his hand on my forehead. I raised my head as I looked at them attempting to gather my thoughts together.
"I am so happy nothing happened to you beta. God, I love you so much. What would I have done without you?" Mom repeated as I wiped her tears away.
"Beta, we are so lucky nothing happened to you. Truly, it has been God's grace," Dad noted as he smiled.
"Truly it's God's grace...."I whispered as I stared up at the blue walls around me.
"Um...who brought me here? I mean...I must have gotten CPR from someone," I questioned as I looked at them confused as Mom smiled and looked at me.
"Shivaay...he was the one who got you out of the pool and gave you CPR. In fact, he was with you when you were being brought to the hospital and he's still here," Dad said as my eyes widened a bit taken aback.
He is the one who saved my life. Wow. Why? After all he has done to break me, why would he attempt to gather my breaths and save me? I thought as I shifted my eyes towards the door and noticed a figure behind him. It was Shivaay. He was standing quietly as he stared at me without saying a word. Clenching on to the small bedsheet laying on top of me, I kept my eyes straight at him.
Mom looking back as she realized it was Shivaay who I was looking at. Slightly smiling, she got up as she walked towards the door opening catching him off guard as he looked back at her.
"Um...Shivaay beta, come inside and talk to Anika. Um...your uncle and I will be outside ok?" Mom said as she grabbed dad's hand and walked out.
Taking a step inside, he stopped in his tracks as if he was pondering whether he should take a step forward to or backward from me. I faintly smiled as I felt tears welling up in my eyes as a lump formed in my throat preventing me from saying a word. I bit my lip as I shook my head and looked back at him as he weakly smiled and began walking towards me.
The only sound in the room being that of his footsteps and small machines behind me. I felt the pain in my rib in the background of the immense amount of heaviness I felt upon my heart upon the realization that he still somewhere cared about me. He cared about me. I never thought I would say such statement as I tapped my fingers up and down against the bed.
Grabbing a small stool, he took a seat beside me as his hand instantly wrapped around mines'. Caught off guard, I lowered my eyes towards our hands that found comfort in one another.
"H-How are you?" He whispered. It was the first time he was talking with such calmness with me. What has happened to him? My eyes shifted to his crème kurta that stood wet against his skin as his hair puffed up slightly while other ends remained wet. His eyes having a mixture of red as his cheeks appeared to be dried with tears. Was he crying? Crying for me? I thought as he held on to my hand.
"I am fine," I mumbled breaking my train of thoughts as I winced with pain in my rib.
"I am sorry." My eyes widened as I heard the statement slip out his mouth. Sorry? He never says sorry. What is happening? Am I dreaming right now? I looked at him in confusion as he looked back at me.
"I'm sorry for the broken rib and for what Priyanka did. Also, I gave you CPR didn't mean to...or anything, but I wanted to save you, so I....God, I am not making any sense right now," He said with frustration as he looked up at the ceiling and back towards me.
Indeed, he was not making any sense right now. This situation didn't make sense either. I mean why would Shivaay go to such lengths to save me and why is he still here? What is going on? Why is fate determined to bring us together no matter how far apart we want to be from one another?
"I don't know what to say Anika. I guess it is mixture of whiskey and emotions that I cannot...I cannot...comprehend," He whispered as he lowered his head. My head quickly turned towards him as I looked at him as I saw a sense of vulnerability in his eyes. I noticed him choke as he took a deep breath and kept his fingers entwined with mines.
"I don't know Anika...I thought today was it. I thought...fate was going to snatch you from me....Thank God, you are ok."
He took a deep breath as I laid there in shock upon his words. What is he saying? I mean...I don't know what to say. I cannot even gather the feelings I am going through right now upon hearing his statement.
No Anika, stop falling for his words. But, he is so vulnerable right now. I can I just ignore his vulnerability. I sighed as I tried to push my thoughts away. Fate has already snatched me away from you Shivaay.
"Fate has already snatched me away from you...Barriers have been built between us that we ourselves cannot fill," I replied as he looked back at me a bit taken aback as reality began to set into him as his fingers loosened their grip from mines'.
"I know...I know, but...never mind. Never mind am just happy you are ok. I am happy"
"That your breaths gave me life as they breathed into my soul," I said attempting to fill in his sentences as his hand suddenly let go of mines' as he got up and took a step away from my bed.
My hand laid still as it yearned for his touch. It's true. His breaths gave me life. He gave me my life back and I can never forget that. I can never forget how he saved my life today. No matter what, I cannot let go of his breaths that have merged into mines'.
Hearing a sudden knock, I broke out of my trance as I looked back and saw a pair of transporters.
"'re here to transport Dr. Malhotra to a patient room upstairs," A transporter said as Shivaay nodded and looked back at me before taking a step away.
"Um...I' you later," He mumbled before rushing out of the door.
And I thought it was over.
*****Thank you so much for reading everyone :) Please leave any positive or negative feedback you have. There is plenty more to come :)******
Here is a Preview of a NEW story I will be writing-it is an independent work of fiction.
Story Name: A Web of Tales from Fire and Ice
Elina and Kiara Kher were fraternal twins at birth. Elina was always a sweet , calm soul while Kiara had elements of fire and rebellion within here. Their family shared a close bond to the Grewal family who had two soul heirs Niel and Kabir to their multi-million dollar pharmaceutical company. Flash forward 8 years later, Kiara is married to Niel and has a daughter, yet, appears to share an unhealthy relationship with Kabir. Once, Elina moves in with Kiara after the sudden death of her parents, she encounters the mystery of Kabir who lives next door to her sister. Kabir has become a withdrawn soul who has given up his rights to his fortune and works as a school teacher. He never tends to leave the house and create any emotional relationship with anyone he encounters. Of course, Elina would be attracted to Kabir's mystery...they share a beautiful dark past with one another. This is a web that is created by the misdeeds of Neil, Kiara, Elina, and Kabir.
Please do let me know if you are interesting in reading this independent work of fiction :) I am really hoping you will read this new novel :)
Thank you for all your love and support :)
Copyright © jasminedarcie
All Rights Reserved
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner or language whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.
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