Chapter 27
Chapter 27
Lucas picked a wonderful restaurant. They sold everything from gourmet beef burgers to fresh lobster. At Lucas's insistence, they ordered chateaubriand to share, and Carly agreed she'd never eaten such a perfect meal ever. Lucas again, selected a heavy red to go with it and the combination was both heady and overwhelming.
Slumped back in her seat, Carly declined dessert, but opted for a black coffee to end the meal.
Lucas smiled at her, "I'd never have imagined six weeks ago that I'd spend a day off with you by choice...and enjoy it!"
Carly chuckled, "I was such a bitch, but I'm not the sort of person who does anything by half."
Swirling the thick red wine around the glass, he inhaled the strong bouquet before he glanced up to her, "you're a good person Carly. I knew it the moment I saw you. But I also know how our first meeting must have looked."
Carly smiled at him coyly, "well you both seemed...close!"
He watched her for a moment, knowing that she wanted to know more detail but would never ask, he decided to tell her, after all he had nothing to hide. "I told you before. Camilla was trying to make Jens jealous. I was drunk..." He sighed, "It was the anniversary of my injury...a day I lose every year! And there was Camilla all skimpy dressed, curvy, and in my face." Smiling he gave an imploring look, "what is a man to do? If you hadn't turned up..." He shuddered, "you were the bucket of ice cold water I needed."
Carly felt nervous, there was a tension building between them and she was more anxious than pleased.
"So where to next?" she asked, hoping to lighten the mood.
Smiling he gestured to the waiter for the bill, "I'd love to take you up to the castle, but it's late, and we have to get a train by seven at the latest. So how about the birthplace of Mozart?"
Carly gasped, "really?"
Lucas watched her face light up and knew he'd done the right thing, "I should have known you'd not read the guidebook!"
"Who needs to read when there's a man who knows to show me around?" Grinning he accepted the compliment and after paying the bill, led her through the City.
The train back was an exhausting trip, the train was full and they managed to squeeze into two seats in the back of one of the carriages.
"I've had a great day Lucas, thank you so much!"
"It's nice seeing somewhere through new eyes, I'm glad you loved it as much as I do."
She nodded, suddenly tired, the day of walking, the wine, the stress of the last few weeks. Carly was struggling to keep her eyes open.
A guard shouting the name of a station and wandering through the carriage woke her from her sleep and the ironic dream of snowboarding like a pro. Lifting her head slightly, she realised she was slumped against Lucas, his arm around her shoulder. When she glanced up he was asleep too, his head resting against the train window.
Carly had no idea what time it was, or how far they were into their journey. Reaching into her pocket she found her phone, eight thirty. She couldn't remember when they were due at their stop.
Sitting up she shook Lucas until he opened his rather bleary eyes and groaned. Within ten seconds he'd ascertained that they were twenty minutes from 'home'. So Carly went to grab a couple of coffees.
As they finally walked back to the hotel, conversation was slightly stilted, but the quietness wasn't awkward. She'd found out more recently that Lucas stayed in a staff apartment on site, it was the other side of the complex to hers, when he stopped at the entrance she used, she leaned across and hugged him.
"Thanks again Lucas. It's been wonderful!"
He nodded, before stooping to plant a friendly kiss on her forehead.
But as she lay in bed that night, the memory of those fleeting moments, that brief contact was having a ridiculous effect on her. Feeling like some hormone ravaged teenager, she spent the night beating her pillow and trying to find that elusive sleep.
Millie's family were due the following week, and this was Carly's final trump card. So when an email came explaining that they had to cancel their trip as his mother was ill, Carly felt the bottom fall out of her world. All the previous emails had been 'written' by Millie, but this one was definitely by Paul.
"Sorry Carly, Millie was so looking forward to seeing you, and your recent request tells me that you’re in some sort of trouble there. If there's anything I can do just call. I'd always be glad of an au pair for the kids, or there may be a vacancy at my work...we'd just have to wangle a visa. As I say, thanks so much for the invaluable help you've been to Millie. Our lives are so much better. Hope you get through this rough patch, Paul."
Carly groaned, this was it. Countdown to Jens Round Two was on.
The very next morning, she was called to the management suite; she knew that Paul cancelling was detrimental in that. In Jens office was the man himself, Markus and two other people she didn't recognise.
"Miss McClellan." Markus led her into the office, "You know Herr Konig, this is Herr Wetzler, the regional manager of Konig resorts," Carly smiled at the rounded middle aged man who smiled awkwardly at her, "and this is Herr Ramminger, he is the regional Human Resources Manager." This man was both younger and taller, but shared the same unease as his colleague.
Carly again smiled politely, then stared at Jens, but he couldn't meet her eyes, glancing instead out of the window.
"We're here," Markus continued, "to discuss your work conduct!"
Even though she'd been expecting it, Carly gulped in shock, recovering as quickly as she could, she replied almost immediately "I don't believe there are any issues with it."
Jens laughed finally joining the discussion, "au contraire!" producing a large dossier, he started to read through date and time's when she was somewhere she shouldn't be. Keeping her cool, she let him read the dozens of charges, not responding until he closed the wad of papers and looked up at her. "I'm afraid this is a charge of gross misconduct."
Before he could mention the word's dismissal, Carly rose from her seat, liking the fact that she had height over them all.
"For a start, your disciplinary procedure policy - and I presume that this is a disciplinary procedure, states that I," she pulled a document from her bag, and threw it down on the desk, "am entitled to both decent warning, and representation on an occasion like this."
Ramminger looked puce, but Jens shrugged, "policy is at the discretion of the manager!"
Carly laughed, "That’s bullshit Jens, as you well know." She paced the room and the two strangers looked increasingly nervous. "Are you sure that you want to take this stance as I think you're making a great mistake."
Jens shrugged, "there is no doubt over this situation. Miss McClellan."
Carly nodded knowingly, then smiled at Mr Wetzler the regional manager, "I am the victim of harassment and indeed victimisation." She reached into her bag and pulled out a second document, "this highlights the eight counts identified. And this..." A third document landed on the desk, "is proof that Mr Konig received my application for a trainee manager position, something he denies seeing, and it was my anger at his decision to not treat me fairly over this that seems to have precipitated this procedure."
She smiled sweetly at Jens, "after all Mr Konig was SO impressed with my work prior to me challenging him. In fact..." she pulled out a copy of an email. "He sent me this recommendation only six weeks ago for going above and beyond the call of duty."
Mr Ramminger and Mr Wetzler looked more than uncomfortable, but Carly knew she had to use that insecurity to her advantage. Jens on the other hand looked fit to burst. But even as she watched him, Markus was calming him with a hand on his shoulder.
"Feel free to keep copies of these documents, as I have multiple copies, as well as the originals placed in various safe places that I can call on at any time. And Mr Ramminger," she turned to the HR manager, "Termination in the light of this evidence would class as unfair dismissal." She turned to Jens placing both hands on his desk, "I'm smelling the Euros mounting Mr Konig."
He scowled at her, but his response was cut off by Wetzler, "Miss McClellan, you're right of course. If there is an issue...We would need to investigate."
Carly smiled, "then I'm glad you agree. How about we meet in three days time? Gives you chance to research these ridiculous claims, and search for evidence to argue against my sound claims. Ok? I'm sure in these circumstances I'd be placed on paid suspension, no need contrary to what you've been told, I love my job, so I'll work my shifts. See you Friday gentlemen."
Not waiting for a response, she left the room, all four men stood open mouthed in her wake.
Any confidence or adrenaline buzz that had helped Carly swish out of the room, abandoned her the second she rounded the corner out of view of the office. Her legs almost buckled and she staggered rather off kilter out of the management suite. As she was about to head down the stairs, two arms encircled her from behind and she was directing into an office. Camilla and Lucas both paced across the space as she slumped into a chair.
"Rochelle told us you'd been summoned to the office; we've been hidden away in here waiting for you to emerge!" Camilla finally sat opposite her.
"She's right!" Lucas confirmed, "What happened?"
Carly half smiled, "Jens threw hundreds of examples of me apparently abandoning ship, gross misconduct he called it!"
Lucas almost spluttered in anger, "the bastard, no wonder that schmuck Markus was following you around the last week!"
Carly laughed, "you're right. But I threw it all back at Jens." She explained about the other people present as witnesses, and that it may have backfired in Jens' face after all.
Camilla giggled clapping her hands together in a really girly fashion whilst Lucas strode across to Carly and pulled her into a bear hug, "well done young un! Sounds like you did good!"
She shrugged, "I hope so, I just need to get more evidence to back me up before he infiltrates things!"
Camilla pffed, waving both hands in a dismissive manner, "no one here would agree with him, you know that!"
Lucas shook his head, "I'm not so sure Cam, he's the boss after all, and not everyone wants to make life hard for themselves. He’s both powerful and manipulative, you're right to be wary."
Carly knew that unrelenting reassurances from her friends would have been misplaced, but hearing the doubt in Lucas' voice disconcerted her. As if he sensed that, he squeezed her hand, "look Rochelle and Marta are given to be in your camp. They don't have anything that can help Jens'..."
Carly sighed, "but Danica is torn. She has to think of her job. It's all a mess!"
Lucas was still holding her hand and he squeezed it again, "we'll beat them Carl, honest!"
The afternoon passed in a blur, Carly wasn't really as focussed as she could be, but she managed to survive. Marta and Rochelle were increasingly concerned, so she knew she had to share everything with them. Before the end of the day, the three women arranged to meet up in their favourite bar that evening. It wouldn't get busy until after nine, so they'd have time to chat first, somewhere safe and away from the hotel.
Carly was there first, and she was well into her second beer when Rochelle, and immediately after her Marta, arrived. Rochelle raised a concerned eyebrow when she saw the already empty beer bottle in front of her friend.
Carly sighed and extended her left wrist to show the still adrenaline fuelled shake that was still controlling her. "My nerves are shot! This is purely medicinal!"
The story only took a few minutes to tell but both women were equally stunned and impressed. Neither had expected her to take Jens on in this manner.
"I'll never agree with any of his claims!" Rochelle announced vehemently, slamming down her own beer bottle in anger.
Carly shrugged, "what I don't want is for you to get yourself into trouble. You're both settled here, your other halves live here. I'm disposable in that I can restart elsewhere. Losing your job, or becoming out of favour with the boss is something neither of you need to worry about. And I'm confident that even if I am sacked, I'll go with a bang! Take him down as I go!"
Neither woman seemed convinced, but Carly was very persuasive. And soon they were sharing several more drinks, dances and drunken hugs on the dance floor.
Whilst she was busy her mind was occupied, but the alcohol was making her morose inside, and soon she had an almost suffocating sensation at being in the bar. Hugging the girls she assured them that she would be fine on the short walk home, then headed out into the dark night.
But the cold air seemed to hit her like a sledge hammer, and after walking for a couple of minutes she realised whilst she wasn't horrendously drunk, added to the sadness, emotional trauma and desperation she was experiencing, it was all a bit much for her. It had been a hard few weeks, and the tension of the day, the adrenaline, the fear, her anxieties - she was almost paralysed by it all.
Pulling out her phone, she called the only person she could rely on one hundred percent in a situation like this - Lucas.
He answered sleepily on the third ring.
"Carly? You ok?"
She'd intended to smile, tell him she needed a little boost to know she was doing the right thing, instead, the concern, the sympathy in his voice, caused the floodgates to open and she descended into a blubbery mess of tears.
"Carl! What's happened? Are you ok?"
She gulped trying to control herself, "I'm just tired...and..."
He groaned, "you've been through a lot, you can't always be strong. Where are you? I'll come and get you."
Within ten minutes he was striding through the heavy snowfall towards her, wrapped up in his snowboarding gear. She stood in a doorway shivering and had never felt safer than when she saw him appear around the corner at a jog.
Carly could've cried with relief, and slowing in front of her, he pulled her into an embrace, not asking any questions, just holding her, his lips warm against her forehead.
"It's ok," he finally breathed. "Even I need a meltdown every now and again!"
She whimpered a response, and he chuckled into her hair, "come on, let's get you home."
He led her home more patiently than she deserved, after all she'd woken him up, at the door to her part of the accommodation she shook her head, "can I sleep at yours? Camilla's away tonight..."
He laughed, "I don't get many offers like that!" With an elaborate wink and a wicked chuckle, he guided her around the hotel grounds to the stairs that led to his apartment. Carly had never seen his apartment, and despite her state, appreciated with envy his small lounge and kitchen. As she sat on the small sofa, he turned on the kettle.
"Think you could do with some coffee!"
She nodded, dropping her head into her hands. Carly'd never felt so bad, it was like suffocating, there was too much to deal with and the drinks earlier had made her feel ridiculously vulnerable. Now that she was here, illuminated in the partial light of his lounge, she felt exposed. Lucas' all seeing eyes were catching her at her worst and she hated that invasion, yet she knew for most of the last hour she'd needed him. To make this better.
"Hey?" Lucas' voice disturbed her cascading thoughts. "Have this."
She lifted her tear stained face and tried to smile, "I'm sorry Lucas, I should go..."
Stopping her with a raised hand he shook his head, "don't be stupid! You're upset, it's ok to need a strong arm every once in a while. Is this freaking you out that I'm seeing Independent and Strong Carly a little vulnerable?"
She scowled and took the mug, "alright so you know me!"
Lucas chuckled, lowering himself onto the opposite end of the sofa, "you really do want to do everything yourself, don't you?"
Carly watched him from under her lowered lashes, the fog of the alcohol was started to lift, and she was feeling a little bit awkward. "I've always done everything myself Lucas, and to be honest, I'm feeling a bit stupid now. I think it was just the fresh air, and the drink..."
Lucas was watching her and trying not to laugh, she was such a mess, and it was a great sight. Not because he wanted to see her upset, but because it was a sign that she was human. After all that had happened the past few months, it was impossible to think that she could have dealt with it all and stayed so composed. And now as she recovered from her blip, the anger, the vehemence that he found so exciting was rising like a furnace.
Taking a deep breath in preparation of some onslaught, he paused when nothing happened. Glancing at her, he realised she'd curled her bare feet up under herself and was watching him through half closed eyes.
"Come on, take my bed, I'll sleep on the sofa."
She shook her head, "I can't do that to you!"
Heading into the bedroom ahead of her, he pulled a faded t-shirt and a pair of tie waist shorts from a drawer. "I'll wake you in time for work, ok?"
Carly wanted to argue, to take the sofa if not go back to hers, but his clothes were as soft and comfortable as his bed. She was asleep before he'd closed the door.
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