Meeting Ren and Yui
A/N: Since episode 7 and 8 are introductions to the characters and barely focus on the main character, im combining them into one chapter.
(Y/N) is seen walking down the street, with his usual smile. He's apparently gonna be late, but of course, he doesn't care. On the way there, he spots a light blue haired girl in boy's clothing near a electric pole.
(Y/N): (Why is that girl in guys clothing?)
The girl notices him and gives him a smile.
(Y/N): Hey, if you don't hurry, you'll be late.
???: Thanks. I'll be alright.
(Y/N): Okay.
(Y/N) then continued on.
???: Late, huh?
Suddenly, a fly landed on her nose, making her sneeze in a puff of smoke.
----------------------------------------All Men Should Be Like This------------------------------------------
Outside the school, a boy stood in the front.
???: Sainan Private High School. That girl is here.
Inside the classroom, (Y/N) was sleeping, as usual, until the teacher made an announcement.
Teacher: Um, i know it's sudden, but let me introduce a new transfer student.
Risa: Another transfer student?
Mio: Even though Lala-chii just got here?
The boy opened the door and as he entered, all the girls were bejeweled by his appearance.
Teacher: This is Ren Elise Jewelria. I hope you all get along.
Ren: A pleasure.
Immediately, all the girls fangirled over him. However, Ren ignored this and instead walked over to Lala's desk.
Ren: I've found you... My... Bride!
Everyone: HUH?!
Risa: B-bride?!
Ren held Lala's hand as he spoke.
Ren: Lala-chan, I knew when i first laid my eyes on you. Even if you slip into a crowd your beauty cannot be hidden.
Saruyama: Hey! What do you mean by bride?!
Ren turned around and pointed at him.
Ren: Are you... Gaster (Y/N)?
Saruyama: Uh... no
(Y/N): Nope. Try again.
Ren pointed at (Y/N).
Ren: Then it's you?
(Y/N): Ah. There ya go.
Ren: Gaster (Y/N), let me say this: I will reclaim Lala-chan from you.
(Y/N) stared at him unfazed.
Risa: Oh, is this what you call the appearance of a love rival?
Mio: It's like a daytime drama! We can expect a muddled, never-ending and harsh struggle against them!
Lala: Okay, i have a question!
Ren: What is it, Lala-chan?
Lala: Who are you?
Ren got his whole world destroyed right there.
Ren: A-As expected from Lala-chan. This wont be easy. But i won't lose. For i am...
Ren: A man!
Saruyama: How do you and Lala-chan know each other?
Ren: Excellent question! Just look at this and you'll know.
Ren took out a photo of him and Lala when they were younger.
(Y/N): Hmm. I see.
Lala: It's me when i was little!
(Y/N): And the other is Ren. But why are you in girls clothes?
Lala: I remember you! It's crybaby Ren-chan!
(Y/N): (snicker) (Dang.)
Ren had no effect on her calling him that.
Ren: It seems like you've remembered me.
We then go though a lot of scenes of how Lala basically abused Ren (im not writing that. too lazy.)
Ren: Although i cried every day, those were some wonderful memories.
(Y/N): I wouldn't call that a "wonderful memory"
Lala: He exploded~
Ren: Those thrilling days continued until one day, Lala-chan promised me:
Past Ren: Hey, if i become more manly, will you marry me?
Past Lala: Sure, if you become more manly.
Peke: Did you really say that?
Lala: Hmmm, I might have, but i might have not...
Ren: And hence, I have come here! Do you understand what that means, Gaster (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Your basing your love over a childhood promise?
Ren: No! All of this is to prove to Lala that i have become manly, so she'll accept me!
(Y/N): ...Ok.
Teacher: Um... May i start the lesson?
Since that encounter, Ren tried to show just how "manly" he has become. Like running in front of (Y/N) and ripping an entire manga comic in half.
Students: How manly!
(Y/N) however, looked down and back at him again.
(Y/N): ...You gonna clean that up?
Ren: Eh?
Later that day, a class just ended so (Y/N) and Lala were gonna leave the classroom, when out of nowhere Ren tries to push (Y/N) out the way, who casually dodges. After the smoke clears, Ren is at the door holding it.
Ren: After you.
Students: How manly!
(Y/N): (deadpan) Really?
Later again, we see the males of the school running laps around the field. Ren then comes around and runs laps at triple the speed.
(Y/N): He's trying way too hard.
Students: That's manly in a certain way.
After the laps, (Y/N) and the others went to where the sinks are and Lala handed him a towel.
Lala: Here you go!
(Y/N): Thanks.
Ren comes by, panting after all the laps.
Ren: Lala-chan. What do you think? I've become manly right?
Lala: I'm not sure.
Ren then got his world destroyed yet again.
After that, (Y/N) was seen laying outside when Ren approached him.
Ren: Gaster (Y/N)! I have to talk to you.
(Y/N): Ah great. What is it?
Then from absolutely nowhere, some random guy comes and knocks Ren forward. They would've locked lips... if (Y/N) didn't dodge making Ren fall on his face.
(Y/N): Dude, i support. But i ain't gay.
Ren: It wasn't intentional!
Clearing up that, they both went up to the rooftops.
(Y/N): So, what's up?
Ren: What should i do? It's clear that i'm more manly than you, so why won't Lala recognize me as being manly?
(Y/N): Why ask me?
Ren: Isn't the secret to manliness hidden within you? Tell me that...
(Y/N): Dude, your acting too desperate. Lala probably doesn't care about how "manly" you get. If anything, you just showing how possessive your becoming over something she promised to you when she was young.
Ren was shocked and disappointed in himself.
(Y/N): Now i don't know anything about being manly, but the way your acting isn't manly at all.
(Y/N) then casually took his leave, with Ren falling on his knees in defeat.
Ren: So that's it. If that's the case then i... What am i supposed to do?
A/N: Now at this point, it's pretty much just focused on Ren, so i'ma skip the rest of the episode. However i had to include this moment.
Lala was walking up the stairs when Ren stopped her while wearing some... outfit.
Ren: Well, i'm manly now, right?
Lala: I'd say instead of becoming more manly... you become more interesting!
Ren then falls on the ground in defeat, while (Y/N) appears from nowhere.
A/N: Well, after that, it's time to move on.
The next day, everybody was going to school as usual, but (Y/N) was running later than usual.
Lala: (Y/N)'s really slow today... We're gonna be late at this rate.
Peke: He seems to have locked himself in the bathroom.
Lala: Guess there's no choice then...
Lala then took out a magnet robot.
It activated and started magnitizing (Y/N). Haruna then arrived at the school.
Haruna: Lala-san, good morning.
Lala: Haruna! Good morning.
Then, out of nowhere, (Y/N) came gliding down the sidewalk heading directly towards Haruna.
(Y/N): Sorry about that.
(Y/N) then stood up, giving Haruna a good look at his (you-know-what). She screamed so loud she broke the sound barrier. Run then came out of nowhere and hugged (Y/N).
Run: (Y/N)-kun!
Lala: It's Run-chan!
Run: (Y/N)-kun, i missed you so much, (Y/N)-kun. I wanted to feel you lips that one time, (Y/N)-kun.
Run then tries to kiss (Y/N) as he slowly leans back. They both fell on the ground as the students get a panty-shot. Yui looks in shock as someone else appears.
Saki: My apologies for intruding while your busy.
Saki came out wearing some weird outfit while Rin and Aya wore similar outfits.
Saki: But this time you'll have a proper contest with me. If you don't, i'll really make your fiancé my slave.
Saki then pulls (Y/N) up and smothers him in her breasts as (Y/N) just looks tired.
Lala: (Y/N)...
Run: (Y/N)-kun...
Yui then stands in front of them with a serious look on her face.
Yui: Hold it, you people.
----------------------------------------Upright Public Morals Committee Member!------------------------------------------
Yui: It's still early in the morning, control yourselves!
Lala: Who's that?
Yui: I'm in the same class as you, the Morals Committee Officer, Kotegawa Yui! I've been overlooking your actions up until now, but my patience has reached it's limit. Your actions are greatly disturbing the moral order of this school. If i do not see an improvement in your conduct, then i will be taking measures of my own!
Yui pointed directly towards (Y/N), who was quickly falling asleep. She then turned to point against the others.
Yui: You people as well. Even if you are from another class, on top of you salacious actions, what your wearing is-
Yui was then ignored as the girls fought over (Y/N), who has fallen asleep. She quickly stopped them and pointed to (Y/N).
Yui: Listen to me.
Run then turned (Y/N)'s head towards her.
Run: (Y/N)-kun, please, at least one.
But before she kissed him, she sneezed turning back into Ren. (Y/N) then woke up and saw Ren about to kiss him again. He deadpanned at him as Ren quickly backed up into Lala.
Ren: Lala-chan, sorry!
Lala stared at Ren as he then noticed what he was wearing.
Lala: Ren-chan, you're so cute.
Ren the blushed madly and tried to stop Lala from looking, knocking off Peke in the process, turning Lala naked. Yui couldn't handle it anymore, and fainted.
Later that day, (Y/N) was napping in class again while Yui glared at him.
Yui: (Gaster (Y/N). He's the primary cause of everything. Revolving around him is sexual lust, disgrace, impure relationships, and even forbidden love. Every possible immoral thing is spinning around him. In fooling a large number of female students, those become twisted and no doubts stray away from public moral standards!)
Yui shook herself out of her nightmares and glared at (Y/N) more.
Yui: (It's always the boys that are good for nothing.)
Later that day, Yui walked down the hallway and spotted (Y/N) and Lala going the other direction. When she passed them, time stopped for her.
Yui: (Gaster (Y/N). I shall protect this school's moral order from your demonic hands.)
Time started again as she passed them.
A/N: Then some public moral crap blah blah moving on.
Later, (Y/N) was walking across the halls when his body froze.
(Y/N): Huh? ...Oh.
(Y/N)'s body automatically started moving towards Lala's magnet invention as he saw Yui in a "special" uniform.
They then crash into each other, as (Y/N) lays himself on her breasts. Yui glares at him as she blushes.
(Y/N): ...Hello there.
Later that day, (Y/N) was napping in class again when the teacher called him.
Teacher: Before i start homeroom... Gaster (Y/N)?
(Y/N): (wakes up) Yo.
Teacher: Because you have disturbed public morals on school grounds, you are suspended for two weeks.
(Y/N): ...Ah.
Teacher: No... suspended from talking to girls or two weeks. That is your punishment.
(Y/N): Ok then.
Since then, (Y/N) sat in a classroom by himself as people guarded the outside. If anything, it didn't feel like suspension.
(Replace Rito with (Y/N))
(Y/N): Welp, nothing else to do but nap some more.
And so (Y/N) did just that.
Lala and others were outside his classroom, worried.
Lala: I wonder if (Y/N)'s alright.
Risa: What can't be helped, can't be helped.
Mio: But even so, I feel sorry for him.
Haruna: (Gaster-kun...)
Somewhere near, Yui was pulling down a poster.
Yui: (Gaster (Y/N). You are getting what you deserve.)
Lala: It's kind of boring...
All the guys, that were doing... something heard this and realized...
Saruyama: Yeah! Now that (Y/N) can't talk to girls, it's my chance to get closer to Lala-chan!
Guys: Yeah! Lala-chan!
(Y/N) just snickers to himself.
(Y/N): Like you have a chance with her.
(Y/N) just sighs and continues his nap.
Everyone else walks like soldiers as Yui smiles proudly.
Yui: It feels great now that the schools moral order has been restored. This is also thanks to Gaster being subdued.
Saki: Lala-san!
Yui turned and saw Saki in the outfit from before.
Saki: Let's settle this today, once and for all! That is, if you have the confidence to challenge me in these clothes.
Lala: Haruna, are you gonna challenge her? I'll cheer for you!
Lala then slapped on her short skirt invention that turned Haruna's clothes into the short skirt Yui had before. Ren then came out of nowhere running to Lala, when he tripped on a bucket causing him to crash into the girls. He then sneezed which made him turn into a girl. All the boys clapped at this scene as Yui's world was destroyed.
Yui: (Even though Gaster (Y/N) isn't in contact with girls... Nothing has changed? Could it be that he wasn't the cause of everything? But that can't be...)
As fate would have it, (Y/N) passes by with a board around his chest. As he passes by Yui, she then follows him. Before leaving the school, (Y/N) makes sure to take off that sign. Then we go though a bunch of scenes of (Y/N) doing various things, as Yui regrets everything she did. One in particular when (Y/N) took care of a dying flower, a young girl came next to him crying.
(Y/N): What's up? You lost?
After telling him, (Y/N) went to help her find her parents, when Yui appeared behind them.
Yui: Gaster-kun.
(Y/N): Hmm? Yo, Yui.
Yui: I'll look for that child's parent too.
(Y/N): I see.
Eventually, they were able to find the child's mother as she thanked them graciously. Yui looked at him and saw his smile. When she looked, her heart pounded. Later, they went down the same path at dusk.
Yui: Gaster-kun.
(Y/N): That's me.
Yui: Umm... I... I think i've misunderstood you.
(Y/N): (Oh really?)
Yui: I thought you were disordered, immoral, disgraceful, and flirty.
(Y/N): (deadpan) Wow...
Yui: But... In truth, you are pure. And honest. I think... You might be really kind.
(Y/N) smiled a bit wider.
Yui: I'm sorry. I asked the principal to punish you by not allowing you to talk to girls. But I now know it was a misunderstanding. I'll speak with the principal and have the punishment lifted.
(Y/N): I appreciate that... However..
Yui: Eh?
(Y/N): In truth, i may be kind, truthful, and others, but im far from pure, as are you.
Yui: I... well...
(Y/N): Also... you wanna fly?
Yui: ...What-
As she spoke, all of a sudden, (Y/N) picked her up as he flew down the opposite way. Turns out Lala's magnet was pulling him again. They first went through the store conveniently ending up in the women's area of clothes. He expertly dodged all the females (as well as a random punch) as he left quickly. He also ran though some random house as he broke his table and messed up his ramen. After that, they both ran through a wedding hall that was in progress.
Priest: And now, you may kiss the bride.
(Y/N) and Yui the came through the window.
(Y/N): Objection!
(Y/N) quickly ran past them.
As they ran past, the husband and priest nearly kisses each other but a random blue glow stopped them quickly. After that, they ran though a random omen room and ended up in a military zone. After dodging all that chaos they finally made it to a resturaunt when they tripped and fell. Yui was knocked out and (Y/N) gave a thumbs up before also conking out.
After that fiasco, the next day arrived as (Y/N) and Lala walked in and saw Yui.
Lala: Yui! Good morning!
Yui: Good morning.
Lala then tripped as Peke fell off of her and turned her naked and also fell on top. (Y/N) smiled casually and looked up to see Yui towering him. (Y/N) deadpanned seeing her smile, and quickly covered his ears. She then yelled out loudly...
A/N: Sorry this has been dead for a while but it's back.
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