Alien Assassin
A/N: Don't worry. I didn't forget about this story.
Currently in space, a meteor-like object was heading straight towards earth. Zastin and his crew picked up said object on a radar.
Soldier: Commander Zastin! An unidentified object is heading towards Earth. What should we do, Commander Zastin?
Zastin: So it already appeared, huh? However, this was expected. It would be simple if i were to help, but... this is another trial Muko-dono must face. We shall keep watch and observe his ability. I wish you luck, Muko-dono.
----------------------------------------Alien Assassin------------------------------------------
The meteor then crashes onto the school roof. An alien comes through, running to the bathroom.
???: Toilet... Toilet... Toilet...
After finding the bathroom, he uses it, then comes out.
???: Gi Burii... Where is Lala?
After sniffing around, he then goes to the science room, where class was currently being held.
Gi Burii: In here!
The class was about dissecting frogs. (Y/N) and Lala sat next to each other.
Professor: Okay then, please begin to dissect your frogs.
Class: Okay!
Lala: (Y/N), what is "dissect"
(Y/N): Basically, we're gonna open up the frogs stomach with this.
He holds up a knife.
Lala: Why?
(Y/N): To learn more about them, i guess.
Lala: Find out more?
(Y/N): Yes.
Lala: I want to find out more about you, rather than frogs. So... I want to dissect (Y/N)!
(Y/N): ...You can't do that.
Lala: (Y/N)!
Gi Burii saw them through the door.
Gi Burii: It's Lala! No doubt about it! Flirting in a place like this...
Lala: (Y/N), will it be okay if i use tweezers?
(Y/N): How about you stop trying?
Lala: Let me dissect you!
(Y/N): No.
Lala: Come on!
Before she could continue, Saruyama got in between them.
Saruyama: If you're okay with me, I'll be happy to let you dissect me anytime.
Lala: Okay.
Lala then used tweezers to pull his belly button, causing him to yell out.
Gi Burii: That man is Lala's fiance! Jealousy.
(Y/N) was casually walking away from Lala, as she tried to get him. Haruna watched in concern, until Risa grabbed her breasts.
Risa: What's wrong? You've been spacing out a lot recently, Haruna.
Haruna: T-That's not it... at all.
Risa: Have they grown a bit?
Haruna pouted.
Risa: Growing is a good thing.
As (Y/N) dodged Lala, he took quick glances at Haruna, which Gi Burii noticed.
Gi Burii: What is that idiot doing? Looking at that other girl while Lala is chasing him... He looked at her again! (If i remember correctly, my information said something about Lala's fiance liking some other girl too. That girl is the one Lala's fiance likes.)
(Y/N) felt someone staring at him, and quickly turned his head around. He caught a quick glimpse of something staring at him before it disappears. (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed, but quickly shrugged it off.
Gi Burii: I won't forgive that kid.
The principal, who was walking down the hall, quickly caught notice of the alien, mistaking it as a costume.
Principal: You, what are you doing in that costume?
Gi Burii: Huh?
Principal: Although... It looks like a very well made costume.
Gi Burii: Who are you?
Principal: I am the principal of this school.
Gi Burii: Principal? I see. Then...
Gi Burii's body got clouded, as his body morphed into an exact replica of the principal. He then opened his mouth and hit him with a beam, making him fall asleep. Gi Burii smiled and cackled evilly, as he dragged him away.
He then went to the class she was currently in. When he walked inside, he spotted the girl and called her.
"Principal": You.
Haruna didn't hear him so Saruyama called her.
Saruyama: Sairenji. The principal called you.
Haruna turned her head towards him.
"Principal": I have something to ask you. Please come with me.
Haruna: But...
"Principal": Bring your lunch and come with me. Principals orders.
Haruna: Y-yes.
"Principal": By the way, where is Lala-chan?
Saruyama: She's with (Y/N).
"Principal": Ah, i see.
Lala: (Y/N)! Let me dissect you!
(Y/N): You're still going on about that?
(Y/N) and Lala were walking on the roof, when he stopped to look at the giant crater.
(Y/N): When did this get here?
Back with the class
"Principal": Please tell Gaster (Y/N) that i have taken Sairenji-san with me.
Saruyama: Okay...
"Principal": Well then, Sairenji-san, let's go.
Haruna: Where are we going?
"Principal": To where the gym equipment is stored.
Haruna: Um... What are we doing there?
"Principal": It doesn't matter, just come!
Haruna: Y-yes...
They walked off as Saruyama looked confused.
Back with (Y/N) and Lala.
(Y/N): Lala, did you do this?
Lala: No. I didn't bring anything that would cause this.
Saruyama: Yo, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Sup man?
Saruyama: The Principal told me to tell you that he took Sairenji to the gym storage room.
Saruyama: As i said: The Principal told me to tell you that he took Sairenji to the gym storage room.
(Y/N): Why would he take her there?
Saruyama: No idea. Anyway, i've told you.
(Y/N): Huh. Hey, Lala?
Lala: Hm?
(Y/N): I need to go do something. Until i get back, Saruyama will be your specimen, alright?
Lala: Saruyama will?
Saruyama: Me? Sure.
(Y/N): Bye then.
(Y/N) high-fived him and walked off. When he got down to the grounds, he heard him scream loudly, which made him laugh.
(Y/N): Get's me every time.
He immediately stopped laughing when he heard Haruna scream. He walked a little faster to the storage room, and opened the door. He saw Haruna with a bunch of weird tentacles wrapped around her, and stood next to her was the "Principal".
(Y/N): What the...
"Principal": You're early, Gaster. I would've preferred it if you had took your time.
(Y/N): So you mind telling me what exactly your doing with Haruna?
The "Principal" radiated a aura, then broke apart to show Gi Burii.
Gi Burii: Gi Burii.
(Y/N): Oh wow, an alien.
Gi Burii: My name is Gi Burii. Gaster, i will have you keep your hands off Lala.
(Y/N): What.
Gi Burii: The one who will marry Lala and become the successor of Deviluke, will be me.
(Y/N): (snicker) Okay...
Gi Burii: I assure you, (Y/N). It will not be you.
As Saruyama went mentally insane, Lala stared off at the distance sadly.
Lala: Where is he?
Peke: Lala-sama, this is just speculation, but maybe (Y/N)-dono isn't coming back.
Lala: Why? He said he'd be right back.
Peke: And yet he hasn't come back yet.
Lala: I guess he is slow, but...
Peke: To put it simply, i think you were tricked by him.
Lala: Ehh?! No way!
Peke: If you chase so persistently, i think it's normal to use lies to get away.
Lala: That's not nice! I'm definitely gonna dissact (Y/N)!
Lala opened up her D-dial and called her robot dog.
Lala: Sniffing Trace-kun! Look for this scent.
Lala held up a pair of his shorts.
Peke: What's that?
Lala: His shorts.
Lala: Come on, Trace-kun.
Trace-kun sniffed the shorts, and then took off. It brung Lala to the girls changing room.
Lala: (Y/N)'s in here right? (Y/N)!
But actually, the dog just smelled the girls scent. Jumping to other girls sniffing them.
Lala: Hey! Search properly!
Trace-kun: S-sorry!
Back to (Y/N).
Gi Burii: Gaster, cancel your engagement with Lala.
(Y/N): Yeaah...Nah.
Gi Burii: I've got very little patience.
Gi Burii pressed a button on his remote, making the tentacles rip off some of her clothes.
(Y/N): ..Really?
Gi Burii: It's only gonna get worse after this. Now say it! Say that you will pull out of your engagement with Lala!
(Y/N): You are so desperate. Do you think she'll fall for you after this?
Gi Burii: I think you're misunderstanding something. Lala will marry me. That's what i've decided. (laugh)
(Y/N): So that means that they're both just tools to you?
Gi Burii: When you say it that way, it makes me look like a bad guy.
(Y/N): (ominous laugh) Ok.
Suddenly, Lala burst into the room, and hugged (Y/N)!
Lala: (Y/N)! I finally found you! So this is where you've been hiding!
(Y/N): Hey, wassup?
Lala: Huh? You're Gi Burii. What are you doing here?
Lala then noticed Haruna in the tentacles.
Lala: Haruna! Gi Burii! What are you doing to Haruna?!
Gi Burii: Heh, i can't get enough of that angry face. You belong to me.
Lala: I've told you a number of times that i hate you!
Gi Burii: You can tell me as many times as you like. It only feels better!
Suddenly, his body grew bigger and physically stronger.
(Y/N): Hey look, he grew up.
Lala chuckled a bit at that.
Gi Burii: Lala, this is your last warning. Marry me, for if you dont...
Gi Burii grabbed Haruna and held her.
Lala: Haruna!
(Y/N): Hey buddy.
Gi Burii turned towards him, and saw him glaring with his smile.
(Y/N): Best you put her down if you know what's good for ya.
Gi Burii glared at him and tried to grow bigger, but (Y/N) threw a punch towards him, breaking his ruse.
Gi Burii: Im sorry!
(Y/N) grin got bigger.
(Y/N): (Checkmate) What was that?
Gi Burii: (C-crap) I said... even if you say im sorry, I wont back down anymore.
(Y/N) put on a smug grin, then jump scared him. Gi Burii fell down and transformed into a tiny version.
(Y/N): What happened to him?
Lala: This is Gi Burii's real form, a balukien.
(Y/N): Balukien?
Peke: They are aliens with excellent imitation abilities, but they are extremely physically weak because of that.
(Y/N): So that's why he was the principal.
He then heard snoring and saw the principal sleeping.
Lala: I hear snoring.
(Y/N): Eh, he seems fine.
While they were distracted, Gi Burii tried to escape, but was then stopped from his wife.
Wife Burii: What are you doing here!
Gi Burii: Honey!
(Y/N): Huh?
Lala: Honey?
Wife Burii: Today of all days, i will not be forgiving you dear.
Lala: Gi Burii has a wife?
(Y/N): The why did he want to marry you?
Wife Burii: Not only a wife, but children too!
As she said that, a little Burii came in.
Kid Burii: Dad..
Gi Burii: My son!
Lala: No way.
Wife Burii: And on top of that...
Lala: Are there more children?
Wife Burii: There are more children and wives!
(Y/N): What?
Wife Burii: This idiot husband used his imitation abilities and went off to other planets, imitating the most handsome alien ever, and tricked women into having children with him.
(Y/N): Handsome? Sure hope he didn't think the principal was handsome.
Wife Burii: Everyone's coming.
Gi Burii: Where?
Just as she said that, a bunch of wives and kids appeared. Gi Burii ran away.
(Y/N): Lala, can you help them out.
Lala: Well, it's tedious, so...
Lala took out her D-dial and brought out a robot duck.
Lala: Wishy-washy warp-kun! Everyone gather around and get warped off earth!
The duck opened it's mouth and sprung a water tornado that sucked the aliens in and teleported away.
Lala: All solved!
(Y/N): Oh yeah, Lala. Can you take care of Haruna for me?
Lala: This uniform... Can you do something about it, Peke?
Peke: Leave it to me! This kind of material can easily be repaired by my system.
Lala noticed (Y/N) leaving.
Lala: Where are you going?
(Y/N): Home. I'm tired.
Lala: Hmm.
As for the aliens, they appeared in Zastin's bath.
Enough said.
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