Aria chocked, dropping on the cold floor when Muneer released her.
She could barely breath, but she forced herself to take in all the oxygen she can after not having much of it. It hurt to do so, but she needed to do it else she would have a much bigger problem.
When her senses started to return, she heard the sound of a phone ringing which when it reached her ears, sounded like blaring alarms. It was too loud for her now sensitive ears to take but she had no energy to try and block it off.
She looked up through her glossy eyes to glare at Muneer who hasn't answered his phone that is ringing, but it's held in his hand which was the only indication Aria saw to know the man is well aware of the call ringing.
He was staring down at her with eyes narrowed. When he parted his lips to speak, it came out low—more like the warning that it truly is. "You better leave right now before I finish you off Aria. I'm warning you now" He was honestly starting to regret not killing her off.
Maybe he would've done that had it not been the call that came in at the moment, saving her from death at the very last minute.
A part of him urged him to ignore the call and finish off the task at hand. There was no one in the house aside from them, he can easily finish her off and dump her body somewhere it will never be found. It would easy for him to make his gateman shut after the matter too and dispose of her car.
His life would be so much easier if he just kills her. All it will take is his hand wrapping around that throat of hers again and squeezing the life out.
At the brink of giving into that temptation and with a step forward in her direction, the phone that had stopped ringing went on about it again.
Muneer released a harsh breath, shifting his gaze from Aria who despite the pain still evident remained glaring at him. She couldn't talk, more less scream at him. She had tried to reply but her voice came out a bit above a whisper. It sounded hoarse when it indeed came out and there was pain that shot through her at the action.
Her hand reached out to caress the throat while Muneer stormed out after seeing who the caller is. On his way out, he 'accidently' stepped on her left ankle before he made his way out.
Aria gritted her teeth together, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing a whimper from her. Honestly, the pain that shot through her due to the action will have her crying on normal basis but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her like that.
Even as her eyes glossed over due to the immense anger bubbling in her, and the pain that Muneer inflicted on her she still didn't let it fall. How could she when she thought of the fact that if the man can do this to her, then what did he do to her sister?
She forced herself to her two legs, the ankle that Muneer stepped on with a force a bit more than necessary almost gave up on her. She crouched due to the stinging pain, nonetheless, she limped out and made her way over to her car.
On the way out, she couldn't see spot the man anywhere, and despite her current predicament, she was still a bit in ease knowing she can leave alive. Muneer clearly proved to be the one that will go to any length to get what he wants.
Managing however she can, Aria drove back to the palace a bit longer than usual since it was hard to drive with an ankle that hurt with any slight pressure applied. She was earnestly surprised she was able to drive herself home.
She made sure that her face didn't give away any hint of how she is internally feeling, and her hijab covered her neck entirely before she stepped out of the car. Undoubtedly, she is aware that the guards will be outside her chamber, guarding it and she couldn't have them seeing her limp in, so she used the back door hoping no one spot her.
A part of her knew that's just wishful thinking, as nothing goes unnoticed in the palace but a girl can hope, right?
Thankfully, no guards were assigned to the backdoor as it's always closed. The people with the keys are Aali and Aria, no one else. Using her key, she entered the house and limped all the way to their room. She couldn't spot Salaha anywhere, probably because she was given the day off as the couple are going to be out for more than half the day.
Due to certain change of plans, Aria ended up coming back three hours earlier but she is glad she is alone in the house. Once in the confines of their bedroom, Aria took off her veil and suit jacket. The boots had long been disposed of since she fell after Muneer chocked her.
Making her way over to the vanity table, her eyes immediately went to her neck where an ugly shade of purple bruise was forming. It had swelled up slightly and the more she stared at it, the more she felt her eyes glossing over due to the anger she is yet to let out.
If there's one thing Aria hates about herself is how she cries when she is angry. No matter what she just has to cry it out before she feels alright.
But Aria refused to let the tears fall then. She knew that she needed to if she wants to have a little bit ease of mind but she didn't. Instead, she stripped out of her clothes and took what is supposed to be a relaxing shower. By the time she was done, she dressed up in a thick turtleneck sweater for a change after applying balm on her now swollen ankle and neck. She knew she needed to see a doctor for the ankle stuff, but she didn't have it in her to go a hospital.
She picked up a fleece jogger of Aali and paired it up with the sweater, before covering her feet pass her ankle with a pair of socks. Unlike usual, she dressed up like that so Aali wouldn't see the bruise on her neck and the swollen ankle.
He will undoubtedly ask questions, and then take matters in his own hands. But she didn't want that. She wanted to fix this on her own. She wanted to regain her energy then show Muneer who he messed with. She wanted to make the man pay on her own to the point that he will beg on his knees to her.
That is a promise she made to herself. Muneer will come begging on his knees and when that happens, she won't grant him what he desires.
With that thought in mind, she made her way over to the bed and plopped on it, covering herself up with the blanket. She had turned on the air conditioner, and even then snuggled up between the comforters. But she still felt anything but peace.
Because a couple of minutes after flickering her eyes close with her head on the plush pillow, she felt the tears she had held in cascade down her face like waterfalls.
She knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. And now that the tears have started, she let them continue. Eventually, her silent sobs filled the room and that was all she could remember before the darkness took over.
Aria stretched under the covers slightly, before flickering her eyes open. As she regained awareness on her surrounding, she heard shuffling sounds in the room which had her pushing herself up and staring at the cause of it. "Aali?" She asked, lowly. Her voice still as hoarse as earlier and the pain she felt then still very much evident.
He didn't hear her, considering she couldn't talk loud even if she wanted to.
Nonetheless he eventually turned around when he heard the sound of someone moving behind him. He turned around, dropping his phone on the vanity table as a smile graced his beautiful features. "I didn't mean to wake you up" He said, strolling over to her.
Aria noticed that he had changed into Raf Simons Gothic print cotton hoodie and a raven jersey shorts. Aali always dress to impress because he hardly stays home but when he does, he pulls off the casual look more than Aria expected him to do honestly.
Blinking, she moved her gaze back to him.
"How did the meeting go?" He asked, situating himself on the bed beside her, his flops covered feet on the floor as he was sitting on her side not his, right next to her.
Aria released a small breath. This is the problem she wanted to avoid. She can't speak, because if he hears her voice then he will know something is up. And Aria is never quiet so if she doesn't speak, he will know that something is indeed wrong.
She offered him a small shrug, not really knowing what to do.
As expected, his brow rose as he paused to examine her. "Was it bad? Or did it go well?"
Aria gulped with much difficulty, knowing that she really has no way out of this. But, she plans on delaying it for as long as she can.
"Askim..." His voice came, and that was when she realized she had zoned out whilst thinking of her current predicament.
She snapped her eyes to meet his.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded without hesitation. Is she really okay? No, she's far from it. But he doesn't need to know that.
Aali didn't look convinced one bit. Aria is acting weird. Well, weirder than usual. And besides, her eyes seemed a bit puffy. "Did something happen there?"
She shook her head, before she turned away from him. Maybe it wasn't her best idea, but the only solution she can think of is avoiding him. He might buy it long enough for her to return back to normal, perhaps.
"Askim" He placed his hand under her chin. However, before he could turn her around she held his hand to stop him. Getting the memo, he retracted his hand back.
She heard him let out a shaky breath.
"Did I do something wrong to you?" His question came, and it had her biting the inside of her cheek so she wouldn't speak and expose herself. His question really did sound like he is wondering if he hurt her which is ridiculous because he had never done that.
Aria flickered her eyes close, shaking her head while still not facing him.
"Then if it's not me, then what happened?"
Yet again, she shook her head.
For the next couple of seconds that passed, silence reigned. No words were exchanged between them as the wheels in Aali's head turn while she desperately hoped he would drop the topic then.
After what seemed long, he spoke up again. "Can you pass me my phone please?"
She snapped her gaze to him, then to the phone that rested on the vanity table before she nodded. She knew that she could escape once she leaves the place, so she was willing to take it up.
However, after two steps she was almost on the floor due to the stinging pain that returned tenfold what it was earlier. She had forgotten all about the ankle injury inflicted on her by her sister's husband. If it wasn't for Aali that quickly rushed over to hold her in place, she would've landed on the floor.
Aali's brows were drawn in together, as his lips set into a frown.
Aria avoided his gaze knowing he had caught her in the action.
"Aria..." His words came, voice almost as if a warning, "What happened to you?" He asked, his voice low.
Aria looked up, her gaze meeting his. They were so close, considering his hands were still wrapped around her waist, holding her upright knowing if he let her go, her feet would give up on her. She shook her head, again.
"Use your words, Aria"
She swallowed thickly. Maybe it was the fact that she has been caught that is getting to her, maybe it's the fact that they are close to each other—a bit too close that she would like, or maybe it's because he didn't sound like he is joking but she found herself compelled to do as he said. "Nothing" She spoke, the one word coming out with difficulty.
If possible, his frown deepened due to how hoarse it sounded. He wanted to speak of it, but something caught his attention. Lightly, but firmly making her sit on the bed; he placed one of his hands on her shoulder to hold her still, while his other hand reached up to pull down the turtleneck covering her bruised neck.
Her hand quickly shot up to hold the hand, preventing him from pulling it down but one glare, was all it took for her to release her grip and gulp. Clearly, he wasn't there to joke and she was scared by the look on his face because she is well aware that the anger is directed towards her.
Aali pulled down the piece of clothing hiding her neck just low enough to see the purple bruise adorning his wife's neck; a blatant proof of her being harassed.
Aria felt his hand that's on her shoulder tightening slightly, but not in a way to hurt her before he slowly rose his head up to look at her in the eyes, his face stone cold and eyes, a ball of fury straight from hell.
"Who did this to you?"
She gulped down hard, before parting her lips to speak.
"Aria I am not going to ask you to twice so you better not lie to me else wallahilazeem, you wouldn't like what will happen afterwards"
She took in a sharp breath, shrinking away from him slightly. Her lips parted slightly due to his tone, and literal chills went down her spine. It was not the good type. If he wasn't holding her down firmly, she would've made a dash for her life. The man even swore. He never did that before. Not once.
He rose a brow, and as if that pushed the button in her she finally spoke.
"Muneer" She whispered, as if scared if she raised her voice any higher it would make the ticking bomb that's Aali explode. Maybe it was the fear, or the anger from earlier that returned. Or maybe, it's being in Aali's presence that made her vulnerable but her eyes glossed after she said it.
Aali let go of her immediately, taking long strides to the closet. Not even a minute later he came out with a jellabiya and a car key in his hand, eyes not once spared in her direction.
Aria pushed herself off the bed, wanting to talk him out of whatever he plans to do.
Aali turned around, hearing her struggle to walk over to him. "Stay here" His order was clear, and she knew better than to go against it. "Do not leave this room"
With that said, he strode out of the chamber and headed to the parking lot, ignoring the greetings from the guards which is a first. They knew better than to talk though, he was clearly in a bad mood. The anger is rolling off him in thick waves.
Muneer's house wasn't far from the palace, considering it's in the same area so not even two minutes later, Aali had stepped out of his car which he had parked uncaring how it was done and headed into the house that undoubtedly Muneer is still at.
Unluckily for the said culprit, he came walking out of the kitchen just as Aali stepped in, or more like stormed in. And before Muneer could process it, a punch landed square on his jaw which had a sick crack resonating round the place as the man fell on the floor. He wasn't given a chance to rest because Aali was back on him, throwing repeated punches without any chance or opportunity for Muneer to rebuke.
Aali was blinded by pure rage that even as blood covered his knuckles, he didn't stop. He felt Muneer's body slowly giving up but he still did not stop.
It was only when a soft hand pressed on his arm, pulling him slightly that he had his head whipped around, prepared to beat the hell out of the person touching him when his actions softened.
She used that chance to pull him away from Muneer who was coughing out blood, his face covered with too much blood to be recognized. She's not a doctor but she knows that Muneer has a couple of broken bones in him.
Even as he was pulled away from Muneer, Aali made sure to step on the man's both ankles till he was screaming in pain.
She pulled him away from Muneer before he could do any more damage. "That's enough, Yaya" Hudayya whispered softly, a hand on her brother's shoulder to calm him.
Both her gaze and his were on Muneer's when a screech Aali didn't realize had been going on for a while continued. The person doing so quickly rushed over to Muneer, cradling his face close to hers as she sobbed for the pain her lover is going through.
Hudayya stared at the scene blankly while Aali, if possible, his anger ricocheted. He was so close to beating the hell out of Muneer again for what his eyes just saw.
"What the..."
Muneer was in his matrimonial home with his lover whom Aali had no idea of,
Hafsa. Hasnain's wife.
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