Hasnain weds Sofia.

Not the most glamorous wedding in the family, but a lot are still anticipating it. Who would've thought that Prince Hasnain will actually remarry? What more, no one has heard from Hafsa in about three weeks.

Yes, it's been three fast moving weeks since the whole incident happened. The wedding that was supposed to happen that same week has been postponed as the Calipha wasn't around then, and there was honestly too much preparation to do that needed time as it couldn't be rushed.

That wasn't what Hasnain wanted but Sofia seemed alright with it so he let her have it that way. Plus, his mother, Queen Safeena needed the time too to prepare for her eldest child's wedding. Given, it's his second marriage but still. She wasn't that open minded about the first one so she was willing to enjoy the second one to the fullest since she has already deemed Sofia a good match for her son.

She had a feeling from the first time she saw her that she will like the girl.

Everyone else would enjoy the wedding for so many reasons. One, Hafsa is finally out of the Royals' life which has them all curious but Hasnain hasn't said a word about it. The only known fact is that they got divorced but the reason why remained hidden. He didn't even tell the Calipha but the man is well aware already even before he returned.

Hasnain has no idea what happened to her since she returned home and he has no intention on finding out.

She is dead to him.

The only person that matters to him is Sofia, his soon to be wife.

The fact that the two are getting married still greatly baffles Aria. How did they meet? How did they hit off so quickly and now, marriage? What is going on? Wasn't it just about two months back that Sofia was gushing about Hasnain when she showed them his pictures on Instagram? How could they be getting married?

Those thoughts and questions plagued Aria's mind.

She wasn't the one to talk though, since people are still curious about her marriage with Aali. Does she intend on giving them an explanation? No. And just like Hasnain and Sofia, the two got married in a short time too. At least, two are taking a bit of a time unlike them. So, she really isn't one to talk.

Fahad managed to discard the case against the Tayyu's, even though it took longer than expected. It wasn't easy, considering the Queen had dug up some pretty solid evidence against them but Fahad wouldn't have reached the position he is at work if he wasn't good at what he does.

He managed to prove them innocent, even if they are not but the Queen was playing dirty, and so he did so. In the process, he turned the table against them and well, long story short, the Tayyu's have moved back to Nigeria for safety reasons and Eric Moyers is behind bars.

Yes, all the handwork of Fahad.

There's no way Eric would be bothering them ever; he has a lifetime in jail sentence for reasons that goes down into a list, some of which were true to the core and some, were not so true. Whatever works though.

Muneer is slowly but painfully regaining back his health. His mother takes care of him since he has no one else that would. Even though the woman is upset about what he did, it would hypocritical of her to judge him. Sure, she never liked Maya to begin with but she never liked Hafsa either. That's one of the reasons why the two never tried the whole getting married thing.

Maya is still hell bent on taking Muneer to court, and Aria, being the lovely sister she is offered to be her attorney just so she could drag Muneer to the dirt. It won't be easy though, unlike the Eric case. It would take time, and albeit patience has never been a virtue Aria posse, she was willing to make an exception this time.

Even if Aali had to convince her but still.

Speaking of Aali and Aria, their relationship is still good. Given, they have arguments here and there, but at the end of the day, they are both still pretty much alive which is saying something because any time he irritates her, all she thinks of is sending him six feet down.

Jest intended. Maybe.

Her ankle has healed up pretty well, to the point that she can move around now without limping. She could easily pass as someone that was never hurt to begin with as long as she took breaks from walking every now and then. She has returned to work that week, after a bit of an argument with Aali who thought she still needed more break.

Maya has moved back to her parents' house, and every day Aria gets off work, she stops by to spend some time with them before she returns home since Aali doesn't get back from work early either.

The palace was currently bustling with people. The new couple in town has agreed to two events, the traditional Kamu and the dinner which would take place the same day the nikah is done. Then there's the unavoidable yininbiki that was just there as a constant.

No Turkish based event was set to take place as Sofia's father is Hausa and so is the groom. Besides, she acknowledges her Hausa side a bit more than the Turkish side so she didn't mind.

At long last, the day of the first event came. The day of the Kamu event of Sofia Shehu and Hasnain Bin Bello II.

Yes, Sofia is theShehu's daughter. Which obviously makes her mother, Aria's aunt, his one and only wife.

As Aria wanted and promised, she was amongst the women that took the bridal to the Shehu household even if she is the bride's cousin. She didn't attend as a cousin though, but rather as the wife to the eldest child in the Bello, a representative of them all.

Despite being one of the youngest women that took the bridal gifts, she was still acquainted the most respect by majority of them. They had all seen and witnessed Aali's affection and care towards her and hence, deemed that the past should be kept aside and the future should be looked forth to.

Of course, there were those that are still very much hell-bent on making her life a living hell but she paid no heed to them. They can scream at the top of their lungs, from the highest building in Hadewa that they are mentally unstable and she still wouldn't bat an eyelid in recognition.

They mean nothing to her. Their opinions included in the bag of trash she dumped them in.

None of their rants will change the fact that she is the Queen, that she is Aali's wife so why bother?

Everyone, including the ones that weren't that happy about the wedding enjoyed the Kamu though because it was a fun filled event.

Just like with Maya's wedding, the Turkish side of the family that could make it flew over to spend the joyous occasion and even with the drama that has happened to the Tayyu family, they offered their support though Abu, Maa and Maya weren't present.

Truth be told after the things they went through because of that family, they couldn't bring themselves to be there. Sofia and her family understood how they felt.

Aria of course, attended both as a representative of the Tayyu family and as Aali's wife. She couldn't miss the event no matter what, and she wasn't planning on anyway.

And by the end of the day, they all retired to their various homes in preparation for the nikah the next day.


The next day as expected is the nikah set to take place at the Central masjid in Hadewa Caliphate at exactly 11am prompt. The men that were married got dressed with the help of their wives while the ones that are bachelors got dressed by themselves. The ones that are planning on getting wives were dressed to kill, hoping to catch the attention of the bride's fine friends.

They really couldn't wait for the dinner. That will be their chance to shoot their shots after lavishly showing off. Everyone likes money anyways so why not?

Aria walked out of the dressing room, a wrist watch in her hand as she made her way over to Aali who stood in front of the full length mirror situated beside the vanity table, fixing his cufflinks.

"Here, let me help" She said, dropping his watch aside as she extended her hands to fix the cufflinks. He had outstretched his hands out already for her, and watched as she did her thing. Afterwards, she picked up the wrist watch, then strapped it around his left wrist, clipping it in place.

She then picked up his Zanna Bukar cap next, reaching her hands up to perch it on his head. A soft smile made its way on her face as she fixed the cap, her red henna covered hands dropping when she deemed the cap well placed. "There you go" She grinned.

Aali's face mirrored hers, as he made a move to take both her hands in his. He placed a peck on both palms, "Did I mention how much I love this on you?" He asked, caressing the soft skin that's the back of her hand making her chuckle.

"Yes. A thousand times since you first saw it" That was the day before, and ever since Aali saw it, he had been gushing about how much he loved the red henna and how it looked really good on her.

"And I'll still say it a thousand times more" He said, leaning down to peck her forehead. "Jazakillahaskim" He mumbled against her forehead, before he pulled back.

"Wa fa anta bi tanem"

Aali's grin returned. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say that"

"Except when we argue"

"Even then"

"And when I annoy you?"

"Even then"

Aria chuckled, shaking her head. That's what he says but she'll see if he will otherwise when that happens.

Aali placed his hands on her waist, pulling her close to him as he buried his face in the crook of her neck inhaling that scent of hers that he has gotten addicted to. "I love your scent. It feels like home" He mumbled, placing feathery kisses on her neck.

Aria wrapped her arms around his neck. "Really? The smell of home?"

"Yes" He mumbled, "You are my home"

"Bro what's with you and being cheesy like this?" She teased. Sometimes she finds it hard to believe that Aali can be that cheesy. Who would've thought? Well, the man has always been nice and friendly towards her but cheesy? It didn't quite seem like a word that will used to describe him.

Aali chuckled, placing one last, dotting kiss on her neck before he pulled back, placing his forehead on hers. "I could stay like this forever"

"I would too but our legs can only hold us for so long without giving out on us" She flickered her eyes open, and pulled back slightly so she could look

Aali shook his head. "You won't ever let me have the last word, will you?"

She cackled, shaking her head. "Nope. Not any time soon" She wasn't one to be serious in situations like that. Perhaps, that's why she has never been in a relationship before.

That and Law school that wanted to take her life.

Aali hummed, pulling away from her slightly so he could slip his hand into his pocket. When he pulled it back, there was a raven rectangle box in his hand. Using his left hand to hold the box, he opened it with his right hand, revealing a beautiful golden bracelet and a pair of dangling earrings. He then placed the box on the vanity table, before picking up the bracelet first.

Holding her hand in his, he placed the bracelet on her left wrist, clipping it on.

He then moved to the earrings, placing each in its rightful ear. When he was done, he pulled back to see how it looks, and seemingly contented with it, he grinned. "Masha Allah. That's more like it. I know you're not the biggest fan of necklace so..."

"Why did you get me a new bracelet and earrings though? I have more than enough" Aria asked, not really because she didn't like it but because she felt she has more than enough.

Also, she feels bad that he is always getting her stuff and not the other way round. It mostly has to do with the fact that they have been so occupied over the past two months but still. With that thought in mind, she made up her mind to get something for him soon. He deserves it.

Aali shrugged. "I want to spoil you. Is that so bad?" He offered her a sly grin.

"You do know I am capable of buying stuff for myself right?" She only realized it at the moment, since she married Aali, she hasn't really been buying stuff for herself except minor stuff here and there. Why? Because he buys everything without her even realizing it.

"I know. But like I said, I want to spoil you with my money"

Aria rolled her eyes slightly, not bothering to hide her smile.

There's really no point arguing with Aali over this.

She turned around to stare at her reflection in the mirror, her smile turning into a grin. "It really looks beautiful" She awed, her eyes flickering to meet his through the mirror. "Thank you"

Aali grinned, placing his head on her shoulder while his hands found their way up, wrapping just slightly below her shoulder, "Don't mention it"

"Wait, let me take a picture of this moment. It's too beautiful to be left without a memory" She added, quickly taking her phone from the vanity and snapping pictures of the beautiful moment.

Afterwards, she helped him put on his babbarriga as it was time for him to leave for the nikah. Spraying his signature cologne for him, Aria ushered him out so that he will not be late and people will start to blame her for it.

With Aali gone, Aria who is already dressed up for the nikah picked up her veil too, wrapping it to cover herself before she picked up her hand bag and car keys, slipping into her shoes she headed out.

Despite being on the groom's side, representing them since the wedding started, she has decided to finally be on the bride's side for the nikah and the conveyance. Even though after Sofia in conveyed, Aria would be asked to be amongst the elders of the Bello family as she is Aali's wife, she wanted to be there for her cousin while the ties are being knotted at the very least.

The palace is bustling with people more than it is on normal occasions. Perhaps, if Aali's marriage with Aria had been made public then the crowd would've been double the one currently but since it wasn't, this wedding has the most crowd.

Not even Maya's wedding had this much people, as Muneer wasn't exactly one of the Calipha's children but rather a nephew of his.

Besides, with the amount of people that have always had bad blood towards Hafsa, they didn't want to miss the chance to be there to see who would be replacing her in Hasnain's wife. They also couldn't wait to evaluate her and see whether she's like his ex-wife or not.

Other people were just there for drama, as some expected Hafsa to come crashing the wedding knowing her low level of intelligence. Some wanted to see what would happen, seeing as Hasnain left one council member's daughter and has moved to another.

Would that cause a rift in the council? Will there be a problem that will stir up?

They wanted to be there for that drama.

Aria answered the greetings made by the guards, offering them smiles as she made her way over to the parking lot where her car is. It's times like that when she is grateful that the chamber is a bit secluded from the others so she didn't have to face guests on regular occasions. That is, aside from the ones that randomly show up in the chamber.

Besides, after the dog incident and Aali clearing her name about the whole poison issue, there hasn't really been much people troubling her.

No one clearly wanted to mess with the soon to be Calipha, and his wife of course.

"Your Highness?"

Aria stopped in her tracks, to stare at the man that had called for her attention. She offered him a small smile, recognizing his face. Since Amadu is still yet to be found, Aali had found a replacement for him and that is the man standing in front of her, with another man beside him. "How can I help you?" She asked. She has never really had a long conversation with the man, and hence is still not that fully comfortable around him.

Besides, after the whole Amadu incident she doubt she will able to be free around any security guard.

"His Highness gave strict orders to not let you drive around alone today. Instead, I will accompany you and he," He paused, gesturing to the seemingly old man probably in his early fifties beside him, "will be your driver from now henceforth" He concluded.

Aria threw a glance at the driver who offered her a smile.

"Good day Ma"

She offered him a nod, along with a small smile. "Sannu" She had improved quite remarkably in learning the Hausa language. She still isn't a professional when it comes to speaking it, but she could now understand stuff here and there and speak it too.

Aali had been helping not just Salaha.

She moved her gaze back to the new head of security. "He never said anything to me regarding that" And that was the truth, Aali never mentioned anyone driving her around though she is well aware that there is a driver. Actually, there is quite a couple of drivers, just for them alone. One of which left to take Aali to the masjid.

But she loves driving herself around. That is something that won't change any time soon.

"I'm sorry about that then. You can call and ask him if you wish" The man wasn't trying to be rude, he was simply trying to follow the orders given to him by the Prince.

She could call and confirm if she wants to, he won't stop her.

Aria for a minute did think of calling Aali, but she realized that he would be at the masjid by then or on his way there. So, she decided against it, shaking her head. "No it's okay. Let's just go. I don't want to be late"

The guard nodded, giving the driver the go ahead.

While Aria made a move to hand them her car keys, she saw the driver already making his way over to a Toyota Land cruiser V8, hopping in the passenger seat. A bafadedressed in the signature red and green outfit jogged over to the car, standing beside the back door ready to open it for her.

Aria swiveled her head to look at the guard, but he was nowhere in sight. Looking around with her brows drawn in, she still couldn't sight him so she just shook her head. She wasn't worried because she knows he's there, somewhere.

It probably has something to do with her telling Aali to make sure his guards are discrete when protecting her and stuff.

The driver drove the car close to her, so she wouldn't have to walk all the way to it. The guard opened the back seat for her, and waited for her to get it before he shut the door behind her, getting in the passenger seat.

With that, the driver drove out of the palace and to the Shehu household where the new bride awaits.

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