A love apron from outer space


(Y/n) and Haruna were standing above water in a foggy forest.

Haruna: Gaster-kun...

(Y/n): Yes, Haruna?

Haruna: What kind of relationship do you have with Lala?

(Y/n): Relationship? Well... We don't really have one.

Haruna: Really, Gaster-kun?

Haruna ran up and held him.

(Y/n): Yeah. Because I...

Haruna looked up at him.

Haruna: Gaster-kun.

(Y/n): Haruna...

The scenery changed in a chinese house, as Haruna held inflatables that towered over (Y/n) and woke him up from his dream, with breasts in his face. (Y/n) sat up and yawned as Lala also woke up.

Lala: Good morning, (Y/n).

(Y/n): You have a separate room.

Lala: I just wanted to be beside you.

(Y/n): Couldn't you do that with clothes on?

----------------------------------------A Love Apron From Outer Space------------------------------------------

Mikan finished cooking breakfast handing Lala and (Y/n) bacon, eggs and rice.

Mikan: Here, Lala-san. Enjoy.

Lala: Yay! Itadakimasu.

Mikan: Here's yours, (Y/n). 

(Y/n): Thank you. Itadakimasu.

Lala: I can't wait!

Lala tried the food and squealed.

Lala: It's so tasty!

Mikan: Really? It's just normal bacon and eggs.

Lala: This is the first time I've ever eaten something so warm.

(Y/n): Isn't food normally warm?

Zastin suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Zastin: That's not true, Muko-dono.

(Y/n): Zastin?

Zastin: Lala-sama has been living on Deviluke as a princess. Royalty have poison tasters for their food. By the time the tested food reaches the dining table, it's usually cold.

(Y/n): Really?

Lala: Yep.

Mikan: Even royalty has it rough. They have to worry about being poisoned when they eat and so on.

Lala: That was good! Thanks for the meal!

Zastin: Yes, exactly.

(Y/n): (Couldn't they just heat it up again?)

Zastin walked out the clear doors.

Zastin: Well then...

Zastin teleported to his ship.

Lala: Delicous!


Lala and (Y/n) are walking to school together.

Female student: Morning!

Female student: Good morning!

Male student 1: That's her right? The new transfer student?

Male student 2: She's really cute. Who's that guy next to her?

Male student 1: That's (Y/n) Gaster. Y'know, the guys that's always smiling? Apparently, they live together.

Male student 2: That pisses me off!

Lala: Haruna! Good morning! This morning was bacon, eggs and rice!

Haruna: Is that so?

Lala: What did you have?

Haruna: Well, for me, rice and miso soup can bring out the taste of anything.

Later on, Lala was talking to Risa and Mio.

Risa: Huh? You were that excited over bacon and eggs, Lala?

Lala: Well, delicious things are delicious.

Mio: I heard you were born overseas, but where?

Lala: Really far away!

Risa pointed to her tail.

Risa: Is that also a custom in your country?

Lala waved her tail around.

Lala: I guess you could call it a custom.

Mio: But even if you're relatives, it's weird that you're freeloading of Gaster.

Risa: How are you related? Cousins?

Lala: We're getting married!

Both: Eh?

(Y/n) stood on top of the roof looking at the ground. Zastin flew up to him.

Zastin: What are you worrying over, Muko-dono?

(Y/n): Zastin?

(Y/n) backed up so Zastin could climb over the railing.

Zastin: If... This is simply a possibility... But you're not regretting you're engagement to Lala-sama, are you?

Zastin drew his sword and pointed it at (Y/n), who was unfazed.

(Y/n): No. I was just thinking about how early this engagement is happening. Especially how young we are.

Zastin: I see.

Zastin sheathed his sword.

Zastin: I suppose that is a justifiable problem. However, it is a marriage to the princess of Deviluke, Lala-sama. It is a simple path to becoming the King of Deviluke.

(Y/n): What does the king do?

Zastin: Well... First of all, there's capturing territory during interstellar wars.

(Y/n): Capturing?

Zastin: Territory.

(Y/n): And wars?

Zastin: Yes.

(Y/n) thought about a battle being easily won by the deviluke.

(Y/n): (Huh, that's not so bad.)

Zastin: Muko-dono, it's probably good to start combat training now. Real battles will not wait for you.

(Y/n): Oh, don't worry about training. I'm strong enough as i am. Oh, i have class. See you later man.

(Y/n) walked downstairs as the bell ringed.

Zastin: So he has class? I guess it can't be helped then.

Zastin teleported back to his ship.

(Y/n) was in his class, sleeping again.

Teacher: And so... this becomes this and...

(Y/n): (I don't mind going into battle, but king of deviluke?)

Teacher: Okay, Gaster-kun, come forward to the board and-

(Y/n): Do i have too?

The class looked at him.

(Y/n): What?

Lala: (Y/n)?

Haruna: Gaster-kun?

Teacher: Well, so my classes have no relation to the cool and icy isolation generation!

The teacher did some... weird poses.

(Y/n): I didn't mean it like that...


(Y/n) layed on the couch.

(Y/n): Today was weird.

Lala: Honekawa-sensei was really interesting today, don't you think?

(Y/n) shrugged.

Lala: What's the matter? You seem a little strange.

(Y/n): Really?

Lala: Hey, hey, what's for dinner?

Mikan: Well, since Lala-san seems to enjoy hot food, I've decided on sukiyaki.

Lala: For me?

Mikan put on a cute sad face.

Mikan: Don't you like it?

Lala looked like she was about to cry and launched at Mikan.

Lala: Mikan!

Lala hugged Mikan and jumped.

Lala: I'm so happy!

Mikan: R-really?

Lala: But, what's sukiyaki?

After finishing the food she sat it at the table.

Lala: Itadakimasu~!

(Y/n): Itadakimasu.

Zastin: Itadakimasu.

(Y/n): When did you get here?

Mikan: Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like we don't know him.

Zastin: This is tasty!

Lala: So tasty!

(Y/n): Is there nothing delicious on Deviluke?

Zastin: That is not the case... However. This is delicious!

Lala: So tasty!

(Y/n): Don't eat and talk at the same time.

Zastin: Sorry to be so rude, but may i have more of that thing you call "rice"?

Mikan: Sure.

Mikan gave Zastin more rice.

Zastin: You have my gratitude.

Mikan: Here.

Zastin ate some more and started crying again.

Zastin: I can't get enough of this!

Lala: Zastin, that's not fair!

Mikan: Let's finish the udon with spikenard.

Lala: What's that?

Mikan: It's really good.

Zastin: I went ahead of myself!

(Y/n): So there is nothing delicous on Deviluke.

Zastin: I said there is, so there is! But this is delicious, too!

Lala: Yep.

Mikan: Hey, what kind of food do you have on Deviluke?

Lala: Well, should i try making you something?

Mikan: I'd love to try some!

Lala: Okay, just wait a sec.

Lala went to the fridge to grab ingredients.

Lala: Do you have any Egraboron?

Mikan: I don't think so...

Lala: And any Jaganiaagyan?

Mikan: Definitely not. 

Zastin walked to the fridge.

Zastin: Lala-sama, allow me to pick some similar ingredients for you.

Mikan: Oh yeah, Lala-san, you should wear this apron.

Peke: Apron?

Mikan: Yeah. You have to wear this when you're cooking.

Zastin: Lala-sama, how about these?

Zastin showed her some ingredients.

Lala: Good! Alrighty! I'm going to give it a go!

After cooking, Lala made some moving slime... jelly... thing. And it was moving.

Lala: Go ahead.

(Y/n) took a piece and took a bite. He froze.

Lala: Well, (Y/n)? Is it good?

(Y/n) fainted.

Lala: Huh?

(Y/n) woke up.

(Y/n): Huh?

Everybody was back to eating sukiyaki.

Mikan: He came back.

Lala: Welcome back, (Y/n)!

Zastin: How far did you go?

(Y/n): ...What just happened? Was i dreaming?

(Y/n) noticed the slime thing on the floor.

(Y/n): Okay nevermind.

Lala: Looks like i messed up a little.

Zastin: There was no other option. We couldn't get the real ingredients.

(Y/n): What about the fact that she can't cook?

Lala: To tell you the truth... Today was my first time cooking.

(Y/n): (First time? Well then...)

(Y/n) stood up and looked at Lala.

Lala: (Y/n), is something wrong?

(Y/n): Lala... You can't marry someone that can't cook.

Everyone looked surprised.

Mikan: What are you talking about?

Zastin: Lala-sama is a princess. The Royal Palace shall cook for her!

(Y/n): She needs to learn how to cook herself. If the person i love can't... Then there's no point.

Everyone was silent. Lala got up and ran outside.

Zastin: Um... Lala-sama...

Lala turned into her dress form and flew away.

Zastin: Wait, Lala-sama!

Zastin teleported to his ship. 

Mikan: Hey, what are you trying to do?

(Y/n): Nothing. I didn't mean for her to take it that way.

Later on, (Y/n) was taking a bath thinking about what happened.

The next morning (Y/n) woke up as usual noticing the absence of Lala. (Y/n) went downstairs to eat breakfast and saw other plates on the table.

(Y/n): Morning.

Mikan: Where is Lala-san?

(Y/n): Still gone.

Mikan: Hey, (Y/n), what are you going to do?

(Y/n): What am i going to do?

Mikan: What if Lala-san doesn't come back?

(Y/n): Then I don't know.

Mikan: Geez, you're such an idiot!

Mikan walked away angrily as (Y/n) looked down.

(Y/n): (Maybe I am.)

(Y/n) finished his breakfast and walked to school. Sarayuma appeared behind him.

Sarayuma: Yo! What? You're not with Lala-chan today?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Sarayuma saw Haruna up ahead.

Sarayuma: Sarenji, good morning.

Haruna: Good morning. Huh? Where's Lala-san today?

(Y/n): She couldn't come today.

In class, (Y/n) was sleeping while thinking about before.

(Y/n): (Maybe... She won't come back... All because of me.)

(Y/n) sighs.

Teacher: Let's see, where's Lala-kun... She's absent today... Then-

The door suddenly opened revealing Lala.

Lala: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): (...Nevermind.)

Lala: Preperations are done! Come on! Let's go, let's go!

Lala grabbed (Y/n) arm and ran out the classroom.

Lala: Come along, for i will show you the fruits of my success!

Teacher: As usual, my classes are...

Haruna: Sensei, i'll go and find them.

Teacher: Please...

Haruna followed them.

Meanwhile, Lala showed (Y/n) an invention.

Lala: See, this is it!

(Y/n): Hey, Lala. This doesn't look promising.

Lala: Trust me! It's going to work out! It'll go "boof" and "bang" and with spirit and courage it'll work!

(Y/n): I just wanted to say...

Lala and (Y/n) started overlapping each other before stopping.

Lala/(Y/n): To find these ingredients.../I'm sorry. 

They looked at each other.

Lala/(Y/n): I'm sorry?/Ingredients?

(Y/n): Yeah, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for saying what i said before. I didn't mean to take it that way.

Lala: It's okay! I didn't leave for that reason.

(Y/n): You didn't?

Lala: Nope! I left to make you a better meal! That's why i have this!

(Y/n): (Well, at least nothing terrible happened.)

Lala: And anyway, when i marry you, i'll be living with you on Earth, so don't worry.

(Y/n): Huh?

Lala: I was so happy... when you said you loved me.

(Y/n): I did say that, didn't I?

Lala: You said you loved me, so you wanted to eat my home cooking.

(Y/n): (At least she's positive.)

Lala: That's why i tried my best to gather these ingredients.

(Y/n): All of this for me, huh?

Lala: I'm going to make it right now, so wait right there. Peke.

Peke: Very well, Lala-sama. Transform, apron form!

Lala's clothes changed into nothing but an apron.

Lala: Ta-da! How is it?

(Y/n): You wear an apron on top of clothes.

Lala: This is no good?

(Y/n): Just put something under.

Lala: Change form!

Lala added a bikini under.

Lala: How about this?

(Y/n): ...Good enough.

Lala: Okay!

Lala pressed the button on the freezer, opening it.

Lala: Okay, I'm starting.

Lala started taking out alien like foods that looked way to big to fit in there.

(Y/n):: How did that fit in there?

Lala: My invention: Freezing Container-kun. It's equipped with a system that can curve space. You can put anything away and freeze anything!

Haruna was walking down the hallway trying to find Lala and (Y/n).

Haruna: Where did those two go?

Back to Lala and (Y/n), Lala was cutting her ingredients while (Y/n) watched. Haruna entered the room they were in.

Haruna: So this is where you were.

Lala: Haruna!

(Y/n): Oh hey Haruna. What are you doing here?

Haruna: I came to find you two... We're still in the middle of class.

(Y/n): Ahh... That's right.

Haruna: What are you two doing here?

(Y/n): Nothing really.

Lala: I'm cooking for (Y/n)!

Haruna: Cooking?

Lala: Because (Y/n) said he wanted to eat homemade cooking by the girl he loves.

(Y/n): Lala...

Lala: When he talks like that, i've gotta do my best!

Haruna: I see.

(Y/n): (Jesus...)

Haruna: Gaster-kun. I want to know the truth!

(Y/n) stared at her.

Haruna: What is that?

(Y/n) turned around to see a big red tentacle coming out the freezer.

Lala: Huh? An Andromeda giant octopus. That's weird, it should've been frozen...

A big red octopus appeared out of the freezer. It looked at Haruna and she fainted. The octopus used it's tentacles and wrapped them around Haruna.

(Y/n): Hey! Let her go!

The octopus grabbed (Y/n) as well.

Lala: Hey! Behave yourself!

A tentacle touched Lala's breast.

Lala: He just-!

It grabbed Lala as well.

Lala: Let me go!

Peke: An opponent like this will be an easy victory if you get serious!

Lala: Okay!

As Lala tried to break free, a tentacle started touching her sensitive tail.

Peke: Lala-sama!

Lala: I can't summon any strength...

Peke: What?!

Zastin crashed through the window and drew his sword.

Zastin: Lala-sama! You, you're nothing more than an ingredient! I shall not forgive you for smothering Deviluke's princess, Lala-sama! I'll slice you- No, I will serve you whole - but sliced!

Lala: Zastin, behind you!

A blue squid appeared behind him and spewed ink on him.

Zastin: My eyes! My eyes!

(Y/n): What is that?

Lala: A Kentaros giant squid.

The squid did a gesture. The octopus showed him (Y/n) but the squid knocked him away. They began pushing against each other. Haruna woke up as the octopus and squid looked at her and she fainted again.

Zastin: Y-you bastard. I won't let you smother her either.

Lala: Zastin, behind you!

A lobster claw appeared out of the freezer. It grabbed Zastin's sword and lifted him up in the air.

Lala: It's a great Mazeron giant lobster! Freezing Container-kun is unfreezing them all by itself!

The squid started hitting the lobster as it got angry and tried to attack it. The octopus tried to crawl away but the squid pulled him back making them get into a big fight.

(Y/n): Is there more in there?

Lala: Well, i wanted you to eat lots!

A big slug like alien appeared out the freezer and pushed them against the wall. It's back broke through the ceiling, as the tentacles broke the windows as people inside the school screamed. Zastin tried to attack but the lobster grabbed his sword and sent him flying. (Y/n) was getting chased by the slug alien.

(Y/n): This is just... chaos.


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