Where did all of my comments go?😭💔
4 months later,
Third person's Pov
"An daura auren Aaban Muhammad da Layla Mustapha akan sadaki duba dari uku" All of the people occupying the room heard through Mukhlysa's Phone.
"Alhamdulillah! Congrats Layla" Kameela squealed and gave her sister a tight hug.
"Congratulations sister in law" Mukhlysa grinned.
And that's how everyone kept in congratulating her
"Thank you all" She said out loud and someone's phone started ringing.
"Who's phone is that?" She asked.
"Its yours. Aww Habibi is calling" Maryam winked as Layla blushed.
"Assalamualaikum" He said as soon as she picked.
"Waalaikumusalam" She answered.
"The knot has been tied Alhamdulillah" He grinned widely
"Yeah" She giggled feeling on top of the world.
"You're happy that you're now mine, right?" He teased.
"Obviously" She rolled her eyes still blushing.
"Toh get ready and make sure you look extra beautiful for me I'll be here in a few" He smiled.
"Okay and please drive safely"
"I will bye baby"
"Bye H" She hung up.
"La'ilaha illa lahu Layla you're not ready yet?" Anty Halima rushed into the room.
"It's just my dress that I didn't put on Mama" I chuckled
"Toh gashi" She handed over my beautiful baby pink shiny fitted gown.
I slipped into it and my head gear was tied by the makeup artist.
Aaban's Pov
My friends and I walked into the living room where we met both Layla's paternal and maternal uncles.
"Inawuni" I squatted in front of Layla's father.
"Lafiya qalau tashi" He placed his hands on my shoulder and hugged me.
"May Allah bless you and Layla. Allah ya baku zaman lafiya" He patted my back.
"Amin" We all chorused.
As we all prayed,I was eager to see my Beauty.
"Why are you looking around bro?" Hassan teased.
"Mind your business" I whispered.
"He is right you know" Hussain said with a mischievous smile.
I glared at him and adjusted my babban riga as we recited the ayatul kursiyyu
"Your bride is in Uncle's living room bro go and meet her" Nawal smiled at me.
"Okay" I answered and stood up my brothers and cousins trailing behind me.
I met her sitting on the two sitter and her friends, sisters and cousins surrounding her which made me frown
"Ango!!!" The ladies cheered as I sat down beside Layla whose head was covered with a big veil.
"Time for pictures!" Fareeha squealed and unveiled MY MRS.
I got lost staring at her beautiful face and she blushed flashing me her charming smile.
"Ayyyyyy!!" Both the ladies and guys shouted in awe as she hid her head on my chest.
"Keep quiet your are making my baby shy" I smiled.
"Baby!?" They yelled and started laughing hard teasingly.
"You two should stare into each other's eyes and sir you should place your hand on her waist and madam place yours on his chest" The photographer said and we got to position.
We snapped many others alone before our family members joined.
Please they should all leave I need some time alone with my baby
"You two should go to Layla's room before it's time for the Walima" Fareeha said and I sighed flashing her a grateful smile which she reciprocated.
The twins have gone back to London with Amirah since she is going to stay with us and start studying there
I helped her sit down on the bed and sat beside her
"Come here" I stood in front of the mirror and fished out my phone.
I held her waist and snapped countless mirror selfies and normal selfies.
"I can't believe you're finally mine again B" I sat her down on my laps.
"You know I missed you alot" I kissed her cheeks
"Me too"
"Have you spoken to Qamrah's family?" I asked.
"Yes I did yesterday,she is still in coma" She said worriedly.
"It's been four months and a week ever since Fadoul left us. I really miss him alot" Layla said.
"Me too" I sighed.
"But Allah loves him more than we will ever do, all he needs now is our prayers" I said and she nodded in approval.
"Have you eaten anything?" I asked
"Yeah zobo and meatpie" She said.
"You're really funny that's not real food, do you eat Masa?"
"Yes! Who doesn't!?" She rolled her eyes.
"Okay come here"
I fed her Masa and Miyan Taushe with peppered chicken
"I'm so full, please stop" Layla said dramatically.
"No no one last bite shikenan open up" I brought the last Masa to her mouth
"Water" She whispered.
I chuckled and fed her water
"I can't believe I ate more than two masas today" She said about to apply a new lipstick cause the one she was wearing before has started fading but I stopped her
"Can I?" I asked staring at her lips.
"N-" I placed my lips on hers before she could say No
I pulled away and I noticed her her cheeks reddened
"This is not the first time that I kissed you so why were you about to say no" I smiled.
"My answer did not matter since you shot your shot" She twisted her lips and the door was opened by Falisha
"Time up lover birds, it's time for Walima" She said
"Where did you lipstick go Lay?" Falisha wiggled her eyebrows
"Uhm i-i was i -- was eating"
"Really? Owkay" She said teasingly and took Layla with her.
The younger ladies anko is a yellow and white ankara skirt and blouse
For the older ladies is a cream lace and black head gear
"Layla you look so beautiful" Maryam complimented.
"I know" I twirled around checking myself out
I'm wearing a green lace iro and buba, decorated with green flowers flowers and lemon green pearls.
I wrapped my veil properly as we all walked down the stairs and headed to the parking space
The walima will be taking place at my in-laws house
We were welcomed warmly and with bright smiles
I sat down on the chair outside under a golden canopy while the guests were all facing me.
Many talks and speeches were done about marriage,islam,both the husband and wife's rights and neatness in our marital homes
Food was served and hausa music was played later on
I thought this was a walima?!
We all went back home so Aaban and I wouldn't miss our flight
Yup!! We are going back to London then the next morning we will take another flight to our honeymoon destination which is still unknown to me and everyone except H
"I'm going to miss you so much sis I hope you will come for my wedding" Zee said with teary eyes.
"Of course fool!" I knocked her head my voice cracking as well
"Bye sis I'm going to miss you so much wallahi" Kamila hugged me tightly and Ya Faree joined.
"Okayy don't strangle my wife please" Aaban said dramatically.
"Masu wife" Fahad teased and hugged me too.
"Make sure you come back with more babies next year" Mukhlysa whispered and I gasped
"Don't talk like that Anty Lysa I'm older than you"
"Really? Small child I'm older than you with one month" She pinched me.
"Ouch you're so mean and violent" I rubbed my arm.
She stuck out her tongue like a child as I pouted
"Tell us this your honeymoon destination naw" Zee said.
"Haba I can't you will find out when we reach there" Aaban chuckled.
"Toh we will see" We all chuckled.
We exchanged hugs again we sat down in the car and drove off to the airport.
"H are we using a commercial airline or a private jet" I asked popping a chewing gum.
"I don't know" He shrugged.
"Wait what!? You don't know? You're not serious"
"We will see" He smirked and continued feeding me Tea
A guy came and whispered something do Aaban's ear and he nodded.
"Let's go" He held my hand.
"Why? Our flight hasn't been called yet" I said.
He ignored me and covered my eyes with a cloth
"Aaban where are you taking me!?" I yelled getting frustrated.
"Shhh it's not like I'm going to kidnap you and you're getting weird stares from people so keep quiet" He whispered into my ear
"Argghh! I hate you so much"
A minute later
"Aaban wallahi in going to scream! Why the hell does it feel like I'm being lifted?" I asked.
"Cause we are in an elevator" He hissed.
"Don't hiss at me young man"
"I'm gonna open it now don't scream too loudly okay? I know how girls are with suprises"
"Okay I can't wait to scream loudly" I squealed.
He untied the cloth slowly and my eyes were still closed
"Should I open my eyes?" I asked.
I opened my eyes slowly but curiously and what I saw in front of me made me very speechless
"Wait you don't like it? Or you expected more" He asked worriedly.
"No you fool! I love it! Wow this is so beautiful H, thank you and I love you" I squealed
A freaking Private Jet with our shipname written on it 'LAYBAN'
Tears rolled down my cheeks and I started hiccuping
"Stop crying babe save your tears for more important things" He wiped my tears as we walked on the stairs of the jet with our hands entangled.
"Wait but when did you buy this private jet?" I asked.
"Two years ago" He answered
"But--- what if we never met 6 months ago?"
"Then we would have met sooner or later cause I had a feeling that it would happen" He smiled.
"Such a baby" I pinched his cheek
All the necessary announcements were made and las las, we took off to London.
"Babe babe wake up we are about to land" Aaban shook my body.
"No please one more minute" I covered my face with the blanket.
"You've been saying that come on stand up" He carried me into his hands,bridal style and placed me on the seat before buckling my seat belt.
"I hate you" I whispered.
He pecked my lips and fed me watermelon juice.
We landed a few minutes later and all the arrival procedures took place
"Call Amirah again" Aaban said.
"I've called her ten times fah let me rest mana" I hissed frustratedly.
"Aw sorry habibti" He kissed my cheek.
"Look there they are" Aaban pointed at Amirah and the twins.
"Momma! Daadaaa" Anam and Aman ran towards Aaban and I.
I hugged Aman tightly while the new 'daddy's girl' ran to her father.
"Ya Layla" Amirah engulfed me into a bear hug.
"I missed you so much" She grinned widely.
"Me too" I smiled back at her.
"Momma Anty Mirah said that we should call daddy dada" Anam beamed as if she's been gifted a ticket to travel around the world.
"Really?" I pinched her cheek and hugged her.
"Mommy where are we going to? I want to stay with you and Dada" Aman held my hand as if his life depended on it
"Sorry son you will have to stay with Mommy's aunt till next week" Aaban said.
"Why??" Anam started crying.
"Aww sorry baby it's only a week" We settled down in the car and drove off to Anty Falmata's place
Aaban and I will be staying in a hotel till we come back from our honeymoon and move into our new house with Amirah.
"Oyoyo oyoyo" Anty Falmata hugged me tightly as soon as she opened the door.
"Anty Inawuni" I greeted.
"Lafiya qalau Layla Amarya come in" She ushered us into the house.
It reminded me of something,someone.
I really miss him alot so much that I want to cry out but I don't want Aaban to think otherwise
May Allah reward him for all of the good things he has done for me and my kids
We had lunch and prayed before we all sat down to gist
"When will Falisha be coming back to London?" I asked
"She said she will be coming back with Maryam and Fadeela upper week" Anty Falmata said and I nodded.
"We'll be leaving now" Aaban announced coming out of Uncle Muhammad's living room together with him.
"Yanzu? Isn't it too early?" Amirah pouted.
"Nope we'll be back in a week and expect alot of gifts for dealing with this trouble makers" Aaban said and she squealed.
We left the house after saying goodbye to the kids which was really hard.
"Who will take us to the hotel?" I asked Aaban who was busy staring at his phone.
"Did you know that your former driver Jake was in cahoots with Al-Basheer?" Aaban said.
"Subhanallahi! May Allah protect us from dishonest people" I gasped
"Amin,my driver is coming to take us to the hotel and will take us to the airport tomorrow"
"Okay he is even here" I pointed at the white rolls royce that drove in.
"How did you know?" He chuckled.
"Its obvious" I rolled my eyes.
I've rolled my eyes alot today
"Which hotel are we staying at?" I asked.
"Bulgari Hotel" He replied.
We arrived at Bulgari Hotel and all of the procedures were done before we were given our room card.
My mouth was wide open when I saw the room.
"Isn't this too beautiful and big for just one night?"
"It isn't" He flashed me a goofy smile
"I'm going to take my bath now" I kept my handbag on the nightstand.
I sauntered into the not too big walk in closet,stripped off and wrapped my towel.
How can I go out like this?* I thought
I tiptoed slowly making sure he didn't see me.
I dressed up in a long night gown and sat down on the bed to chat with my sisters
Me:Yooo! We've arrived safely Alhamdulill
Ya Faree: Alhamdulillah how is Aaban?
Ya Kamee: Alhamdulillah
Zee:Sis I'm missing you so much wallahi
Me:He is fine and I'm missing you too Zee
Ya Faree:Amirah told me that you guys are in a hotel
Me:Yeah we will be moving in after we are back from the honeymoon
Zee:Ayyy! That's so romantic
Me:It's just for a day huh!
Ya Kamee:Ehn and so?😂
We chatted for twenty more minutes before I told them that I am going to bed.
"Goodnight" Aaban wrapped his hand around my waist.
"Goodnight" I switched off the lamp.
Sup! Sup! Sup! Sup! Suppppp!! How was the chapter?!
Who's happy?💟
Now that they are finally married again you all should get the message that this book is coming to an end
Just a chapter remaining
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