Last chapter 😭❤️
"Babe wake up or else we are going to miss our flight" Aaban shook layla's body.
"Stand up or else I'm going to kiss you right now and ....." She cut him off and he smirked.
"Dirty dirty I'm up" She hissed.
"I'll bath you" He offered.
"Noooo" She chuckled and grabbed her towel before rushing into the bathroom.
Breakfast was brought and Aaban arranged it on the carpet.
Layla sauntered in all dressed up in a grey sweatpants and a black top
"Come on let's eat" Aaban grabbed her hand
"Okay" She replied and open the trays revealing the mouth watering dishes.
Chips, scrambled eggs, sausages, two chicken sandwiches and two hot steaming cups of coffee
"Is the coffee nice?" She asked Aaban who was busy tasting the coffee
"Wow it's amazing" He grinned widely and they dug in immediately.
I rearranged our clothes and put on my Lemon green Abaya and a veil.
Our used plates were packed and the room was cleaned.
"Let's go" Aaban said coming out of the bathroom.
"Okay" I replied rolling our two suitcases out while he took the biggest suitcase.
We checked out of the hotel and headed out.
"Good morning Madam" Aaban's chauffeur greeted and loaded our bags in the car boot
"Morning" I said
Aaban opened the door for me and I sat down while he rushed to the other side
"Let's facetime the twins before we reach the airport" Aaban suggested and I nodded in agreement.
I fished out my phone from my bag,turned it on and Aman and Anam's photo flashed immediately.
"Wow this picture is cute" He muttered.
"Yeah should I send it to you?" I asked
"No I want to have new pictures of them, snapped by me new memories you know" He wiggled his eye brows like a lady
I dialed Amirah's number and she picked up almost immediately
"Heyy sis" She waved
"Hello Ammi how's everyone?"
"Everyone is fine, the twins want to talk to you" She handed the phone over to Aman
"Hello little champ" Aaban grinned widely at his all cheerful son
"Hello Daadaaa and Mommy" He waved at the camera happily.
"Hey son" We chorused.
"Where's your sister?" I asked.
"Hereeee" Anam's caked up face appeared into the camera
"Good morning Momma and Dada" She showed off her teeth
"Morning" We replied
"Aman did this" She pointed at her face
"Haa... Really?" I gasped and Aaban chuckled.
"Its fine" I screenshotted their faces making me miss them even more
"H please can we take the twins with?" I asked with tear filled eyes
"Babe we will take them along next time we are traveling inshaAllah" He kissed my cheek
"Dada what's H?" Anam asked interestedly and I gasped.
"I don't know" He shrugged as if he doesn't know what it means
Its just 'Habibi'
"Ask your mom"
"Mommy what's H?" Aman asked chewing gum
These kids.....
"Don't worry I'll tell you guys when I come back" I smiled
"Owkay" The twins said in unison and I sighed in relief.
"Momma Anty Mirah is very nice she plays with us everyday" Anam happily spoke
"Really? I hope she doesn't give you much chocolates" I said knowing it's impossible cause if their is one thing that I've noticed in Amirah is her love for chocolate
They giggled which only proved that she did...
"Ya Layla please forgive me they won't eat chocolate for this whole week" Amirah snatched the phone away dramatically.
"Its okay Mirah" I laughed.
"Okay bye see you soon I'll call you after we've landed" I waved at the camera as soon as we arrived at Heathrow airport
"Okay sis bye see you" She blew a kiss at the camera and handed the phone over to the twins again
"Bye babies" I smiled
"Bye momma"
"H I'm so sleepy" I yawned laying my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry the PJ will be ready soon" He kissed my hand and I nodded.
"Layla! Layla" I heard a familiar voice yell.
Both Aaban and I were stunned to see the person calling out my name
If you're wondering,then it's none other than my
Ex 'cowife'
"How did they let her in!? Layla let's go" Aaban held my hand.
"H ... Atleast listen to what she has to say" I said removing his hand from mine.
"Babe please" He stared right into my eyes.
She rushed towards us and grabbed my leg almost immediately.
"Please forgive me if you can, please I'm very sorry for everything that I've done to the both you of you. I was so selfish to have adviced Aaban to do whatever he did to you please I'm sorry!" She sobbed.
"Tasha stand up it's alright I forgive you" I placed my hands on her shoulder and helped her up.
"Really? Thank you so much" She grinned widely.
Tasha turned her face to a stone faced- Aaban
"Aaban...." She started but he cut her off.
"You've gotten what you wanted now please kindly leave" He stared at her disgustingly.
"I know that I've hurt you the most here please forgive me I promise that you two would never see me again after today I just..... I just need your forgiveness" She bent down,her knees crashed to the floor.
"You didn't hurt me Tasha, when I found out about your betrayal it didn't do anything to me so why are you asking me for forgiveness? Just stand up and leave aren't you 'Thee Tasha'? The famous Ghanian model? The girl who I once foolishly and blindly 'loved' He hissed.
"Please forgive me I'm sorry" She cried harder gaining attention.
"Aaban please" I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Fine" He sighed in defeat.
"Thank you so much" She smiled in tears and stood up.
"Their is one more thing..... Please don't refuse me do it atleast for my baby's sake" She placed her hand on her tummy.
Oh she is pregnant! Wawuu
"Layla you see her? She is asking for another thing,can we just go!?" Aaban yelled making her shiver.
"What is it Tasha?" I asked glaring at him
"I need money please don't say no,my landlord will soon kick me out so I want to start up a business before I give birth please" She joined her palms together
"Its alright Tasha send me your account number" I smiled and she jumped in happiness
"Thank you so much I'm so grateful" She cried,tears of joy
She sent the account number and I sent her 500 pounds
I heard her gasp and she engulfed me into a tight hug
"Ah ah don't forget about the baby" I chuckled and hugged her back.
I heard Aaban hiss loudly and I glared at him jokingly
"Thank you so much may god reward you abundantly"
"You may leave now as you can see we are getting late" Aaban muttered annoyingly.
"Okay thank you" She walked away
"Why were you acting so rude?" I smacked his arm
"Ouch!" He pouted rubbing his arm.
"Let's go" We walked into the place where the PJ's are.
We sauntered into the PJ and settled down
All the necessary announcements were done and we took off
"H please tell me where we are going" I pouted
"You'll find out soon" He winked and continued working on his Macbook.
6 hours later,
The announcement of our destination was about to be made when Aaban blocked my ears
"Arghhh!!" I groaned.
We landed a minute later and we sauntered out of the PJ tiredly.
"Where am I?!" I asked my smiling hubby
"Welcome to Santorini Greece baby" He kissed my cheeks and I didn't know when I screamed.
"Thank you so much H I love you" I kissed his lips.
"I love too Habibti" He pecked my lips again,again, and again
"You fool! You're so unromantic" I frowned.
"What's wrong?"
"This is the first time that you're saying 'I Love You' it was supposed to be in a romantic manner" I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry but don't worry I'm going to buy how to be romantic novels and you're going to get tired of me being romantic" He said as we walked out of the airport.
"Never!" I chuckled.
It has been my dream to visit Santorini ever since I was a teenager,I wonder how he found out tho.
We hired a taxi driver and drove off to the hotel we will be staying at.
I looked around the beautiful city of Santorini adoringly.
Its so beautiful!
We checked into the hotel and our room key was given to us,Aaban placed our bags on a trolley and it was pushed by one of the hotel staff. As soon as the door was opened,my jaw dropped almost immediately.
It was the most beautiful and romantically decorated room I've ever set my eyes on. The red and white petals,dim light,candles and heart shaped red and white balloons.
"Have a nice stay ma'am" The hotel staff dressed in black and white bowed down a little bit before walking out and shutting the door behind him.
"This is so beautiful" I looked around the beautiful room.
"Yeah but not as beautiful as you are baby" Aaban grinned widely
I sauntered into the bathroom which had a big jacuzzi tub filled with water and rose petals, a sink,a shower stand and a white cabinet filled with shampoos,towels and bath gels.
"We are going to be using that Jacuzzi together you know" Aaban whispered into my ear making me gasp loudly.
"You dirty boy!" I hit his chest
"Ouch but I'm right you know, cause it's meant for couples on honeymoon and we are" He winked.
Ignoring what his last statement,I sashayed out to the beautiful balcony
This is so magnificent!
The balcony is bigger than the room cause it has a mini pool for two people only, two pool chairs and a beautiful view of the great place.
I felt big arms wrapped around me and someone's head on my shoulder.
Not recognizing the scent,I shouted.
"Babe calm down it's me" Aaban chuckled making his whole body vibrate
"You scared me! And when did you change your cologne?" I pouted.
"I didn't change my cologne you just don't know" He shrugged.
I walked back into the room and sat down on the king sized bed, that was when I noticed that Aaban was wearing a bathrobe
"I was about to take my bath,will you join?" He asked teasingly.
"No thank you" I giggled.
He frowned and walked towards the bathroom door that was when something clicked into my brain
"Don't use the jacuzzi okay?! I will use it tomorrow morning" I reminded
"Okay I'll use the shower on one condition"
"What?" I asked in a daring tone.
"We will use it together tomorrow morning" He said.
I thought for a while before deciding. "Okay fine" It was my time to sigh in defeat.
"Good girl" He smirked.
1 hour later
We had lunch and we are all set to start exploring.
I am wearing a blue jeans and a black top,a blue and black kimono on top with a hat while Aaban just wore a black jeans and a blue top with a black Polo face cap.
We're matching!!
"Babe can't this 'exploring' wait till tomorrow? I mean it's already 3pm" Aaban said lazily.
"Why? It has always been my dream to explore this beautiful place and you can't stop me,you can stay in the hotel instead I'll be fine" I said putting on my wristwatch.
"No way! I just wanted to spend some time with you" He pouted
"What are we going to do in a hotel room for almost how many hours till it's dark?" I hissed.
"You know we can have fun" He winked.
"Ewwww shut up and stand up or else I'll leave you in here"
"Sorry ma'am" He gave me a mock salute and we left immediately.
Third person's Pov
"Where is the Tour guy?" Layla asked.
"He is here" Aaban pointed at the guy walking towards them
I hope he speaks English* Layla thought
"I'm sorry that I'm late" He apologized with a smile.
"Its alright" Aaban smiled warmly at him
"I'm Apollo" He introduced.
"Wow you have such a nice name" Aaban praised
"Thank you!"
"So where should we visit first?" Layla asked interestedly
"Uhmmm... Oía" He said looking up from a piece of paper.
"Hm okay"
They arrived at the beautiful place called Oía.
"This is Oía it is known for its famed sunsets that attract tourists,from around the world" Apollo explained.
"Wow" Layla's mouth dropped at Oía's beautifulness
The snapped alot of pictures and checked almost every nook and cranny Oía.
"Ma'am you should try our sweets they are so sweet that you wouldn't want to leave Greece forever" Apollo bragged.
"Apollo how come you don't have much of your country's accent?" Layla asked.
"I used to stayed in New Orleans and only came back here 5 years ago" He uttered.
"Wow" Aaban and Layla chorused.
They walked to a small canteen to taste the amazing sweets Apollo was bragging about
"This is called Halva,it is made from flour,butter and sugar" Apollo showed them a white rectangular shaped sweet.
Layla stared at the thing disgustingly and Aaban couldn't miss the chance to take a shot.
"You looked so funny" He laughed hard
"You're so mean!" She twisted her lips and shoved the Halva into her mouth
From her disgusted expression,her face turned into a bright smile
"Wow this is so amazing! I love it!" She moaned savoring the taste
"You see madam I told you" Apollo smiled
"Can we package some H?" Layla flashed him her famous puppy face which he obviously couldn't resist
"Yeah sure" He nodded
"I'm sure everyone back at home is going to love it!"
"And this is Melomakarona it is made of flour,olive oil and honey" Apollo pointed at the egg like shaped sweet.
They tasted alot more sweets before moving to their next stop.
"This place is called Caldera Cliff wall" They stood from a distance as the cliff is dangerous due to how deep it is
"It was formed by the massive explosion that blew the center out of the bland three thousand six hundred years ago" Apollo muttered.
"Wow this place is really very beautiful I must say" Layla fished out of her phone and snapped photos of herself and the place.
"Apollo please snap us" She handed over her phone to Apollo
They posed for more than 10 pictures before they decided to leave as it was getting late.
"Ma'am should we wait till tomorrow to visit the last place on my list for the day?" Apollo asked
"No no we should go to the place" She smiled widely
"No Babe can we wait till tomorrow? Please?" Aaban asked.
"Lazy boy you can go back to the hotel then" Layla teased.
"No I'll come with"
They stayed at a restaurant to eat before moving to the next and last stop for the day
The Red Beach.
The beautiful beach is below a spectacular red cliff
The snapped more and more pictures each minute
"Babe!" Aaban shouted and as soon as she turned,he splashed water on her face
"How dare you!" She yelled and started chasing him while Apollo video taped everything on Aaban's camera
"Ma'am I'm Angelino,I'm a photographer here I snap pictures of couples when the sun is about to set" A middle aged guy said
"Sure" Layla squealed and grabbed Aaban's hand
For sure,sun set photos are the best!
Back at the Hotel.
"Babe I'm really tired!" Layla groaned.
"So am I"
"You know honeymoon too isn't easy at all fah shaaa what are we going to be doing tomorrow?" She asked shoving one of the Halva's she packaged into her mouth
"Shopping?" Aaban suggested.
"Yeah right!"
They took their bath's individually and got ready for bed later on not before having dinner.
"Babe come here" Aaban opened his hands widely and adjusted his position on the bed.
She moved nervously and he wrapped his arms around her waist and cuddled her
"Goodnight Babe and I love you" He pecked her forehead.
"Goodnight and I love you too!"
Layla didn't fall asleep so easily tho,she kept thinking of how her life changed in matter of how many years.
If anyone told her she will ever be this happy in her life she would have just laughed it off cause ever since her mother left,her life took a dangerous turn.
But now,all she can do is thank god for her loving husband and family.
For sure,she couldn't ask for more!
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!
Assalamualaikum guys! We are finally done Alhamdulillah!😭❤️:)
Its been 6 months since I started this book and I can't believe that in finally done with it. I actually typed this since October but I was too busy with school and weddings that I didn't get a chance but Alhamdulillah we are done now
You guys you know I always thought that I was going to die before I finish this book but now I've gotten the chance alhamdulillah ❤️😂
Thank you all for your love and support! I can never forget you guys and your endless love and motivations
They were alot of times when I didn't want to continue with this book thinking that it was too long but I pushed myself and here we are.
At first,I planned for thirty something chapters but as time went on,I got new ideas so I joined everything together and now my piece of work is something
I'm trying hard not to cry now cause I can't bear the headache I'm going to get tomorrow morning but it's fine.
Remember that I will always love and appreciate you all❤️
Epilogue will be coming soon inshaAllah and my new book will also be beginning immediately after the epilogue 1st chapter is up already check it out!!
Yours truly, Amamatu ❤️
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