
Life has been treating me really good even though my life isn't as perfect, I always take my time to thank God for everything. My husband and I have faced alot of ups and downs even after our second marriage but we've always solved our problems without involving a third party like the first time

"Babe you know that you're not supposed to be working like this, right?" Aaban said annoyingly.

"I'm just washing plates no big deal" I shrugged.

"What is the use of the dishwasher then? For God's sake your due date is in 1 week fah" He snatched the plate from my hand.

"I hope you're not expecting an apology" I washed my hands in the sink and sat down on the island.

"How can I when you've become so aggressive?" He chuckled and I frowned.

"Its not my fault you know" I rolled my eyes.

"Mommy mommy the pizza is hereeee!!" Anam shouted from the living room and I ran out not forgetting about my baby of course.

I paid the delivery guy and sat down on the chair opening the sealed pizza box

"Momma what is in your tummy?" Aman asked making me to burst into of laughter and he looked annoyed.

"Its a baby" I twisted my lips trying hard not to laugh again due to how he has been looking at my big tummy.

"I know.... But how?" He raised an eyebrow.

God this boy is just four and half!!

"When you grow up you'll know how now get up let's go and get a new hair cut" Aaban streched his hands towards Aman and picked him up

"Bye mommy" He waved at me.

"Bye babe" Aaban kissed my lips.

As soon as I heard the gate being locked, I grabbed my phone and called my girlfriends over and put the kids to sleep


"Maryam you're such a baby! Let me go" I whined.

"Fine I was just whispering some love words to my prince charming" She sighed.

"How sure are you that it's a boy?" I asked.
"I don't know why but I feel so"

"Hm I'm already imagining my life with three kids,I can remember it was just like yesterday when I saw my first period" I laughed so hard and the girls joined.

"You have a sharp memory I must say" Falisha said checking the tv channels.

"Guys I'm craving sour grilled fish" I said my tummy already growling just by hearing the 'sour'

"What!? You just finished eating Pizza" Fadeela exclaimed

"I only ate five and you guys ate the rest"
"Wai what is sour fish? I've never heard of something like that" Falisha asked disgustingly

"I've never heard of it too but I just want to add lemon water to the fish and you guys must not eat it" I stood up and ambled towards the kitchen door

"Who wants to help!? We'll make some other things too!" I yelled.

"Pass me the lemon!" I shouted at Maryam who was busy licking the lemon she was supposed to give me

"Please don't seperate me from this lemon it's very sour wallah'" She moaned.

"Quit acting like a pregnant woman Mar" I hissed and snatched two lemons from her hands

"Mar... I like my new nicky" She winked.

I squeezed one lemon on the fish and placed it on the grilling pan

"What are you going to do with the other one?" Falisha asked chopping onions.

"I'm going to sniff it naw" I rolled my eyes and brought the lemon to my nose

"Guys guess what!?" Fadeela rushed into the kitchen like a mad woman

"What's wrong!?" We said in unison

"He didn't die! Oh my gosh he didn't!!" She squealed.

"Who didn't die?"

"The protagonist in the movie we were watching, what's his name again!? Aha Joe" She said almost crying

"You are so jobless wallah" I shook my head

"Right" Falisha chuckled.

"You guys tomorrow is my wedding anniversary fah" I smiled

"Really!? I'm sure Aaban has planned something very romantic for you" Maryam gushed

"I think so cause he has been acting as if he doesn't remember but I'm sure he has something up his sleeves" I said feeling proud about the whole anniversary and suprise thingy,it's our first wedding anniversary.

"You see Abdul isn't as romantic as your husband is, I mean he always buys you gifts and spends time with you but that husband of mine" Falisha said with an annoyed expression

"You're so funny Lisha" I laughed hard holding my big tummy as I served the fish on a plate

I felt a sharp pain shoot through my abdomen and I yelped

"Oh my goodness! What's wrong?" The girls rushed towards me.

"J-ju-just normal constrictions" I flashed them a tight lipped smile and they sighed.

"I swear I thought it was labour" Maryam muttered holding her chest dramatically.

"Where are Aman and Anam? I haven't seen them" Falisha said stirring the noodles she was preparing.

"They are sleeping" I replied eating the delicious fish,the sourness making me feel as if I'm in the clouds.

"Layla look!" Maryam yelled pointing at the ceiling and my head followed the direction

Just as I was about to continue eating,the plate was snatched from my hands by her royal highness Maryam.

"Maryam give me back my fish!" I shouted chasing her around the big kitchen

While I was chasing her,she ate to her heart content before giving me back.

"Y-you a-a-ate almost e-ev-everything" I started crying

Fuck my hormones!!

"Oh my god Layla I'm sorry I didn't know that you -- please stop crying"

"Layla sorry" Falisha said stiffling her laughter.

"I hate you all!" I shouted and went to the living room with my fish.

They trailed behind me making me more pissed.

"Y'all should just leave me alone,okay!?!" I yelled angrily

"Seriously Layla? You are getting angry just because of Fish?" Fadeela laughed holding her stomach making me more angry.

"You know what? You all can stay here and laugh all you want I'm leaving" I stood up sharply.

"Habaa sorry now please forgive us" Falisha placed her hands on my shoulder making me sit down

"You all are making fun of me right? Just because of my crazy hormones and cravings right?" Tears rolled down my cheeks.

This is the only way to get them to do what I want

"Lay please stop crying sorry" Maryam hugged me and I smirked

"I want you to grill another sour fish for me please" I sniffed.

"Okay" Falisha replied immediately.

I tried hard not to laugh.....

They all went back to the kitchen and I ate the rest of the fish

30 minutes later,

I dropped my phone on the couch after I finished speaking with H.

I told him to get Ice cream and chicken wings for me on his way back.

"Your fish is ready!" Falisha walked towards me with a plate and I caught a glimpse of the now not mouthwatering fish.

"I'm not craving it anymore you can eat it" I shrugged knowing well that Lisha doesn't eat fish.

"What!? You are not what???!" Falisha said dramatically.

"I hate you wallahi!" She said almost crying throwing pillows at me.

"Don't forget that I'm carrying your niece or nephew" I laughed hard

"So you tricked us! You smart girl!!"

Maryam and Fadeela rushed into the living room upon hearing our banter

"You mean she tricked us!? Unbelievable! I left my noodles just to come and pacify her and she .... Arghhh!"

"Yours is even better I forgot that I was frying eggs!" Fadeela exclaimed

"This is what you get for laughing at me" I winked at them and adjusted my position on the couch.


"Aaban press it more!" I yelled at Aaban who was busy massaging my feet

"Okay" He sighed lazily.

"I didn't ask you to get me pregnant so stop acting lazy and continue massaging my now 'swollen' feet" I emphasized in the swollen

The kids ran down the stairs and rushed to me each seeking for attention.

"Babies I'm tired please go and play"

"No no no mommyy I want you to play with me" Anam dragged my arm while her brother dragged the other.

"You two should let me go!!" I yelled making them shiver and they let my arms go immediately.

Hearing their cries made me feel guilty so I bent down to their height.

"Babe you shouldn't have shouted like that" Aaban said.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Forgive your mommy please" I pouted pulling them into a hug.

"Mommy since you told us that baby is coming you stopped playing with us" Anam complained.

"I'm sorry as soon as baby comes,I'll be playing with the two of you everytime" I kissed both their cheeks

We had pasta and meatballs for dinner before putting the kids to sleep.

I took a relaxing shower and dressed up in a bum short and a tank top.

That's what I feel comfortable to sleep with nowadays.

I laid down beside Aaban who was busy checking me out.

"Lower your gaze shameless man" I teased biting my lip

I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my hands around his waist.

He streched his hand and switched off the bedside lamp.

"Goodnight Baby" He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight H"


I carefully slipped out of Aaban's arms and wore my flip flops.

I walked down the stairs carefully so I won't wake anyone up

"Where did I even keep the cupcakes? The fridge in the dining or the one in the kitchen?" I muttered to myself.

I quickly remembered and brought out the box from the fridge in the kitchen.

I ate one quickly and lit a red tiny candle on another.

I went back to my room in tiptoes and played Candy Crush till it was 12am

"H?" I shook his arm and he stirred

"Hmm?" He opened one of his eyes and opened the other immediately after seeing the cupcake on my hand.

"What's the occasion?" He asked sitting up.

"Stop acting as if you don't know" I rolled my eyes.

"Happy first anniversary Habibi!" I hugged him tightly but unfortunately he didn't hug me back

"Quit acting ba.." I was cut off by the expression on his face.

He looked guilty and hurt.

"You f-fo-forgot?" I asked unbelievably and his expression told me everything.

He freaking forgot our first anniversary of all days!?

"I'm s-sorry ple---" I stopped him using my hand.

"How dare you?! Your forgot this days of all days!? How could you do this to me? Or all you trying to tell me that this day doesn't hold any importance to you?" I sobbed poking his chest.

"Layla please I'm sorry I've been busy --"

"Busy!? Ya Allah you are telling me that you were busy enough to forget your wedding anniversary? Please tell me you're just joking and that you were pulling my legs please"


"Enough! I want you out of this room or I'll leave the room for you" I shouted throwing the cupcake on the floor.

He looked at me regretfully but I cared less,I had so many high hopes for this day!

And of everything he chose to forget our first anniversary not the second or the third, but the first! Why did I even have so many high hopes?

"Leave!" I yelled pointing at the door.

"Babe please I'm sorry forgive me" He joined his palms together.

"Okay I'll leave then" I wiped my tears and ambled out of the room.

I ran to my room and was about to close the door when he placed his hand in between.

"Layla please listen to me,I know that I've made an unforgivable mistake but please you have to believe me something big was going on" He explained.

"If you really care about me and my baby then get the hell out of my sight!" He moved his hand away and I slammed the door on his face

Serves him right! Stupid!

I sat down on the bed and buried my head in between my legs even though it was kinda hard due to my tummy.

"How could he do this? He forgot our wedding date! He did" Hot tears rolled down my cheeks

Honestly i can't believe this is happening to me

Next morning

I slipped into my baby pink and white sweatpants and a hello kitty sweater

I applied kohl and powder before I slipped my feet into my sponge bob slippers

"Momma good morning" Anam walked in with a tray.

"Good morning Mommy!" Aman came in with a cup of orange juice I guess due to the color

"We made breakfast today with Dadaa" They both grinned.

I kissed their cheeks and opened the tray

Pancakes with a smiling emoji designed with nutella,french toast, boiled egg and a bowl of steaming oat

I smiled sadly and dug in almost immediately.

Not because I've forgiven him but because it was also made by my two bundles of happiness

I gulped down the last spoon of oat and I felt a sharp and painful kick in my lower abdomen

Thinking it was just the usuals,I ignored it until a more painful one came and I shouted loudly

Aaban rushed in looking so worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-i think i-it's t-time" I managed to say as sweat formed on my forehead

I felt a warm liquid rushing from in between my legs, tickling me in the process.

"My water just broke!" I yelled and Aaban looked at me confusedly.

"You fool! Take me to the hospital dumbass!" I let out another scream

Third person's Pov


Aaban rushed downstairs and called the nanny to take Anam and Aman to their room.

He took the baby bag from her closet and picked her up in his arms,bridal style.

Aaban placed her in the back seat as she kept panting heavily.

"Calm down everything is going to be fine inshaAllah" He assured as he roared the car to life and zoomed off to the hospital.

"Are you seriously telling me to calm down!? Oh God I wish you were the one in my position ahhhh!!!" She yelped.

"I'm sorry" He kept apologizing.

"Just shut up and drive faster so I can get this baby out please" She sobbed.

This was more painful than her first time even though she gave birth to twins then.

They arrived at the hospital,she was wheeled into the labour room and changed into the blue hospital gown

"Mrs Layla you are still 4cm dilated so you're not ready to push" The gynaecologist explained

"And who the hell told you that!?" She yelled making all of the nurses jump.

"I'm really sorry" Aaban flashed an apologetic smile to the doctor.

"Its alright Mr Muhammad this isn't the first time I'm experiencing pregnant women behaving aggressively when they are in labour,it's normal" She shrugged.

"You'll have to be 10cm dilated first" The doctor said and Layla glared at her.

"I think you should take her for a stroll"

I helped her up and we strolled around the hospital

"You should call everyone" Layla said.

He nodded and fished out his phone to call the first person at mind

Anty Falmata,she will tell everyone.

He informed her and she came with Falisha in matter of minutes cause she is staying at her parents as Abdul has travelled and the hospital is near.

The doctor checked Layla after every hour but she still wasn't fully dilated.

Maryam and Fadeela rushed in breathing heavily

"Oh my goodness Lay are you alright?" They asked worriedly and she nodded tears rolling down her cheeks

"It hurts so much" She said and Aaban almost walked out cause he couldn't handle seeing her in such a condition, her nose red and puffy and her eyes are swollen.

"You're going to be fine my child" Anty Falmata kissed her sweaty forehead.

"Its going to be fine inshaAllah" Falisha held her hand in hers

She kept crying until the doctor came and announced that she is fully dilated and is ready to push.

They all prayed for her before leaving the room without Aaban.

He was given a surgical mask and a gown.

"Are you ready?" The doctor asked.

"Yes yes" She breathed in and out sharply

Its been six hours but still no sign of a baby.

"A-aban I c-cant I'm going to die" Layla cried digging her fingers into his palm but he didn't care.

"No nothing is going to happen inshaAllah now do this for us and for the child you are bringing into this world" He said

She nodded painfully and pushed one more time

"Good now push again I can see the baby's head" The doctor said.

She pushed three more times and baby cries were heard everywhere around the room

Layla fell unconscious immediately after she gave birth

"Its a girl" The doctor announced

"Alhamdulillah" Aaban said as he looked at his daughter already feeling proud and on top of the world

"Doctor will she be fine?" He asked about Layla.

"Don't worry she will wake up soon" The doctor assured

Layla and the baby got cleaned up before moving them to another room

Aaban's Pov

I felt so proud and happy as I held my princess in my arms

Ya Allah,is this kind of happiness legal at all!?

I did all the necessary stuff before I kissed her on her forehead and placed her back in her crib

She looks exactly like her mom!

Everyone came into the room to see the newly born.

"Aww mashaAllah she is so cute!" Falisha gushed.

"I swear" Maryam said kissing her tiny and cute fingers

Layla woke up and the way she saw everyone staring at her baby adoringly especially her father made her heart soar.

She coughed gaining everyone's attention.

Aaban rushed to her side and fed her warm water

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine and I haven't forgiven you yet" She whispered into his ears

Maryam placed the newly born in her mother's loving arms and she teared up

She kissed her forehead and hugged her

"You should feed her now dear" Anty Falmata said.

"Okay Anty" She nodded and everyone except the curious father left.

"What are you still doing here?" She glared at him.

"Do you want me to leave?" He pouted.

"Yes of course" She rolled her eyes and zipped down the front zip

She fed her daughter till she was full and she placed her on her crib to sleep

"I'm so tired" She laid back down.

"Sorry" Aaban apologized and help her to lie down

"What should we name her?" Aaban asked.

"I already told you that if it's a boy we will name him  after baba and a girl we will name her after Anty" She said.

"So Halima it is" He said proudly.

"What should be her nickname? We can't go calling her Halima you know" Layla thought reasonably.

"Noor" He muttered.

"Halima Noor" She whispered as tears of joy gathered in her eyes and she let the fall freely.

"She was born on our anniversary!" Aaban grinned widely.

"The anniversary you forgot?" She glared at him.

"Babe I'm sorry"

"You're not forgiven" She placed her head on the pillow and fell into a deep slumber.

8:50 pm

Layla and her baby have been discharged from the hospital so they are on their way home now.

"Babe we will be going to Nigeria next week for the naming ceremony" Aaban announced.

"Really!? I can't wait!" She squealed.

The twins kept giggling at the back playing with Noor.

"Do you know something?" Aaban asked.

"I don't" She twisted her lips munching on the sour Pringles she has been eating.

Her love for sour things is still there and hasn't moved an inch

"I love you" He whispered honking on their house gate

"I know" She rolled her eyes.

"Welcome back maam" The nanny greeted.

"Thank you" Layla smiled at her and walked into the house with Noor in her hands

She went into the children's room which now has two beds and a crib which Noor will be occupying as soon as she old enough to as for now,she has a crib in her parent's room.

Layla took a hot bath and changed into a blue night gown.

Aaban sent her a text that she should meet him in his room so she made sure that she put Noor to sleep before going to her husband.

The lights were off and the room was cold.

"Aaban?" She called searching for the light switch and she found it finally.

Her eyes looked around the room adoringly

A big banner that read 'Happy Anniversary' and the other one read 'Im sorry'

The was a rose flower bouquet and a letter beside it


ey Mrs,

No words can express how sad and guilty I feel right now for forgetting the most important day of our lives and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me baby.

Today you've given me the best anniversary gift and I'll forever be grateful cause my heart is about to explode,right now I want you to know that as long as my heart is beating,it's beating for only one person and that is you Habibti.

I hope you will forgive me for my foolish mistake babe.

"I hope I'm forgiven" Aaban's voice came from behind the curtains.

"Yes! Yes yes" She yelled and jumped into his arms.

"Thank you babe" He pecked her lips.

"Do you want to know the reason why I forgot about today's date?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter babe!" She smiled sweetly.

"I got somethings for you though" He flashed her his famous full blown smile and brought out a gift box.

"What is in there!?" She asked curiously.

"Open it" He handed the bag over to her.

A big box wrapped in a rainbow coloured wrapping paper.

She teared it open and the contents made her heart swell up

"Babe you shouldn't have done all this!" She teared up.

"You deserve the world babe" He kissed both of her hands.

The box contained an iPhone 12 Pro Max,
A heart chocolate shaped box, A customized necklace that read 'AAN' (Anam,Aman and Noor), A silver anklet, A Louis Vuitton handbag, Balenciaga shoes and a framed picture of she, Aaban and the kids which was taken by Fadeela.

"Babe --- isn't this too much?" Layla asked.

"Keep quiet" He placed his hand on her lips and she obeyed

She kept listening to his heartbeats till she fell asleep.

He kissed her forehead and took her back to her room and laid her on the queen sized bed.

He blew some duas on Noor and Layla before he kissed their foreheads and turn off the lights.

This wall all he prayed for and Alhamdulillah God has answered his prayers.

All he wanted was a perfect family and he has gotten just that

Sup guys!!! We're finally done with 'Layla'.

Epilogue is down remaining bonus chapter (maybe)

Cause I don't have time and I'm not always on focused on this book alone.

I was sick for a long time that's why I didn't update earlier but i am okay now Alhamdulillah!

Shaaa no promises,I might write a bonus chapter and I might not.

Thank you all for the love! Layla and Aaban will miss you!!💘💘

Peace out ✌🏿✨

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