Chapter theme: Butterflies by MAX and Ali Gatie& I Guess I'm in Love by Clinton Kane.

The two women did something. That was pretty much obvious to Aria at the moment. And unfortunately for her, she ended up in the trap set for someone else and not her.

Would she send them to an early grave for it? Definitely. She had fully planned on killing them all the moment she gets the chance to do so.

Turning around, she snuggled into the pillow, letting out a sigh. The feeling of light on her face had her flickering her eyes open, and a hiss escaped her lips when she met contact with the window blinds that have been folded up.

How could she have forgotten to draw them close?

The answer to it was there at the back of her head, but she refused to acknowledge it. Doing do will mean willing to dig a six feet deep hole and burying herself in it to keep out the embarrassment.

As if willing to irk her thoughts more, she heard the door open and the realization that she was alone dawned back on her. Then, there is the realization of who just came in.

She swallowed hard, immediately flickering her eyes close and pretending to be asleep. It was the moment that she was glad that she had earlier pulled up the duvet to cover half her face. The only thing left in sight are her eyes and the top of her nose along with everything else upwards.

Her hands fisted by her side, pinching her lips close shut so as to not make a sound. Her ears however took in every step that she heard, and from it she was able to tell the direction he was going.

Unfortunately, it's towards her and that was the last thing she wanted. Couldn't he have just, like, gone to work already so she could not face the embarrassment of what happened?

But of course not, Aali won't let her have that little of peace.

"Stupid" She muttered under her breath, too low that barely a sound left. All that could be seen is the moving of her lips, and thankfully since it's covered, he didn't see it.

The footsteps got closer, and the more she hears it, the more her hands ball into a tight fist. It suddenly stopped once it's close to her, and then she felt the bed sink right beside her and the action had her toes curling tight as if that would make her entire body freeze under the scrutinizing gaze.

As if that would make him believe that she is asleep and that he would actually leave her.

As if.

Ali tilted his head to the side slightly, lips curling in to hold back his smile. He could easily see her discreetly trying to pretend to be asleep. He shook his head slightly, a small grin making its way on his face as he reached his hand out to push away the strands of hair that had covered the side of her face.

She had left her hair open since she had prayed subh. He wanted to pray along with her but he knew it would be better if he goes to the masjid, just like the others. So, he woke her up before he left, to which she still pretended to be asleep just like she is doing now, and apparently only left the bed once he had left.

He met his siblings, including Hasnain in the masjid, and together with their father and the others they prayed.

It was half past six when he came back at first, and before he returned he is already well aware that she had gotten back to sleep for real then. However, she had already cleared up everything as if nothing happened and she had safely returned back to bed.

He was only there to check up on her anyways. So when she was sure that she had returned back to sleep, he went to meet the Calipha as they had something important to talk about.

Something is about to happen, or at least he feels like it is.

The Calipha is acting weird, and by the looks of it, he's keeping something from Aali, he can feel it. So, he wanted to talk to the old man about it and see if there's any way he can help.

Unfortunately, all he got was more suspicions as the man kept telling him to 'trust him'. Aali didn't know how to feel about that, but he knows that he won't get anything from him no matter how hard he tries so he dropped it after many efforts.

He returned back to his chamber with more worries in his mind, and the only thing that comforted him was watching his wife sleep. A genuine sense of comfort and peace washed over him as he watched her, knowing that, strong, and impeccably beautiful woman is his wife, his forever.

He had known this for a long time but at that moment it sank it more, that he would do anything for her. He would do anything to keep her happy, to keep her safe, to keep her as his.

Sure, there's still a lot that they have to face, but he's not scared of facing it as long as it's with her. She matters the most to him.

When the time he suspects she will be awake neared, he changed into a more comfortable outfit that consisted of sweatpants and a hoodie before he made his way over to the kitchen to make something for her as breakfast. He had already given the day off to Salaha.

It was when he was cooking and setting everything out for her that he returned and realized that she is faking her sleep when she heard him.

He tucked the strands behind her ear and leaned close to her, a bit too close that she would've opposed to before but not anymore. It was weird but as he moved closer, all that filled her senses was the scent of his cologne that had her gulping and eyes clenching tighter.

He stopped once he was near her ear, "I know you're awake, Askim" He whispered.

Aria shivered unconsciously. Damn him for using that husky tone of his on her, he knows what it does to her. And then there's his presence messing with her senses.

Seriously? It's really unfair.

"Askim" He repeated, this time lower seeing as she has no plans on moving at all.

Aria bit her lips hard under the duvet. She would do anything to make him move away from her because she doesn't trust her body again, not after what she did the day before. She would blame that on whatever Emmarah and Faiza fed her, but that would be hypocrital of her because it more less simply gave her the push she couldn't muster until then.

And then there was this part, the annoying one as she would refer to it at the moment that reminded her that nothing will change, the deal has been sealed, not even her pretending to be asleep while he's around will change that fact or stop the embarrassment.

It mightsave her for the moment—even though the man clearly doesn't plan on letting that happen— but not for long. She can only avoid him for so long. He is making that clear at the moment.

Aali held himself back from rolling his eyes at her stubbornness. Nonetheless, there's this permanent grin etched on his face that he doubts anything can possibly wipe off at the moment.

"You left me no choice then" He muttered again.

Aria's ears perked up slightly at his words, and before her head could comprehend what he said, the man had already leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. The minute he pulled back, he did the last thing on her mind.

The man tickled her.

There's one biggest weak spot for Aria, and it's that she is very ticklish. She can't resist it. Hence, the minute he started, her resolve came crashing and she was a laughing fit as she trashed around in the duvet, trying to get him to stop.

"W—wait..." She laughed, throwing her head back. "Aali...stop"

He hummed, not stopping. "So I'm Aali now?"

She would've rolled her eyes at him if not that he had her at her weakest point. So, she was rendered with no choice but to do the exact opposite of what's on her mind. "Alright...alright!" Her eyes flickered close as she laughed. "B---Bi tanem...stop, please"

That did the trick, and the minute he stopped, she was heaving slightly from having laughed so hard. When she caught her breath, she looked up to glare at him but was cut off short when he leaned down and pulled her in for an osculate for that took her breath away...again.

See. Unfair.

When he pulled back, her glare was gone and instead, she had pouted slightly.

"That's really unfair" She mumbled.

Aali chuckled, pecking her lips again. "Good morning Askim"

"Morning Bi tanem" She muttered, offering him a small smile as her hand that is now on his shoulder tightened her hold around the spot slightly. Her other hand reached up to caress the stubble on his face, she loved it. It makes him look good, handsome even.

"Now mind telling me why you were pretending to be asleep?" He asked, even though he pretty much knew why. However, he wanted to see that blush on her face, and the minute he said those words she was a blushing mess.

His chuckle had her burying her face in the crook of his neck. This is the reason why she didn't want to face him, he would not let her rest one bit with his teasing and whatnot.

He sat up, pulling her up with him. He tried to pull her away so he can see her face, but she tightened her hold around him, refusing to meet his gaze. "Wait Askim" He said, managing to stop himself from laughing at her attitude that he found to be cute. He tilted his head to look down at her, as now that they are both seated up, she had buried her face in his chest, inhaling his cologne that now feels like home to her. "Kunya nakikeji?" He asked, holding back his laughter.

"Shut up!" She mumbled, though loud enough for him to hear. Her face was burning from the blushing and all.

Aali couldn't hold back his laughter again. Instead, he laughed, wrapping his arms around her in a way that he had engulfed her fully in a bear hug. The fact that she understood what he said made him more proud of her knowing she is getting better in learning the language.

Despite the embarrassment she is feeling at the moment, she couldn't deny that his voice, his words, and his laughter had butterflies forming in her. The action had her tightening her hold around him, enjoying the feeling of being in his warm embrace feeling that safe.

It felt right. It felt peaceful.

She loved it. Being with Aali made it a lot better.

He leaned down, as much as he can and kissed her head. "You're cute" He cooed, raising one of his arms to pat her hair and run his fingers through it, massaging her scalp every now and then. "My wife is cute and at the same time beautiful, ma shaa Allah" He muttered, low enough for her to hear. "It'll always be you for me Askim. That is my promise to you, till I take my last breath and Jannah reunites us again in shaa Allah"


Later once he had convinced Aria to get out of bed and eat the breakfast he personally made for her, the two ate the food together since she didn't want to eat alone while he didn't have any.

Once they were done, they made their way over to the living room and crashed on one of the couches, all cuddled up. They had made it their tradition to spend Sundays together watching movies, playing games and stuff. And even though there's the conveyance of Sofia to her house, they still wanted to spend the morning together before they have to face other people.

Besides, Hasnain had informed Aali that he and Sofia have decided to stay in the palace for a while before moving there.

All they have to face now are the departing guests. But even then, they don't have to be there. It doesn't matter.

That particular Sunday, they simply chose to speak and talk about everything and nothing. They have been doing that to get to know each other more, and it's working.

"I have a question though" Aria said again, after a while.

"Ask away" Aali said, rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand that he had held in his.

"Is there a way for you to like..." She paused, thinking of the right words to use, "...to not be the Calipha?"

She felt him still when she said that, for even his hand that held hers stilled its action. She blew out a low breath, detaching herself from him and momentarily she was surprised by how he easily let her leave his arms. She turned around to look at him, and found his eyes already fixated on her, his face blank.

He blinked, his head tilted to the side slightly as his eyes never left hers. "Don't you want me to be the Calipha?" He asked, as if finally finding the right words to use.

She was quick to shake her head. "No it's not like that" She said, honestly. "I was just curious. Are you the only one eligible for the throne, just in other royal palaces?"

Aali sighed, shaking his head as he reached his hands out to hold hers. He didn't like that she has completely detached herself from him. Swallowing slightly, he parted his lips to speak. "We have a law in this Caliphate, and every Calipha so far has been working on it, including the current one"

"What law?"

Aali swallowed thickly. "The law is that, only the first child of the first wife can take the throne. Be it a man or a woman"

Her brows drew in, "A woman can lead the Caliphate?"

He shook his head, "No. Her husband will" There had never been a case where a woman led the Caliphate. Sure there have been cases where the Queen dowagers control the Caliphas and in a way, controlling the Caliphate but never directly.

She blinked, letting the news sink in. "So it's like, the law of royalty here?"

Aali nodded, darting his tongue to wet his chapped lips. "Yes" He nodded again, "That is the Law of Royalty"

She blew out a shaky breath, contemplating on the next question she wanted to answer. She knew there a 99.9 percent chance that she won't get an answer, and maybe she's threading on thin ice for asking it but she couldn't help herself. "The child of the first wife means...the owner of the..." She folded her lips, convincing herself internally to not be coward and ask away.

But it's difficult, especially with what she knows about what is about to ask.

"The owner of what, Askim?"

She swallowed thickly, before finally parting her lips to speak. "The owner of the East Wing?" She asked at long last.

Aali blinked, his brows drawing in as his lips tugged into a frown. Sure, he has said something to her about the east Wing but not that. He hasn't told her much about it as it is the most sacred law aside from the law about the thrones.

That along with other rules Aria is yet to discover makes up the Laws of Royalty.

"How do you know that?" He asked, curiosity lacing his tone. For that moment, Aria couldn't tell what is thinking for he had his mask on. She couldn't tell what and how Aali felt about her question if not for the curiosity.

But she knows there's much more. And he's not letting her know what exactly.

She didn't say a word about it yet though, she simply opted to answer his question. "I simply put two on two together"

He nodded slowly, his brows drawing in deeper and his frown remained etched on his face. He seemed lost in his thought for a moment, and soon enough, he has moved his gaze back to her. He shifted closer to her, leaning down to meet her height. "Listen to me, Aria" He started, his voice low and everything about him at the moment screamed that she listens to him for what is about to say is important, "The least you know about that now, the better. Do not dwell on it, kina jina?"

She stared at him for a while, not saying a word. His words didn't help her curiosity. It only spiked it up. What could possibly make Aali think that way? What is he so worried about? What's with this East Wing that everyone is so scared of?

Before she could answer him, they heard the sound of the front door open and a salaam reached their ears. They pulled away from each other, as Aali stood up from his position, and almost immediately in came Fahad and the new head of guards.

The expression on their face says it all. Something is definitely going on, and it's not good.

"What is going on?" Aali asked, standing in front of Aria as he covered her from the two men's gaze. She, like him only has her sweats on and on her head is a vintage scarf loosely wrapped.

The two gentlemen made no move to spare her a glance though, and instead focused their gazes on Aali.

"You need to come and see this" That was the only thing Fahad said.

And for the first time since Aria met him. The man was being anything but goofy. The complete opposite actually. He looked so serious and so...unlike him. There was no trace of jest on him, only complete and utter seriousness.

Aali made little move to detest and instead, offered them a nod. "I'll be out in a minute"

The two men nodded before they walked out.

Before they even left the chamber, Aali had made his way over to their room with Aria following him closely behind. He disappeared into the closet, to change out of his closet while she remained seated on the bed, nervously waiting for him.

He came out soon enough, in a grey jellabiya. His gaze met hers, and he found himself walking towards her. He leaned down, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I'll be back as soon as I can. Stay here, okay?"

She nodded.

Aali wanted to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to do so for some reason. He leaned down again, this time around capturing her lips in a dotting kiss, his hand reaching out to hold the side of her neck to keep her in place. A little too soon than she would've liked, he pulled back.

Her hand reached out to wrap around his that lightly caresses her neck. "Stay safe, okay?" She whispered.

He offered her a small smile that she couldn't tell if it was fake or not. "Always, Askim. Always" With that, he walked out leaving her alone in the room that suddenly felt too cold.

For about the next five minutes she found herself nervously pacing in the room, until something on the news caught her attention. She found herself hastily picking up the remove and increasing the volume, her eyes widening at what's written on the headline. And then, the news reported spoke.

"As you've seen live, the Calipha of Hadewa, Bello II, just announced that he will stepping down from his throne as the Calipha and handing the position to his child. This is the first time a transition will be happening in the history of the Caliphate without the Calipha passing away before it does.

Is the Calipha sick or something? Is that why he is stepping down so soon? And which of his children will he give the throne to? The questions continue coming in due to this out of the blue revelation"

Afterwards, a clip was being played of the old man indeed giving that announcement. But Aria wasn't done letting the information sink in before Salaha all but stormed into the room, looking distressed and disorganized.

"Salaha?" Aria was quick to drop the remote and head over to the girl, holding her within arms-length, "What's going on?"

Salaha heaved, finding it hard to catch her breath as she had just ran all the way to inform the Princess of what's going on. "Anty Aya" She heaved loudly, her heart beating against her ribcage. "It's Hudayya"

"What happened to her?" Aria asked, her voice raising slightly and eyes dilated.

"She suddenly collapsed" The girl heaved, "She has just been rushed to the hospital"

Aria blinked, her head was hurting from the stuff going on. She was finding it hard to digest both information.

Salaha clutched Aria's arm, snapping her out of her train of thoughts. "The Prince" She paused, her breaths coming out short. "Prince Aali..."

That was all Aria needed to hear before she quickly grabbed a hijab and put it on, all but running out of the chamber to get to her husband. She didn't know where he is, but she felt like she would know once she is out, and she was right because there were a lot of people heading in one direction she knows pretty well.

And so, she ran along with them to reached there. She really couldn't care of people saw her running around like a mad woman, her husband mattered the most and she couldn't think knowing something happened to him.

She reached where the crowd were being held back by guards. However, once the guards saw her, they made way for her alone to walk past them and reach where a couple of people—some of the Royals stood.

She spotted her husband standing beside who seemed to be Fahad, and quickly rushed over to his. Holding his arm, she turned him around to look at her as she inspected him to make sure he is safe and still well. Thankfully he was.

However, when she met his eyes, they were widened, and not because she's there. She turned around to stare at the other royals, and they all look just like Aali does.

They looked surprised, scared, and a lot of more emotions she couldn't describe.

And as Aali placed his hand over her, pulling her close to him to keep her safe from whatever is about to happen, she shifted her gaze in the direction they are staring at and at that very moment, she joined their train of thoughts.

She understood what's going on.

The East Wing is being opened, for the first time in twenty-five years.






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