The morning afterwards, Aria woke up to an empty bed. She and Aali had prayed Subh together but as always, she fell asleep first and by the time she woke up again it was a couple of minutes past nine. She and Aali had an unspoken agreement about her not attending work again until she's healthy again.
She can't go with a sprained ankle, bruised neck and a hoarse voice—anyone would be able to tell that she is unwell.
It's not the way Aria wanted it to go, considering she was actually looking forward to being in office again but her plans were ruined and she couldn't do a thing about it.
Pushing the duvet off her, Aria turned around on the bed and placed her legs down. She tried to stand up by herself, since during Subh Aali carried her throughout. The man wouldn't let her do it herself because she apparently can't strain herself more than she already did.
Starting by slow steps, Aria tried to make her way over to the en suite to do her morning business. Her ankle still hurt, but not as much as it did the day before. So, she was able to manage doing everything she wanted to do for the moment.
By the time she was done, she made her way out to get something in her system. To be honest, she is used to Aali disappearing in the morning that she tries to not be curious as much as she did back then when he goes missing.
However, on her way to the kitchen, she saw Salaha standing a couple of feet away from the kitchen entrance looking like she just saw a ghost. The sight had Aria hurrying closer to the girl to see what's wrong, even if in the process she did strain her leg a bit. "Salaha?" She placed her hand on the girl's shoulder softly, snapping the gaze away from whichever trance had her stunned.
Salaha turned around to stare at Aria, eyes slightly widened. "Anty Aya..."
Aria's brows furrowed. "What is wrong? Did something happen"
Salah blew out a shaky breath, blinking as she rose her hand up to wipe the sweat that had formed on her forehead. "It''s the Crown Prince"
If possible, Aria's frown deepened. "What happened to Aali?"
"He..." Salah swallowed thickly. "He was crying"
"What?" Aria asked on impulse. Aali cried? Never in all the weeks she had known him did she once she him shed a tear. "He cried?" What could've happened to him?
Did something happen to the Calipha? Or maybe something happened to Hudayya?
For all she knows, they are the only people he cares about the most in palace. But what could've possibly happened to them? Are they alright now?
What if one of them died? What if it's the Calipha?
The thought had Aria stumbling back slightly. Sure, she has only spoken to the man on a few occasions here and there but never once had been rude to her throughout the way. He had always been caring like a father, like her Abu.
Her throat suddenly felt tight and her eyes glossed over.
No. It can't be.
"Well, he was cutting onions but still"
Aria blinked, her head whipping in the girl's direction as her eyes dilated slightly. "What? She asked. She seemed to be inquiring of that a lot. "What did you just say?" Did she hear the girl right?
Salaha darted her tongue to wet her chapped lip, before she parted it to speak. "I said he was cutting onions but still. Anty Aya, he was really crying"
Aria released a breath she didn't know she was holding, her shoulders slumping in the process. Shaking her head, she swallowed thickly before walking past the girl. She honestly didn't have the energy to deal with her exaggeration. She nearly gave her a heart attack!
Okay so maybe Aria exaggerated right there but still, it was for the sake of showing how scared she was at the thought of her husband seen crying.
Aria limped her way into the kitchen, stopping when she spotted a very familiar figure in the dining room, setting up the table. A relieved smile made its way on her face, as she leaned on the wall, her arms crossed and her eyes following his every move.
"What do you think?" He asked suddenly, and for a second Aria thought he caught her ogling at him. But that thought was sent out the window when she saw the phone in his hand, which was set above the food he made, showing it.
"Bro, are you seriously asking me this?" A voice Aria could recognize anywhere asked, sounding bored, annoyed, with a hint of amusement. There was also this underlying tease that Aria did not miss.
She folded her lips to hold herself back from grinning like the Cheshire cat.
"Yes I am asking you that. Now shut up and answer me" Aali snapped, tapping his foot on the floor as a pinched expression took over his features.
Fahad hummed, "I think it looks horrible"
"What the..."
"You know, like that blob Inna Zulai made when she was trying to make Chinese rice the other day" Fahad added, cutting his friend midway.
Aria chuckled silently, low enough that none of them would hear—not that Fahad would since he wasn't there literally. The comparison was enough to have her about to break down into another fits of laughter.
Without an iota of doubt, Inna Zulai knows her way around the kitchen. But, only in the traditional aspect of it. Whenever the woman tries to make anything that is not traditional, it ends up as a blob mess.
Aria witnessed it when the Chinese rice incident happened, it was the first week she and Aali got married and it's safe to say, she had never tried to eat the woman's food ever again.
Aali hissed, obviously annoyed by the answer. "Shut up. No one asked"
"I'm kind of sure you called me, who is about to board a flight by the way, wanting to know how the food you made for your wife looks"
"Shut up"
"If you keep saying that, those words will soon appear on that huge forehead of yours"
"Aali..." Fahad mocked, using the same warning tone his friend did, "Trying to intimidate me won't change the fact that you're nothing but an ugly fella with a huge forehead, terrible cooking skills and luckily for you, an impeccably handsome best friend"
"You will not see heaven" Aali hissed, clearly annoyed at Fahad who is obviously trying to get under his skin, and by the looks of it is successful at it.
"Says the person whose village people are in charge of his destiny"
"Arguing with you is pointless"
"What is pointless is staying with you and yourwahala" Fahad retorted, "I wonder how Aria does it. It's probably because she has no choice else she will be making a dash for her life right now"
Aali must've realized Fahad will not let him win their back and forward, because with another hiss, he ended the call and dropped the phone on the table. Placing a hand on his waist, he used the other to run it through his hair exasperatedly. After a couple of seconds, he dragged the hand down his face before letting out a sigh.
Finally turning around with a defeated look masking his features, he paused when his eyes landed on his wife. It widened for a bit, before a soft smile took over his features. "Good Morning, Askim" He made his way over to her, pulling her close to him as he pecked her lips, then her forehead.
Giggling slightly, she placed a hand on his arm. "Morning bi tanem" Her lips curled into a wide smile.
Aali's head tilted to the side slightly, his smile turning into a full grin. "Bi tanem?" He repeated, as if testing how it sounded. "I love it" He finally said, wrapping his arms around her, tightening it slightly.
Aria wrapped her arms around his torso, returning the half embrace. "Figured it's only fair" She still doesn't understand how they moved from their original state to this, but she made a decision the night before to not fight whatever she will have with Aali.
She chose to put herself first for the first time in three years. She chose happiness, as much as she can get anyways. And if that happiness is Aali, then so be it.
Askim means 'my love' while Bi tanem 'my only one'.
Might sound cheesy but to Aria he really is her only one. And she only realized that the day before.
Throwing a look over his shoulder, Aria's chuckled slightly. "Now care to show what you and Fahad were arguing about?"
Aali threw his head back, groaning slightly. "You heard that?"
"Yeah I did"
"How long have you been standing here?"
"Long enough"
"So basically you heard everything?"
"Sort of"
"Great" Aali mumbled, "When the idiot decides to embarrass me, she had to there" He added, shaking his head.
His words had her chuckling again, as she pulled back and held his hands. "You're such a baby sometimes"
"Only for you"
She folded her lips to hold back the smile, but she couldn't the blush even then, and he saw it. He chuckled slightly, leaning down to peck the place.
"I love it when you blush" He murmured. "Who would've thought I would make the great Attorney Aria Tayyu Safwan blush?" He teased.
"Shut up" She mumbled, yet the smile still managed to escape.
With a grin Aria deemed stupid etched on his face, he led her to the dining table where he had set his hard work. He pulled out a chair for her to sit, before placing a side plate in front of her on which there were four cupcakes, each with candle lit amidst it.
Her brows furrowed as she rose her head to look at him, "What is this for?"
"Happy anniversary Askim"
"Anniversary?" She asked, not understanding what he meant. What anniversary again?
"One-month anniversary" He explained, taking the seat beside her. He pulled her hand into his, enclosing it in between. "It's been a whole month since you were announced as my wife. It's been a month since I promised your father to protect, care, love and cherish you till my very last breath. A month since I've been with this strong, beautiful woman that I call mine. A month since I became yours, and yours alone"
"Mine alone?" She asked, a brow raised, "That means I don't to worry about you marrying another woman, right?"
Aali chuckled, looking down as he shook his head. When he looked up again, there was this grin on his face and a glint in his eyes. "Seriously woman? That's all you got from what I said?"
Aria shrugged, "I'm a woman after all" She grinned.
He nodded in agreement, "Yes, a woman indeed. My woman. My askim."
Wiggling her hand to intertwine them with his, her eyes flickered to the cake. "Let me guess, one cupcake for each week, right?"
"You're right"
She bit her lower lip to hold back the grin that at this rate will be plastered right across her face. "This is beautiful bi tanem"
Aali hummed, "I don't think I can get used to you calling me that Askim" He let out a sigh, his grin still very much evident. He reached out his other hand to free the lip she had bitten to hold back her smile. Leaning closer to her, he mumbled. "Don't hold back your smile. Cok guzelsin (You're very beautiful). I'll be here to always remind you of that"
"I didn't know you can speak Turkish"
"I've been learning"
"I also didn't know you can be this cheesy" She teased, only because at that point she is sure she would also have a permanent blush to accompany the smile.
All because of Aali. She meant it when she said it's unfair the things he does.
"I would say cheesier stuff but I'd rather have you blow the candles first" He gestured to the four cupcakes that he had baked himself. Amidst the work, he had baked himself up in flour but the look that took over Aria's features when she blew the candles away and took a bite from one of it made it all worth it.
If she will have that look every time he bakes, then he will willingly become flour man for her.
Fahad and everyone else can laugh till eternity, all that matters is her alone.
"This actually tastes nice" She moaned lightly, taking another bite. "Scratch that, it's really good"
"You're not saying that to make me feel better after what Fahad said, right?" He wasn't sure if he should accept the compliment or wonder whether she is being nice so his feelings won't be hurt more.
She paused, turning around to look at him. "Have you tried tasting it?" She asked, raising a lone brow.
Aali shook his head.
She let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling her eyes. Reaching her hand out, she picked up the cupcake and brought it close to his mouth.
Understanding the wordless request, he parted his lips and took a bite from it. It only took a couple of seconds before his overconfidence returned. "With this skill what is that 'chopped' show you ladies watch on food network that I can't win?" He leaned down again and took a bite from the cupcake that Aria made a move to eat.
She shook her head, "Men" She tutted, "Your ego is too big for you" She said, looking back to see what else he prepared. "What else did you make?"
"A vegetarian omelet"
She hummed, "Now I get where the onion comes in" She mumbled, thinking back to Salaha's words.
"Can I try it?" She asked, instead of replying him to deter his attention. And it worked because he was back on his feet, getting the cupcake plate away from her so he could bring that one of the omelet, letter her try it.
After giving him the same positive review as the one he got from the cupcake, they had their breakfast while enjoying each other's company. Even though Aria didn't realize it before, she was glad at how the one month spent with him led them to that beautiful moment.
"Wait, I just realized that it's been a whole month of me living with a man" Aria said, looking up from where Aali had pulled her into am embrace, securely in his arms. They had moved to the living room after breakfast—to which he carried her by the way after scolding her for walking around like that. Settling on a couch, they got all cuddled up.
Aali chuckled. "Kind of what I said earlier but okay..."
"No. It's hard to believe that I'm living with a stranger. Oh my God" She exclaimed, shaking he head.
"You're such a Drama Queen"
Aria simply chuckled.
Silence engulfed them as they stay all wrapped up. Aria's traced her fingers up and down Aali's arms that were wrapped around her. Eventually, she couldn't hold it in and decided to finally speak. "Bi tanem?"
"Yes, Askim"
She pulled away from him, turning to face him completely. "What will happen to my parents now?" She hasn't forgotten about it, not one bit. It has been there in her mind since, she just couldn't bring herself to ask till now.
Aali sighed, taking one of her hands in his and offering it a squeeze, "I have Fahad working on it. As we're speaking, he's on his way to Istanbul"
Aria let out a long sigh, her lips curling into a deep frown. "I really wish I could be there for them"
"I know Askim, but Fahad was able to clear your name, though they are still taking time on the travel ban thing. I'll go there myself I have to; we'll get you off it soon. But for now, I promise, Fahad will do everything he can to help your parents get out"
"I really want to speak to them Aali" She looked down, swallowing thickly.
"I promise as soon as Fahad is able to get them, I'll have him let you all speak over the phone"
She looked up, offering him a small smile as she deemed his offer good enough for now. "What about Muneer?"
Aali's lips tugged into a deep frown. "He's recovering at home"
"Recovering?" She hasn't been able to talk to Hudayya to tell her what happened, and neither did she have the opportunity to speak to Aali about it.
"I may have broken a couple of bones in him and damaged his face" he stated casually, as if he's talking about the weather.
"You beat him up?" She never deemed Aali as the violent one because he had never been before. At least, not that she knows of.
"Not as much as I wanted to, but yeah. I'm open for more opportunity to hit him"
She face palmed herself, letting the information sink in before she looked at him again. "I wanted to get back at him" She appreciated the fact that he did what he did for her, but that still doesn't mean she is satisfied yet.
"And you will, don't worry. As soon as you are all healed up, we'll get back at him. I promise"
"And Maya?"
"She's safe, out of police custody and is living with your cousin and family"
"Wait..." Her hold on his arm tightened. "Sofia!"
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